#include "cdflib.h" void grat1(double *a,double *x,double *r,double *p,double *q, double *eps) { static int K2 = 0; static double a2n,a2nm1,am0,an,an0,b2n,b2nm1,c,cma,g,h,j,l,sum,t,tol,w,z,T1,T3; /* .. .. Executable Statements .. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- EVALUATION OF THE INCOMPLETE GAMMA RATIO FUNCTIONS P(A,X) AND Q(A,X) IT IS ASSUMED THAT A .LE. 1. EPS IS THE TOLERANCE TO BE USED. THE INPUT ARGUMENT R HAS THE VALUE E**(-X)*X**A/GAMMA(A). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if(*a**x == 0.0e0) goto S120; if(*a == 0.5e0) goto S100; if(*x < 1.1e0) goto S10; goto S60; S10: /* TAYLOR SERIES FOR P(A,X)/X**A */ an = 3.0e0; c = *x; sum = *x/(*a+3.0e0); tol = 0.1e0**eps/(*a+1.0e0); S20: an += 1.0e0; c = -(c*(*x/an)); t = c/(*a+an); sum += t; if(fabs(t) > tol) goto S20; j = *a**x*((sum/6.0e0-0.5e0/(*a+2.0e0))**x+1.0e0/(*a+1.0e0)); z = *a*log(*x); h = gam1(a); g = 1.0e0+h; if(*x < 0.25e0) goto S30; if(*a < *x/2.59e0) goto S50; goto S40; S30: if(z > -.13394e0) goto S50; S40: w = exp(z); *p = w*g*(0.5e0+(0.5e0-j)); *q = 0.5e0+(0.5e0-*p); return; S50: l = rexp(&z); w = 0.5e0+(0.5e0+l); *q = (w*j-l)*g-h; if(*q < 0.0e0) goto S90; *p = 0.5e0+(0.5e0-*q); return; S60: /* CONTINUED FRACTION EXPANSION */ a2nm1 = a2n = 1.0e0; b2nm1 = *x; b2n = *x+(1.0e0-*a); c = 1.0e0; S70: a2nm1 = *x*a2n+c*a2nm1; b2nm1 = *x*b2n+c*b2nm1; am0 = a2nm1/b2nm1; c += 1.0e0; cma = c-*a; a2n = a2nm1+cma*a2n; b2n = b2nm1+cma*b2n; an0 = a2n/b2n; if(fabs(an0-am0) >= *eps*an0) goto S70; *q = *r*an0; *p = 0.5e0+(0.5e0-*q); return; S80: /* SPECIAL CASES */ *p = 0.0e0; *q = 1.0e0; return; S90: *p = 1.0e0; *q = 0.0e0; return; S100: if(*x >= 0.25e0) goto S110; T1 = sqrt(*x); *p = erf1(&T1); *q = 0.5e0+(0.5e0-*p); return; S110: T3 = sqrt(*x); *q = erfc1(&K2,&T3); *p = 0.5e0+(0.5e0-*q); return; S120: if(*x <= *a) goto S80; goto S90; } /* END */