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00001 #include <stdio.h>
00002 #include <time.h>
00003 #include <math.h>
00004 #include <string.h>
00006 /***************************************************
00007  * routines to do Unix style plot calls to produce *
00008  * PostScript code written to an output file!      *
00009  ***************************************************/
00011 /* user callable routines */
00013 void ps_move( int , int ) ;               /* move current position     */
00014 void ps_line( int , int , int , int ) ;   /* draw a line from a to b   */
00015 void ps_cont( int , int ) ;               /* draw a line from current  */
00016 void ps_point( int , int ) ;              /* draw a point              */
00017 void ps_label( char * ) ;                 /* draw a string (Courier)   */
00018 void ps_arc( int , int , int , int , int , int ) ;  /* draw an arc     */
00019 void ps_circle( int , int , int ) ;                 /* draw a circle   */
00020 void ps_erase( void ) ;                             /* new page        */
00021 void ps_linemod( char * ) ;                         /* line styles     */
00022 void ps_space( int , int , int , int ) ;            /* set plot space  */
00023 int  ps_openpl( char * ) ;                          /* open plot file  */
00024 void ps_closepl( void ) ;                           /* close plot file */
00025 void ps_setrgb( float , float , float ) ;           /* set color */
00026 void ps_setwidth( float ) ;                         /* set linewidth */
00027 void ps_rect( int,int,int,int ) ;                   /* filled rectangle */
00029 /* Fortran (via f2c) interface */
00031 void zzpsco_( float *, float *, float *) ;      /* set color   */
00032 void zzpsop_( char *cfl , int ncfl ) ;          /* open file   */
00033 void zzpsli_( int *, int *, int *, int *) ;     /* draw line   */
00034 void zzpsfr_( void ) ;                          /* finish page */
00035 void zzpscl_( void ) ;                          /* close file  */
00037 /* internal routines */
00039 void ps_maybe_stroke( void ) ;
00040 void ps_stroke( void ) ;
00041 int  ps_setfont( void ) ;
00042 void ps_prolog( void ) ;
00043 void ps_epilog( void ) ;
00044 void ps_clear( void ) ;
00046 /* global data */
00048 static int font;
00049 static int error;
00050 static int npages=0;
00051 static int cx,cy;
00052 static int ttcur=0;
00053 static int atcur=0;
00054 static int inpath=0;
00055 static int plot=0;
00056 static double scal=1.0;
00057 static int prolog_not_output = 1 ;
00058 static FILE *psfile = NULL ;
00059 static int psfile_ispipe = 0 ;  /* RWCox */
00061 /* routines */
00063 void ps_maybe_stroke( void )
00064 { if (inpath>100) ps_stroke();  }
00066 void ps_stroke( void )
00067 { fprintf( psfile , "S\n") ; atcur=inpath=0 ; }
00069 void ps_move( int ix , int iy )
00070 {
00071   if( atcur && cx == ix && cy == iy ) return ;
00072   cx = ix ;
00073   cy = iy ;
00074   ttcur=atcur=0;
00075 }
00077 void ps_line( int ix1 , int iy1 , int ix2 , int iy2 )
00078 { ps_move( ix1 , iy1 ) ;
00079   ps_cont( ix2 , iy2 ) ;
00080 }
00082 void zzpsli_( int *ix1 , int *iy1 , int *ix2 , int *iy2 )
00083 { ps_line( *ix1,*iy1 , *ix2,*iy2 ) ; }
00085 void ps_cont( int ix , int iy )
00086 { if (!inpath) fprintf( psfile , "NP ");
00087   if (!atcur) fprintf( psfile , "%d %d M\n",cx,cy);
00088   ps_move( ix , iy ) ;
00089   fprintf( psfile , "%d %d N\n",cx,cy);
00090   ttcur=0;
00091   atcur=plot=1;
00092   inpath++;
00093   ps_maybe_stroke() ;
00094 }
00096 void ps_rect( int x1,int y1 , int x2,int y2 )
00097 {
00098    if( inpath ) ps_stroke() ;
00099    fprintf( psfile , "NP ");
00100    fprintf( psfile , "%d %d M ",x1,y1);
00101    fprintf( psfile , "%d %d N ",x2,y1);
00102    fprintf( psfile , "%d %d N ",x2,y2);
00103    fprintf( psfile , "%d %d N ",x1,y2);
00104 #if 0
00105    fprintf( psfile , "%d %d N ",x1,y1);
00106 #endif
00107    fprintf( psfile , "F S\n") ;
00108 }
00110 void ps_point( int ix , int iy )
00111 { if (inpath) ps_stroke() ;
00112   ps_move( ix , iy ) ;
00113   fprintf( psfile , "%d %d %c\n",cx,cy,'P');
00114   ttcur=atcur=inpath=0;
00115   plot=1;
00116 }
00118 void ps_label( char * s )
00119 { int is ;
00120   char c ;
00122   if (inpath) ps_stroke() ;
00123   if (!ttcur) fprintf( psfile , "%d %d M\n",cx,cy);
00124   if (!font) font=ps_setfont();
00125   fprintf( psfile , "(");
00126   for( is=0,c=s[is] ; (c!='\0')&&(c!='\n') ; ++is,c=s[is] )
00127   {
00128     if (c=='(' || c==')' || c=='\\')putchar('\\');
00129     putchar(c);
00130   }
00131   fprintf( psfile , ") T\n");
00132   ttcur=plot=1;
00133   atcur=inpath=0;
00134 }
00136 #ifndef M_PI
00137 #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
00138 #endif
00140 void ps_arc( int x , int y , int x1 , int y1 , int x2 , int y2 )
00141 {  double dx , dy ;
00143    if (inpath) ps_stroke() ;
00144    dx=x1-x;
00145    dy=y1-y;
00146    fprintf( psfile , "%d %d %f ", x, y, sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) );
00147    fprintf( psfile , "%f ", (double)(atan2(dy,dx)/M_PI)*180.0 );
00148    dx=x2-x;
00149    dy=y2-y;
00150    fprintf( psfile , "%f ", (double)(atan2(dy,dx)/M_PI)*180.0 );
00151    plot=1;
00152    atcur=inpath=0;
00153 }
00155 void ps_circle( int x , int y , int r )
00156 {  fprintf( psfile , "%d %d %d C\n",x,y,r);
00157    plot=1;
00158 }
00160 void ps_erase( void )
00161 { ps_clear() ; }
00163 void zzpsfr_( void )
00164 { ps_erase() ; }
00166 void ps_linemod( char * s)
00167 { double pt ;
00168   pt = 1.0 / scal ;
00170   if (inpath) ps_stroke() ;  /* draw anything specified before setdash */
00172   if (strncmp(s,"solid",5) == 0) {
00173      fprintf( psfile , "[] 0 setdash\n") ;
00174   } else if( strncmp(s,"dotted",6) == 0 ) {
00175      fprintf( psfile , "[ %f %f ] 0 setdash\n" , 2.0*pt , 3.0*pt ) ;
00176   } else if( strncmp(s,"dotdashed",9) == 0 ) {
00177      fprintf( psfile , "[ %f %f %f %f ] 0 setdash\n" ,
00178             2.0*pt , 3.0*pt , 6.0*pt , 3.0*pt ) ;
00179   } else if( strncmp(s,"shortdashed",11) == 0 ) {
00180      fprintf( psfile , "[ %f %f ] 0 setdash\n" , 6.0*pt , 3.0*pt ) ;
00181   } else if( strncmp(s,"longdashed",10) == 0 ) {
00182      fprintf( psfile , "[ %f %f ] 0 setdash\n" , 9.0*pt , 4.5*pt ) ;
00183   } else {
00184      fprintf(stderr,
00185              "plotps: linestyle '%s' not implemented.\n",s);
00186      fprintf( psfile , "[] 0 setdash\n") ;
00187   }
00188 }
00190 void ps_space( int ix1 , int iy1 , int ix2 , int iy2 )
00191 { if( prolog_not_output ) ps_prolog() ;
00192   if (inpath) ps_stroke() ;
00193   fprintf( psfile , "initgraphics\n");
00194   fprintf( psfile , "1 setlinewidth\n");
00195   fprintf( psfile , "66 72 translate\n");
00196   scal=480.0/(ix2-ix1);
00197   fprintf( psfile , "%f %f scale\n",scal,480.0/(iy2-iy1));
00198   if (ix1 || iy1) fprintf( psfile , "%d %d translate\n",-ix1, -iy1);
00199   ps_linemod( "solid" ) ;
00200   atcur=inpath=font=0;
00201 }
00203 void ps_setwidth( float www )
00204 { if( inpath ) ps_stroke() ;
00205   fprintf( psfile , "%f setlinewidth\n" , www ) ;
00206 }
00208 void ps_setrgb( float rrr , float ggg , float bbb )
00209 { if( inpath ) ps_stroke() ;
00210   fprintf( psfile , "%f %f %f setrgbcolor\n" , rrr,ggg,bbb ) ;
00211 }
00213 void zzpsco_( float *rrr , float *ggg , float *bbb )
00214 { ps_setrgb( *rrr,*ggg,*bbb ) ; }
00216 int ps_setfont( void )
00217 {
00218     fprintf( psfile , "%f SF\n",12.0/scal);
00219     return 1;
00220 }
00222 int ps_openpl( char *fname )
00223 {
00224   if( strcmp(fname,"-") == 0 ){           /* 29 Nov 2002: to stdout */
00225     psfile = stdout ;
00226     psfile_ispipe = 0 ;
00227   } else if( fname[0] != '|' ){           /* normal file */
00228     psfile = fopen( fname , "w" ) ;
00229     psfile_ispipe = 0 ;
00230   } else {                                /* open a pipe */
00231     psfile = popen( fname+1 , "w" ) ;
00232     psfile_ispipe = 1 ;
00233   }
00234   if( psfile == NULL ) return 0 ;
00235   ps_prolog();
00236   return 1 ;
00237 }
00239 void zzpsop_( char *cfl , int ncfl )  /* RWCox */
00240 { int i ;
00241   char ccc[128] ;
00243   for( i=0 ; (i < 127) && (i < ncfl) && (cfl[i] != ' ') ; i++ ) {
00244      ccc[i] = cfl[i] ;
00245   }
00246   ccc[i] = '\0' ;
00247   ps_openpl( ccc ) ; if( psfile == NULL ) return ;
00248   ps_space( 0,0,4096,4096 ) ;
00249 }
00251 void ps_closepl( void )
00252 { ps_epilog();
00254   if( psfile == stdout ){                   /* 29 Nov 2002: don't close stdout */
00255     fflush(psfile) ;                        /*              just flush it */
00256   } else {
00257     if( ! psfile_ispipe ) fclose(psfile) ;
00258     else                  pclose(psfile) ;  /* RWCox */
00259   }
00261   psfile = NULL ; psfile_ispipe = 0 ;
00262 }
00264 static char *prolog_text[] = {
00265     "%%BoundingBox: 36 36 540 690",
00266     "%%Title: plotps output",
00267     "%%Creator: plotps 1.0 (RWCox)",
00268     "%%Pages: (atend)",
00269     "%%DocumentFonts: Times-Roman",
00270     "%%EndComments",
00271     "/S{stroke}bind def",
00272     "/F{fill}bind def" ,
00273     "/NP{newpath}bind def",
00274     "/M{moveto}bind def",
00275     "/N{lineto}bind def",
00276     "/A{NP arc S}bind def",
00277     "/C{0 360 A}bind def",
00278     "/P{1 0 360 A}bind def",
00279     "/T{show}bind def",
00280     "/CL{showpage}bind def",
00281     "/SF{/Times-Roman findfont exch scalefont setfont}bind def",
00282     "%%EndProlog",
00283     NULL
00284 };
00286 void ps_prolog( void )
00287 {
00288     time_t tt = time(NULL);
00289     char **p;
00291     fprintf( psfile , "%%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0\n%%%%CreationDate: %s", ctime(&tt));
00292     for (p = prolog_text;  *p;  p++)
00293         fprintf(psfile,"%s\n" , *p);
00294     font=0;
00295     prolog_not_output = 0 ;
00296 }
00298 void ps_clear( void )
00299 { if (inpath) ps_stroke() ;
00300   if (plot)
00301   {
00302     fprintf( psfile , "CL\n");
00303     npages++;
00304     atcur=inpath=ttcur=plot=0;
00305   }
00306 }
00308 #undef USE_EOT  /* RWCox */
00310 void ps_epilog( void )
00311 { ps_clear();
00312 #ifdef USE_EOT
00313   fprintf( psfile , "%%%%Trailer\n%%%%Pages: %d\n%c", npages,4); /* inc. EOT */
00314 #else
00315   fprintf( psfile , "%%%%Trailer\n%%%%Pages: %d\n", npages); /* no EOT */
00316 #endif
00317 }
00319 void zzpscl_( void )
00320 { ps_closepl() ; }

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