BLOCK DESIGNS AND AFNI 3dDelay

Table of Contents:
        * Create AFNI datasets using to3d
        * Organize EPI runs and create AFNI datasets using Ifile/GERT_Reco
        * Register volume data using 3dvolreg
        * Average your data using 3dcalc
        * Create an ideal reference function using waver
        * Analyze time series data using 3ddelay
      Fun Extras:
        * Strip skull using 3dIntracranial
                         * EXAMPLE EXPERIMENT *

The following experiment will serve as our example:

Experiment: Retinotopic, visual stimulation task.  A flashing, rotating 
            hemifield checkerboard appears.  Presentation of the hemifield 
            is separated by a blank screen.
Design: BLOCK

Conditions: 1. Rotating hemifield
            2. Blank screen (Rest)

Data Collected: One spoiled grass anatomical scan 
                (stored in a directory called 'SPGR_data')

                Two EPI time-series scans
                (stored in a directory called 'EPI_data')


* COMMAND: to3d

     Use AFNI 'to3d' to convert your anatomical image files into 3D datasets.
     'to3d' converts I-files (2D slices) into AFNI .BRIK format (3D volume 

        Usage: to3d [-options] image_files

               (see also 'to3d -help')

* EXAMPLE of 'to3d' from the command line:  
     cd to the directory containing your anatomical I-files (SPGR_data/) and 
     run 'to3d' from there...
               to3d -prefix ARzs_spgr -spgr SPGR_data/I.*

     This command will create a head and brick file of your anatomical data.


* EXAMPLE of 'to3d' from the graphical user interface (GUI):

                cd SPGR_data
                to3d I.*

     An AFNI 'to3d' graphical interface will appear.  You can provide auxiliary
     information, like voxel size and spatial orientation, by filling out this 
     on-screen form (if you are converting I-files, this information will 
     already be filled out by AFNI).

     The on-screen form will ask for a prefix for your 3D dataset file. For 
     this example, our prefix is ARzs_sprg.  Once you select a prefix, 

     You have now created an AFNI dataset

     Note: 'to3d' is capable of reading other image formats in addition to  
     I-files (e.g., Mayo ANALYZE .hdr/.img files and Siemens .ima files).


* COMMAND: Ifile/GERT_Reco

     Want to create an AFNI dataset from your time-series data? 
     Use AFNI 'Ifile'.

                Usage: Ifile [-options] <File List>

                (see also 'Ifile -help')

     EPI images collected using GE's Real Time (GERT) EPI sequence are saved in
     a peculiar fashion.  It is often the case that you cannot determine where 
     one EPI run ends and the other begins.     

     The 'Ifile' program attempts to identify complete scans from the list of 
     images supplied on the command line and generates the commands necessary 
     to turn them into AFNI bricks using the script '@RenamePanga'.  If at 
     least one complete scan is identified, a script called 'GERT_Reco' is 
     created.  Executing it creates the afni bricks that are automatically 
     placed in a directory called 'afni'.

     What is a <File List>?  It is a string of wildcards defining series of 
     GE-Real Time (GERT) images to be assembled as an afni brick (see example

* EXAMPLE of Ifile/GERT_Reco:
        cd to the directory containing your time-series I-files (EPI_data) and 
        run Ifile from there...

                cd EPI_data
                Ifile -nt '???/I.*'
     After '@RenamePanga' has run, a message will appear informing the user of 
     the number of complete scans that were detected.

        E.g., "Found 2 complete scans. Run GERT_Reco to create AFNI bricks."

     Now you can run 'GERT_Reco'.

     Note: It is not necessary to run both 'Ifile/GERT_Reco' AND 'to3d'.  
           'GERT_Reco' will automatically call 'to3d' and run it from the 
           command line.

     The output files will appear in the 'EPI_data/afni' directory with the 
     prefix "OutBrick", followed by the run number (i.e., _r1, _r2,...)

        E.g., OutBrik_r1+orig.BRIK      OutBrik_r1+orig.HEAD
              OutBrik_r2+orig.BRIK      OutBrik_r2+orig.HEAD

     If you prefer a prefix other than 'OutBrik', you can:

        1.  Open the GERT_Reco script in a text editor and edit the 
            'set OutPrefix' line.  For our example dataset, we have set the
            prefix to ARzs_EPI.

        2.  or you can you can change the output prefix from the command line:

                E.g., sed 's/OutBrick/ARzs_EPI/' GERT_Reco > new_GERT_Reco
                      tcsh new_GERT_Reco

            Now if you run the 'new_GERT_Reco' scripts, which contains the 
            edited output prefix, the output datasets will contain the 
            prefix 'ARzs_EPI'.

     We have sucessfully created our AFNI datasets!!!
     These are the sample datasets we will be using in this tutorial:

        3D+time datasets (located in the EPI_data/afni directory):
                ARzs_EPI_r1+orig.BRIK   ARzs_EPI_r1+orig.HEAD
                ARzs_EPI_r2+orig.BRIK   ARzs_EPI_r2+orig.HEAD

        Anatomical (located in the SPGR_data directory):


* For clarity, place all of the datasets into ONE directory, for example, the 
  'afni' directory.  Begin by moving the 'afni' directory one level up, and 
  then transferring the datasets.

                mv afni ..  (this will move 'afni' to the same level as the
                             SPGR_data and EPI_data directories.  The EPI
                             datasets are already in here, so all we have to 
                             do is move the SPGR datasets into this directory)
                cd ..
                mv ARzs_spgr+orig.* afni

     Now all our data files are located in one directory.  We can now proceed 
     with registering our data...

* COMMAND: 3dvolreg

     Need to volume register your data?

          Usage: 3dvolreg -prefix <prefix name> -base <base file> <target file>

          (see also '3dvolreg -help')

     If you have multiple runs, you will probably want to do a volume 
     registration on your data, i.e., bring the images you collected with 
     different methods or different times into alignment.

     First, you must select a base image J[x] from which to align the remaining
     target images I[x].  Given J[x] and I[x], find a geometric transformation 
     T(x) so that the difference T(I[x]) - J[x] is minimized (i.e., each image 
     I[x] is rotated and shifted to lie on top of the base image J[x]).

     How do you choose a base image?  Your best choice for EPI is one that was
     collected very close in time to when the spgr image was collected.  In 
     this example, the sgpr data was collected after the EPI data.  And since 
     there were 2 runs with 160 time points (0 through 159), we have chosen to
     register the EPI data to run 2, time point 155.

* EXAMPLE of 3dvolreg:

     Base image for our EPI data:  ARzs_EPI_r2+orig[155]

     (We chose time point #155 rather than the last one in the run (#159) 
      because times points at the very beginning or very end of the time 
      series tend to contain more noise.) 

     cd to the directory containing your time series datasets (afni/), and run
     '3dvolreg' for each volume...
                cd afni
                3dvolreg -prefix ARzs_EPI_r1_vr -base ARzs_EPI_r2+orig'[155]'\ 

                3dvolreg -prefix ARzs_EPI_r2_vr -base ARzs_EPI_r2+orig'[155]'\ 

     Volume Registered datasets we have created:
                ARzs_EPI_r1_vr+orig.BRIK          ARzs_EPI_r1_vr+orig.HEAD
                ARzs_EPI_r2_vr+orig.BRIK          ARzs_EPI_r2_vr+orig.HEAD



* COMMAND: 3dcalc

     Need to average your datasets?

                Usage: 3dcalc [-options]

                (see also '3dcalc -help')

     The 3dcalc program allows the user to perform arithmetic on 3D datasets, 
     voxel-by-voxel (no inter-voxel computation).

* EXAMPLE of 3dcalc:
     In this example, we will average our two volume registered time series 
     datasets.  cd to the directory containing these datasets...

                cd afni/
                3dcalc -a ARzs_EPI_r1_vr+orig  -b ARzs_EPI_r2_vr+orig \
                       -expr '(a+b)/2' -prefix ARzs_EPI_avg

     -a, -b, ... -z: The voxel values from our sample datasets 
                     ARzs_EPI_r1_vr+orig and ARzs_EPI_r2_vr+orig are labeled 
                     'a' (hence the '-a' option) and 'b' (hence the '-b' 
                     option) respectively.  You may use up to 26 datasets 
                     (with voxel values ranging from 'a' to 'z').

     Averaged dataset we have created:

* An extra tidbit:

     In addition to '3dcalc', there are a few other AFNI programs that allow 
     you to average datasets:
        1) @4Daverage
           This is a script file that uses 3dcalc to compute average 3D+time 

           Usage: @4Daverage <average 3D+t brick prefix> <3D+t brik names...>
           E.g., @4Daverage ARzs_EPI_avg ARzs_EPI_r1_vr+orig ARzs_EPI_r2_vr+orig
           E.g., @4Daverage ARzs_EPI_avg ARzs_EPI_r*_vr+orig.HEAD

        You can use wildcards if the datasets you want to average have similar
        names (as was done in the second example).  Be sure to use the .HEAD
        suffix, for instance, so that the wildcard will not expand to both the
        .HEAD and .BRIK files (and would then use the datasets twice).

        2) 3dMean

           Usage: 3dMean [-options] <datasets...>
           E.g.,  3dMean -prefix ARzs_EPI_avg \
                        ARzs_EPI_r1_vr+orig ARzs_EPI_r2_vr+orig

        3) 3dmerge

           Usage: 3dmerge [-options] <datasets...>
           E.g.,  3dmerge -prefix ARzs_EPI_avg  -doall  \
                          ARzs_EPI_r1_vr+orig ARzs_EPI_r2_vr+orig




* COMMAND: waver

                Usage: waver [-options] output_filename

                (see also 'waver -help')

     The waver program creates an ideal waveform time series file.  We will
     compare this ideal reference function with the 160 point time series 
     for each voxel of our averaged dataset.

* EXAMPLE of waver:

                waver   -GAM  -dt 2  -nmount 160     \
                        -inline 15@0                 \
                                15@1  7@0  15@1  8@0 \
                                15@1  7@0  15@1  8@0 \
                                15@1  7@0  15@1  8@0 \
                                10@0                 \
                        > Ref_ARzs.1D


     -GAM = tells waver to use a Gamma variate waveform.
     -dt = tells waver to use 2 seconds for the Delta time.
     -nmount = specifies that the output will be 160 points in time.
     -inline = specifies 'ON' 'OFF' periods for input stimuli.
               '0' = OFF and '1' = ON.
     '>' = redirects the output into a newly created file that we have
                named 'Ref_ARzs.1D.

     (see also Unix help for a more in-depth explanation of these
      options as they pertain to this example dataset.)


* COMMAND: 3ddelay

        3ddelay -input <filename> -ideal_file <ideal time series file name>
                -fs <sampling freq in Hz> -T <stim period in seconds>
                [-prefix bucket]

        (see also '3ddelay -help')

     The '3ddelay' program estimates the time delay between each voxel time 
     series in a 3D+time dataset and a reference time series.  The estimated 
     delays are relative to the reference time series.  For example, a delay 
     of 4 seconds means that the voxel time series is delayed by 4 seconds 
     with respect to the reference time series.

* Why use 3ddelay with this sample data?

    Estimating the response delay of activated voxels is done using the program
    3ddelay (or the AFNI plugin Hilbert Delay 98). The program implements a 
    computationally efficient way of estimating the response delay of each 
    voxel along with its cross-correlation coefficient which is used to
    determine whether a voxel is activated by the stimulus or not. The response
    delay is estimated using the Hilbert Transform of the cross correlation 

* EXAMPLE of 3ddelay: 
        3ddelay -input ARzs_EPI_avg+orig  
                -ideal_file Ref_ARzs.1D 
                -fs 0.5 -T 45

     (see also Unix help for a more in-depth explanation of these
     options as they pertain to this example dataset.)

     Note: If the '-prefix' is not used (as in the above example), the default
           prefix will be the prefix of the input 3D+time brick with a '.DEL' 
           extension appended to it.

     FINALLY, we have a functional dataset!



                          ** SOME 'FUN' EXTRAS **

* COMMAND:3dIntracranial

        3dIntracranial -anat <anat filename> [-options] -prefix <prefix name> 

        (see also '3dIntracranial -help')

     The '3dIntracranial' program performs an automatic segmentation of the 
     intracranial region (i.e., skull stripping).

* EXAMPLE of 3dIntracranial:

        3dIntracranial -anat ARzs_spgr+orig -prefix ARzs_spgr_NoSkl

     New dataset we have created:

     With the skull stripped, this dataset can be viewed in the volume
     rendering plugin available in AFNI.

                      TIME TO VIEW THE DATA IN AFNI!!!

    Now that the data have been processed and analyzed, they can be viewed in
    AFNI.  Below are some recommendations for displaying and the viewing the

    cd to the directory conatining the datasets and run AFNI from there ...

               cd afni/    (Note: our data is contained in the 'afni' directory
	                          we created earlier)
	       afni        (Note: once we descend into the 'afni' directory,
		                  typing 'afni' on the command line will launch
				  the AFNI program.)

    The main AFNI window will appear.

       SWITCH ANATOMY: Click on this button to choose an anatomical 3D datset to
                       view.  In this example, select the dataset 'ARzs_spgr.'
		       Press the "SET" button to continue.

		       To view this dataset, click on the AXIAL, SAGITTAL, and
		       CORONAL buttons that appear on the main AFNI window.
		       At this point, there should be no fucntional data 
		       overlaid onto these anatomical images.

        DEFINE FUNCTION: Click on this button to begin the process of
                        overlaying the functional data onto the anatomy.  Once
                        this button is selected, another control panel, with 
			additional options, will appear to the right of the 
			main AFNI window.

                        Note that function will not be seen overlaid onto the
                        anatomical images until the SEE FUNCTION box, which
                        appears below "DEFINE FUNCTION", is highlighted.


                The first step (within the "DEFINE FUNCTION" control panel) is 
		to select the sub-brick you would like to view (click on the 
		'Func' button), and the sub-brick with which to threshold 
		(click on the 'Thr' button).

                For this example, we can view functional activity that results
		from the delay and set the threshold based on the correlation 
		coefficient.  To do this, go to the 'Func' button and select
		the "Delay" sub-brick (#0).  Set the threshold by clicking on
		the 'Thr' button and selecting the "Correlation Coefficient"
		sub-brick (#2).


                To the left of the 'Func' and 'Thr' buttons is a slider bar
                that is used to adjust the threshold for function display.
                Since the threshold ranges from -0.074 to 0.922, be sure the
		button below the slider bar (with the two asterisks to the left
		of it) is set to "0" (this should be the default).  The "0"
		signifies that the range of the slider bar is from .0000 to

                One way to select an appropriate threshold for function display
                is to drag the slider bar until there are no (or very few)
                extra-cranial colored voxels.  For this example, set the
                threshold bar to about .4362, which sets the p-value to 7.1-8
                (i.e., 7.1 times 10 to the power of -8). This is the 
		significance value PER VOXEL.


                Next to the threshold bar is a color pane. The default is set
                at 9 colors, but this can be adjusted by clicking on the button
                right below the color panes.  For this example, change the
                color spectrum to 20.


		For this example, the voxel intensity ranges from 0 to 118.8217.
		However, there are probably very few voxels in the high range,
		near 118.  We know from viewing our data that most voxels do
		not reach an intensity greater than 40.  However, the 
		'autoRange' button that appears to the right of the color bar
		is highlighted by default and set to 118.8217.  Setting such a
		wide range of voxel intensities does not allow us to make good
		use of the color bar, since most voxels will not fall in the
		high intensity range.  Therefore, our functional overlay will
		look somewhat monochromatic because so few voxels are assigned
		a high intensity color value.  To remedy this problem,
		de-select the 'autoRange' button and set the range (in the
		space below) to 40.  By doing this, we make better use of the 
		color bar.

		In this example, our function values range from 0 to 118.8217.
		As such, we have no negative function values.  If this is the
		case, it is best to highlight the "Pos?" button that appears 
		below the color bar. Doing so allows us to make better use of
		the color spectrum available on the color bar because none of
		the colors are representing negative function values (which are
		nonexistent in our example).  


                As it is now, the functional data looks a bit blocky.  To
                improve its appearance (and make it worthy of publication),
                go to DEFINE DATAMODE.  This will open up a window.  To the
                direct right of "DEFINE DATAMODE" you will see two buttons:
                "Func resam mode" and "Thr resam mode".  These buttons allow
                you to resample your functional data.  For this example, select
                CUBIC interpolation for both buttons.  Doing this will give
                your functional overlay a smoother, less-blocky, appearance.

    THAT'S ALL THERE IS TO IT!!!  For fun, rotate the colors on the color bar
    by clicking on the "Rota" up and down arrows (which appear right below the
    "autoRange" button in the Define Function control panel).  Doing so allows
    you to view the effect of the delay on functional activity. 

	            YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE FIRST HOW-TO !!!                   

     There is a tremendous amount of information in this how-to, which may seem
     overwhelming at first.  However, all it takes is some time and practice to
     master the art and science of FMRI analysis.

     For additional information on AFNI, FMRI, and statistical principles and

	     AFNI educational material

     Also feel free to view the message boards and to post a question yourself:

	     AFNI message board