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00001 /* merge.c - Functions which actually combine and manipulate GIF image data.
00002    Copyright (C) 1997-9 Eddie Kohler,
00003    This file is part of gifsicle.
00005    Gifsicle is free software; you can copy, distribute, or alter it at will, as
00006    long as this notice is kept intact and this source code is made available.
00007    Hypo(pa)thetical commerical developers are asked to write the author a note,
00008    which might make his day. There is no warranty, express or implied. */
00010 #include "config.h"
00011 #include "gifsicle.h"
00012 #include <assert.h>
00013 #include <stdio.h>
00014 #include <stdlib.h>
00015 #include <errno.h>
00016 #include <limits.h>
00017 #include <string.h>
00019 /* First merging stage: Mark the used colors in all colormaps. */
00021 void
00022 unmark_colors(Gif_Colormap *gfcm)
00023 {
00024   int i;
00025   if (gfcm)
00026     for (i = 0; i < gfcm->ncol; i++)
00027       gfcm->col[i].haspixel = 0;
00028 }
00030 void
00031 unmark_colors_2(Gif_Colormap *gfcm)
00032 {
00033   int i;
00034   for (i = 0; i < gfcm->ncol; i++)
00035     gfcm->col[i].pixel = 256;
00036 }
00039 static void
00040 mark_used_colors(Gif_Image *gfi, Gif_Colormap *gfcm)
00041 {
00042   Gif_Color *col = gfcm->col;
00043   int ncol = gfcm->ncol;
00044   byte have[256];
00045   int i, j, total;
00047   /* Only mark colors until we've seen all of them. The total variable keeps
00048      track of how many we've seen. have[i] is true if we've seen color i */
00049   for (i = 0; i < ncol; i++)
00050     have[i] = 0;
00051   for (i = ncol; i < 256; i++)
00052     have[i] = 1;
00053   total = 256 - ncol;
00055   /* Loop over every pixel (until we've seen all colors) */
00056   for (j = 0; j < gfi->height && total < 256; j++) {
00057     byte *data = gfi->img[j];
00058     for (i = 0; i < gfi->width; i++, data++)
00059       if (!have[*data]) {
00060         have[*data] = 1;
00061         total++;
00062       }
00063   }
00065   /* Mark the colors we've found */
00066   for (i = 0; i < ncol; i++)
00067     col[i].haspixel = have[i];
00069   /* Mark the transparent color specially */
00070   if (gfi->transparent >= 0 && gfi->transparent < ncol)
00071     col[gfi->transparent].haspixel = 2;
00072   /* 1.Aug.1999 - DO NOT clear transparent index if gfi->transparent isn't
00073      within bounds! Some smart GIF optimizers will write a small colormap, not
00074      including the transparent color. */
00075   /* 19.Aug.1999 - Don't need to set col[gfi->transparent].haspixel to 2 even
00076      if it's not within bounds! */
00077 }
00080 int
00081 find_color_index(Gif_Color *c, int nc, Gif_Color *color)
00082 {
00083   int index;
00084   for (index = 0; index < nc; index++)
00085     if (GIF_COLOREQ(&c[index], color))
00086       return index;
00087   return -1;
00088 }
00091 static int
00092 ensure_slot_255(Gif_Colormap *dest, int ncol)
00093 {
00094   Gif_Color *background = &dest->col[255];
00095   int i;
00096   for (i = 0; i < ncol; i++)
00097     if (GIF_COLOREQ(&dest->col[i], background))
00098       return ncol;
00099   return ncol + 1;
00100 }
00102 int
00103 merge_colormap_if_possible(Gif_Colormap *dest, Gif_Colormap *src)
00104 {
00105   Gif_Color *srccol = src->col;
00106   Gif_Color *destcol = dest->col;
00107   int ndestcol = dest->ncol;
00108   int dest_userflags = dest->userflags;
00109   int i, x;
00110   int trivial_map = 1;
00112   for (i = 0; i < src->ncol; i++) {
00113     if (srccol[i].haspixel == 1) {
00114       /* Store an image color cell's mapping to the global colormap in its
00115          `pixel' slot. This is useful caching: oftentimes many input frames
00116          will share a colormap */
00117       int mapto = srccol[i].pixel < 256 ? srccol[i].pixel : -1;
00119       if (mapto == -1)
00120         mapto = find_color_index(destcol, ndestcol, &srccol[i]);
00122       if (mapto == -1 && ndestcol == 255
00123           && (dest_userflags & COLORMAP_ENSURE_SLOT_255) != 0) {
00124         ndestcol = ensure_slot_255(dest, ndestcol);
00125         dest_userflags &= ~COLORMAP_ENSURE_SLOT_255;
00126         /* slot 255 might have been equal to `srccol[i]'! */
00127         if (ndestcol == 256 && GIF_COLOREQ(&destcol[255], &srccol[i]))
00128           mapto = 255;
00129       }
00131       if (mapto == -1 && ndestcol < 256) {
00132         /* add the color */
00133         mapto = ndestcol;
00134         destcol[mapto] = srccol[i];
00135         ndestcol++;
00136       }
00138       if (mapto == -1)
00139         /* check for a pure-transparent color */
00140         for (x = 0; x < ndestcol; x++)
00141           if (destcol[x].haspixel == 2) {
00142             mapto = x;
00143             destcol[mapto] = srccol[i];
00144             break;
00145           }
00147       if (mapto == -1)
00148         /* give up and require a local colormap */
00149         goto local_colormap_required;
00151       assert(mapto >= 0 && mapto < ndestcol);
00152       assert(GIF_COLOREQ(&destcol[mapto], &srccol[i]));
00154       srccol[i].pixel = mapto;
00155       destcol[mapto].haspixel = 1;
00156       if (mapto != i)
00157         trivial_map = 0;
00159     } else if (srccol[i].haspixel == 2)
00160       /* a dedicated transparent color; if trivial_map & at end of colormap
00161          insert it with haspixel == 2. (strictly not necessary; we do it to
00162          try to keep the map trivial.) */
00163       if (trivial_map && i == ndestcol) {
00164         destcol[ndestcol] = srccol[i];
00165         ndestcol++;
00166       }
00167   }
00169   /* success! save new number of colors */
00170   dest->ncol = ndestcol;
00171   dest->userflags = dest_userflags;
00172   return 1;
00174   /* failure: a local colormap is required */
00175  local_colormap_required:
00176   if (warn_local_colormaps == 1) {
00177     static int context = 0;
00178     warning("so many colors that local colormaps were required");
00179     if (!context)
00180       warncontext("(You may want to try `--colors 256'.)");
00181     warn_local_colormaps = 2;
00182     context = 1;
00183   }
00185   /* 9.Dec.1998 - This must have been a longstanding bug! We MUST clear
00186      the cached mappings of any pixels in the source colormap we
00187      assigned this time through, since we are throwing those colors
00188      away. We assigned it this time through if the cached mapping is >=
00189      dest->ncol. */
00190   for (x = 0; x < i; x++)
00191     if (srccol[x].haspixel == 1 && srccol[x].pixel >= dest->ncol)
00192       srccol[x].pixel = 256;
00194   return 0;
00195 }
00198 void
00199 merge_stream(Gif_Stream *dest, Gif_Stream *src, int no_comments)
00200 {
00201   int i;
00202   assert(dest->global);
00204   /* unmark colors in global and local colormaps -- 12/9 */
00205   if (src->global)
00206     unmark_colors_2(src->global);
00207   for (i = 0; i < src->nimages; i++)
00208     if (src->images[i]->local)
00209       unmark_colors_2(src->images[i]->local);
00211   if (dest->loopcount < 0)
00212     dest->loopcount = src->loopcount;
00214   if (src->comment && !no_comments) {
00215     if (!dest->comment) dest->comment = Gif_NewComment();
00216     merge_comments(dest->comment, src->comment);
00217   }
00218 }
00221 void
00222 merge_comments(Gif_Comment *destc, Gif_Comment *srcc)
00223 {
00224   int i;
00225   for (i = 0; i < srcc->count; i++)
00226     Gif_AddComment(destc, srcc->str[i], srcc->len[i]);
00227 }
00230 Gif_Image *
00231 merge_image(Gif_Stream *dest, Gif_Stream *src, Gif_Image *srci)
00232 {
00233   Gif_Colormap *imagecm;
00234   Gif_Color *imagecol;
00235   int islocal;
00236   int i;
00237   Gif_Colormap *localcm = 0;
00238   Gif_Colormap *destcm = dest->global;
00240   byte map[256];                /* map[input pixel value] == output pixval */
00241   int trivial_map = 1;          /* does the map take input pixval --> the same
00242                                    pixel value for all colors in the image? */
00243   byte used[256];               /* used[output pixval K] == 1 iff K was used
00244                                    in the image */
00246   Gif_Image *desti;
00248   /* mark colors that were actually used in this image */
00249   islocal = srci->local != 0;
00250   imagecm = islocal ? srci->local : src->global;
00251   if (!imagecm)
00252     fatal_error("no global or local colormap for source image");
00254   mark_used_colors(srci, imagecm);
00255   imagecol = imagecm->col;      /* may be changed by mark_used_colors */
00257   /* map[old_pixel_value] == new_pixel_value */
00258   for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
00259     map[i] = used[i] = 0;
00261   /* Merge the colormap */
00262   if (merge_colormap_if_possible(dest->global, imagecm)) {
00263     /* Create `map' and `used' for global colormap. */
00264     for (i = 0; i < imagecm->ncol; i++)
00265       if (imagecol[i].haspixel == 1) {
00266         map[i] = imagecol[i].pixel;
00267         if (map[i] != i) trivial_map = 0;
00268         used[map[i]] = 1;
00269       }
00271   } else {
00272     /* Need a local colormap. */
00273     int ncol = 0;
00274     destcm = localcm = Gif_NewFullColormap(0, 256);
00275     for (i = 0; i < imagecm->ncol; i++)
00276       if (imagecol[i].haspixel) {
00277         map[i] = ncol;
00278         if (ncol != i) trivial_map = 0;
00279         /* 19.Aug.1999- BUGFIX! color is only used if it was opaque */
00280         if (imagecol[i].haspixel == 1)
00281           used[ncol] = 1;
00282         localcm->col[ ncol++ ] = imagecol[i];
00283       }
00284     localcm->ncol = ncol;
00285   }
00287   /* Decide on a transparent index */
00288   if (srci->transparent >= 0) {
00289     int found_transparent = -1;
00291     /* try to keep the map trivial -- prefer same transparent index */
00292     if (trivial_map && !used[srci->transparent])
00293       found_transparent = srci->transparent;
00294     else
00295       for (i = destcm->ncol - 1; i >= 0; i--)
00296         if (!used[i])
00297           found_transparent = i;
00299     /* 1.Aug.1999 - Allow for the case that the transparent index is bigger
00300        than the number of colors we've created thus far. */
00301     if (found_transparent < 0 || found_transparent >= destcm->ncol) {
00302       Gif_Color *c;
00303       found_transparent = destcm->ncol;
00304       /* 1.Aug.1999 - Don't update destcm->ncol -- we want the output colormap
00305          to be as small as possible. */
00306       c = &destcm->col[found_transparent];
00307       if (srci->transparent < imagecm->ncol)
00308         *c = imagecol[srci->transparent];
00309       else
00310         c->haspixel = 2;
00311       assert(c->haspixel == 2 && found_transparent < 256);
00312     }
00314     map[srci->transparent] = found_transparent;
00315     if (srci->transparent != found_transparent) trivial_map = 0;
00316   }
00318   assert(destcm->ncol <= 256);
00319   /* Make the new image. */
00320   desti = Gif_NewImage();
00322   desti->identifier = Gif_CopyString(srci->identifier);
00323   if (srci->transparent > -1)
00324     desti->transparent = map[srci->transparent];
00325   desti->delay = srci->delay;
00326   desti->disposal = srci->disposal;
00327   desti->left = srci->left;
00328   desti->top = srci->top;
00329   desti->interlace = srci->interlace;
00331   desti->width = srci->width;
00332   desti->height = srci->height;
00333   desti->local = localcm;
00335   if (srci->comment) {
00336     desti->comment = Gif_NewComment();
00337     merge_comments(desti->comment, srci->comment);
00338   }
00340   Gif_CreateUncompressedImage(desti);
00342   {
00343     int i, j;
00345     if (trivial_map)
00346       for (j = 0; j < desti->height; j++)
00347         memcpy(desti->img[j], srci->img[j], desti->width);
00349     else
00350       for (j = 0; j < desti->height; j++) {
00351         byte *srcdata = srci->img[j];
00352         byte *destdata = desti->img[j];
00353         for (i = 0; i < desti->width; i++, srcdata++, destdata++)
00354           *destdata = map[*srcdata];
00355       }
00356   }
00358   Gif_AddImage(dest, desti);
00359   return desti;  
00360 }

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