Basic Unix 0. Installing AFNI and the AFNI_data6 class data tree

    Note: commands to type are on a yellow background. 

   A. Install AFNI (beyond the scope of this tutorial).

      To install AFNI, please see HowTo #0.
      For help with installation difficulties, please search or post to the AFNI Message Board.

      more details

   B. Install the AFNI_data6 class data tree under the $HOME directory.

      This tutorial relies on the AFNI_data6 directory tree.  In a typical AFNI
      bootcamp, the AFNI_data6 directory will be put under the $HOME directory,
      which is assumed in this tutorial.     

      If you do not yet have the data, use the following commands to download it
      and place it in the $HOME directory:

         curl -O 
         tar xzf AFNI_data6.tgz                                            

      more details

   C. Open a terminal window.

      This tutorial goes through commands which are entered (typed in) at a
      command prompt on a terminal window.  The user must find an xterm or
      other terminal application to open, in order to get to a command prompt.

        Linux: there is often a Terminal application under:

                  Applications ... System Tools ... Terminal

        OS X:  Use Finder to open the /Applications directory, then enter
               Utilities, and finally look for X11 or XQuartz.  Drag the icon
               to your dock bar so that you do not need to search for it again.
               Start X11 (or XQuartz) and from the top application bar, choose:

                  Applications ... Terminal

   At this point, it is assumed that AFNI_data6 is located in the $HOME
   directory, and that the AFNI binaries are installed.

   The user should have a termial window open for typing commands.