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The Experiment :
- Cognitive Task: Subjects see photographs of two people interacting.
- The mode of communication falls in one of 3 categories: via telephone, email, or face-to-face.
- The affect portrayed is either negative, positive, or neutral in nature.
- Experimental Design: 3x3 Factorial design, BLOCKED trials
- Factor A: CATEGORY - (1) Telephone, (2) E-mail, (3) Face-to-Face
- Factor B: AFFECT - (1) Negative, (2) Positive, (3) Neutral
- A random 30-second block of photographs for a task (ON), followed by a 30-second block of the control condition of scrambled photographs (OFF), and so on.
- Each run has 3 ON blocks, 3 OFF blocks. There are 9 runs in a scanning session.