Inter Unix 0. Install AFNI and the AFNI_data6 class data tree.

   A. Install AFNI (beyond the scope of this tutorial).

      To install AFNI, please see HowTo #0.
      For help with installation difficulties, please search or post to the AFNI Message Board.

      more details

   B. Install the AFNI_data6 class data tree under the $HOME directory.

      This tutorial relies on the AFNI_data6 directory tree.  In a typical AFNI
      bootcamp, the AFNI_data6 directory will be put under the $HOME directory,
      which is assumed in this tutorial.     

      If you do not yet have the data, use the following commands to download it
      and place it in the $HOME directory:

         curl -O 
         tar xzf AFNI_data6.tgz                                            

      more details

   At this point, it is assumed that AFNI_data6 is located in the $HOME
   directory, and that the AFNI binaries are installed.

   The user should have a termial window open for typing commands.