# suma_change_spec
# A script to automate the changing of SUMA's Spec. files.
# written by Xander Meadow
# 1/8/04
# Modified for new SUMA files by XM
# 2/11/04
# This code may be freely distributed, and modified as needed. Please
# contact xmeadow@uchicago.edu with any questions or improvements for the
# script.
use Getopt::Long;
# if no arguments presented, print out help message.
if(!$ARGV[0]) {
}else {
GetOptions(\%args, "input=s", "state=s", "domainparent=s", "output=s", "remove","anatomical");
# if not all of the necessary flags are present, print out help message.
if (!($args{input} && $args{state})) {
# help message
if ($help) {
print "suma_change_spec:\n";
print " This program changes SUMA's surface specification (Spec) files.\n";
print " At minimum, the flags input and state are required.\n";
print "Available flags:\n";
print " input: Which is the SUMA Spec file you want to change.\n";
print " state: The state within the Spec file you want to change.\n";
print " domainparent: The new Domain Parent for the state within the ";
print "\n\tSpec file you want to change.\n";
print " output: The name to which your new Spec file will be temporarily";
print "\n\twritten to. (this flag is optional, if omitted the new Spec\n";
print "\tfile will be temporarily written to 'input_file.change').\n";
print " remove: This flag will remove the automatically created backup.\n";
print " anatomical: This will add 'Anatomical = Y' to the selected\n";
print "\tSurfaceState.\n";
print "Usage:\n";
print " This program will take the user given flags and create a spec file,\n";
print " named from the output flag or .change. It will then take\n";
print " this new spec file and overwrite the original input file. If the -remove\n";
print " flag is not used the original input file can be found at ";
print ".bkp.\n If the -remove is used the .bkp file will be ";
print " automatically deleted.\n\n";
print " ex. suma_change_spec -input -state \n";
print "\t-domainparent -anatomical\n";
# open read in and write out files.
if (!(-e $args{input})) {
print "ERROR!! Input file $args{input} does not exist\n";
if ($args{output}) {
else {
# initialize variables.
# read in input file.
while () {
# Check to see if the line read in is either LocalDomainParent or
# Surface state line.
if ($mark == 0) {
switch: for ($_) {
/LocalDomainParent = / && do {
/SurfaceState = / && do {
# If the read in line is not a LocalDomainParent line, print it out.
if (!($holder)) {
print OUT "$_\n";
# If mark equals 2, then the previous line was either a LocalDomainParent
# line or a SurfaceState line. Either way now the script must check to
# see if this is the correct state to be making changes to.
if ($mark == 2) {
switch: for ($_) {
/$args{state}/ && do {
if ($holder) {
if ($args{domainparent}) {
print OUT "\tLocalDomainParent = $args{domainparent}\n";
} else {
print OUT "$holder\n";
print OUT "$_\n";
if ($args{anatomical}) {
print OUT "\tAnatomical = Y\n";
# If this is not the correct SurfaceState, then print out the held
# LocalDomainParent line as well as the current SurfaceState line.
# Also, clear the holder variable.
if ($holder) {
print OUT "$holder\n";
print OUT "$_\n";
# This is required to allow to a new input $_ to be read in, that $_ should
# be the SurfaceState information.
if ($mark == 1) { $mark=2; }
# Close the read in and write out files.
# Move the original input file to a backup file, unless the user has requested
# no backup file be created, then if there was an output file, change its
# name to the original input file. If there wasn't an output file, move the
# input.change file's name to the original input file.
if (!($args{remove})) {
`mv $args{input} $args{input}.bkp`;
if ($args{output}) {
`mv $args{output} $args{input}`;
else {
`mv $args{input}.change $args{input}`;