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00004 typedef struct suma_menu_item {
00005     char        *label;         /*!< the label for the item */
00006     WidgetClass *class;         /*!< pushbutton, label, separator... */
00007     char         mnemonic;      /*!< mnemonic; NULL if none */
00008     char        *accelerator;   /*!< accelerator; NULL if none */
00009     char        *accel_text;    /*!< to be converted to compound string */
00010     void       (*callback)();   /*!< routine to call; NULL if none */
00011     XtPointer    callback_data; /*!< client_data for callback(). 
00012                                     This ends up being the index
00013                                     of the widget in the menu, in addition
00014                                     to being the callback value. 
00015                                     Specify it even if callback is NULL 
00016                                     because it is needed to index into 
00017                                     the vector of widgets. The callback value
00018                                     is actually a bit more complicated than what 
00019                                     is stored in callback_data. The call back ends
00020                                     up receiving a pointer to a structure of the 
00021                                     type SUMA_MenuCallBackData. That structure contains
00022                                     callback_data in a field of the same name, in addition
00023                                     to an identifier of the controller containing that menu.
00024                                     This way you can tell from which controller the menu
00025                                     had been activated.*/
00026     struct suma_menu_item *subitems; /*!< pullright menu items, if not NULL */
00027 } SUMA_MenuItem; /*!< Structure to hold descriptions of menu items. 
00028                   This structure is mostly based on the build_option.c example 
00029                   of the "Motif Programming Manual". */
00031 typedef struct {
00032    XtPointer callback_data; /*!< usually the item number in the menu */
00033    void *ContID; /*!< some identifier of the controller */
00034 } SUMA_MenuCallBackData;/*!< a structure to help in the creation of menus. The main problem is that I may have the same 
00035 menu item in different controllers and one needs a way to know from which controller the menu was
00036 activated.
00037 */
00039 /*!
00040    macro that converts a callback data from a File Menu widget into the 
00041    index of the viewer containing it and the widget's SUMA_WIDGET_INDEX_FILE type
00042 */
00043 #define SUMA_VIEWER_FROM_FILEMENU_CALLBACK(data, isv, widtype) {\
00044          SUMA_MenuCallBackData *datap; \
00045          datap = (SUMA_MenuCallBackData *)data;  \
00046          isv = (int)datap->ContID; \
00047          widtype = (int)datap->callback_data; }
00050 #define SUMA_VIEWER_FROM_VIEWMENU_CALLBACK(data, isv, widtype) {\
00051          SUMA_MenuCallBackData *datap; \
00052          datap = (SUMA_MenuCallBackData *)data;  \
00053          isv = (int)datap->ContID; \
00054          widtype = (int)datap->callback_data; }
00055 /*!
00056 sets the select color of the widget to its foreground color */         
00057 #define SUMA_SET_SELECT_COLOR(m_w) {\
00058       Pixel m_fg_pix;  \
00059       XtVaGetValues (m_w, XmNforeground, &m_fg_pix, NULL);  \
00060       XtVaSetValues (m_w, XmNselectColor, m_fg_pix, NULL);  \
00061 }
00063 /*! set the string of a label , sa: SUMA_SET_LABEL_MAX*/
00064 #define SUMA_SET_LABEL(m_w, m_s) {\
00065    XmString m_str = XmStringCreateLocalized(m_s); \
00066    XtVaSetValues (m_w, XmNlabelString, m_str, NULL); \
00067    XmStringFree (m_str);   \
00068 }
00070 /*! set the string of a label, use a maximum of m_max chars*/
00071 #define SUMA_SET_LABEL_MAX(m_w, m_s, m_max) {\
00072    char m_tmp = '\0'; \
00073    XmString m_str ;   \
00074    if (strlen(m_s) >= m_max) { m_tmp = m_s[m_max-1]; m_s[m_max-1] = '\0'; } \
00075    m_str = XmStringCreateLocalized(m_s); \
00076    XtVaSetValues (m_w, XmNlabelString, m_str, NULL); \
00077    XmStringFree (m_str);   \
00078    if (m_tmp != '\0') m_s[m_max-1] = m_tmp;  \
00079 }
00081 #define SUMA_SET_TEXT_FIELD(m_w, m_s) {\
00082    XtVaSetValues (m_w, XmNvalue, m_s, NULL); \
00083 }
00085 /*! m_s is a char *. Do not allocate space for it, do not free it afterwards 
00086 */
00087 #define SUMA_GET_TEXT_FIELD(m_w, m_s) {\
00088    void *n; \
00089    XtVaGetValues (m_w, XmNvalue, &n, NULL); \
00090    m_s = (char *)n;  \
00091 }
00093 #define SUMA_SET_GL_PROJECTION(csv) {  \
00094    if (!csv->ortho) { \
00095       if (LocalHead) fprintf (SUMA_STDOUT,"%s: Setting up matrix mode and perspective ...\n", FuncName); \
00096       glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION); \
00097       glLoadIdentity ();   \
00098       gluPerspective((GLdouble)csv->FOV[csv->iState], csv->Aspect, SUMA_PERSPECTIVE_NEAR, SUMA_PERSPECTIVE_FAR); /*lower angle is larger zoom,*/   \
00099    }  else { \
00100       GLdouble m_sz = 0.5 *tan(SUMA_PI * csv->FOV[csv->iState] / 180.0)*csv->GVS[csv->StdView].ViewFrom[2];  \
00101       GLdouble m_szx = m_sz * csv->Aspect;   \
00102       GLdouble m_szy = m_sz ;   \
00103       if (LocalHead) fprintf (SUMA_STDOUT,"%s: Setting up matrix mode and orthographic projection (m_szx = %g, m_szy=%g)...\n", FuncName, m_szx, m_szy); \
00104       glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION); \
00105       glLoadIdentity ();   \
00106       glOrtho( -m_szx, m_szx, \
00107                -m_szy, m_szy, \
00108                SUMA_PERSPECTIVE_NEAR, SUMA_PERSPECTIVE_FAR); /*lower angle is larger zoom,*/   \
00109    }  \
00110 }
00112 #define SUMA_SET_GL_MODELVIEW(csv) {   \
00113    if (LocalHead) {  \
00114       int m_i; \
00115       fprintf(stdout,"Translation Vector: %f %f\n", \
00116          csv->GVS[csv->StdView].translateVec[0], csv->GVS[csv->StdView].translateVec[1]); \
00117       fprintf(stdout,"Rotation Matrix:\n");  \
00118       for (m_i=0; m_i<4; ++m_i){ fprintf(stdout, "%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\n",   \
00119          rotationMatrix[m_i][0], rotationMatrix[m_i][1], rotationMatrix[m_i][2], rotationMatrix[m_i][3]); }   \
00120    }  \
00121    glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);   \
00122    glPushMatrix();   \
00123    glTranslatef (csv->GVS[csv->StdView].translateVec[0], csv->GVS[csv->StdView].translateVec[1], 0.0);   \
00124    glTranslatef (csv->GVS[csv->StdView].RotaCenter[0], csv->GVS[csv->StdView].RotaCenter[1], csv->GVS[csv->StdView].RotaCenter[2]); \
00125    glMultMatrixf(&rotationMatrix[0][0]);  \
00126    glTranslatef (-csv->GVS[csv->StdView].RotaCenter[0], -csv->GVS[csv->StdView].RotaCenter[1], -csv->GVS[csv->StdView].RotaCenter[2]); \
00127 }   
00130 #define SUMA_MARGIN  1
00132 String *SUMA_get_fallbackResources ();         
00133 Boolean SUMA_handleRedisplay (XtPointer w);
00134 void SUMA_postRedisplay(Widget w, XtPointer clientData, XtPointer call);
00135 void SUMA_display(SUMA_SurfaceViewer *csv, SUMA_DO *dov);
00136 Colormap SUMA_getShareableColormap_Eng(XVisualInfo * vi, Display *dpy);
00137 Colormap SUMA_getShareableColormap(SUMA_SurfaceViewer * csv);
00138 void SUMA_graphicsInit(Widget w, XtPointer clientData, XtPointer call);
00139 void SUMA_expose(Widget w, XtPointer clientData, XtPointer call);
00140 void SUMA_resize(Widget w, XtPointer clientData, XtPointer call);
00141 SUMA_Boolean SUMA_X_SurfaceViewer_Create (void);
00142 void SUMA_ButtOpen_pushed (Widget w, XtPointer cd1, XtPointer cd2);
00143 void SUMA_ButtClose_pushed (Widget w, XtPointer cd1, XtPointer cd2);
00144 int SUMA_generateEPS(char *filename, int inColor, unsigned int width, unsigned int height);
00145 GLvoid *SUMA_grabPixels(int inColor, unsigned int width, unsigned int height);
00146 SUMA_Boolean SUMA_RenderToPixMap (SUMA_SurfaceViewer *csv, SUMA_DO* dov);
00147 void SUMA_context_Init(SUMA_SurfaceViewer *sv);
00148 SUMA_Boolean SUMA_GetSelectionLine (SUMA_SurfaceViewer *sv, int x, int y, GLdouble *Pick0, GLdouble *Pick1, 
00149                                     int N_List, int *xList, int *yList, GLdouble *Pick0List);
00150 void SUMA_cb_viewSurfaceCont(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer callData);
00151 void SUMA_cb_viewViewerCont(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer callData);
00152 void SUMA_cb_toggle_crosshair(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer callData);
00153 void SUMA_cb_toggle_node_in_focus(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer callData);
00154 void SUMA_cb_toggle_selected_faceset(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer callData);
00155 void SUMA_cb_viewSumaCont(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer callData);
00156 void SUMA_cb_createSumaCont(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer callData);
00157 void SUMA_cb_closeSumaCont(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer callData);
00158 Widget SUMA_GetTopShell(Widget w);
00159 void SUMA_cb_createViewerCont(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer callData);
00160 void SUMA_cb_closeViewerCont(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer callData);
00161 void SUMA_cb_XHlock_toggled(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer callData);
00162 void SUMA_cb_XHviewlock_toggled(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer callData);
00163 void SUMA_cb_closeSurfaceCont(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer callData);
00164 void SUMA_cb_createSurfaceCont(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer callData);
00165 void SUMA_cb_newSumaCont(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer callData);
00166 void  SUMA_cb_doneSumaCont(Widget wcall, XtPointer cd1, XtPointer cbs);
00167 void SUMA_quit_timeout_CB( XtPointer client_data , XtIntervalId * id );
00168 void SUMA_set_Lock_rb (SUMA_rb_group * Lock_rbg, int irb, int but);
00169 void SUMA_set_Lock_arb (SUMA_rb_group * Lock_rbg);   
00170 void SUMA_cb_XHaviewlock_toggled (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer callData);
00171 void SUMA_cb_XHalock_toggled (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer callData);
00172 void SUMA_set_LockView_atb (void);
00173 int SUMA_BuildMenu(Widget parent, int menu_type, char *menu_title, char menu_mnemonic, \
00174                      SUMA_Boolean tear_off, SUMA_MenuItem *items, void *ContID, 
00175                      char *hint, char *help,
00176                      Widget *MenuWidgets);
00177 void SUMA_cb_FileOpenSpec (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer callData);
00178 void SUMA_cb_FileOpenSurf (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer callData);
00179 void SUMA_cb_FileClose (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer callData);
00180 void SUMA_cb_FileSaveView (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer callData);
00181 void SUMA_cb_FileLoadView (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer callData);
00182 void SUMA_cb_moreSumaInfo (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer callData);
00183 void SUMA_cb_moreSurfInfo (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer callData);
00184 void SUMA_cb_moreViewerInfo (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer callData);
00185 void SUMA_ViewerInfo_destroyed (void *p);
00186 void SUMA_ViewerInfo_open (void *p);
00187 void SUMA_SumaInfo_destroyed (void *p);
00188 void SUMA_SumaInfo_open (void *p);
00189 SUMA_CREATE_TEXT_SHELL_STRUCT * SUMA_CreateTextShellStruct (void (*opencallback)(void *data), void *opendata, 
00190                                                             void (*closecallback)(void*data), void *closedata);
00191 SUMA_CREATE_TEXT_SHELL_STRUCT * SUMA_CreateTextShell (char *s, char *title, SUMA_CREATE_TEXT_SHELL_STRUCT *TextShellStruct);
00192 void SUMA_cb_search_text(Widget widget, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data);
00193 void SUMA_DestroyTextShell (Widget w, XtPointer ud, XtPointer cd);
00194 void SUMA_SurfInfo_open (void *SO);
00195 void SUMA_SurfInfo_destroyed (void *SO);
00196 void SUMA_cb_ToggleCaseSearch (Widget widget, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data);
00197 void SUMA_cb_helpUsage (Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer callData);
00198 void SUMA_cb_helpIO_notify(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer callData);
00199 void SUMA_cb_helpMemTrace(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer callData);
00200 char * SUMA_FormatMessage (SUMA_MessageData *MD);
00201 void SUMA_PopUpMessage (SUMA_MessageData *MD);
00202 void SUMA_cb_helpMessageLog (Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer callData);
00203 void SUMA_cb_helpSUMAGlobal (Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer callData);
00204 void SUMA_cb_helpViewerStruct (Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer callData);
00205 void SUMA_cb_helpSurfaceStruct (Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer callData);
00206 void SUMA_cb_SetRenderMode(Widget widget, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data);
00207 void SUMA_cb_ToolsDrawROI (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data);
00208 void SUMA_cb_CloseDrawROIWindow(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data);
00209 void SUMA_CreateDrawROIWindow(void);
00210 SUMA_Boolean SUMA_InitializeDrawROIWindow (SUMA_DRAWN_ROI *DrawnROI);
00211 SUMA_Boolean SUMA_OpenDrawROIWindow (SUMA_DRAWN_ROI *DrawnROI);
00212 void SUMA_cb_DrawROImode_toggled (Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer call_data);
00213 void SUMA_cb_DrawROIPen_toggled (Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer call_data);
00214 void SUMA_cb_AfniLink_toggled (Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer call_data);
00215 void SUMA_cb_DrawROI_Undo (Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer client_data);
00216 void SUMA_cb_DrawROI_Redo (Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer client_data);
00217 void SUMA_cb_DrawROI_Save (Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer client_data);
00218 void SUMA_cb_DrawROI_Load (Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer client_data);
00219 void SUMA_cb_DrawROI_setlabel (Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer client_data);
00220 void SUMA_CreateArrowField ( Widget pw, char *label,
00221                               float value, float vmin, float vmax, float vstep,
00222                               int cwidth, SUMA_VARTYPE type,
00223                               SUMA_Boolean wrap,
00224                               void (*NewValueCallback)(void * data), void *cb_data,
00225                               char *hint, char *help,
00226                               SUMA_ARROW_TEXT_FIELD *AF);
00227 void SUMA_CreateTextField ( Widget pw, char *label,
00228                               int cwidth, 
00229                               void (*NewValueCallback)(void *data),
00230                               char *hint, char *help,
00231                               SUMA_ARROW_TEXT_FIELD *AF);
00232 void SUMA_DrawROI_NewLabel (void * data);
00233 void SUMA_ATF_change_value (XtPointer client_data, XtIntervalId *id);
00234 void SUMA_ATF_start_stop (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data);
00235 void SUMA_DrawROI_NewValue (void * data);
00236 void SUMA_ATF_cb_label_change (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data);
00237 void SUMA_ATF_SetString (SUMA_ARROW_TEXT_FIELD * AF);
00238 void SUMA_ATF_SetValue (SUMA_ARROW_TEXT_FIELD * AF);
00239 void SUMA_ATF_cb_label_Modify (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data);
00240 void SUMA_leave_EV( Widget w , XtPointer client_data ,
00241                   XEvent * ev , Boolean * continue_to_dispatch );
00242 void SUMA_ATF_cb_label_Focus (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data);
00243 void SUMA_PositionWindowRelative (Widget New, Widget Ref, SUMA_WINDOW_POSITION Loc);
00244 void SUMA_cb_DrawROI_Finish (Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer client_data);
00245 void SUMA_cb_DrawROI_Join (Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer client_data);
00246 void SUMA_cb_DrawROI_SwitchROI (Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer call_data);
00247 void SUMA_cb_DrawROI_Delete(Widget wcall, XtPointer cd1, XtPointer cbs);
00248 void SUMA_delete_timeout_CB( XtPointer client_data , XtIntervalId * id );
00250 SUMA_LIST_WIDGET * SUMA_AllocateScrolledList (char *Label, int SelectPolicy, 
00251                                                 SUMA_Boolean RemoveDups, SUMA_Boolean ShowSorted,
00252                                                 Widget PosRef, SUMA_WINDOW_POSITION Pos,
00253                                                 void (*Default_cb)(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer calldata), void *DefaultData,
00254                                                 void (*Select_cb)(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer calldata), void *SelectData,
00255                                                 void (*CloseList_cb)(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer calldata), void *CloseListData);
00256 SUMA_Boolean SUMA_UpdateScrolledListData(SUMA_LIST_WIDGET *LW, void *Default_Data, void *Select_Data, void *CloseList_Data); 
00257 void SUMA_CreateScrolledList (    char **clist, int N_clist, SUMA_Boolean Partial, 
00258                                   SUMA_LIST_WIDGET *LW);
00259 void SUMA_cb_CloseSwitchROI(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer call_data);
00260 void SUMA_cb_SelectSwitchROI(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer call_data);
00261 void SUMA_FileSelection_popdown_cb (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data);
00262 void SUMA_FileSelection_file_select_cb(Widget dialog, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data);
00263 SUMA_SELECTION_DIALOG_STRUCT *SUMA_CreateFileSelectionDialog (char *title, SUMA_SELECTION_DIALOG_STRUCT **dlg);
00264 SUMA_SELECTION_DIALOG_STRUCT *SUMA_CreateFileSelectionDialogStruct (Widget daddy, SUMA_FILE_SELECT_MODE Mode, SUMA_Boolean preserve,
00265                                                                   void (*SelectCallback)(char *filename, void *data), void *SelectData,
00266                                                                   void (*CancelCallback)(void *data), void *CancelData,
00267                                                                   char *FilePattern,
00268                                                                   SUMA_SELECTION_DIALOG_STRUCT *dlg);
00269 void SUMA_FileSelection_Unmap_cb (Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data);
00270 void SUMA_FreeFileSelectionDialogStruct(SUMA_SELECTION_DIALOG_STRUCT *dlg);
00271 SUMA_PROMPT_DIALOG_STRUCT *SUMA_CreatePromptDialogStruct (SUMA_PROMPT_MODE Mode, char *TextFieldLabel, 
00272                                                          char *init_selection, 
00273                                                          Widget daddy, SUMA_Boolean preserve,
00274                                                          SUMA_PROMPT_BUTTONS Return_button,
00275                                                          void(*SelectCallback)(char *selection, void *data), void *SelectData,
00276                                                          void(*CancelCallback)(void *data), void *CancelData,
00277                                                          void(*HelpCallback)(void *data), void *HelpData,
00278                                                          int(*VerifyFunction)(char *selection, void *data), void *VerifyData,
00279                                                          SUMA_PROMPT_DIALOG_STRUCT *oprmpt);
00280 SUMA_PROMPT_DIALOG_STRUCT *SUMA_CreatePromptDialog(char *title_extension, SUMA_PROMPT_DIALOG_STRUCT *prmpt);
00281 const char * SUMA_PromptButtonLabel(SUMA_PROMPT_BUTTONS code);
00282 SUMA_Boolean SUMA_CreatePromptActionArea (SUMA_PROMPT_DIALOG_STRUCT *prmpt);
00283 void SUMA_PromptOk_cb (Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer calldata);
00284 void SUMA_PromptClear_cb (Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer calldata);
00285 void SUMA_PromptApply_cb (Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer calldata);
00286 void SUMA_PromptCancel_cb (Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer calldata);
00287 void SUMA_PromptHelp_cb (Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer calldata);
00288 void SUMA_PromptActivate_cb (Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer calldata);
00289 void SUMA_PromptUnmap_cb (Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer calldata);
00290 void SUMA_FreePromptDialogStruct(SUMA_PROMPT_DIALOG_STRUCT *prmpt);
00291 void  SUMA_cb_UnmanageWidget(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer client_data);
00292 void SUMA_ColPlane_NewOrder (void *data);
00293 void SUMA_ColPlane_NewOpacity (void *data);
00294 void SUMA_ColPlane_NewDimFact (void *data);
00295 void SUMA_cb_ColPlaneShow_toggled (Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer client_data);
00296 void SUMA_cb_ColPlaneShowOne_toggled (Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer client_data);
00297 void SUMA_cb_ColPlane_Delete(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer client_data);
00298 void SUMA_cb_ColPlane_Load(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer client_data);
00299 void SUMA_cb_Dset_Load(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer client_data);
00300 void SUMA_cb_SurfCont_SwitchColPlane(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer client_data);
00301 void SUMA_cb_CloseSwitchColPlane(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer call_data);
00302 void SUMA_cb_SelectSwitchColPlane(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer call_data);
00303 void SUMA_cb_ViewerCont_SwitchState (Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer call_data);
00304 void SUMA_cb_ViewerCont_SwitchGroup (Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer call_data);
00305 void SUMA_cb_SelectSwitchGroup(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer call_data);
00306 void SUMA_cb_CloseSwitchGroup(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer call_data);
00307 SUMA_Boolean SUMA_InitializeColPlaneShell(SUMA_SurfaceObject *SO, SUMA_OVERLAYS *ColPlane);
00308 SUMA_Boolean SUMA_UpdateColPlaneShellAsNeeded(SUMA_SurfaceObject *SO);
00309 SUMA_Boolean SUMA_RemixRedisplay (SUMA_SurfaceObject *SO);
00310 void SUMA_cb_SetDrawROI_SaveMode(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer call_data);
00311 void SUMA_cb_SetDrawROI_SaveWhat(Widget w, XtPointer data, XtPointer call_data);
00312 void SUMA_response(Widget widget, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data);
00313 int SUMA_ForceUser_YesNo(Widget parent, char *question, int default_ans, SUMA_WINDOW_POSITION pos);
00314 int AskUser(Widget parent, char *question, char *ans1, char *ans2, int default_ans);
00315 char * SUMA_ClassOf(int c);
00316 char * SUMA_Format(int n, int w);
00317 void SUMA_ShowAllVisuals (void); 
00318 int SUMA_ShowVisual (Display *dpy, XVisualInfo *vi, SUMA_Boolean ShowHead);
00319 int SUMA_AskUser_File_replace(Widget parent, char *question, int default_ans);
00320 void SUMA_WidgetResize (Widget New, int width, int height);
00321 void SUMA_LoadVisualState(char *fname, void *csvp);
00322 void SUMA_SaveVisualState(char *fname, void *csvp);
00323 void SUMA_LoadSegDO (char *s, void *csvp);
00324 void SUMA_SiSi_I_Insist(void);
00325 void SUMA_BuildMenuReset(int nchar);
00326 SUMA_Boolean SUMA_Init_SurfCont_SurfParam(SUMA_SurfaceObject *SO);
00327 SUMA_Boolean SUMA_World2ScreenCoords (SUMA_SurfaceViewer *sv, int N_List, double *WorldList, 
00328                                        double *ScreenList, int *Quad, SUMA_Boolean ApplyXform);
00329 SUMA_Boolean SUMA_DrawWindowLine(SUMA_SurfaceViewer *sv, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int meth);
00330 void SUMA_cb_SetDrawROI_WhatDist(Widget widget, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data);
00334 #define SUMA_DrawROI_ParentLabel_help  \
00335    "Label of the ROI's parent surface." 
00337 #define SUMA_DrawROI_DrawROIMode_help\
00338    "Toggles ROI drawing mode.\n" \
00339    "If turned on, then drawing is enabled \n"   \
00340    "and the cursor changes to a target. \n"  \
00341    "To draw, use the right mouse button. \n" \
00342    "If you want to pick a node without causing \n" \
00343    "a drawing action, use shift+right button."
00345 #define SUMA_DrawROI_PenMode_help\
00346    "Toggles Pen drawing mode\n"\
00347    "If turned on, the cursor changes shape to a pen. \n" \
00348    "In the pen mode, drawing is done with button 1. \n"  \
00349    "This is for coherence with AFNI's pen drawing mode, \n" \
00350    "which is meant to work pleasantly with a stylus directly \n"  \
00351    "on the screen. In pen mode, you draw with the left mouse \n"  \
00352    "button and move the surface with the right button. \n"  \
00353    "To pick a node, use shift+left button. \n"  \
00354    "Pen mode only works when Draw Mode is enabled."
00356 #define SUMA_DrawROI_AfniLink_help\
00357    "Toggles Afni Link for ROI drawing.\n" \
00358    "If turned on, then ROIs drawn on the surface are\n" \
00359    "sent to AFNI. \n"   \
00360    "Surface ROIs that are sent to AFNI are turned\n"  \
00361    "into volume ROIs (VOIs) on the fly and displayed \n" \
00362    "in a functional volume with the same colormap used in SUMA.\n"   \
00363    "The mapping from the surface domain (ROI) to the volume \n"   \
00364    "domain (VOI) is done by intersection of the first with \n" \
00365    "the latter. The volume used for the VOI has the same \n"   \
00366    "resolution (grid) as the Surface Volume (-sv option) \n"   \
00367    "used when launching SUMA. The color map used for ROIs \n"  \
00368    "is set by the environment variable SUMA_ROIColorMap."
00370 #define SUMA_DrawROI_Label_help  \
00371    "Label of ROI being drawn.\n" \
00372    "It is very advisable that you use \n" \
00373    "different labels for different ROIs. \n"  \
00374    "If you don't, you won't be able to \n"   \
00375    "differentiate between them afterwards."
00377 #define SUMA_DrawROI_Value_help  \
00378    "Integer value associated with ROI.\n" \
00379    "This value controls the color of the \n" \
00380    "ROI per the ROI colormap."
00382 #define SUMA_DrawROI_Undo_help   \
00383    "Undo the last action on the stack." 
00385 #define SUMA_DrawROI_Redo_help   \
00386    "Redo the last undone action."
00388 #define SUMA_DrawROI_Join_help   \
00389    "Join the first node of the ROI to the last,\n"   \
00390    "thereby creating a close contour ROI.\n" \
00391    "This is a necessary step before the filling\n" \
00392    "operation. Joining is done by cutting the surface\n"   \
00393    "with a plane formed by the two nodes\n"  \
00394    "and the projection of the center of your window.\n"  \
00395    "You could double click at the last node, if you don't\n"   \
00396    "want to use the 'Join' button." 
00398 #define SUMA_DrawROI_Finish_help \
00399    "Mark ROI as finished.\n" \
00400    "Allows you to start drawing a new one.\n"   \
00401    "Once marked as finished, an ROI's label\n" \
00402    "and value can no longer be changed.\n"   \
00403    "To do so, you will need to 'Undo' the \n"   \
00404    "finish action."
00406 #define SUMA_DrawROI_SwitchROI_help \
00407    "Allows you to switch between ROIs.\n"   \
00408    "This is where you'll suffer if ROIs \n"  \
00409    "on topologically isomorphic surfaces \n" \
00410    "share identical labels."
00412 #define SUMA_DrawROI_Load_help   \
00413    "Load a Drawn ROI.\n"   \
00414    "See BHelp for 'Save' below."
00416 #define SUMA_DrawROI_DeleteROI_help   \
00417    "Delete a drawn ROI.\n" \
00418    "This operation is not reversible,\n"  \
00419    "(no Undo here) so you'll have to click twice."
00421 #define SUMA_DrawROI_SaveFormat_help   \
00422    "File format for saving ROI:\n"  \
00423    "Format options are 1D and NIML. \n"   \
00424    "   The 1D format is the same one used in AFNI. \n"   \
00425    "It is an ASCII file with 2 values per line. The first \n"  \
00426    "value is a node index, the second is the node's value. \n" \
00427    "Needless, to say, this format does not support the storage \n"   \
00428    "of ROI auxiliary information such as Label and \n"   \
00429    "Parent Surface, etc... For that you'll have to use NIML.\n" \
00430    "   NIML is a whole different story which will be documented \n"  \
00431    "(if necessary) in the future. Suffice it to say that in NIML \n" \
00432    "format you can store all the auxiliary information about \n"  \
00433    "each ROI, unlike with the .1D format. "
00435 #define SUMA_DrawROI_SaveWhat_help  \
00436    "Which ROIs to save?\n" \
00437    "   This: saves the current ROI. \n"   \
00438    "   All: saves all ROIs on surfaces related to the Parent \n"  \
00439    "        surface of the current ROI."
00441 #define SUMA_DrawROI_WhatDist_help  \
00442    "Report length of drawn segments?\n" \
00443    "   -----: No distance calculations. \n"   \
00444    "   trace: Calculate distance along last\n"  \
00445    "          traced segment.\n" \
00446    "   all:   In addition to output from\n"  \
00447    "          'trace', calculate the shortest\n"   \
00448    "          distance between the first and \n"   \
00449    "          last node of the trace.\n"  \
00450    "   The results are output to the Message Log \n"  \
00451    "   window (Help --> Message Log) with the following\n" \
00452    "   information:\n"  \
00453    "   n0, n1: Indices of first and last node forming\n" \
00454    "           the traced path.\n"  \
00455    "   N_n:    Number of nodes forming the trace.\n"  \
00456    "   lt:     Trace length calculated as the sum\n"  \
00457    "           of the distances from node to node.\n"   \
00458    "           This length is a slight overestimation\n"  \
00459    "           of the geodesic length.\n" \
00460    "           Units for all distances is the same as\n" \
00461    "           the units for surface coordinates. Usually\n"   \
00462    "           and hopefully in mm.\n" \
00463    "   lt_c:   Trace length corrected by a scaling factor\n"  \
00464    "           from [1] to better approximate geodesic \n"  \
00465    "           distances. Factor is 2/(1+sqrt(2)).\n" \
00466    "           Do not use this factor when N_n is small. \n"\
00467    "           Think of the extreme case when N_n is 2.\n"   \
00468    "   sd:     Shortest distance on the mesh (graph) \n" \
00469    "           between n0 and n1 using Dijkstra's algorithm.\n"   \
00470    "   sd_c:   Corrected shortest distance as for lt_c.\n"  \
00471    "\n"  \
00472    "   Note 1: sd and sd_c take some time to compute. That is \n"  \
00473    "           why they are only calculated when you select 'all'.\n"   \
00474    "   Note 2: The output is formatted to be cut and pasted into\n"  \
00475    "           a .1D file for ease of processing.\n"  \
00476    "           You can include all the comment lines that\n"   \
00477    "           start with '#'. But you cannot combine entries\n"  \
00478    "           from the output obtained using 'all' option with \n" \
00479    "           those from 'trace' since they produce different \n"  \
00480    "           numbers of values.\n"  \
00481    "\n"  \
00482    "   [1] Fischl et al, Neuroimage 9, 195-207 1999, \n" \
00483    "       Cortical Surface-Based Analysis."
00485 #define SUMA_DrawROI_Save_help \
00486    "Save the Drawn ROI to disk.\n"  \
00487    "Choose the file format and what is to be\n"   \
00488    "saved from the two menus ahead.\n"  \
00489    "\n"  \
00490    SUMA_DrawROI_SaveFormat_help  \
00491    "\n"  \
00492    SUMA_DrawROI_SaveWhat_help
00494 #define SUMA_closeDrawROI_help  \
00495    "Close Draw ROI window.\n" \
00496    "Current settings are preserved for the \n"   \
00497    "next time you reopen this window."
00501 #define SUMA_help_help \
00502    "Click the hand\n"   \
00503    "on any button or \n"\
00504    "label, menu, etc. to\n"  \
00505    "get a little help."
00507 #define SUMA_closeSumaCont_help \
00508    "Close SUMA controller window.\n"   \
00509    "Current settings are preserved\n"\
00510    "when controller is reopened."
00512 #define SUMA_LockSumaCont_help   \
00513    "Set the Cross Hair lock \n"  \
00514    "between viewers.\n" \
00515    "- No Lock\n"  \
00516    "i Node index Lock\n"   \
00517    "c Coordinate Lock"
00519 #define SUMA_LockViewSumaCont_help  \
00520    "Lock the view point of \n"   \
00521    "all viewers."
00523 #define SUMA_viewerSumaCont_help   \
00524    "Opens a new Surface viewer window."  
00526 #define SUMA_closeSurfaceCont_help   \
00527    "Close Surface controller window.\n"   \
00528    "Current settings are preserved\n"\
00529    "when controller is reopened.\n"
00531 #define SUMA_closeViewerCont_help   \
00532    "Close Viewer controller window.\n"   \
00533    "Current settings are preserved\n"\
00534    "when controller is reopened.\n"
00537 #define  SUMA_moreViewerInfo_help  \
00538    "Opens a dialog with detailed\n" \
00539    "information about the surface\n"\
00540    "viewer.\n"
00542 #define SUMA_SurfCont_ColPlaneDim_hint \
00543    "Dimming factor to apply to colormap." \
00545 #define SUMA_SurfCont_ColPlaneOrder_hint \
00546    "Order of Dset's colorplane." \
00548 #define SUMA_SurfCont_ColPlaneOpacity_hint \
00549    "Opacity of Dset's colorplane." \
00551 #endif

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