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Compute estimates for the amount of blur in the data, as requested via option, -regress_est_blur_errts.
Compute estimates for the amount of blur in the data, as requested via option, -regress_est_blur_errts.
- Blur comes from the scanner and from the 3dmerge operation.
- 3dFWHMx is used to estimate the amount of blur contained in the data.
- Masking is essential as the data variance outside the brain will be much smaller.
- The errts (residual) data provides the more accurate blur estimation.
- The estimation from the scale data is similar, but generally slightly larger.
- 3dFWHMx -detrend -mask full_mask.$subj+orig \
- errts.$subj+orig"[0..63]" >> blur.errts.1D
Average the blur values over all runs, appending the results to blur_est.$subj.1D.
- Using “-prefix -” sends output to the terminal, which can be stored in a variable.
- The trailing “\'” is used to transpose the 1D file upon input to 3dTstat.
- Those variable values are then appended to the blur_est file, with descriptive text.
- set blurs = ( `3dTstat -mean -prefix - blur.errts.1D\'` )
- echo "$blurs # errts blur estimates" >> blur_est.$subj.1D