/***************************************************************************** Major portions of this software are copyrighted by the Medical College of Wisconsin, 1994-2000, and are released under the Gnu General Public License, Version 2. See the file README.Copyright for details. ******************************************************************************/ #include "cs.h" /********************************************************************************/ /* insertion_sort : sort an array of float + int */ static void isort_floatint( int n , float * ar , int * iar ) { register int j , p ; /* array indices */ register float temp ; /* a[j] holding place */ register int itemp ; register float * a = ar ; register int * ia = iar ; if( n < 2 ) return ; for( j=1 ; j < n ; j++ ){ if( a[j] < a[j-1] ){ /* out of order */ p = j ; temp = a[j] ; itemp = ia[j] ; do{ a[p] = a[p-1] ; /* at this point, a[p-1] > temp, so move it up */ ia[p] = ia[p-1] ; p-- ; } while( p > 0 && temp < a[p-1] ) ; a[p] = temp ; /* finally, put temp in its place */ ia[p] = itemp ; } } } /********************************************************************************/ /* qsrec : recursive part of quicksort (stack implementation) */ #define QS_STACK 1024 /* stack size */ #define QS_SWAPF(x,y) ( temp=(x),(x)=(y),(y)= temp) #define QS_SWAPI(i,j) (itemp=(i),(i)=(j),(j)=itemp) static void qsrec_floatint( int n , float * ar , int * iar , int cutoff ) { register int i , j ; /* scanning indices */ register float temp , pivot ; /* holding places */ register int itemp , ipivot ; register float * a = ar ; register int * ia = iar ; int left , right , mst , stack[QS_STACK] , nnew ; /* return if too short (insertion sort will clean up) */ if( cutoff < 3 ) cutoff = 3 ; if( n < cutoff ) return ; /* initialize stack to start with whole array */ stack[0] = 0 ; stack[1] = n-1 ; mst = 2 ; /* loop while the stack is nonempty */ while( mst > 0 ){ right = stack[--mst] ; /* work on subarray from left -> right */ left = stack[--mst] ; i = ( left + right ) / 2 ; /* middle of subarray */ /* sort the left, middle, and right a[]'s */ if( a[left] > a[i] ){ QS_SWAPF(a[left] ,a[i] ); QS_SWAPI(ia[left] ,ia[i] ); } if( a[left] > a[right] ){ QS_SWAPF(a[left] ,a[right]); QS_SWAPI(ia[left] ,ia[right]); } if( a[i] > a[right] ){ QS_SWAPF(a[right],a[i] ); QS_SWAPI(ia[right],ia[i] ); } pivot = a[i] ; /* a[i] is the median-of-3 pivot! */ a[i] = a[right] ; ipivot = ia[i] ; ia[i] = ia[right] ; i = left ; /* initialize scanning */ j = right ; /*----- partition: move elements bigger than pivot up and elements smaller than pivot down, scanning in from ends -----*/ do{ for( ; a[++i] < pivot ; ) ; /* scan i up, until a[i] >= pivot */ for( ; a[--j] > pivot ; ) ; /* scan j down, until a[j] <= pivot */ if( j <= i ) break ; /* if j meets i, quit */ QS_SWAPF( a[i] , a[j] ) ; QS_SWAPI( ia[i] , ia[j] ) ; } while( 1 ) ; /*----- at this point, the array is partitioned -----*/ a[right] = a[i] ; /*restore the pivot*/ a[i] = pivot ; ia[right] = ia[i] ; ia[i] = ipivot ; /*----- push subarrays [left..i-1] and [i+1..right] onto stack, if big -----*/ nnew = 0 ; if( (i-left) > cutoff ){ stack[mst++] = left ; stack[mst++] = i-1 ; nnew++ ; } if( (right-i) > cutoff ){ stack[mst++] = i+1 ; stack[mst++] = right ; nnew++ ; } /* if just added two subarrays to stack, make sure shorter one comes first */ if( nnew == 2 && stack[mst-3] - stack[mst-4] > stack[mst-1] - stack[mst-2] ){ QS_SWAPI( stack[mst-4] , stack[mst-2] ) ; QS_SWAPI( stack[mst-3] , stack[mst-1] ) ; } } /* end of while stack is non-empty */ } /********************************************************************************/ /* quick_sort : sort an array partially recursively, and partially insertion */ #ifndef QS_CUTOFF #define QS_CUTOFF 10 #endif void qsort_floatint( int n , float * a , int * ia ) { qsrec_floatint( n , a , ia , QS_CUTOFF ) ; isort_floatint( n , a , ia ) ; return ; }