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At the moment, this information is input via a command-line interface, or with an optional question/answer session ( -ask_me). Eventually, a GUI will become available (but not yet).
- At the moment, this information is input via a command-line interface, or with an optional question/answer session ( -ask_me). Eventually, a GUI will become available (but not yet).
- Once has all the necessary information, it produces a tcsh (T-shell) script that contains all the data processing steps. This script can be easily executed and the end result will be a functional/statistical dataset, as well as numerous datasets produced from the intermediary steps.
Before we go any further, start the processing script :
- we will discuss it more, soon
- under AFNI_data4, execute the script containing the command
- this will create the processing script, proc.sb23.blk
- execute the proc.sb23.blk script, as recommended by
- takes ~4 minutes on my laptop
- cd AFNI_data4
- tcsh s1.afni_proc.block
- tcsh -x proc.sb23.blk |& tee output.proc.sb23.blk
- note that one could subsequently run s10.surface.analysis to analyze the data in the surface domain (which takes ~37 minutes on my laptop)