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00001 /*****************************************************************************
00002    Major portions of this software are copyrighted by the Medical College
00003    of Wisconsin, 1994-2000, and are released under the Gnu General Public
00004    License, Version 2.  See the file README.Copyright for details.
00005 ******************************************************************************/
00007 #include "thd_iochan.h"
00008 #include "Amalloc.h"
00009 #include <errno.h>
00011 static char *error_string=NULL ; /* 21 Nov 2001 */
00013 char *iochan_error_string(void){ return error_string; }
00015 #ifndef DONT_USE_SHM
00016 static int shm_RMID_delay = 0 ;  /* 12 Dec 2002 */
00017 #endif
00019 /*****************************************************************
00020   Routines to manipulate IOCHANs, something RWCox invented as
00021   an abstraction of socket or shmem inter-process communication.
00023   The function iochan_init creates an IOCHAN, and returns a
00024     pointer to it.
00025   The function iochan_goodcheck() checks if an IOCHAN is ready
00026     (connected at both ends); if not, it will wait until the
00027     connection is made, or until a given amount of time has passed.
00028   The functions iochan_readcheck() and iochan_writecheck() will
00029     check if an IOCHAN is good for I/O, and is ready to accept
00030     reads and writes, respectively.
00031   The functions iochan_send() and iochan_recv() will transmit
00032      and receive messages, respectively.  There are also
00033      the routines iochan_sendall() and iochan_recvall() that
00034      will block until the specified number of bytes is
00035      transmitted or received, respectively.
00036   The function iochan_ctl() allows control of internal IOCHAN
00037      parameters.
00039   Socket and shmem IOCHANs are not fully symmetric:
00040   * Sockets are bidirectional, but shmem IOCHANs can only
00041       communicate in one direction.
00042   * Sending data to a socket will result in all the data being
00043       transmitted, even if the process must block.  Sending
00044       data to a shmem may result in only part of the data
00045       being transmitted (if the buffer space available
00046       isn't big enough to hold the whole message).
00048   Shmem IOCHANs are implemented as a circular buffer with two
00049   int indices "bstart" and "bend"; the data between the
00050   bstart-th and bend-th bytes of the buffer (inclusive) are
00051   ready to be read.  Writing to the buffer involves increasing
00052   bend, and is done only by the "writing" process.  Reading from
00053   the buffer involves increasing bstart, and is done only by the
00054   "reading" process.  That is, the two processes do not write
00055   into the same control variables.  (Unless they both try to
00056   read AND write into the same IOCHAN.)
00058   June 1997:
00059   Shmem IOCHANs now can be bidirectional.  This is ordered
00060   by using the new "size1+size2" specification.
00061 ******************************************************************/
00063 /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/
00064 static int pron = 1 ;                             /* 22 Nov 2002 */
00065 void iochan_enable_perror( int q ){ pron = q; }   /* ditto */
00067 #undef DEBUG
00068 #ifdef DEBUG
00069 #  define PERROR(x) perror(x)
00070 #  define STATUS(x) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",x)
00071 #else
00072 #  define PERROR(x) do{ if(pron) perror(x); } while(0)
00073 #  define STATUS(x) /* nada */
00074 #endif
00075 /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/
00077 #include <signal.h>
00078 static int nosigpipe = 0 ;  /* 20 Apr 1997: turn off SIGPIPE signals */
00080 #define USE_SHUTDOWN
00081 #ifdef USE_SHUTDOWN
00082 #  define CLOSEDOWN(ss) ( shutdown((ss),2) , close((ss)) )
00083 #else
00084 #  define CLOSEDOWN(ss) close((ss))
00085 #endif
00087 /** this is used to set the send/receive buffer size for sockets **/
00089 #define SOCKET_BUFSIZE  (31*1024)
00091 /********************************************************************
00092   Routines to manipulate TCP/IP stream sockets.
00093 *********************************************************************/
00095 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------
00096    See if the given socket (sd) is ready to read.
00097    msec is the number of milliseconds to wait:
00098      zero ==> no waiting
00099      < 0  ==> wait until something happens
00101    Return values are
00102      -1 = some error occured (socket closed at other end?)
00103       0 = socket is not ready to read
00104       1 = socket has data
00105 ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00107 int tcp_readcheck( int sd , int msec )
00108 {
00109    int ii ;
00110    fd_set rfds ;
00111    struct timeval tv , * tvp ;
00113    if( sd < 0 ){ STATUS("tcp_readcheck: illegal sd") ; return -1 ; } /* bad socket id */
00115    FD_ZERO(&rfds) ; FD_SET(sd, &rfds) ;         /* check only sd */
00117    if( msec >= 0 ){                             /* set timer */
00118       tv.tv_sec  = msec/1000 ;
00119       tv.tv_usec = (msec%1000)*1000 ;
00120       tvp        = &tv ;
00121    } else {
00122       tvp        = NULL ;                       /* forever */
00123    }
00125    /** STATUS("tcp_readcheck: call select") ; **/
00127    ii = select(sd+1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, tvp) ;  /* check it */
00128    if( ii == -1 ) PERROR( "Socket gone bad? tcp_readcheck[select]" ) ;
00129    return ii ;
00130 }
00132 int tcp_writecheck( int sd , int msec )
00133 {
00134    int ii ;
00135    fd_set wfds ;
00136    struct timeval tv , * tvp ;
00138    if( sd < 0 ){ STATUS("tcp_writecheck: illegal sd") ; return -1 ; } /* bad socket id */
00140    FD_ZERO(&wfds) ; FD_SET(sd, &wfds) ;         /* check only sd */
00142    if( msec >= 0 ){                             /* set timer */
00143       tv.tv_sec  = msec/1000 ;
00144       tv.tv_usec = (msec%1000)*1000 ;
00145       tvp        = &tv ;
00146    } else {
00147       tvp        = NULL ;                       /* forever */
00148    }
00150    /** STATUS("tcp_writecheck: call select") ; **/
00152    ii = select(sd+1, NULL , &wfds, NULL, tvp) ;  /* check it */
00153    if( ii == -1 ) PERROR( "Socket gone bad? tcp_writecheck[select]" ) ;
00154    return ii ;
00155 }
00157 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------
00158   Version of recv() that will try again if interrupted by a signal
00159   before any data arrives.
00160 --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00161 #ifdef USE_TCP_RECV
00162 int tcp_recv( int s , void * buf , int len , unsigned int flags )
00163 {
00164    int ii ;
00166    while(1){
00167       ii = recv( s , buf , len , flags ) ;
00168       if( ii >= 0 )        return ii ;
00169       if( errno != EINTR ) return ii ;
00170    }
00171    return 0 ;
00172 }
00173 #endif
00175 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------
00176    Set a socket so that it will cutoff quickly when it is closed.
00177 --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00179 void tcp_set_cutoff( int sd )
00180 {
00181 #ifdef SO_LINGER
00182    { struct linger lg ;
00183      lg.l_onoff  = 1 ;
00184      lg.l_linger = 0 ;
00185      setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (void *)&lg, sizeof(struct linger)) ;
00186    }
00187 #endif
00188 #ifdef SO_REUSEADDR
00189    { int optval = 1;
00190      setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&optval, sizeof(optval)) ;
00191    }
00192 #endif
00193    return ;
00194 }
00196 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------
00197    Check if an already active socket is still alive.
00198    If it is dead, then readcheck will say we can read, but we
00199    won't actually get any bytes when we try (using peek mode).
00200    Returns 1 if things are OK, 0 if not.
00201 --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00203 int tcp_alivecheck( int sd )
00204 {
00205    int ii ;
00206    char bbb[4] ;
00208    ii = tcp_readcheck(sd,0) ;                 /* can I read?          */
00209    if( ii == 0 ) return 1 ;                   /* can't read is OK     */
00210    if( ii <  0 ) return 0 ;                   /* some error is bad    */
00211    errno = 0 ;
00212    ii = tcp_recv( sd , bbb , 1 , MSG_PEEK ) ; /* try to read one byte */
00213    if( ii == 1 ) return 1 ;                   /* if we get it, good   */
00214    if( errno ) PERROR("Socket gone bad? tcp_alivecheck") ;
00215    return 0 ;                                 /* no data ==> death!   */
00216 }
00218 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------
00219    Open a socket to the given host, to the given TCP port.
00220    Returns socket id; if -1, some error occured (e.g., nobody listening).
00221 --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00223 int tcp_connect( char * host , int port )
00224 {
00225    int sd , l ;
00226    struct sockaddr_in sin ;
00227    struct hostent *   hostp ;
00229    if( host == NULL || port < 1 ){ STATUS("tcp_connect: illegal inputs") ; return -1 ; }
00231    /** open a socket **/
00233    sd = socket( AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , 0 ) ;
00234    if( sd == -1 ){ PERROR("Can't create? tcp_connect[socket]"); return -1; }
00236    /** set socket options (no delays, large buffers) **/
00238 #if 0
00239    l = 1;
00240    setsockopt(sd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (void *)&l, sizeof(int)) ;
00241 #endif
00242    l = SOCKET_BUFSIZE ;
00243    setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (void *)&l, sizeof(int)) ;
00244    setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (void *)&l, sizeof(int)) ;
00246    /** set port on remote computer **/
00248    memset( &sin , 0 , sizeof(sin) ) ;
00249    sin.sin_family = AF_INET ;
00250    sin.sin_port   = htons(port) ;
00252    /** set remote computer **/
00254    hostp = gethostbyname(host) ;
00255    if( hostp == NULL ){
00256       PERROR("Can't lookup? tcp_connect[gethostbyname]"); CLOSEDOWN(sd); return -1;
00257    }
00258    sin.sin_addr.s_addr = ((struct in_addr *)(hostp->h_addr))->s_addr ;
00260    if( connect(sd , (struct sockaddr *)&sin , sizeof(sin)) == -1 ){
00261       PERROR("Can't connect? tcp_connect[connect]") ; CLOSEDOWN(sd); return -1;
00262    }
00264    return sd ;
00265 }
00267 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00268    Set up to listen for a connection on a given port.  This does not
00269    actually form the connection.  That must be done separately.
00270    Whether someone is trying to connect can be checked for with the routine
00271    "tcp_readcheck" and then accepted with "tcp_accept".
00273    The return value is the descriptor for the listening socket.
00274 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00276 int tcp_listen( int port )
00277 {
00278    int sd , l ;
00279    struct sockaddr_in sin ;
00281    if( port < 1 ){ STATUS("tcp_listen: illegal port") ; return -1 ; }
00283    /** open a socket **/
00285    sd = socket( AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , 0 ) ;
00286    if( sd == -1 ){ PERROR("Can't create? tcp_listen[socket]"); return -1; }
00288    /** set socket options (no delays, large buffers) **/
00290 #if 0
00291    l = 1;
00292    setsockopt(sd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (void *)&l, sizeof(int)) ;
00293 #endif
00294    l = SOCKET_BUFSIZE ;
00295    setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (void *)&l, sizeof(int)) ;
00296    setsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (void *)&l, sizeof(int)) ;
00298    /** set port on remote computer **/
00300    memset( &sin , 0 , sizeof(sin) ) ;
00301    sin.sin_family      = AF_INET ;
00302    sin.sin_port        = htons(port) ;
00303    sin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY ;  /* reader reads from anybody */
00305    if( bind(sd , (struct sockaddr *)&sin , sizeof(sin)) == -1 ){
00306       PERROR("Can't bind? tcp_listen[bind]"); CLOSEDOWN(sd); return -1;
00307    }
00309    if( listen(sd,1) == -1 ){
00310       PERROR("Can't listen? tcp_listen[listen]"); CLOSEDOWN(sd); return -1;
00311    }
00313    return sd ;
00314 }
00316 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
00317    Accept incoming connection on a socket.  Return value is the attached
00318    socket (which is not the original socket!).  If -1 is returned, some
00319    error occured.  If the accept works, then the original socket is
00320    still open and listening for further attachments.
00322    If hostname is not NULL, then the char * it points to will be filled
00323    with a pointer to the official name of the host that connected.
00325    If hostaddr is not NULL, then the char * it points to will be filled
00326    with a pointer to the Internet address (in 'dot' form) of the host that
00327    connected.
00329    Both the char * pointers returned are from malloc, and should be free-d
00330    when no longer needed.  If they aren't needed at all, just pass in NULL
00331    for these arguments.
00333    Note that this routine will block until somebody connects.  You can
00334    use tcp_readcheck(sd,0) to see if anyone is waiting to connect before
00335    calling this routine.
00336 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00338 int tcp_accept( int sd , char ** hostname , char ** hostaddr )
00339 {
00340    struct sockaddr_in pin ;
00341    int addrlen , sd_new ;
00342    struct hostent * hostp ;
00343    char * sout , * str ;
00345    /** accept the connection **/
00347    /** STATUS("tcp_accept: about to call accept") ; **/
00349    addrlen = sizeof(pin) ;
00350    sd_new = accept( sd , (struct sockaddr *)&pin , &addrlen ) ;
00351    if( sd_new == -1 ){ PERROR("Can't accept? tcp_accept"); return -1; }
00353    /** get name of connector **/
00355    if( hostname != NULL ){
00356       hostp = gethostbyaddr( (char *) (&pin.sin_addr) ,
00357                              sizeof(struct in_addr) , AF_INET ) ;
00358       if( hostp != NULL ){
00359          sout = (char *) malloc( strlen(hostp->h_name)+1 ) ;
00360          strcpy(sout,hostp->h_name) ;
00361       } else {
00362          sout = (char *) malloc( strlen("UNKNOWN")+1 ) ;
00363          strcpy(sout,"UNKNOWN") ;
00364       }
00365       *hostname = sout ;
00366    }
00368    /** get address of connector **/
00370    if( hostaddr != NULL ){
00371       str = inet_ntoa( pin.sin_addr ) ;
00372       sout = (char *) malloc( strlen(str)+1 ) ;
00373       strcpy(sout,str) ;
00374       *hostaddr = sout ;
00375    }
00377    return sd_new ;
00378 }
00380 /****************************************************************
00381   Routines to manipulate IPC shared memory segments
00382 *****************************************************************/
00384 /*---------------------------------------------------------------
00385    Convert a string to a key, for IPC operations.
00386 -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
00388 key_t string_to_key( char * key_string )
00389 {
00390    int ii , sum ;
00392    sum = 666 ;
00393    if( key_string == NULL ) return (key_t) sum ;
00395    for( ii=0 ; key_string[ii] != '\0' ; ii++ )
00396       sum += ((int)key_string[ii]) << ((ii%3)*8) ;
00398         if( sum  < 0 ) sum = -sum      ;
00399    else if( sum == 0 ) sum = 314159265 ;
00401    return (key_t) sum ;
00402 }
00404 #ifndef DONT_USE_SHM
00405 /*---------------------------------------------------------------
00406    Get a pre-existing shmem segment.
00407    Returns the shmid >= 0 if successful; returns -1 if failure.
00408 -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
00410 int shm_accept( char * key_string )
00411 {
00412    key_t key ;
00413    int   shmid ;
00415    key   = string_to_key( key_string ) ;
00416    shmid = shmget( key , 0 , 0777 ) ;
00417    return shmid ;
00418 }
00420 /*---------------------------------------------------------------
00421    Connect to, or create if needed, a shmem segment.
00422    Returns the shmid >= 0 if successful; returns -1 if failure.
00423 -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
00425 int shm_create( char * key_string , int size )
00426 {
00427    key_t key ;
00428    int   shmid ;
00430    key   = string_to_key( key_string ) ;
00431    shmid = shmget( key , size , 0777 | IPC_CREAT ) ;
00432    if( shmid < 0 ){
00433      PERROR("Can't create? shm_create") ;
00434      if( pron ) fprintf(stderr,"key_string=%s key=%d size=%d\n",
00435                         key_string , (int)key , size ) ;
00436    }
00437    return shmid ;
00438 }
00440 /*---------------------------------------------------------------
00441    Actually attach to the shmem segment.
00442    Returns the pointer to the segment start.
00443    NULL is returned if an error occurs.
00444 -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
00446 char * shm_attach( int shmid )
00447 {
00448    char * adr ;
00449    adr = (char *) shmat( shmid , NULL , 0 ) ;
00450    if( adr == (char *) -1 ){
00451      adr = NULL ; PERROR("Can't attach? shm_attach") ;
00452    }
00453    return adr ;
00454 }
00456 /*---------------------------------------------------------------
00457    Find the size of a shmem segment.
00458    Returns -1 if an error occurs.
00459 -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
00461 int shm_size( int shmid )
00462 {
00463    int ii ;
00464    struct shmid_ds buf ;
00466    if( shmid < 0 ) return -1 ;
00467    ii = shmctl( shmid , IPC_STAT , &buf ) ;
00468    if( ii < 0 ){ PERROR("Can't check? shm_size");  return -1; }
00469    return buf.shm_segsz ;
00470 }
00472 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
00473    Find the number of attaches to a shmem segment.
00474    Returns -1 if an error occurs (like the segment was destroyed).
00475 ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00477 int shm_nattach( int shmid )
00478 {
00479    int ii ;
00480    struct shmid_ds buf ;
00482    if( shmid < 0 ){ STATUS("shm_nattach: illegal shmid") ; return -1 ; }
00483    errno = 0 ;
00484    ii = shmctl( shmid , IPC_STAT , &buf ) ;
00485    if( ii < 0 ){
00486      PERROR("Has shared memory buffer gone bad? shm_nattach") ;
00487      return -1 ;
00488    }
00489    return buf.shm_nattch ;
00490 }
00492 #else  /** dummy functions, if SysV IPC shared memory isn't available */
00494 int    shm_nattach( int shmid )                   { return -1 ; }
00495 int    shm_size   ( int shmid )                   { return -1 ; }
00496 char * shm_attach ( int shmid )                   { return NULL;}
00497 int    shm_create ( char * key_string , int size ){ return -1 ; }
00498 int    shm_accept ( char * key_string )           { return -1 ; }
00500 #endif /* DONT_USE_SHM */
00502 /****************************************************************
00503   The IOCHAN routines, which call the tcp_ or shm_ routines,
00504   as needed.
00505 *****************************************************************/
00507 /*---------------------------------------------------------------
00508   Create an IOCHAN struct, and return a pointer to it.  NULL is
00509   returned if an error occurs.
00511   name = "tcp:host:port" to connect a socket to system "host"
00512              on the given port.
00513        = "shm:name:size" to connect a shared memory segment
00514              with the given name and size in bytes (size can
00515              end with K or M to denote kilobytes or megabytes).
00516              With this mode, the creator and acceptor processes
00517              cannot both read and write -- one of them must
00518              be the writing process (normally the creator),
00519              and one must be the reading process (normally
00520              the acceptor).
00521        = "shm:name:size1+size2" to connect a shared memory
00522              segment with buffers of length size1 and size2.
00523              The creator process will write to the size1 buffer
00524              and read from the size2 buffer.  The acceptor
00525              process will reverse this.
00527   mode = "create" to open a new channel
00528            * tcp: host must be specified
00529            * shm: size must be > 0
00530                   (if in the form size1+size2, both must be > 0)
00531        = "accept" to log into a channel created by someone else
00532            * tcp: host is ignored (but must be present)
00533            * shm: size is ignored (but must be present)
00534                   (similarly, size1+size2 must be present, but
00535                    their actual values are ignored)
00537   The inputs "host" (for tcp:) and "name" (for shm:) are limited
00538   to a maximum of 127 bytes.
00540   After an tcp: accept IOCHAN is good, then the string ioc->name
00541   contains the IP address of the connecting host, in "dot" form
00542   (e.g., ""); here, "ioc" is the IOCHAN * returned
00543   by this routine.
00544 -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
00546 IOCHAN * iochan_init( char * name , char * mode )
00547 {
00548    IOCHAN * ioc ;
00549    int do_create , do_accept ;
00551    /** 12 Dec 2002: check if shm_RMID_delay needs to be set **/
00553 #ifndef DONT_USE_SHM
00554    { static int first=1 ;
00555      if( first ){
00556        char *eee = getenv("IOCHAN_DELAY_RMID") ;
00557        shm_RMID_delay = ( eee != NULL && (*eee=='Y' || *eee=='y') ) ;
00558        first = 0 ;
00559      }
00560    }
00561 #endif
00563    /** check if inputs are reasonable **/
00565    error_string = NULL ;
00567    if( name == NULL || strlen(name) < 6 || strlen(name) > 127 ){
00568       error_string = "iochan_init: bad name" ; return NULL ;
00569    }
00571    if( mode == NULL ){
00572       error_string = "iochan_init: bad mode" ; return NULL ;
00573    }
00575    do_create = (strcmp(mode,"create") == 0 || strcmp(mode,"w") == 0) ;
00576    do_accept = (strcmp(mode,"accept") == 0 || strcmp(mode,"r") == 0) ;
00578    if( !do_create && !do_accept ){
00579       error_string = "iochan_init: bad mode" ; return NULL ;
00580    }
00582 #ifdef DEBUG
00583 fprintf(stderr,"iochan_init: name=%s  mode=%s\n",name,mode) ;
00584 #endif
00586    /***** deal with TCP/IP sockets *****/
00588    if( strncmp(name,"tcp:",4) == 0 ){
00589       char host[128] , * hend ;
00590       int  port=-1 , ii , jj ;
00592       /** find "host" substring **/
00594       hend = strstr( name+4 , ":" ) ;
00595       if( hend == NULL || hend-name > 128 ){
00596          error_string = "iochan_init: bad name" ; return NULL ;
00597       }
00598       for( ii=4 ; name[ii] != ':' ; ii++ ) host[ii-4] = name[ii] ;
00599       host[ii-4] = '\0' ;
00601       /** get "port" number **/
00603       port = strtol( name+ii+1 , NULL , 10 ) ;
00604       if( port <= 0 ){
00605          error_string = "iochan_init: bad port" ; return NULL ;
00606       }
00608       /** initialize IOCHAN **/
00610       ioc = (IOCHAN *) malloc( sizeof(IOCHAN) ) ;
00612       ioc->type     = TCP_IOCHAN ;   /* what kind is this? */
00613       ioc->port     = port ;         /* save the port #    */
00614       ioc->bufsize  = 0 ;            /* TCP has no buffer  */
00615       ioc->buf      = NULL ;
00616       ioc->sendsize = 0 ;            /* no upper limit */
00617       ioc->ioc2     = NULL ;         /* TCP has no second channel */
00619       /** attach to incoming call **/
00621       if( do_accept ){
00622          ioc->whoami = ACCEPTOR ;                         /* 24 June 1997 */
00623          ioc->id = tcp_listen( port ) ;                   /* set up to listen  */
00624          if( ioc->id < 0 ){                               /* error? must die!  */
00625             error_string = "iochan_init: tcp_listen fails" ;
00626             free(ioc) ; return NULL ;
00627          }
00628          ioc->bad = TCP_WAIT_ACCEPT ;                     /* not connected yet */
00629          ii = tcp_readcheck(ioc->id,1) ;                  /* see if ready      */
00630          if( ii > 0 ){                                    /* if socket  ready  */
00631             jj = tcp_accept( ioc->id , NULL,&hend ) ;     /* accept connection */
00632             if( jj >= 0 ){                                /* if accept worked  */
00633                CLOSEDOWN( ioc->id ) ;                     /* close old socket  */
00634                strcpy( ioc->name , hend ) ;               /* put IP into name  */
00635                free(hend) ; ioc->bad = 0 ; ioc->id = jj ; /* and ready to go!  */
00636             }
00637          }
00638          return ioc ;
00639       }
00641       /** place an outgoing call **/
00643       if( do_create ){
00644          struct hostent * hostp ;
00645          ioc->whoami = CREATOR ;                           /* 24 June 1997 */
00646          hostp = gethostbyname(host) ;                     /* lookup host on net */
00647          if( hostp == NULL ){                              /* fails? must die!   */
00648              error_string = "iochan_init: gethostbyname fails" ;
00649              free(ioc) ; return NULL ;
00650          }
00651          ioc->id  = tcp_connect( host , port ) ;           /* connect to host    */
00652          ioc->bad = (ioc->id < 0) ? TCP_WAIT_CONNECT : 0 ; /* fails? must wait   */
00653          strcpy( ioc->name , host ) ;                      /* save the host name */
00654          return ioc ;
00655       }
00656       return NULL ;  /* should never be reached */
00657    }
00659    /***** deal with shared memory segments *****/
00661    if( strncmp(name,"shm:",4) == 0 ){
00662       char key[128] , * kend , shm2[256] ;
00663       int  size=-1 , ii , jj , size2=-1 ;
00665 #ifdef DONT_USE_SHM
00666       return NULL ;        /* 18 Dec 2002 */
00667 #endif
00669       /** get keystring **/
00671       kend = strstr( name+4 , ":" ) ;
00672       if( kend == NULL || kend-name > 128 ){
00673          error_string = "iochan_init: bad name" ; return NULL ;
00674       }
00675       for( ii=4 ; name[ii] != ':' ; ii++ ) key[ii-4] = name[ii] ;
00676       key[ii-4] = '\0' ;
00678       /** get size **/
00680       size = strtol( name+ii+1 , &kend , 10 ) ;
00681       if( size < 0 || (size == 0 && do_create) ){
00682          error_string = "iochan_init: bad size" ; return NULL ;
00683       }
00684            if( *kend == 'K' || *kend == 'k' ){ size *= 1024      ; kend++ ; }
00685       else if( *kend == 'M' || *kend == 'm' ){ size *= 1024*1024 ; kend++ ; }
00687       /** 24 June 1997: get second size **/
00689       if( *kend == '+' ){
00690          size2 = strtol( kend+1 , &kend , 10 ) ;
00691          if( size2 < 0 || (size2 == 0 && do_create) ){
00692             error_string = "iochan_init: bad size2" ; return NULL ;
00693          }
00694               if( *kend == 'K' || *kend == 'k' ){ size2 *= 1024      ; kend++ ; }
00695          else if( *kend == 'M' || *kend == 'm' ){ size2 *= 1024*1024 ; kend++ ; }
00697          sprintf(shm2,"shm:%s++:%d",key,size2) ;  /* second channel spec */
00698       } else {
00699          shm2[0] = '\0' ;                         /* no second channel */
00700       }
00702       /** initialize IOCHAN **/
00704       ioc = (IOCHAN *) malloc( sizeof(IOCHAN) ) ;
00706       ioc->type = SHM_IOCHAN ;     /* what type is this? */
00707       strcpy( ioc->name , key ) ;  /* save the key name  */
00708       ioc->ioc2 = NULL ;           /* maybe reset below? */
00710       /** open the second channel, if any **/
00712       if( shm2[0] != '\0' ){
00713          ioc->ioc2 = iochan_init( shm2 , mode ) ;
00714          if( ioc->ioc2 == NULL ){
00715             error_string = "iochan_init: can't open shm2" ;
00716             free(ioc) ; return NULL ;
00717          }
00718 #ifdef DEBUG
00719          fprintf(stderr,"iochan_init: input=%s shm2=%s\n",name,shm2) ;
00720 #endif
00721       }
00723       /** attach to existing shmem segment **/
00725       if( do_accept ){
00726          ioc->whoami = ACCEPTOR ;          /* 24 June 1997 */
00727          for( ii=0 ; ii < 2 ; ii++ ){      /* try to find segment */
00728             ioc->id = shm_accept( key ) ;  /* several times       */
00729             if( ioc->id >= 0 ) break ;     /* works? break out    */
00730             iochan_sleep(1) ;              /* wait 1 millisecond  */
00731          }
00732          if( ioc->id < 0 ) ioc->id = shm_accept( key ) ; /* 1 last try? */
00734          if( ioc->id < 0 ){                       /* failed to find segment? */
00735             ioc->bad = SHM_WAIT_CREATE ;          /* mark for waiting        */
00737          } else {                                                /* found it?     */
00738             char * bbb ;
00739             bbb = shm_attach( ioc->id ) ;                        /* attach it     */
00740             if( bbb == NULL ){                                   /* can't? quit   */
00741                error_string = "iochan_init: shm_attach fails" ;
00742                iochan_close(ioc) ; return NULL ;
00743             }
00744             ioc->bstart  = (int *) bbb ;                         /* set start,    */
00745             ioc->bend    = (int *) (bbb + sizeof(int)) ;         /* end markers   */
00746             ioc->buf     = bbb + 2*sizeof(int) ;                 /* after markers */
00747             ioc->bufsize = shm_size(ioc->id) - 2*sizeof(int) ;   /* get its size  */
00748             if( ioc->bufsize <= 0 ){                             /* can't? quit   */
00749                error_string = "iochan_init: bufsize < 0" ;
00750                iochan_close(ioc) ; return NULL ;
00751             }
00752             ioc->bad = 0 ;                                       /* mark ready    */
00753          }
00754          return ioc ;
00755       }
00757       /** make a new shmem segment **/
00759       if( do_create ){
00760          char * bbb ;
00761          ioc->whoami = CREATOR ;                             /* 24 June 1997*/
00762          size    = size + 1 ;                                /* extra byte  */
00763          ioc->id = shm_create( key , size+2*sizeof(int) ) ;  /* create it   */
00764          if( ioc->id < 0 ){                                  /* can't? quit */
00765             error_string = "iochan_init: shm_create fails" ;
00766             iochan_close(ioc->ioc2) ; free(ioc) ; return NULL ;
00767          }
00768          bbb = shm_attach( ioc->id ) ;                       /* attach it   */
00769          if( bbb == NULL ){                                  /* can't? quit */
00770             error_string = "iochan_init: shm_attach fails" ;
00771             iochan_close(ioc) ; free(ioc) ; return NULL ;
00772          }
00773          ioc->bstart    = (int *) bbb ;                      /* init start, */
00774          ioc->bend      = (int *) (bbb + sizeof(int)) ;      /* end markers */
00775          *(ioc->bstart) = 0 ;
00776          *(ioc->bend)   = size-1 ;
00777          ioc->buf       = bbb + 2*sizeof(int) ;              /* I/O buffer  */
00778          ioc->bufsize   = size ;                             /* buffer size */
00779          ioc->bad       = (shm_nattach(ioc->id) < 2)         /* ready if    */
00780                           ?  SHM_WAIT_ACCEPT                 /* both are    */
00781                           :  0 ;                             /* attached    */
00782          return ioc ;
00783       }
00784       return NULL ;  /* should never be reached */
00785    }
00787    return NULL ;  /* should never be reached */
00788 }
00790 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00791   Check if the shmem segment is alive (has 2 attached processes).
00792   Returns 0 if not alive, 1 if life is happy.
00793 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00795 int shm_alivecheck( int shmid )
00796 {
00797    if( shmid < 0 ) return 0 ;
00798    return (shm_nattach(shmid) >= 2) ;
00799 }
00801 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
00802    Check if the given IOCHAN is ready for I/O.  If not, wait up to
00803    msec milliseconds to establish the connection to the other end;
00804    if msec < 0, will wait indefinitely.  Returns 1 if ready; 0 if not;
00805    -1 if an error occurs.  Possible errors are:
00806      + ioc was connected, and now has become disconnected
00807      + ioc is passed in as NULL
00808 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00810 int iochan_goodcheck( IOCHAN * ioc , int msec )
00811 {
00812    int ii , jj ;
00813    char * bbb ;
00815    /** check inputs for OK-osity **/
00817    error_string = NULL ;
00819    if( ioc == NULL ){
00820       error_string = "iochan_goodcheck: bad input" ; return -1 ;
00821    }
00823    /** if it was good before, then check if it is still good **/
00825    if( IOC_BAD(ioc) == 0 ){
00826       int ich = 1 ;
00828       if( ioc->type == TCP_IOCHAN ){
00829          ich = tcp_alivecheck(ioc->id) ;
00830       } else if( ioc->type == SHM_IOCHAN ){
00831          ich = shm_alivecheck(ioc->id) ;
00832          if( ich && ioc->ioc2 != NULL )
00833             ich = shm_alivecheck(ioc->ioc2->id) ;
00834       }
00836       if( ich == 0 ){
00837          error_string = "iochan_goodcheck: no longer alive" ; return -1 ;
00838       }
00839       else
00840          return 1 ;
00841    }
00843    /** wasn't good before, so check if that condition has changed **/
00845    /** TCP/IP waiting to accept call from another host **/
00847    if( ioc->bad == TCP_WAIT_ACCEPT ){
00848       ii = tcp_readcheck(ioc->id,msec) ;               /* see if ready      */
00849       if( ii > 0 ){                                    /* if socket  ready  */
00850          STATUS("iochan_goodcheck: try to accept tcp");
00851          jj = tcp_accept( ioc->id , NULL,&bbb ) ;      /* accept connection */
00852          if( jj >= 0 ){                                /* if accept worked  */
00853             STATUS("iochan_goodcheck: accept worked!") ;
00854             CLOSEDOWN( ioc->id ) ;                     /* close old socket  */
00855             strcpy( ioc->name , bbb ) ;                /* put IP into name  */
00856             free(bbb) ; ioc->bad = 0 ; ioc->id = jj ;  /* and ready to go!  */
00857          } else {
00858            STATUS("iochan_goodcheck: accept failed!") ;
00859          }
00860       }
00861    }
00863    /** TCP/IP waiting to connect call to another host **/
00865    else if( ioc->bad == TCP_WAIT_CONNECT ){
00866       int dms=0 , ms ;
00868       if( msec < 0 ) msec = 999999999 ;      /* a long time (11+ days) */
00869       for( ms=0 ; ms < msec ; ms += dms ){
00870          ioc->id  = tcp_connect( ioc->name , ioc->port ) ; /* try to connect to host */
00871          if( ioc->id >= 0 ) break ;                        /* worked? break out      */
00872          dms = NEXTDMS(dms) ; dms = MIN(dms,msec-ms) ; iochan_sleep(dms) ;
00873       }
00874       if( ioc->id < 0 )                                    /* one last try?          */
00875          ioc->id  = tcp_connect( ioc->name , ioc->port ) ;
00877       if( ioc->id >= 0 ) ioc->bad = 0 ;                    /* succeeded?             */
00878    }
00880    /** shmem segment waiting for creation (by someone else) **/
00882    else if( ioc->bad == SHM_WAIT_CREATE ){
00883       int dms=0 , ms ;
00885       if( msec < 0 ) msec = 999999999 ;      /* a long time (11+ days) */
00886       for( ms=0 ; ms < msec ; ms += dms ){
00887          ioc->id = shm_accept( ioc->name ) ;  /* try to attach to shmem segment */
00888          if( ioc->id >= 0 ) break ;           /* works? break out               */
00889          dms = NEXTDMS(dms) ; dms = MIN(dms,msec-ms) ; iochan_sleep(dms) ;
00890       }
00891       if( ioc->id < 0 )                       /* one last try?                  */
00892          ioc->id = shm_accept( ioc->name ) ;
00894       if( ioc->id >= 0 ){                                     /* found it?     */
00895          char * bbb ;
00896          bbb          = shm_attach( ioc->id ) ;               /* attach it     */
00897          ioc->bstart  = (int *) bbb ;                         /* set start,    */
00898          ioc->bend    = (int *) (bbb + sizeof(int)) ;         /* end markers   */
00899          ioc->buf     = bbb + 2*sizeof(int) ;                 /* after markers */
00900          ioc->bufsize = shm_size(ioc->id) - 2*sizeof(int) ;   /* get its size  */
00901          ioc->bad     = 0 ;                                   /* mark ready    */
00902       }
00903    }
00905    /** shmem segment we created waiting for someone else to attach **/
00907    else if( ioc->bad == SHM_WAIT_ACCEPT ){
00908       int dms=0 , ms ;
00910       if( msec < 0 ) msec = 999999999 ;      /* a long time (11+ days) */
00911       for( ms=0 ; ms < msec ; ms += dms ){
00912          if( shm_nattach(ioc->id) > 1 ){ ioc->bad = 0 ; break ; }
00913          dms = NEXTDMS(dms) ; dms = MIN(dms,msec-ms) ; iochan_sleep(dms) ;
00914       }
00915       if( ioc->bad && shm_nattach(ioc->id) > 1 ) ioc->bad = 0 ;
00916    }
00918    /** if there is a second channel, check it too **/
00920    if( ioc->ioc2 != NULL && ioc->ioc2->bad != 0 )
00921       iochan_goodcheck( ioc->ioc2 , msec ) ;
00923    return ( IOC_BAD(ioc) == 0 ) ;
00924 }
00926 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00927   Close an IOCHAN.  Note that this will free what ioc points to.
00928   Use the IOCHAN_CLOSE macro to also set the pointer "ioc" to NULL.
00929 -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00931 void iochan_close( IOCHAN * ioc )
00932 {
00933    if( ioc == NULL ) return ;
00935    if( ioc->ioc2 != NULL ) iochan_close(ioc->ioc2) ;
00937    if( ioc->type == TCP_IOCHAN ){
00938       if( ioc->id >= 0 ) CLOSEDOWN(ioc->id) ;
00939    }
00941    else if( ioc->type == SHM_IOCHAN ){
00942 #ifndef DONT_USE_SHM
00943       if( ioc->id >= 0 ){
00944          shmdt( (char *) ioc->bstart ) ;       /* detach */
00945                                                /* then kill */
00946          if( !shm_RMID_delay || shm_nattach(ioc->id) < 1 )
00947            shmctl( ioc->id , IPC_RMID , NULL ) ;
00948       }
00949 #endif
00950    }
00952    free( ioc ) ; return ;
00953 }
00955 void iochan_set_cutoff( IOCHAN * ioc )
00956 {
00957    if( ioc == NULL ) return ;
00959    if( ioc->type == TCP_IOCHAN && ioc->id >= 0 ) tcp_set_cutoff( ioc->id ) ;
00960    return ;
00961 }
00963 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00964   Check if the IOCHAN is ready to have data read out of it.
00965   If not, the routine will wait up to msec milliseconds for data to be
00966   available.  If msec < 0, this routine will wait indefinitely.
00967   For sockets, the return value is 1 if data is ready, 0 if not
00968   (for sockets, no indication of how much can be read is available).
00969   For shmem segments, the return value is how many bytes can be
00970   read (0 if none are available).
00971   -1 will be returned if some unrecoverable error is detected.
00972 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00974 int iochan_readcheck( IOCHAN * ioc , int msec )
00975 {
00976    int ii ;
00978    /** check if the IOCHAN is good **/
00980    error_string = NULL ;
00982    ii = iochan_goodcheck(ioc,0) ;
00983    if( ii == -1 ) return -1 ;            /* some error */
00984    if( ii == 0  ){                       /* not good yet */
00985       ii = iochan_goodcheck(ioc,msec) ;  /* so wait for it to get good */
00986       if( ii != 1 ) return 0 ;           /* if still not good, exit */
00987    }
00989    /** tcp: ==> just use the Unix "select" mechanism **/
00991    if( ioc->type == TCP_IOCHAN ){
00992       ii = tcp_alivecheck( ioc->id ) ; if( !ii ) return -1 ;
00993       ii = tcp_readcheck( ioc->id , msec ) ;
00994       if( ii < 0 ) error_string = "iochan_readcheck: socket is bad" ;
00995       return ii ;
00996    }
00998    /** shm: ==> must loop and wait ourselves **/
01000    if( ioc->type == SHM_IOCHAN ){
01001       int nread , dms=0 , ms ;
01003       if( msec < 0 ) msec = 999999999 ;      /* a long time (11+ days) */
01005       /** Compute the number of readable bytes into nread.  This routine
01006           should be called by the "reading" process.  It will then
01007           be waiting until the "writing" process increments ioc->bend.   **/
01009       ioc = SHMIOC_READ(ioc) ;  /* 24 June 1997 */
01011       for( ms=0 ; ms < msec ; ms += dms ){
01012          nread = (*(ioc->bend) - *(ioc->bstart) + ioc->bufsize + 1) % (ioc->bufsize) ;
01013          if( nread > 0 ) return nread ;
01014          dms = NEXTDMS(dms) ; dms = MIN(dms,msec-ms) ; iochan_sleep(dms) ;
01015          ii = iochan_goodcheck(ioc,0) ; if( ii == -1 ) return -1 ;
01016       }
01017       nread = (*(ioc->bend) - *(ioc->bstart) + ioc->bufsize + 1) % (ioc->bufsize) ;
01018       if( nread > 0 ) return nread ;
01019       return 0 ;
01020    }
01022    return -1 ;  /* should never be reached */
01023 }
01025 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
01026    Read and discard data from the IOCHAN until it is clear.
01027    Returns -1 if an error occurs, otherwise returns the number
01028    of bytes discarded (which may be 0).
01029 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
01031 #define QBUF 1024
01033 int iochan_force_clear( IOCHAN * ioc )
01034 {
01035    int ii , ntot = 0 ;
01036    char qbuf[QBUF] ;
01038    do{
01039       ii = iochan_readcheck(ioc,0) ;
01040       if( ii == -1 ) return -1 ;
01041       if( ii ==  0 ) return  ntot ;
01043       ii = iochan_recv( ioc , qbuf , QBUF ) ;
01044       if( ii == -1 ) return -1 ;
01045       ntot += ii ;
01047    } while( 1 ) ;  /** loop until readcheck says no data available **/
01049    return -1 ;  /* should not be reached */
01050 }
01052 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
01053   Check if the IOCHAN is clear -- that is, if the data sent to it
01054   has already been read.  This is logically impossible for a TCP
01055   channel, so will normally only be used for shmem segments.  It
01056   would be called by the writer process to see if the reader process
01057   has cleared the data all out.
01058   Will return 1 if clear, 0 if not clear, and -1 if some error occurs.
01059 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
01061 int iochan_clearcheck( IOCHAN * ioc , int msec )
01062 {
01063    int ii ;
01065    /** check if the IOCHAN is good **/
01067    error_string = NULL ;
01069    ii = iochan_goodcheck(ioc,0) ;
01070    if( ii == -1 ) return -1 ;            /* some error */
01071    if( ii == 0  ) return  1 ;            /* not good yet, so can be no data */
01073    /** tcp: ==> use the Unix "select" mechanism **/
01075    if( ioc->type == TCP_IOCHAN ) return ( tcp_readcheck(ioc->id,msec) == 0 ) ;
01077    /** shm: ==> must loop and wait ourselves **/
01079    if( ioc->type == SHM_IOCHAN ){
01080       int nread , dms=0 , ms ;
01082       if( msec < 0 ) msec = 999999999 ;      /* a long time (11+ days) */
01084       ioc = SHMIOC_WRITE(ioc) ;  /* 24 June 1997 */
01086       for( ms=0 ; ms < msec ; ms += dms ){
01087          nread = (*(ioc->bend) - *(ioc->bstart) + ioc->bufsize + 1) % (ioc->bufsize) ;
01088          if( nread == 0 ) return 1 ;
01089          dms = NEXTDMS(dms) ; dms = MIN(dms,msec-ms) ; iochan_sleep(dms) ;
01090          ii = iochan_goodcheck(ioc,0) ; if( ii == -1 ) return -1 ;
01091       }
01092       nread = (*(ioc->bend) - *(ioc->bstart) + ioc->bufsize + 1) % (ioc->bufsize) ;
01093       return (nread == 0) ;
01094    }
01096    return -1 ;  /* should never be reached */
01097 }
01099 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
01100   Check if the IOCHAN is ready to have data written into it.
01101   If not, the routine will wait up to msec milliseconds for writing to
01102   be allowable.  If msec < 0, this routine will wait indefinitely.
01103   For sockets, the return value is 1 if data can be sent, 0 if not
01104   (for sockets, no indication is given of how much data can be sent).
01105   For shmem segments, the return value is the number of bytes that
01106   can be sent (0 if none, positive if some).
01107   -1 will be returned if some unrecoverable error is detected.
01108 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
01110 int iochan_writecheck( IOCHAN * ioc , int msec )
01111 {
01112    int ii ;
01114    /** check if the IOCHAN is good **/
01116    error_string = NULL ;
01118    ii = iochan_goodcheck(ioc,0) ;
01119    if( ii == -1 ) return -1 ;            /* some error */
01120    if( ii == 0  ){                       /* not good yet */
01121       ii = iochan_goodcheck(ioc,msec) ;  /* so wait for it to get good */
01122       if( ii != 1 ) return ii ;          /* if still not good, exit */
01123    }
01125    /** tcp: ==> just use the Unix "select" mechanism **/
01127    if( ioc->type == TCP_IOCHAN ){
01128       ii = tcp_writecheck( ioc->id , msec ) ;
01129       if( ii == -1 ) error_string = "iochan_writecheck: socket not ready" ;
01130       return ii ;
01131    }
01133    /** shm: ==> must loop and wait ourselves **/
01135    if( ioc->type == SHM_IOCHAN ){
01136       int nread , dms=0 , ms , nwrite ;
01138       if( msec < 0 ) msec = 999999999 ;      /* a long time (11+ days) */
01140       ioc = SHMIOC_WRITE(ioc) ;  /* 24 June 1997 */
01142       /** This routine is called by the "writing" process.  It will
01143           wait until the reading process increments ioc->bstart.    **/
01145       for( ms=0 ; ms < msec ; ms += dms ){
01146          nread = (*(ioc->bend) - *(ioc->bstart) + ioc->bufsize + 1) % (ioc->bufsize) ;
01147          nwrite = ioc->bufsize - 1 - nread ;
01148          if( nwrite > 0 ) return nwrite ;
01149          dms = NEXTDMS(dms) ; dms = MIN(dms,msec-ms) ; iochan_sleep(dms) ;
01150          ii = iochan_goodcheck(ioc,0) ; if( ii == -1 ) return -1 ;
01151       }
01152       nread = (*(ioc->bend) - *(ioc->bstart) + ioc->bufsize + 1) % (ioc->bufsize) ;
01153       nwrite = ioc->bufsize - 1 - nread ;
01154       if( nwrite > 0 ) return nwrite ;
01155       return 0 ;
01156    }
01158    return -1 ;  /* should never be reached */
01159 }
01161 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
01162   Send (at most) nbytes of data from buffer down the IOCHAN.  Return value is
01163   the number of bytes actually sent, or is -1 if some error occurs.
01164   (Zero bytes might be sent under some circumstances.)
01166   Tcp: IOCHANs use blocking sends, so that all the data should be
01167        sent properly unless the connection to the other end fails for some
01168        reason.
01170   Shm: IOCHANs may not be able to send all the data, if the buffer is
01171        nearly full.  This function will send what it can, and return
01172        immediately (will not wait for space to clear up).  If no space is
01173        available in the buffer, nothing will be sent (0 will be returned).
01174 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
01176 int iochan_send( IOCHAN * ioc , char * buffer , int nbytes )
01177 {
01178    int ii ;
01180    /** check for reasonable inputs **/
01182    error_string = NULL ;
01184    if( ioc    == NULL || IOC_BAD(ioc) != 0 ||
01185        buffer == NULL || nbytes < 0          ){
01187      error_string = "iochan_send: bad inputs" ; return -1 ;
01188    }
01190    if( nbytes == 0 ) return 0 ;
01192    ii = iochan_goodcheck(ioc,0) ;
01193    if( ii != 1 ){
01194       if( error_string == NULL )
01195          error_string = "iochan_send: iochan_goodcheck fails" ;
01196       return ii ;
01197    }
01199    ii = iochan_writecheck(ioc,1) ;
01200    if( ii <= 0 ){
01201       if( error_string == NULL )
01202          error_string = "iochan_send: iochan_writecheck fails" ;
01203       return ii ;
01204    }
01206    /** tcp: ==> just use send **/
01208    if( ioc->type == TCP_IOCHAN ){
01209       if( !nosigpipe ){ signal( SIGPIPE , SIG_IGN ) ; nosigpipe = 1 ; }
01211       if( ioc->sendsize <= 0 || nbytes <= ioc->sendsize ){
01212          int nsent = send( ioc->id , buffer , nbytes , 0 ) ;
01213          if( nsent == -1 ) PERROR("Can't use socket? tcp[send]") ;
01214          if( nsent < 0 ) error_string = "iochan_send: tcp send fails" ;
01215          return nsent ;
01216       } else {
01217          int nsent , ntosend , ntot = 0 ;
01218          do{
01219             while( tcp_writecheck(ioc->id,1) == 0 ) ;      /* spin */
01220             ntosend = MIN( ioc->sendsize , nbytes-ntot ) ;
01221             nsent   = send( ioc->id , buffer+ntot , ntosend , 0 ) ;
01222             if( nsent == -1 ) PERROR("Can't use socket? tcp[send]") ;
01223             if( nsent <= 0 ){
01224                error_string = "iochan_send: tcp send fails" ;
01225                return ((ntot>0) ? ntot : nsent) ;
01226             }
01227             ntot += nsent ;
01228          } while( ntot < nbytes ) ;
01229          return ntot ;
01230       }
01231    }
01233    /** shm: ==> write into the circular buffer, past "bend" **/
01235    if( ioc->type == SHM_IOCHAN ){
01236       int nread,nwrite , bend,bstart , ebot,etop , size ;
01238       ioc = SHMIOC_WRITE(ioc) ;  /* 24 June 1997 */
01240       bend   = *(ioc->bend) ; bstart = *(ioc->bstart) ; size = ioc->bufsize ;
01241       nread  = ( bend - bstart + size + 1 ) % size ;  /* amount readable  */
01242       nwrite = size - 1 - nread ;                     /* amount writeable */
01243       if( nwrite <= 0 ) return 0 ;                    /* can't write!     */
01245       if( nwrite > nbytes ) nwrite = nbytes ;         /* how much to write */
01247       ebot = bend+1 ; if( ebot >= size ) ebot = 0 ;   /* start at ebot */
01248       etop = ebot+nwrite-1 ;                          /* end at etop */
01250       if( etop < size ){                              /* 1 piece to copy */
01251          BCOPY( ioc->buf + ebot, buffer, nwrite ) ;   /* copy data       */
01252          *(ioc->bend) = etop ;                        /* change bend     */
01253 #ifdef DEBUG
01254 fprintf(stderr,"iochan_send: shm 1 piece:  %d to %d\n",ebot,etop) ;
01255 #endif
01257       } else {                                             /* 2 pieces to copy */
01258          int nn = size - ebot ;                            /* size of piece 1  */
01259          BCOPY( ioc->buf + ebot, buffer   , nn        ) ;  /* copy piece 1     */
01260          BCOPY( ioc->buf       , buffer+nn, nwrite-nn ) ;  /* copy piece 2     */
01261          *(ioc->bend) = nwrite-nn-1 ;                      /* change bend      */
01262 #ifdef DEBUG
01263 fprintf(stderr,"iochan_send: shm 2 pieces: %d to %d AND %d to %d\n",
01264         ebot,ebot+nn-1,0,nwrite-nn-1) ;
01265 #endif
01267       }
01268       return nwrite ;
01269    }
01271    return -1 ;  /* should not be reached */
01272 }
01274 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
01275    Send (exactly) nbytes of data from the buffer down the IOCHAN.  The only
01276    difference between this and iochan_send is that this function will not
01277    return until all the data is sent, even if it takes forever.
01278    Under these circumstances, it would be good if the reader process is
01279    still working.
01280 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
01282 int iochan_sendall( IOCHAN * ioc , char * buffer , int nbytes )
01283 {
01284    int ii , ntot=0 , dms=0 ;
01286    error_string = NULL ;
01288    /** check for reasonable inputs **/
01290    if( ioc    == NULL || IOC_BAD(ioc) != 0 ||
01291        buffer == NULL || nbytes < 0          ){
01293       error_string = "iochan_sendall: bad inputs" ; return -1 ;
01294    }
01296    if( nbytes == 0 ) return 0 ;
01298    while(1){
01299       ii = iochan_send( ioc , buffer+ntot , nbytes-ntot ); /* send what's left  */
01300       if( ii == -1 ){                                      /* an error!?        */
01301          if( error_string == NULL )
01302             error_string = "iochan_sendall: iochan_send fails" ;
01303          return -1 ;
01304       }
01305       ntot += ii ;                                         /* total sent so far */
01306       if( ntot == nbytes ) return nbytes ;                 /* all done!?        */
01307       dms = NEXTDMS(dms) ; iochan_sleep(dms) ;             /* wait a while      */
01308    }
01309    return -1 ;   /* should never be reached */
01310 }
01312 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
01313   Read up to nbytes of data from the IOCHAN, into buffer.  Returns the
01314   number of bytes actually read.  For both the case of sockets and
01315   shmem segments, this may be less than nbytes (may even be 0).  If an
01316   error occurs, -1 is returned.
01317 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
01319 int iochan_recv( IOCHAN * ioc , char * buffer , int nbytes )
01320 {
01321    /** check for reasonable inputs **/
01323    error_string = NULL ;
01325    if( ioc    == NULL || IOC_BAD(ioc) != 0 ||
01326        buffer == NULL || nbytes < 0          ){
01328       error_string = "iochan_recv: bad inputs" ; return -1 ;
01329    }
01331    if( nbytes == 0 ) return 0 ;
01332    if( iochan_goodcheck(ioc,0) != 1 ) return -1 ;
01334    /** tcp: just use recv **/
01336    if( ioc->type == TCP_IOCHAN ){
01337       int ii = tcp_recv( ioc->id , buffer , nbytes , 0 ) ;
01338       if( ii == -1 ){
01339          PERROR("Can't read from socket? tcp[recv]") ;
01340          error_string = "iochan_recv: tcp recv fails" ;
01341       }
01342       return ii ;
01343    }
01345    /** shm: read from the circular buffer, starting at bstart **/
01347    if( ioc->type == SHM_IOCHAN ){
01348       int nread, bend,bstart , size , sbot,stop ;
01350       ioc = SHMIOC_READ(ioc) ;  /* 24 June 1997 */
01352       bend  = *(ioc->bend) ; bstart = *(ioc->bstart) ; size = ioc->bufsize ;
01353       nread = ( bend - bstart + size + 1 ) % size ;    /* readable amount */
01354       if( nread <= 0 ) return 0 ;                      /* nothing!?       */
01355       if( nread > nbytes ) nread = nbytes ;            /* amount to read  */
01357       sbot = bstart ; stop = sbot + nread-1 ;          /* from sbot to stop */
01359       if( stop < size ){                             /* 1 piece to copy */
01360          BCOPY( buffer, ioc->buf + sbot, nread ) ;   /* copy the data   */
01361          *(ioc->bstart) = (stop+1) % size ;          /* move bstart up  */
01362 #ifdef DEBUG
01363 fprintf(stderr,"iochan_recv: get 1 piece:  %d to %d\n",sbot,stop) ;
01364 #endif
01366       } else {                                             /* 2 pieces to copy */
01367          int nn = size - sbot ;                            /* size of piece 1  */
01368          BCOPY( buffer   , ioc->buf + sbot, nn        ) ;  /* copy piece 1     */
01369          BCOPY( buffer+nn, ioc->buf       , nread-nn  ) ;  /* copy piece 2     */
01370          *(ioc->bstart) = nread-nn ;                       /* move bstart up   */
01371 #ifdef DEBUG
01372 fprintf(stderr,"iochan_recv: get 2 pieces: %d to %d AND %d to %d\n",
01373         sbot,sbot+nn-1,0,nread-nn-1) ;
01374 #endif
01376       }
01377       return nread ;
01378    }
01380    return -1 ;  /* should not be reached */
01381 }
01383 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
01384    Read as much data as possible from the iochan, looping until nothing
01385    is left -- 22 May 2001 -- RWCox.
01386 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
01388 int iochan_recvloop( IOCHAN * ioc , char * buffer , int nbytes )
01389 {
01390    int jj , nbuf=0 ;
01392    error_string = NULL ;
01394    /** check for reasonable inputs **/
01396    if( ioc    == NULL || IOC_BAD(ioc) != 0 ||
01397        buffer == NULL || nbytes < 0          ){
01399       error_string = "iochan_recvloop: bad inputs" ; return -1 ;
01400    }
01402    if( iochan_goodcheck(ioc,0) != 1 ) return -1 ;
01404    if( nbytes == 0 ) return 0 ;
01406    while(1){
01407       jj = iochan_recv( ioc , buffer+nbuf , nbytes-nbuf ) ;
01408       if( jj < 1 ) break ;  /* stop if nothing more comes in */
01409       nbuf += jj ;
01410       if( nbuf >= nbytes ) break ;  /* stop if overflow */
01411       iochan_sleep(1) ;
01412    }
01414    return nbuf ;
01415 }
01417 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
01418    Receive (exactly) nbytes of data from the buffer down the IOCHAN.  The only
01419    difference between this and iochan_recv is that this function will not
01420    return until all the data is received, even if it takes forever.
01421    Under these circumstances, it would be good if the writer process is
01422    still working.
01423 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
01425 int iochan_recvall( IOCHAN * ioc , char * buffer , int nbytes )
01426 {
01427    int ii , ntot=0 , dms=0 ;
01429    /** check for reasonable inputs **/
01431    error_string = NULL ;
01433    if( ioc    == NULL || IOC_BAD(ioc) != 0 ||
01434        buffer == NULL || nbytes < 0          ){
01436       error_string = "iochan_recvall: bad inputs" ; return -1 ;
01437    }
01439    if( nbytes == 0 ) return 0 ;
01441    while(1){
01442       ii = iochan_recv( ioc , buffer+ntot , nbytes-ntot ) ;  /* get what's left */
01443       if( ii == -1 ) return -1 ;                             /* an error!?      */
01444       ntot += ii ;                                           /* total so far    */
01445       if( ntot == nbytes ) return nbytes ;                   /* all done!?      */
01446       dms = NEXTDMS(dms) ; iochan_sleep(dms) ;               /* wait a while    */
01447    }
01448    return -1 ;   /* should never be reached */
01449 }
01451 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
01452    Sleep a given # of milliseconds (uses the Unix select routine)
01453 ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
01455 void iochan_sleep( int msec )
01456 {
01457    struct timeval tv ;
01458    if( msec <= 0 ) return ;
01459    tv.tv_sec  = msec/1000 ;
01460    tv.tv_usec = (msec%1000)*1000 ;
01461    select( 1 , NULL,NULL,NULL , &tv ) ;
01462    return ;
01463 }
01465 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
01466    Send some control command to the IOCHAN.  At present the
01467    only command available is to limit the size of TCP/IP sends.
01468 ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
01470 int iochan_ctl( IOCHAN * ioc , int cmd , int arg )
01471 {
01472    if( ioc == NULL ) return -1 ;
01474    switch( cmd ){
01476       case IOC_TCP_SENDSIZE:
01477          if( arg >= 0 ){ ioc->sendsize = arg ; return  0 ; }
01478          else                                  return -1 ;
01479       break ;
01481    }
01482    return -1 ;
01483 }
01485 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
01486   Relay data from one IOCHAN to another in a fork()-ed process:
01487    name_in  = name of input IOCHAN; will be read from only
01488               - should be opened with "create" in the caller before
01489                 this call, and then the child process will open with
01490                 "accept".
01491    name_out = name of output IOCHAN; will be written to only
01492               - will be opened with "create" in the child and then
01493                 child will wait for someone to "accept"
01494   Return value is the pid of the forked process; (pid_t)-1 if
01495   something bad happened at startup.  If something bad happens
01496   later, the child will _exit(1), and it will also close both
01497   IOCHANs it opened.  You can detect the child exit with waitpid(),
01498   and can detect the closing of the name_in IOCHAN using
01499   iochan_writecheck(), as in this fragment:
01501      pid_t qpid , ppid ;
01502      IOCHAN *ioc ;
01503      char * data ;
01504      int   ndata ;
01506      ioc  = iochan_init( "shm:Elvis:1M" , "create" ) ;
01507      if( ioc == NULL ){
01508         ... do something here if can't open for output
01509      }
01510      ppid = iochan_fork_relay( "shm:Elvis:1M" , "tcp:Fabian:1234" ) ;
01511      if( ppid == (pid_t)-1 ){
01512         IOCHAN_CLOSE(ioc) ;
01513         ... do something here if fork failed
01514      }
01516      ... later: check if child process died
01518      qpid = waitpid( ppid , NULL , WNOHANG ) ;
01519      if( qpid == ppid ){
01520         IOCHAN_CLOSE(ioc) ;
01521         ... probably do something else here to, to mark end of output
01522      }
01524      ... check if output IOCHAN is ready for data
01526      if( iochan_writecheck(ioc,0) >= ndata ){
01527         iochan_sendall( ioc , data , ndata ) ;
01528      } else {
01529         IOCHAN_CLOSE(ioc) ;
01530         ... probably do something else here to, to mark end of output
01531      }
01533   As in the example, the usual way to use this would have name_in
01534   be a shm IOCHAN, and name_out be a tcp IOCHAN; this would then
01535   let a main program relay socket data through a separate process,
01536   so if the socket freezes up, then the main program can merrily
01537   continue (by using iochan_writecheck to see if the shm IOCHAN
01538   is available for output).
01540   -- 23 May 2001 -- RWCox
01541 -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
01543 static IOCHAN *ioc_kill_1 = NULL ;
01544 static IOCHAN *ioc_kill_2 = NULL ;
01546 static void iochan_fork_sigfunc(int sig)  /* for when the child dies */
01547 {
01548    switch( sig ){
01549       case SIGTERM:
01550         if( ioc_kill_1 != NULL ) iochan_close(ioc_kill_1) ;
01551         if( ioc_kill_2 != NULL ) iochan_close(ioc_kill_2) ;
01552         fprintf(stderr,"\n*** iochan_fork received SIGTERM signal\n");
01553         fflush(stderr) ;
01554         _exit(1) ;
01555       case SIGSEGV:
01556         if( ioc_kill_1 != NULL ) iochan_close(ioc_kill_1) ;
01557         if( ioc_kill_2 != NULL ) iochan_close(ioc_kill_2) ;
01558         fprintf(stderr,"\n*** iochan_fork received SIGSEGV signal\n");
01559         fflush(stderr) ;
01560         _exit(1) ;
01561    }
01562 }
01564 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
01566 pid_t iochan_fork_relay( char * name_in , char * name_out )
01567 {
01568    pid_t ppid = (pid_t)(-1) ;
01569    int jj , kk , nbuf ;
01570 #define MBUF 1048576           /* 1 Megabyte */
01571    char * buf , *sss ;
01572    IOCHAN *ioc_in, *ioc_out ;
01574    if( name_in == NULL || name_out == NULL ) return ppid ;
01576    /*-- fork into two processes --*/
01578    ppid = fork() ;
01579    if( ppid == (pid_t)(-1) ){
01580       perror("iochan_fork failed") ;
01581       return ppid ;
01582    }
01584    if( ppid != 0 ){      /* the parent process */
01585       pid_t qpid ;
01586       iochan_sleep(5) ;                         /* wait a little bit */
01587       qpid = waitpid( ppid , NULL , WNOHANG ) ; /* see if child died */
01588       if( qpid == ppid ) ppid = (pid_t)(-1) ;   /* if it did, return error */
01589       return ppid ;
01590    }
01592    /*--- from here on is the child process, which never returns ---*/
01594    ioc_in = iochan_init( name_in , "accept" ) ;  /* open input */
01595    if( ioc_in == NULL ) _exit(1) ;               /* failed?   */
01597    ioc_out = iochan_init( name_out , "create" ) ; /* open output */
01598    if( ioc_out == NULL ){                         /* failed?    */
01599       iochan_close(ioc_in) ; _exit(1) ;
01600    }
01602    /* set signal handler to deal with sudden death situations */
01604    ioc_kill_1 = ioc_in  ;
01605    ioc_kill_2 = ioc_out ;
01606    signal( SIGTERM , iochan_fork_sigfunc ) ;
01607    signal( SIGSEGV , iochan_fork_sigfunc ) ;
01609    fprintf(stderr,"forked process for shm->tcp started\n") ;
01611    do{  /* loop until both iochans are ready */
01613       jj = iochan_goodcheck(ioc_in ,1) ;
01614       kk = iochan_goodcheck(ioc_out,1) ;
01615       if( jj < 0 || kk < 0 ){
01616          iochan_close(ioc_in) ; iochan_close(ioc_out) ; _exit(1) ;
01617       }
01619    } while( jj == 0 || kk == 0 ) ;
01621    fprintf(stderr,"forked process fully connected\n") ;
01623    buf = AFMALL(char, MBUF) ; /* workspace for transfers */
01624    if( buf == NULL ){
01625       fprintf(stderr,"forked process can't malloc I/O buffer") ;
01626       iochan_close(ioc_in) ; iochan_close(ioc_out) ; _exit(1) ;
01627    }
01629    while(1){  /* loop, waiting for data */
01631       errno = 0 ;
01632       jj = iochan_readcheck( ioc_in , 20 ) ;          /* any input? */
01633       if( jj < 0 ){                                   /* bad news?  */
01634          if( errno ) perror( "forked readcheck" ) ;
01635          else        fprintf(stderr,"forked readcheck abort: jj=%d!\n",jj) ;
01636          sss = iochan_error_string() ;
01637          if( sss != NULL ) fprintf(stderr," ** %s\n",sss) ;
01638          break ;
01639       }
01640       if( jj == 0 ) continue ;                        /* no news    */
01642       nbuf = iochan_recvloop( ioc_in , buf , MBUF ) ; /* get input! */
01643       if( nbuf <= 0 ) continue ;                      /* too weird! */
01645 #if 0
01646       fprintf(stderr,"forked process read %d bytes\n",nbuf) ;
01647 #endif
01649       errno = 0 ;
01650       kk = iochan_writecheck( ioc_out , 1 ) ;         /* check      */
01651       if( kk == 0 ){
01652          int qq ;
01653          fprintf(stderr,"forked writecheck repeat:") ;
01654          for( qq=0 ; qq < 1000 ; qq++ ){
01655            if( qq%50 == 0 ) fprintf(stderr," %d",qq+1) ;
01656            kk = iochan_writecheck( ioc_out , 2 ) ;
01657            if( kk != 0 ) break ;
01658          }
01659          fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
01660       }
01661       if( kk <= 0 ){
01662          if( errno ) perror( "forked writecheck" ) ;
01663          else        fprintf(stderr,"forked writecheck abort: kk=%d!\n",kk) ;
01664          sss = iochan_error_string() ;
01665          if( sss != NULL ) fprintf(stderr," ** %s\n",sss) ;
01666          break ;
01667       }
01668       kk = iochan_sendall( ioc_out , buf , nbuf ) ;   /* send data! */
01669       if( kk < 0 ){                                   /* bad news?  */
01670          if( errno ) perror( "forked sendall" ) ;
01671          else        fprintf(stderr,"forked sendall abort: kk=%d!\n",kk) ;
01672          sss = iochan_error_string() ;
01673          if( sss != NULL ) fprintf(stderr," ** %s\n",sss) ;
01674          break ;
01675       }
01677 #if 0
01678       fprintf(stderr,"forked process wrote %d bytes\n",nbuf) ;
01679 #endif
01680    }
01682    /* bad news ==> shut down child operations */
01684    fprintf(stderr,"forked process fails!\n") ;
01686    iochan_close(ioc_in) ; iochan_close(ioc_out) ; _exit(1) ;
01687 }
01689 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
01690   Return time elapsed since first call to this routine
01691 -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
01693 #include <time.h>
01695 double COX_clock_time(void) /* in seconds */
01696 {
01697    struct timeval  new_tval ;
01698    struct timezone tzone ;
01699    static struct timeval old_tval ;
01700    static int first = 1 ;
01702    gettimeofday( &new_tval , &tzone ) ;
01704    if( first ){
01705       old_tval = new_tval ;
01706       first    = 0 ;
01707       return 0.0 ;
01708    }
01710    if( old_tval.tv_usec > new_tval.tv_usec ){
01711       new_tval.tv_usec += 1000000 ;
01712       new_tval.tv_sec -- ;
01713    }
01715    return (double)( (new_tval.tv_sec  - old_tval.tv_sec )
01716                    +(new_tval.tv_usec - old_tval.tv_usec)*1.0e-6 ) ;
01717 }
01719 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
01720   Return total user-level CPU time for this process.
01721 -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
01723 double COX_cpu_time(void)  /* in seconds */
01724 #ifdef CLK_TCK
01725 {
01726    struct tms ttt ;
01728    (void) times( &ttt ) ;
01729    return (  (double) (ttt.tms_utime /* + ttt.tms_stime */ )
01730            / (double) CLK_TCK ) ;
01731 }
01732 #else
01733 { return 0.0 ; }
01734 #endif

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