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Go to the documentation of this file.00001 #include "cdflib.h"
00002 void E0001(int IENTRY,int *status,double *x,double *fx,
00003 double *xlo,double *xhi,unsigned long *qleft,
00004 unsigned long *qhi,double *zabstl,double *zreltl,
00005 double *zxhi,double *zxlo)
00006 {
00007 #define ftol(zx) (0.5e0*fifdmax1(abstol,reltol*fabs((zx))))
00008 static double a,abstol,b,c,d,fa,fb,fc,fd,fda,fdb,m,mb,p,q,reltol,tol,w,xxhi,xxlo;
00009 static int ext,i99999;
00010 static unsigned long first,qrzero;
00011 switch(IENTRY){case 0: goto DZROR; case 1: goto DSTZR;}
00012 DZROR:
00013 if(*status > 0) goto S280;
00014 *xlo = xxlo;
00015 *xhi = xxhi;
00016 b = *x = *xlo;
00020 i99999 = 1;
00021 goto S270;
00022 S10:
00023 fb = *fx;
00024 *xlo = *xhi;
00025 a = *x = *xlo;
00029 i99999 = 2;
00030 goto S270;
00031 S20:
00036 if(!(fb < 0.0e0)) goto S40;
00037 if(!(*fx < 0.0e0)) goto S30;
00038 *status = -1;
00039 *qleft = *fx < fb;
00040 *qhi = 0;
00041 return;
00042 S40:
00043 S30:
00044 if(!(fb > 0.0e0)) goto S60;
00045 if(!(*fx > 0.0e0)) goto S50;
00046 *status = -1;
00047 *qleft = *fx > fb;
00048 *qhi = 1;
00049 return;
00050 S60:
00051 S50:
00052 fa = *fx;
00053 first = 1;
00054 S70:
00055 c = a;
00056 fc = fa;
00057 ext = 0;
00058 S80:
00059 if(!(fabs(fc) < fabs(fb))) goto S100;
00060 if(!(c != a)) goto S90;
00061 d = a;
00062 fd = fa;
00063 S90:
00064 a = b;
00065 fa = fb;
00066 *xlo = c;
00067 b = *xlo;
00068 fb = fc;
00069 c = a;
00070 fc = fa;
00071 S100:
00072 tol = ftol(*xlo);
00073 m = (c+b)*.5e0;
00074 mb = m-b;
00075 if(!(fabs(mb) > tol)) goto S240;
00076 if(!(ext > 3)) goto S110;
00077 w = mb;
00078 goto S190;
00079 S110:
00080 tol = fifdsign(tol,mb);
00081 p = (b-a)*fb;
00082 if(!first) goto S120;
00083 q = fa-fb;
00084 first = 0;
00085 goto S130;
00086 S120:
00087 fdb = (fd-fb)/(d-b);
00088 fda = (fd-fa)/(d-a);
00089 p = fda*p;
00090 q = fdb*fa-fda*fb;
00091 S130:
00092 if(!(p < 0.0e0)) goto S140;
00093 p = -p;
00094 q = -q;
00095 S140:
00096 if(ext == 3) p *= 2.0e0;
00097 if(!(p*1.0e0 == 0.0e0 || p <= q*tol)) goto S150;
00098 w = tol;
00099 goto S180;
00100 S150:
00101 if(!(p < mb*q)) goto S160;
00102 w = p/q;
00103 goto S170;
00104 S160:
00105 w = mb;
00106 S190:
00107 S180:
00108 S170:
00109 d = a;
00110 fd = fa;
00111 a = b;
00112 fa = fb;
00113 b += w;
00114 *xlo = b;
00115 *x = *xlo;
00119 i99999 = 3;
00120 goto S270;
00121 S200:
00122 fb = *fx;
00123 if(!(fc*fb >= 0.0e0)) goto S210;
00124 goto S70;
00125 S210:
00126 if(!(w == mb)) goto S220;
00127 ext = 0;
00128 goto S230;
00129 S220:
00130 ext += 1;
00131 S230:
00132 goto S80;
00133 S240:
00134 *xhi = c;
00135 qrzero = fc >= 0.0e0 && fb <= 0.0e0 || fc < 0.0e0 && fb >= 0.0e0;
00136 if(!qrzero) goto S250;
00137 *status = 0;
00138 goto S260;
00139 S250:
00140 *status = -1;
00141 S260:
00142 return;
00143 DSTZR:
00144 xxlo = *zxlo;
00145 xxhi = *zxhi;
00146 abstol = *zabstl;
00147 reltol = *zreltl;
00148 return;
00149 S270:
00153 *status = 1;
00154 return;
00155 S280:
00156 switch((int)i99999){case 1: goto S10;case 2: goto S20;case 3: goto S200;
00157 default: break;}
00158 #undef ftol
00159 }