/*plug_permtest.c - AFNI plugin that applies a permutation test to a 3D+time dataset to create a fizt dataset. Copyright (c) 2000 - 2005 Matthew Belmonte This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. If you find this program useful, please send mail to Matthew Belmonte . */ #define NUM_ITERS 10000 #define NUM_COORDS 2 #define BLAST 33333.0 #include #include #include #include #include #include "afni.h" /*a macro that wraps THD_pval_to_stat() (which in turn evaluates to a call to the one-tailed probability-to-z-score function normal_p2t()) so that it behaves like Gary Perlman's two-tailed zcrit() function in Netlib*/ #define critz(p) \ (((p) >= 0.5)? THD_pval_to_stat(2.0*(1.0-(p)), FUNC_ZT_TYPE, (float *)0) \ : -THD_pval_to_stat(2.0*(p), FUNC_ZT_TYPE, (float *)0)) static char help[] = "This plugin implements a permutation test, a nonparametric statistical\n" "method that avoids the pitfall of over-correcting for multiple comparisons\n" "since it implicitly takes into account spatial correlations in the data.\n" "If you use this software, please take a moment to send mail to the author,\n" "belmonte@mit.edu, and cite the following paper in your report:\n\n" "Matthew K Belmonte and Deborah A Yurgelun-Todd, `Permutation Testing Made\n" "Practical for Functional Magnetic Resonance Image Analysis',\n" "IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 20(3):243-248 (March 2001).\n\n" "USAGE\n\n" "`Input' is the echo-planar dataset for which the permutation test is to be\n" "computed.\n\n" "`Ideal' is the ideal time series against which the echo-planar data are to\n" "be correlated.\n\n" "`Ort', an optional parameter, is a time series to which the echo-planar\n" "data are to be orthogonalised. This feature is useful when one wants to\n" "analyse responses to two superposed conditions independently. (Note that\n" "the data are always detrended, i.e. orthogonalised to a linear series --\n" "this optional orthogonalisation is in addition to the detrending step.)\n\n" "`Output' is the output dataset. The activation data saved in this dataset\n" "consist of a sub-brick of regression coefficients and a sub-brick of\n" "probability values. As AFNI provides no standard format for storing\n" "probabilities, these are mapped to z-scores and the entire dataset is\n" "saved as a FIZT dataset.\n\n" "`alpha level' is the tail probability at which to stop marking voxels as\n" "activated. (Note that the slider in the `Define Function' panel will\n" "have no effect below this value.) You should avoid setting this value\n" "very high, lest the Phase 3 algorithm run out of substitute points in too\n" "many cases (for an explanation of substitutes, see the article cited above).\n\n" "`two-tailed', `one-tailed positive', and `one-tailed negative' select the\n" "tail(s) of interest. Exactly one of these options must be selected.\n\n" "`Mask', an optional parameter, is a FIM dataset whose three spatial\n" "dimensions match those of the echo-planar dataset. Only those\n" "coordinates whose mask values are between 1 and the largest positive\n" "short integer are included in the permutation test. These inclusion\n" "limits can be overridden using the optional `least mask value' and\n" "`greatest mask value' parameters. Mask datasets can be generated\n" "automatically using the Threshold plugin (q.v.), or using 3dAutomask\n\n" "AUTHOR\n\n" "This plugin was written by Matthew Belmonte of the\n" "MIT Student Information Processing Board, supported by a grant from the\n" "National Alliance for Autism Research.\n\n" "REVISION HISTORY\n\n" "1.3 20 January 2005 added support for 3dAutomask and other byte-valued masks\n" "1.2 19 December 2002 fixed a dtree bug that caused a rare crash in phase 3\n" "1.1 14 June 2001 cosmetic changes only\n" "1.0 4 January 2001 initial release\n\n" "SEE ALSO\n\n" "Threshold Plugin or 3dAutomask program\n" "Draw Dataset Plugin\n" "(These normally are applied before the permutation test.)", hint[] = "compute FIM with permutation test", input_label[] = "Input", ts_label[] = "Ideal", ort_label[] = "Ort", output_label[] = "Output", alpha_label[] = "alpha level (0,1]", tails2[] = "two-tailed", tails1pos[] = "one-tailed positive", tails1neg[] = "one-tailed negative", mask_label[] = "Mask", masklo_label[] = "least mask value", maskhi_label[] = "greatest mask value"; /*data structures for trees*/ /*singly-indexed tree: ordered on correlations*/ typedef struct _snode { double corr; /*correlation (key)*/ int coords; /*coordinates: x+xdim*(y+ydim*z) */ struct _snode *left, *right; /*children*/ } SNODE; typedef struct { SNODE *mem, /*base address of tree node storage*/ *next, /*next free tree storage address*/ *root; /*==tree_mem if tree is non-null*/ int xdim, ydim; /*maximum coordinate values*/ } STREE; #define stree_null(t) ((t)->root == (SNODE *)0) typedef struct { /*pairs (r, (x,y,z))*/ double corr; int coords; } CLIST; /*doubly-indexed tree: ordered on correlations and on coordinates*/ typedef struct _dnode { CLIST *data; /*correlations and coordinates*/ int dlen; /*# of valid entries in data[]*/ int size; /*size of this correlation subtree*/ struct _dnode *corr_lchild, /*children in correlation tree*/ *corr_rchild, *corr_parent, /*parent in correlation tree*/ *coord_lchild, /*children in coordinate tree*/ *coord_rchild; } DNODE; typedef struct { DNODE *mem, /*base address of tree node storage*/ *next, /*next free tree storage address*/ *corr_root, *coord_root; /*==mem if tree is non-null*/ int xdim, ydim; /*maximum coordinate values*/ } DTREE; #define dtree_size(t) (((t)->corr_root == (DNODE *)0)? 0: ((t)->corr_root->size)) /*encoding and decoding functions for mapping a triple to a single integer*/ #define coord_encode(x, y, z, xdim, ydim) ((x) + (xdim)*((y) + (ydim)*(z))) static void coord_decode(int coords, int *x, int *y, int *z, int xdim, int ydim) { *x = coords % xdim; coords /= xdim; *y = coords % ydim; *z = coords / ydim; } #define sign(x) (((x)<0)? -1: 1) #ifdef PERMTEST_DEBUG /*flush output buffers on SIGUSR1 - useful for batch debugging*/ #include static void flush(int sig) { fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); signal(SIGUSR1, flush); } /*slave routine to stree_traverse()*/ void rcsv_stree_traverse(SNODE *t, int indent) { register int i; while(t) { for(i = 0; i != indent; i++) putchar(' '); indent += 2; printf("%lx: corr=%f coords=%d left=%lx right=%lx\n", (long)t, t->corr, t->coords, (long)(t->left), (long)(t->right)); rcsv_stree_traverse(t->left, indent); t = t->right; } } /*Print a traversal of the given stree.*/ void stree_traverse(STREE *t) { printf("t=%lx\n mem=%lx next=%lx = mem+%ld root=%lx xdim=%d ydim=%d\n", (long)t, (long)(t->mem), (long)(t->next), (((long)(t->next))-(long)(t->mem))/sizeof(SNODE), (long)(t->root), t->xdim, t->ydim); rcsv_stree_traverse(t->root, 0); putchar('\n'); } /*slave routine to dtree_traverse()*/ void rcsv_dtree_traverse(DNODE *t, int indent, int order) { register int i; while(t) { for(i = 0; i != indent; i++) putchar(' '); indent += 2; printf("%lx: data=", (long)t); for(i = 0; i != t->dlen; i++) printf("%f %d ", t->data[i].corr, t->data[i].coords); printf("size=%d corr_lchild=%lx corr_rchild=%lx corr_parent=%lx coord_lchild=%lx coord_rchild=%lx\n", t->size, (long)(t->corr_lchild), (long)(t->corr_rchild), (long)(t->corr_parent), (long)(t->coord_lchild), (long)(t->coord_rchild)); if(order) { rcsv_dtree_traverse(t->coord_lchild, indent, order); t = t->coord_rchild; } else { rcsv_dtree_traverse(t->corr_lchild, indent); t = t->corr_rchild; } } } /*Print a traversal of a dtree. Use corr links if order=0, coord links if order=1.*/ void dtree_traverse(DTREE *t, int order) { printf("t=%lx\n mem=%lx next=%lx = mem+%ld coord_root=%lx corr_root=%lx xdim=%d ydim=%d\n", (long)t, (long)(t->mem), (long)(t->next), (((long)(t->next))-(long)(t->mem))/sizeof(DNODE), (long)(t->coord_root), (long)(t->corr_root), t->xdim, t->ydim); rcsv_dtree_traverse((order? t->coord_root: t->corr_root), 0, order); putchar('\n'); } /*slave routine to dtree_check_sizes()*/ int rcsv_dtree_check_sizes(DNODE *t) { int s; if(t) { s = 1+rcsv_dtree_check_sizes(t->corr_lchild)+rcsv_dtree_check_sizes(t->corr_rchild); if(s != t->size) { printf("%lx->size = %d should be %d\n", (long)t, t->size, s); fflush(stdout); } return(t->size); } return 0; } /*Check that the size fields of a dtree are consistent with each other and with the structure of the tree.*/ int dtree_check_sizes(DTREE *t) { return(rcsv_dtree_check_sizes(t->corr_root)); } /*slave routine to dtree_circtest()*/ void rcsv_dtree_circtest(DNODE *t, DNODE *mem, char *mark, int n, int order) { register int m; while(t) { m = (int)((((long)t)-(long)mem)/(((long)(mem+1))-((long)mem))); if((m >= n) || (m < 0)) printf("out-of-bounds reference %lx (mem+%d)\n", (long)t, m); else if(mark[m]) printf("duplicate reference %lx (mem+%d)\n", (long)t, m); else { mark[m] = 1; if(order) { rcsv_dtree_circtest(t->coord_lchild, mem, mark, n, order); t = t->coord_rchild; } else { rcsv_dtree_circtest(t->corr_lchild, mem, mark, n, order); t = t->corr_rchild; } } } } /*Test the given dtree for circular or out-of-bounds references. Use corr links if order=0, coord links if order=1.*/ void dtree_circtest(DTREE *t, int order) { char *mark; int n; n = (int)((((long)(t->next))-(long)(t->mem))/(((long)(t->mem+1))-((long)(t->mem)))); mark = calloc(n, 1); if(mark) { rcsv_dtree_circtest((order? t->coord_root: t->corr_root), t->mem, mark, n, order); free(mark); } else fprintf(stderr, "dtree_circtest: couldn't calloc mark\n"); } /*slave routine to dtree_check_parent_pointers()*/ int rcsv_dtree_check_parent_pointers(DNODE *t) { int bad; bad = 0; while(t != (DNODE *)0) { if(t->corr_lchild) { if(t->corr_lchild->corr_parent != t) { printf("%lx->corr_lchild = %lx, but %lx->corr_parent = %lx\n", (long)t, (long)(t->corr_lchild), (long)(t->corr_lchild), (long)(t->corr_lchild->corr_parent)); bad = 1; } if(rcsv_dtree_check_parent_pointers(t->corr_lchild)) bad = 1; } if((t->corr_rchild) && (t->corr_rchild->corr_parent != t)) { printf("%lx->corr_rchild = %lx, but %lx->corr_parent = %lx\n", (long)t, (long)(t->corr_rchild), (long)(t->corr_rchild), (long)(t->corr_rchild->corr_parent)); bad = 1; } t = t->corr_rchild; } return bad; } /*Verify that the corr_parent fields inside t are consistent with the corr_lchild and corr_rchild fields.*/ int dtree_check_parent_pointers(DTREE *t) { return(rcsv_dtree_check_parent_pointers(t->corr_root)); } /*Print hex dump of an IEEE double-precision floating-point number, MSB first.*/ void fdump(double *x) { double test = 2.0; int i; register char *c; c = (char *)x; if(*(char *)&test) for(i = 7; i >= 0; i--) printf("%02x", c[i]&0xff); else for(i = 0; i != 8; i++) printf("%02x", c[i]&0xff); } #endif /*Which metric is used for comparison of correlation values depends on which tail(s) of the distribution interest us. For the two-tailed case, our `maximum' should be the most extreme value from either tail, so we use the absolute value function fabs() from libm. For the negative one-tailed case, our `maximum' should be the most negative value, so we use the negation function neg(). For the positive one-tailed case, our maximum should be the most positive value, so we use the identity function id().*/ static double id(double r) { return(r); } static double neg(double r) { return(-r); } static double (*magnitude)(double); /*Allocate storage and initialise a tree that can contain up to nelem nodes.*/ static STREE *stree_create(int xdim, int ydim, int nelem) { STREE *t; t = (STREE *)malloc(sizeof(*t)); if(t == (STREE *)0) return((STREE *)0); t->mem = (SNODE *)calloc(nelem, sizeof(*(t->mem))); if(t->mem == (SNODE *)0) { free(t); return((STREE *)0); } t->next = t->mem; t->root = (SNODE *)0; t->xdim = xdim; t->ydim = ydim; return(t); } /*Deallocate a tree.*/ static void stree_destroy(STREE *t) { free(t->mem); free(t); } /*Insert the given value into the tree.*/ static void stree_insert(STREE *t, double r, int x, int y, int z) { register SNODE **p; double rmag; p = &(t->root); rmag = (*magnitude)(r); /*inv: The path from t->root to p is labelled with values whose magnitudes bound or equal that of r.*/ while(*p != (SNODE *)0) p = (rmag < (*magnitude)((*p)->corr))? &((*p)->left): &((*p)->right); t->next->corr = r; t->next->coords = coord_encode(x, y, z, t->xdim, t->ydim); t->next->left = (SNODE *)0; t->next->right = (SNODE *)0; *p = t->next++; } /*Delete the maximum correlation value from the given tree, and return that value and its associated coordinates.*/ static double stree_extract_max(STREE *t, int *x, int *y, int *z) { register SNODE **p, **pp; SNODE *target; if(t->root == (SNODE *)0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: STREE underflow\n"); return(0.0); } if((t->root->left == (SNODE *)0) && (t->root->right == (SNODE *)0)) { target = t->root; t->root = (SNODE *)0; t->next = t->mem; } else { p = &(t->root); /*inv: **pp and **p are successive links in a chain of right children beginning at t->root.*/ do { pp = p; p = &((*p)->right); } while((*p) != (SNODE *)0); target = *pp; *pp = (*pp)->left; } coord_decode(target->coords, x, y, z, t->xdim, t->ydim); return(target->corr); } /*Allocate storage and initialise a dtree that can contain up to nelem nodes.*/ static DTREE *dtree_create(int xdim, int ydim, int nelem) { DTREE *t; t = (DTREE *)malloc(sizeof(*t)); if(t == (DTREE *)0) return((DTREE *)0); t->mem = (DNODE *)calloc(nelem, sizeof(*(t->mem))); if(t->mem == (DNODE *)0) { free(t); return((DTREE *)0); } t->next = t->mem; t->corr_root = (DNODE *)0; t->coord_root = (DNODE *)0; t->xdim = xdim; t->ydim = ydim; return(t); } /*Deallocate a dtree.*/ static void dtree_destroy(DTREE *t) { free(t->mem); free(t); } /*Insert the given value into the dtree, using the given storage location.*/ static void dtree_insert_at_node(DTREE *t, DNODE *node) { register DNODE **p, /*pointer into the coord tree*/ *q, *qparent; /*pointers to adjacent corr tree nodes*/ p = &(t->coord_root); /*inv: The path from t->coord_root to *p is labelled with values that bound or equal node->data->coords.*/ while(*p != (DNODE *)0) p = ((node->data->coords > (*p)->data->coords)? &((*p)->coord_rchild): &((*p)->coord_lchild)); /*link the node into the coord tree*/ node->coord_lchild = (DNODE *)0; node->coord_rchild = (DNODE *)0; *p = node; /*link the node into the corr tree*/ node->size = 1; node->corr_lchild = (DNODE *)0; node->corr_rchild = (DNODE *)0; if(t->corr_root == (DNODE *)0) { /*insertion into an empty tree is a special case*/ node->corr_parent = (DNODE *)0; t->corr_root = node; } else { q = t->corr_root; /*inv: The path from t->corr_root to q is labelled with values that bound or equal r.*/ do { q->size++; qparent = q; q = ((node->data->corr > q->data->corr)? q->corr_rchild: q->corr_lchild); } while(q != (DNODE *)0); /*link the node into the correlation tree*/ node->corr_parent = qparent; if(node->data->corr > qparent->data->corr) qparent->corr_rchild = node; else qparent->corr_lchild = node; } } static int num_coords; /*Insert the given value into the dtree.*/ static void dtree_insert(DTREE *t, CLIST *clist) { t->next->data = clist; t->next->dlen = num_coords; dtree_insert_at_node(t, t->next++); } static int num_coords_exhausted; /*p points to a coord_lchild, coord_rchild, or coord_root field that is to be unlinked from its coord children and its corr children and corr parent within the tree t.*/ void dtree_unlink_node(DTREE *t, DNODE **p) { register DNODE **q; DNODE *node, *parent, *temp; node = *p; if(node->coord_lchild == (DNODE *)0) *p = node->coord_rchild; else if(node->coord_rchild == (DNODE *)0) *p = node->coord_lchild; else { /*inv: *q is the rightmost node at the current level in the left subtree of (*p).*/ for(q = &(node->coord_lchild); (*q)->coord_rchild != (DNODE *)0; q = &((*q)->coord_rchild)) ; (*q)->coord_rchild = node->coord_rchild; *p = *q; if(q != &(node->coord_lchild)) { DNODE *temp; temp = (*q)->coord_lchild; (*q)->coord_lchild = node->coord_lchild; *q = temp; } } /*The node has been unlinked from the coord tree. Now unlink it from the corr tree, using a procedure analogous to that which was implemented above for the coord tree. First, decrement the size counts from the current position back to the corr root:*/ for(parent = node->corr_parent; parent != (DNODE *)0; parent = parent->corr_parent) parent->size--; /*Make p point to the link that leads into the subtree rooted at node.*/ p = ((node->corr_parent == (DNODE *)0)? &(t->corr_root): (node == node->corr_parent->corr_lchild)? &(node->corr_parent->corr_lchild): &(node->corr_parent->corr_rchild)); /*The cases of fewer than two children are easy to handle:*/ if(node->corr_lchild == (DNODE *)0) { if(node->corr_rchild) node->corr_rchild->corr_parent = node->corr_parent; *p = node->corr_rchild; } else if(node->corr_rchild == (DNODE *)0) { if(node->corr_lchild) node->corr_lchild->corr_parent = node->corr_parent; *p = node->corr_lchild; } /*In the two-child case, we find the rightmost node of the left subtree and promote it.*/ else { /*inv: *q is the rightmost node at the current level in the left subtree of (*p).*/ for(q = &(node->corr_lchild); (*q)->corr_rchild != (DNODE *)0; q = &((*q)->corr_rchild)) (*q)->size--; (*q)->corr_rchild = node->corr_rchild; if(node->corr_rchild) node->corr_rchild->corr_parent = *q; *p = *q; parent = (*q)->corr_parent; (*q)->corr_parent = node->corr_parent; if(q != &(node->corr_lchild)) { /*If the left subtree of the rightmost node is non-null, promote it to fill the place that has just been vacated by the promoted rightmost node.*/ temp = (*q)->corr_lchild; (*q)->corr_lchild = node->corr_lchild; node->corr_lchild->corr_parent = *q; *q = temp; if(temp) temp->corr_parent = parent; } (*p)->size = 1 + ((*p)->corr_lchild? (*p)->corr_lchild->size: 0) + ((*p)->corr_rchild? (*p)->corr_rchild->size: 0); } } /*Delete from the dtree all nodes that are labelled with the given coordinates. For each of the deleted nodes, if any substitute coordinates remain in the coordinate list, use those substitute coordinates to re-insert the node into the dtree. Otherwise increment num_coords_exhausted.*/ static void dtree_delete_coords(DTREE *t, int x, int y, int z, short *deleted) /*deleted[x+xdim*(y+ydim*z)] is nonzero iff (x,y,z) has not yet been deleted*/ { register DNODE **p, /*pointer into coord tree*/ *del; /*pointer to deleted node*/ int target_coords_not_found, /*flag indicates coords not yet found*/ coords; /*encoded form of target coordinates*/ coords = coord_encode(x, y, z, t->xdim, t->ydim); p = &(t->coord_root); target_coords_not_found = 1; /*inv: All remaining nodes whose coordinates match the target coords are in the subtree rooted at *p. All matching nodes outside this subtree have been replaced by nodes with substitute coordinates and correlations.*/ while(target_coords_not_found && (*p != (DNODE *)0)) { if(coords > (*p)->data->coords) p = &((*p)->coord_rchild); else if(coords < (*p)->data->coords) p = &((*p)->coord_lchild); else { /*found a matching node*/ target_coords_not_found = 0; do { del = *p; dtree_unlink_node(t, p); /*note: *p != del after this call!*/ /*re-insert the node with substitute data, if any substitutes remain*/ do {del->dlen--; del->data++; /*check that substitutes haven't been exhausted (dlen != 0) and the coordinates associated with the substitute at the head of the list are still not valid (deleted[del->data->coords] != 0)*/ } while((del->dlen != 0) && deleted[del->data->coords]); /*If valid substitute data are available, re-insert this node using those substitutes. Otherwise, increment the count of occurrences of failed substitutions.*/ if(del->dlen != 0) dtree_insert_at_node(t, del); else num_coords_exhausted++; } while(*p && (coords == (*p)->data->coords)); /*By clearing the flag target_coords_not_found on entry to the inner loop, we ensure that the outer loop will terminate once the inner loop's guard has become false. The correctness of this strategy depends on the structure of the auxiliary routine dtree_unlink_node() and on the following line in dtree_insert_at_node() above: p = ((node->data->coords > (*p)->data->coords)? &((*p)->coord_rchild): &((*p)->coord_lchild)); This line makes sets of equal coordinates into *left*-recursive rather than right-recursive trees, and accordingly, dtree_unlink_node() looks in the *left* subtree for a node to promote into the place of the deleted node as (*p).*/ } } } /*Return a fraction in the interval (0,1) that describes the ordinal position that the given correlation value would occupy within the ordered contents of the dtree, were it to be added to the tree.*/ static double dtree_position(DTREE *t, double r) { register DNODE *p; register int rank; p = t->corr_root; if((p == (DNODE *)0) || (p->size == 1)) return(0.5); rank = 0; /*inv: rank/2 is the number of correlation values in the tree that are less than r and are not within the subtree rooted at p, plus half of the number of correlation values in the tree that equal r and are not within the subtree rooted at p.*/ while(p != (DNODE *)0) if(r > p->data->corr) { rank += 2*(1+(p->corr_lchild? p->corr_lchild->size: 0)); p = p->corr_rchild; } else { if(r == p->data->corr) rank++; /*values equal to the target count only half*/ p = p->corr_lchild; } if(rank == 2*t->corr_root->size) rank--; else if(rank == 0) rank++; return(rank / (2.0*t->corr_root->size)); } /*Randomly permute the integer array a[0..n-1]. Richard Durstenfeld, `Algorithm 235: Random Permutation [G6]', Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery 7:7:420 (1964).*/ static void shuffle(int *a, int n) { register int i, j, b; for(i = n-1; i != 0; i--) { j = (int)(random()%(i+1)); b = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = b; } } /*Prepare static sums for correlate().*/ static void correlate_prep(float *x, float *y, int nxy, double *sy, double *syy) { register int n; /*length of time series, excluding ignored points*/ *sy = *syy = 0.0; n = 0; while(nxy--) { if(*x < BLAST) { *syy += *y**y; *sy += *y; n++; } x++; y++; } *syy -= *sy**sy/n; } /*Correlate the ideal time series x with the actual time series y, where both series are of length nxy. If the pointers r, m, and b are non-null, they receive, respectively, the correlation coefficient and the slope and intercept of the regression line. A call to correlate() must be preceded by calls to correlate_prep() of the following forms: correlate_prep(x, y, nxy, &sx, &sxx); correlate_prep(x, y, nxy, &sy, &syy);*/ static void correlate( float *x, /*ideal time series (points >= BLAST are ignored)*/ float *y, /*actual time series*/ int nxy, /*length of time series (including any ignored points)*/ double sx, /*sum of x[i] | 0<=i=BLAST) pts at head of series*/ t2, *tindex, /*temporal sequence of all included images*/ *sequence; /*permuted temporal sequence*/ float *vox_xyz, /*time series for one voxel*/ *vox, /*3D+time data indexed by z,y,x,t*/ *ts, /*storage for linear series (ts[t]=t, 0<=tdaxes->nxx; ydim = dset->daxes->nyy; zdim = dset->daxes->nzz; tdim = DSET_NUM_TIMES(dset); switch(one_tailed) { case -1: magnitude = neg; break; case 0: magnitude = fabs; break; case 1: magnitude = id; } num_coords = NUM_COORDS; num_coords_exhausted = 0; if(ort_ts != (MRI_IMAGE *)0) /*need to save extra points if orthogonalising*/ num_coords *= 2; /*allocate storage for functional intensities*/ *intensities = (short *)calloc(xdim*ydim*zdim, sizeof(**intensities)); if(*intensities == (short *)0) return 1; /*allocate storage for z-scores*/ *zvals = (short *)calloc(xdim*ydim*zdim, sizeof(**zvals)); if(*zvals == (short *)0) { free(*intensities); return 1; } /*no need to initialise (*zvals)[] to zeroes, since calloc() does it for us*/ /*Initialise temporal sequences: `tindex' is a mapping from the time index used in statistical tests to the time index used for storage in the AFNI dataset; it excludes ignored time points. `sequence' is initially the same as tindex but will be permuted during each iteration of the resampling procedure.*/ tindex = calloc(tdim, sizeof(*tindex)); if(tindex == (int *)0) { free(*zvals); free(*intensities); return 1; } sequence = calloc(tdim, sizeof(*sequence)); if(sequence == (int *)0) { free(tindex); free(*zvals); free(*intensities); return 1; } for((t = 0), (tsize = 0); t != tdim; t++) if(MRI_FLOAT_PTR(ref_ts)[t] < BLAST) { tindex[tsize] = t; sequence[tsize++] = t; } if(tsize < 4) /*make sure we have enough points for regression*/ { free(sequence); free(tindex); free(*zvals); free(*intensities); return 1; } /*initialise data*/ vox = calloc(xdim*ydim*zdim*tdim, sizeof(*vox)); if(vox == (float *)0) { free(sequence); free(tindex); free(*zvals); free(*intensities); return 1; } sy = calloc(xdim*ydim*zdim, sizeof(*sy)); if(sy == (double *)0) { free(vox); free(sequence); free(tindex); free(*zvals); free(*intensities); return 1; } syy = calloc(xdim*ydim*zdim, sizeof(*syy)); if(syy == (double *)0) { free(sy); free(vox); free(sequence); free(tindex); free(*zvals); free(*intensities); return 1; } ts = calloc(tdim, sizeof(*ts)); if(ts == (float *)0) { free(syy); free(sy); free(vox); free(sequence); free(tindex); free(*zvals); free(*intensities); return 1; } actual_corr = stree_create(xdim, ydim, xdim*ydim*zdim); if(actual_corr == (STREE *)0) { free(syy); free(sy); free(ts); free(vox); free(sequence); free(tindex); free(*zvals); free(*intensities); return 1; } fit_coeff = (float *)calloc(xdim*ydim*zdim, sizeof(*fit_coeff)); if(fit_coeff == (float *)0) { stree_destroy(actual_corr); free(syy); free(sy); free(ts); free(vox); free(sequence); free(tindex); free(*zvals); free(*intensities); return 1; } /****************************************************************************** * PHASE 1: Copy data, remove linear trend, optionally orthogonalise against * * a user-supplied series, and correlate with the ideal series. * ******************************************************************************/ for(ignore = 0; MRI_FLOAT_PTR(ref_ts)[ignore] >= BLAST; ignore++) ; /*linear series to use in detrending*/ for(t = 0; t != tdim; t++) ts[t] = (float)t; /*sum of the linear series, and sum of its squares*/ sx_trend = (double)(((tdim-1)*tdim - (ignore-1)*ignore)/2); sxx_trend = ((double)((tdim*(tdim*(2*tdim-3)+1) - ignore*(ignore*(2*ignore-3)+1))/6)) - sx_trend*sx_trend/(tdim-ignore); /*compute the sum and sum of squares of the ideal time series*/ correlate_prep(MRI_FLOAT_PTR(ref_ts)+ignore, MRI_FLOAT_PTR(ref_ts)+ignore, tdim-ignore, &sx_ref, &sxx_ref); /*compute the sum and sum of squares of the orthogonal series, if specified*/ if(ort_ts != (MRI_IMAGE *)0) correlate_prep(MRI_FLOAT_PTR(ort_ts), MRI_FLOAT_PTR(ort_ts), tdim, &sx_ort, &sxx_ort); *fim_scale = 0.0; mask_val = masklo; xyz = 0; for(z = 0; z != zdim; z++) for(y = 0; y != ydim; y++) for(x = 0; x != xdim; x++) { if(mask != NULL) { mask_val = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(mask, 0); if(mask_val == 0.0) mask_val = 1.0; if(DSET_BRICK_TYPE(mask, 0) == MRI_short) mask_val *= ((short *)DSET_ARRAY(mask, 0))[xyz]; else mask_val *= ((char *)DSET_ARRAY(mask, 0))[xyz]; } if((mask_val >= masklo) && (mask_val <= maskhi)) { vox_xyz = vox + tdim*xyz; for(t = 0; t != tdim; t++) { vox_xyz[t] = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset, t); if(vox_xyz[t] == 0.0) vox_xyz[t] = 1.0; vox_xyz[t] *= ((short *)DSET_ARRAY(dset, t))[xyz]; } /*detrend*/ correlate_prep(ts+ignore, vox_xyz+ignore, tdim-ignore, sy+xyz, syy+xyz); correlate(ts+ignore, vox_xyz+ignore, tdim-ignore, sx_trend, sxx_trend, sy[xyz], syy[xyz], (double *)0, &slope, &intercept); orthogonalise(ts, vox_xyz, vox_xyz, tdim, slope, intercept+slope*ignore); /*remove the orthogonalisation time series, if one has been supplied*/ if(ort_ts != (MRI_IMAGE *)0) { correlate_prep(MRI_FLOAT_PTR(ort_ts), vox_xyz, tdim, sy+xyz, syy+xyz); correlate(MRI_FLOAT_PTR(ort_ts), vox_xyz, tdim, sx_ort, sxx_ort, sy[xyz], syy[xyz], (double *)0, &slope, &intercept); orthogonalise(MRI_FLOAT_PTR(ort_ts), vox_xyz, vox_xyz, tdim, slope, intercept); } /*correlate*/ correlate_prep(MRI_FLOAT_PTR(ref_ts)+ignore, vox_xyz+ignore, tdim-ignore, sy+xyz, syy+xyz); correlate(MRI_FLOAT_PTR(ref_ts)+ignore, vox_xyz+ignore, tdim-ignore, sx_ref, sxx_ref, sy[xyz], syy[xyz], &corr, &slope, (double *)0); /*save regression coefficient*/ fit_coeff[xyz] = slope; /*retain greatest slope for use in computing scaling factor*/ slope = fabs(slope); if(slope > *fim_scale) *fim_scale = slope; /*save correlation coefficient*/ stree_insert(actual_corr, corr, x, y, z); } xyz++; } /*make sure that the mask left us *some* voxels*/ if(stree_null(actual_corr)) { fprintf(stderr, "PERMTEST: All voxels are masked!\n"); return 1; } *fim_scale /= MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short]; /*copy fit coefficients for all voxels, scaled for storage in shorts*/ for(t = 0; t != xdim*ydim*zdim; t++) (*intensities)[t] = (short)(fit_coeff[t] / *fim_scale); free(fit_coeff); randomised_corr = dtree_create(xdim, ydim, NUM_ITERS); if(randomised_corr == (DTREE *)0) { stree_destroy(actual_corr); free(syy); free(sy); free(ts); free(vox); free(sequence); free(tindex); free(*zvals); free(*intensities); return 1; } coord_mem = (CLIST *)calloc(NUM_ITERS*num_coords, sizeof(*coord_mem)); if(coord_mem == (CLIST *)0) { dtree_destroy(randomised_corr); stree_destroy(actual_corr); free(syy); free(sy); free(ts); free(vox); free(sequence); free(tindex); free(*zvals); free(*intensities); return 1; } coord_next = coord_mem; /*initialise progress meter*/ prev_percent_done = -1; PLUTO_popup_meter(plint); /****************************************************************************** * PHASE 2: Compute the empirical distribution. * ******************************************************************************/ for(iter = 0; iter != NUM_ITERS; iter++) { percent_done = (100*iter)/NUM_ITERS; if(percent_done > prev_percent_done) { prev_percent_done = percent_done; PLUTO_set_meter(plint, percent_done); } shuffle(sequence, tsize); for(t = 0; t != num_coords; t++) coord_next[t].corr = 0.0; xyz = 0; for(z = 0; z != zdim; z++) for(y = 0; y != ydim; y++) for(x = 0; x != xdim; x++) { if(mask != NULL) { mask_val = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(mask, 0); if(mask_val == 0.0) mask_val = 1.0; if(DSET_BRICK_TYPE(mask, 0) == MRI_short) mask_val *= ((short *)DSET_ARRAY(mask, 0))[xyz]; else mask_val *= ((char *)DSET_ARRAY(mask, 0))[xyz]; } if((mask_val >= masklo) && (mask_val <= maskhi)) { vox_xyz = vox + tdim*xyz; for((t = ignore), (t2 = 0); t != tdim; t++) if(MRI_FLOAT_PTR(ref_ts)[t] < BLAST) ts[t] = vox_xyz[sequence[t2++]]; correlate(MRI_FLOAT_PTR(ref_ts)+ignore, ts+ignore, tdim-ignore, sx_ref, sxx_ref, sy[xyz], syy[xyz], &corr, (double *)0, (double *)0); /*Since num_coords is tiny, any sorting algorithm faster than linear insertion wouldn't be worth the trouble.*/ for(t = 0; t < num_coords; t++) if((*magnitude)(corr) > (*magnitude)(coord_next[t].corr)) { t2 = t; while(++t != num_coords) { coord_next[t].corr = coord_next[t-1].corr; coord_next[t].coords = coord_next[t-1].coords; } coord_next[t2].corr = corr; coord_next[t2].coords = coord_encode(x, y, z, xdim, ydim); } } xyz++; } dtree_insert(randomised_corr, coord_next); if(verbose) printf("iter=%d max_corr=%f\n", iter, coord_next->corr); coord_next += num_coords; } #ifdef PERMTEST_DEBUG dtree_traverse(randomised_corr, 0); /*dump distribution to stdout*/ #endif PLUTO_set_meter(plint, 100); /****************************************************************************** * PHASE 3: Rank correlations from the actual data set within the empirical * * distribution. * ******************************************************************************/ do { not_done = 0; /*extract the most significant *correlation* (in [-1,1])*/ max_corr = stree_extract_max(actual_corr, &x, &y, &z); /*map it to an adjusted *probability* (in [0,1])*/ corr = dtree_position(randomised_corr, max_corr); if(verbose) printf("(%2d,%2d,%2d) raw r=%f adjusted p=%f", x, y, z, max_corr, corr); if(((one_tailed == 0) && (fabs(corr-0.5) >= 0.5-pcrit/2.0)) ||((one_tailed == -1) && (corr <= pcrit)) ||((one_tailed == 1) && (corr >= 1.0-pcrit))) { slope = critz(corr); if(verbose) printf(" zcrit=%f\n", slope); (*zvals)[x + xdim*(y + ydim*z)] = (short)(slope*FUNC_ZT_SCALE_SHORT); not_done = 1; /****************************************************************************** *percent completion of this phase of the algorithm can be expressed as follows: * 100.0 * ((one_tailed == 1)? 1.0-corr: * * ((one_tailed == 0) && (corr > 0.5))? * * 2.0*(1.0-corr): * * corr) / pcrit; * ******************************************************************************/ /*since this point is now defined as activated, exclude its data from the empirical distribution*/ dtree_delete_coords(randomised_corr, x, y, z, *zvals); } } while(not_done && (dtree_size(randomised_corr) > NUM_ITERS/2)); /*^^^ stop if we've deleted too many coordinates ^^^*/ if(verbose) putchar('\n'); free(coord_mem); dtree_destroy(randomised_corr); stree_destroy(actual_corr); free(syy); free(sy); free(ts); free(vox); free(sequence); free(tindex); return 0; } /*In the event of a conflict with some future revision of the AFNI widgets code, PERMTEST_set_logo() and PERMTEST_reset_logo() can be redefined as null functions and everything will still work right (though it would be a shame to lose the free advertising!).*/ static Pixmap sipb_pixmap; /*pixmap of SIPB logo*/ static void PERMTEST_set_logo(PLUGIN_interface *plint) { Pixel bg_pix, fg_pix; /*colours from control window*/ #define sipb_width 90 #define sipb_height 90 static char sipb_bits[] = { /*bitmap of SIPB logo*/ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0x03, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x03, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x03, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x03, 0x3f, 0x00, 0x0c, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x7c, 0x00, 0x7e, 0x00, 0x03, 0xe0, 0x03, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x18, 0xf0, 0x01, 0xfe, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x0f, 0xe0, 0x03, 0x7f, 0x00, 0x30, 0xf0, 0x01, 0xfe, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x1f, 0xe0, 0x03, 0xff, 0x00, 0x60, 0xf0, 0x01, 0xfe, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x1f, 0xe0, 0x03, 0xff, 0x01, 0x60, 0xf0, 0x01, 0xfe, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x0f, 0xe0, 0x03, 0xff, 0x03, 0xc0, 0xff, 0x01, 0xfe, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x0f, 0xe0, 0x03, 0xff, 0x07, 0x80, 0xff, 0x01, 0xfe, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x03, 0xe0, 0x03, 0xff, 0x0f, 0x00, 0xff, 0x01, 0xfe, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x03, 0xff, 0x1f, 0x00, 0xff, 0x01, 0xfe, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x03, 0xff, 0x3f, 0x00, 0xff, 0x01, 0xfe, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe0, 0x03, 0xff, 0x3f, 0x00, 0xff, 0x01, 0xfe, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe0, 0x03, 0xff, 0x1f, 0x80, 0xff, 0x01, 0xfe, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x03, 0xc0, 0x03, 0xff, 0x0f, 0xc0, 0xff, 0x01, 0xfe, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x0f, 0xc0, 0x03, 0xff, 0x07, 0xe0, 0xff, 0x01, 0xfe, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x1f, 0xc0, 0x03, 0xff, 0x03, 0x70, 0xf0, 0x01, 0xfe, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0x3f, 0xc0, 0x03, 0xff, 0x01, 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0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xff, 0xff, 0xc1, 0xa4, 0x89, 0xe4, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xff, 0xff, 0x99, 0x64, 0xc8, 0xe6, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xff, 0xff, 0x99, 0x24, 0xc9, 0xe6, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xff, 0xff, 0x99, 0x24, 0xc9, 0xe4, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xff, 0xff, 0xc1, 0x71, 0xc2, 0xe1, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x03, }; /*Initialise SIPB logo, in the current controller window only. Leave all other controller windows with the default MCW logo. (Adapted from afni_widg:AFNI_make_widgets).*/ XtVaGetValues(plint->im3d->vwid->top_form, XmNforeground, &bg_pix, /*note reversal of fg & bg colours*/ XmNbackground, &fg_pix, NULL); sipb_pixmap = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData( XtDisplay(plint->im3d->vwid->top_shell), RootWindowOfScreen(XtScreen(plint->im3d->vwid->top_shell)), sipb_bits, sipb_width, sipb_height, fg_pix, bg_pix, DefaultDepthOfScreen(XtScreen(plint->im3d->vwid->top_shell))); /*shameless self-aggrandisement (adapted from afni:AFNI_set_cursor)*/ XtVaSetValues(plint->im3d->vwid->picture, XmNlabelPixmap, sipb_pixmap, NULL); } static void PERMTEST_reset_logo(PLUGIN_interface *plint) { XtVaSetValues(plint->im3d->vwid->picture, XmNlabelPixmap, XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP, NULL); XFreePixmap(XtDisplay(plint->im3d->vwid->top_shell), sipb_pixmap); } char *PERMTEST_main(PLUGIN_interface *plint) { int t; char *prefix; MRI_IMAGE *ref_time_series, *orthogonal_time_series; THD_3dim_dataset *dset, *mask, *new_dset; short *intensities, *zvals; double fim_scale, /*scaling factor for short image data*/ pcrit; /*alpha level*/ char *optiontag; /*one of tails2, tails1pos, tails1neg*/ int one_tailed; /*0, 1, or -1*/ float masklo, maskhi; /*bounds on mask dataset*/ static char tails_err[] = "exactly one of two-tailed, one-tailed positive, or one-tailed negative must be chosen"; #ifdef PERMTEST_DEBUG void (*handler)(int); #endif if(plint == (PLUGIN_interface *)0) return "PERMTEST_main: null input"; /*Make sure that the input dataset exists and is stored in a format that we can understand (MRI_short)*/ PLUTO_next_option(plint); dset = PLUTO_find_dset(PLUTO_get_idcode(plint)); if(dset == (THD_3dim_dataset *)0) return "bad dataset"; for(t = 0; t != dset->dblk->nvals; t++) /*to do: make copies of this routine that work on MRI_byte and on MRI_float*/ if(DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset, t) != MRI_short) return("permutation test on non-short values is not implemented"); /*Make sure that the time series exists and is stored in a format that we can understand (MRI_float), and contains enough points to cover the time dimension of the specified dataset*/ PLUTO_next_option(plint); ref_time_series = PLUTO_get_timeseries(plint); if((ref_time_series == (MRI_IMAGE *)0) ||(ref_time_series->kind != MRI_float) ||(ref_time_series->nx < DSET_NUM_TIMES(dset))) return("bad time series"); /*Read the orthogonalisation time series, if it exists*/ optiontag = PLUTO_get_optiontag(plint); if(strcmp(optiontag, ort_label)) orthogonal_time_series = (MRI_IMAGE *)0; else { orthogonal_time_series = PLUTO_get_timeseries(plint); if((orthogonal_time_series == (MRI_IMAGE *)0) ||(orthogonal_time_series->kind != MRI_float) ||(orthogonal_time_series->nx < DSET_NUM_TIMES(dset))) return("bad ort"); PLUTO_next_option(plint); } /*Make sure that the prefix specified for the new dataset is a valid prefix*/ prefix = PLUTO_get_string(plint); if(!PLUTO_prefix_ok(prefix)) return("bad prefix"); /*Read the alpha level*/ PLUTO_next_option(plint); pcrit = PLUTO_get_number(plint); /*Exactly one of two-tailed, one-tailed positive, one-tailed negative*/ optiontag = PLUTO_get_optiontag(plint); if(optiontag == (char *)0) return(tails_err); if(strcmp(optiontag, tails2)) { if(strcmp(optiontag, tails1pos)) { if(strcmp(optiontag, tails1neg)) return(tails_err); else one_tailed = -1; } else one_tailed = 1; } else one_tailed = 0; optiontag = PLUTO_get_optiontag(plint); if((optiontag != (char *)0) && strcmp(optiontag, mask_label)) return(tails_err); /*Optional mask dataset*/ masklo = 1.0; maskhi = 32767.0; if(optiontag == (char *)0) mask = (THD_3dim_dataset *)0; else { mask = PLUTO_find_dset(PLUTO_get_idcode(plint)); if(mask == (THD_3dim_dataset *)0) return("bad mask"); if((DSET_BRICK_TYPE(mask, 0) != MRI_short) && (DSET_BRICK_TYPE(mask, 0) != MRI_byte)) return("mask brick type must be byte or short integer"); optiontag = PLUTO_get_optiontag(plint); if(optiontag != (char *)0) { if(strcmp(optiontag, masklo_label)) maskhi = PLUTO_get_number(plint); else { masklo = PLUTO_get_number(plint); if(PLUTO_get_optiontag(plint) != (char *)0) maskhi = PLUTO_get_number(plint); } } DSET_load(mask); } #ifdef PERMTEST_DEBUG handler = signal(SIGUSR1, flush); #endif /*toot our own horn :-)*/ PERMTEST_set_logo(plint); /*Make sure source dataset is in memory*/ DSET_load(dset); if(PERMTEST_compute(plint, dset, ref_time_series, orthogonal_time_series, pcrit, one_tailed, &intensities, &zvals, &fim_scale, mask, masklo, maskhi, 0)) { PERMTEST_reset_logo(plint); return("out of memory"); } if(num_coords_exhausted) printf("%d of %d points (%d%%) were deleted from the distribution due to\nexhausted coordinates. If this fraction is larger than about 10%%, consider\nrecompiling plug_permtest.so with a NUM_COORDS larger than the current value of\n%d.\n", num_coords_exhausted, NUM_ITERS, (100*num_coords_exhausted+NUM_ITERS/2)/NUM_ITERS, NUM_COORDS); /*create the output dataset*/ new_dset = EDIT_empty_copy(dset); if(EDIT_dset_items(new_dset, ADN_prefix, prefix, ADN_malloc_type, DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC, /*hold in r/w memory*/ ADN_datum_all, MRI_short, /*store as (scaled) short ints*/ ADN_nvals, 2, /*2 sub-bricks: intensity + z-score*/ ADN_ntt, 0, /*no time dimension*/ ADN_type, ISHEAD(dset)? HEAD_FUNC_TYPE: GEN_FUNC_TYPE, /*functional image*/ ADN_func_type, FUNC_ZT_TYPE, /*intensity + z-score*/ ADN_none)) { PERMTEST_reset_logo(plint); return("EDIT_dset_items error"); } EDIT_BRICK_LABEL(new_dset, 0, "Fit Coef"); mri_fix_data_pointer(intensities, DSET_BRICK(new_dset, 0)); EDIT_BRICK_FACTOR(new_dset, 0, (float)fim_scale); EDIT_BRICK_LABEL(new_dset, 1, "z-score"); EDIT_BRICK_TO_FIZT(new_dset, 1); mri_fix_data_pointer(zvals, DSET_BRICK(new_dset, 1)); EDIT_BRICK_FACTOR(new_dset, 1, (float)(1.0/FUNC_ZT_SCALE_SHORT)); DSET_write(new_dset); PLUTO_add_dset(plint, new_dset, DSET_ACTION_MAKE_CURRENT); #ifdef PERMTEST_DEBUG signal(SIGUSR1, handler); #endif PERMTEST_reset_logo(plint); return (char *)0; } DEFINE_PLUGIN_PROTOTYPE PLUGIN_interface *PLUGIN_init(int ncall) { PLUGIN_interface *plint; if(ncall > 0) return (PLUGIN_interface *)0; /*only one interface*/ /*set titles and entry point*/ plint = PLUTO_new_interface("Permutation Test", hint, help, PLUGIN_CALL_VIA_MENU, PERMTEST_main); PLUTO_add_hint(plint, hint); /*first line of dialogue box: input dataset*/ PLUTO_add_option(plint, input_label, input_label, TRUE); PLUTO_add_dataset(plint, "Dataset", ANAT_SPGR_MASK | ANAT_EPI_MASK, 0, DIMEN_4D_MASK | BRICK_SHORT_MASK); /*second line of dialogue box: input time series*/ PLUTO_add_option(plint, ts_label, ts_label, TRUE); PLUTO_add_timeseries(plint, "Reference Time Series"); /*third line of dialogue box: time series against which to orthogonalise*/ PLUTO_add_option(plint, ort_label, ort_label, FALSE); PLUTO_add_timeseries(plint, "Orthogonalisation Time Series"); /*fourth line of dialogue box: output dataset*/ PLUTO_add_option(plint, output_label, output_label, TRUE); PLUTO_add_string(plint, "Prefix", 0, (char **)0, 19); /*fifth line of dialogue box: alpha level (range 10^-4..1, default 0.05)*/ PLUTO_add_option(plint, alpha_label, alpha_label, TRUE); PLUTO_add_number(plint, "alpha level", 1, 10000, 4, 500, 1); /*penultimate lines of dialogue box: tail options*/ PLUTO_add_option(plint, tails2, tails2, FALSE); PLUTO_add_option(plint, tails1pos, tails1pos, FALSE); PLUTO_add_option(plint, tails1neg, tails1neg, FALSE); /*last lines of dialogue box: mask dataset and bounds*/ PLUTO_add_option(plint, mask_label, mask_label, FALSE); PLUTO_add_dataset(plint, "mask dataset", 0, FUNC_FIM_MASK, DIMEN_3D_MASK | BRICK_SHORT_MASK | BRICK_BYTE_MASK); PLUTO_add_option(plint, masklo_label, masklo_label, FALSE); PLUTO_add_number(plint, "voxel is masked if >=", 0, 0x7fff, 0, 1, 1); PLUTO_add_option(plint, maskhi_label, maskhi_label, FALSE); PLUTO_add_number(plint, "voxel is masked if <=", 0, 0x7fff, 0, 1, 1); return plint; }