#include "cdflib.h" double dstrem(double *z) { /* ********************************************************************** double dstrem(double *z) Double precision Sterling Remainder Function Returns Log(Gamma(Z)) - Sterling(Z) where Sterling(Z) is Sterling's Approximation to Log(Gamma(Z)) Sterling(Z) = LOG( SQRT( 2*PI ) ) + ( Z-0.5 ) * LOG( Z ) - Z Arguments Z --> Value at which Sterling remainder calculated Must be positive. DOUBLE PRECISION Z Method If Z >= 6 uses 9 terms of series in Bernoulli numbers (Values calculated using Maple) Otherwise computes difference explicitly ********************************************************************** */ #define hln2pi 0.91893853320467274178e0 #define ncoef 10 static double coef[ncoef] = { 0.0e0,0.0833333333333333333333333333333e0, -0.00277777777777777777777777777778e0,0.000793650793650793650793650793651e0, -0.000595238095238095238095238095238e0, 0.000841750841750841750841750841751e0,-0.00191752691752691752691752691753e0, 0.00641025641025641025641025641026e0,-0.0295506535947712418300653594771e0, 0.179644372368830573164938490016e0 }; static int K1 = 10; static double dstrem,sterl,T2; /* .. .. Executable Statements .. */ /* For information, here are the next 11 coefficients of the remainder term in Sterling's formula -1.39243221690590111642743221691 13.4028640441683919944789510007 -156.848284626002017306365132452 2193.10333333333333333333333333 -36108.7712537249893571732652192 691472.268851313067108395250776 -0.152382215394074161922833649589D8 0.382900751391414141414141414141D9 -0.108822660357843910890151491655D11 0.347320283765002252252252252252D12 -0.123696021422692744542517103493D14 */ if(*z <= 0.0e0) ftnstop("Zero or negative argument in DSTREM"); if(!(*z > 6.0e0)) goto S10; T2 = 1.0e0/pow(*z,2.0); dstrem = devlpl(coef,&K1,&T2)**z; goto S20; S10: sterl = hln2pi+(*z-0.5e0)*log(*z)-*z; dstrem = dlngam(z)-sterl; S20: return dstrem; #undef hln2pi #undef ncoef } /* END */