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September 08, 2017 10:08AM
I'm trying to run an MVM that has three within-subjects variables: difficulty, scent, and rating. Whenever I run it, I keep getting a message that something is incorrect in the model. We've tried adjusting it several times and removing other contrasts to see where the error is coming from. I've been able to figure out that the problem appears to be in the rating factor. The model runs fine when I run it with just difficulty and scent, but as soon as I add rating, it breaks. I've tried it both as a quantitative variable and as a regular factor and neither of these work. I've added a sample of the script below (Less some of the data table for space). We are running the analysis on 34 subjects. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

3dMVM -prefix MVM_rating -jobs 12 -mask mni_brain_mask+tlrc \
-wsVars "difficulty*scent*rating" \
-dataTable \
Subj rating scent difficulty InputFile \
3 5 blend hard /Volumes/aroma/subjects/3/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[1]' \
3 5 blend easy /Volumes/aroma/subjects/3/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[3]' \
3 5 laven hard /Volumes/aroma/subjects/3/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[5]' \
3 5 laven easy /Volumes/aroma/subjects/3/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[7]' \
3 5 coco hard /Volumes/aroma/subjects/3/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[9]' \
3 5 coco easy /Volumes/aroma/subjects/3/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[11]' \
4 7 blend hard /Volumes/aroma/subjects/4/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[1]' \
4 7 blend easy /Volumes/aroma/subjects/4/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[3]' \
4 4 laven hard /Volumes/aroma/subjects/4/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[5]' \
4 4 laven easy /Volumes/aroma/subjects/4/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[7]' \
4 4 coco hard /Volumes/aroma/subjects/4/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[9]' \
4 4 coco easy /Volumes/aroma/subjects/4/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[11]' \
7 6 blend hard /Volumes/aroma/subjects/7/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[1]' \
7 6 blend easy /Volumes/aroma/subjects/7/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[3]' \
7 8 laven hard /Volumes/aroma/subjects/7/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[5]' \
7 8 laven easy /Volumes/aroma/subjects/7/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[7]' \
7 7 coco hard /Volumes/aroma/subjects/7/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[9]' \
7 7 coco easy /Volumes/aroma/subjects/7/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[11]' \
8 3 blend hard /Volumes/aroma/subjects/8/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[1]' \
8 3 blend easy /Volumes/aroma/subjects/8/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[3]' \
8 8 laven hard /Volumes/aroma/subjects/8/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[5]' \
8 8 laven easy /Volumes/aroma/subjects/8/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[7]' \
8 5 coco hard /Volumes/aroma/subjects/8/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[9]' \
8 5 coco easy /Volumes/aroma/subjects/8/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[11]' \
9 7 blend hard /Volumes/aroma/subjects/9/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[1]' \
9 7 blend easy /Volumes/aroma/subjects/9/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[3]' \
9 5 laven hard /Volumes/aroma/subjects/9/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[5]' \
9 5 laven easy /Volumes/aroma/subjects/9/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[7]' \
9 8 coco hard /Volumes/aroma/subjects/9/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[9]' \
9 8 coco easy /Volumes/aroma/subjects/9/'deconv1_blur8_ANTS_resampled+tlrc[11]' \
Subject Author Posted

Adding third variable breaks MVM

dkbjornn September 08, 2017 10:08AM

Re: Adding third variable breaks MVM

gang September 08, 2017 01:22PM

Re: Adding third variable breaks MVM

dkbjornn September 11, 2017 01:26PM

Re: Adding third variable breaks MVM

gang September 11, 2017 03:06PM