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April 05, 2018 12:03PM
AFNI wizards,

I was fiddling around with anaticor on multiecho data, and I ran into an issue at the 3dREML stage. Error here:
** ERROR: -dsort dataset './Local_WMe_rall+tlrc.HEAD' doesn't match input dataset 'pb06.501_con_gam_anaticor.r01.scale+tlrc.HEAD pb06.501_con_gam_anaticor.r02.scale+tlrc.HEAD'
 +       nt[dsort]=672  nt[input] = 224
 +       nx[dsort]=55  nx[input] = 55
 +       ny[dsort]=65  ny[input] = 65
 +       nz[dsort]=55  nz[input] = 55
** FATAL ERROR: Can't continue after -dsort mismatch error

The original data is two runs of 112 timepoints, each with 3 echoes. It looks to me that the Local_WMe_rall was created from 2 runs * 3 echoes (672 timepoints), rather than the optimally combined data (224 timepoints).

afni_proc code here:
# ==========================================================================
# script generated by the command:
# -subj_id 501_act_gam_anaticor -blocks despike tshift align     \
#     tlrc volreg mask combine blur scale regress -copy_anat                  \
#     ./../derivatives/anatomical.nii.gz -tcat_remove_first_trs 3             \
#     -tshift_opts_ts -tpattern                                               \
#     @/mnt/data1/dose_response/data/slice_times.txt -dsets_me_echo           \
#     sub-501_ses-main_task-act_run-1_echo-1_bold.nii.gz                      \
#     sub-501_ses-main_task-act_run-2_echo-1_bold.nii.gz -dsets_me_echo       \
#     sub-501_ses-main_task-act_run-1_echo-2_bold.nii.gz                      \
#     sub-501_ses-main_task-act_run-2_echo-2_bold.nii.gz -dsets_me_echo       \
#     sub-501_ses-main_task-act_run-1_echo-3_bold.nii.gz                      \
#     sub-501_ses-main_task-act_run-2_echo-3_bold.nii.gz -echo_times 11 28 45 \
#     -volreg_base_dset sub-501_ses-main_task-act_run-1_echo-1_sbref.nii.gz   \
#     -mask_epi_anat yes -combine_method OC -align_opts_aea -cost lpc+ZZ      \
#     -giant_move -tlrc_base /home/dowdlelt/abin/MNI152_T1_2009c+tlrc         \
#     -tlrc_NL_warp -volreg_tlrc_warp -regress_motion_per_run                 \
#     -regress_stim_times                                                     \
#     /mnt/data1/dose_response/model_params/afni/tms_onsets.txt               \
#     -regress_anaticor_fast -regress_stim_labels tms -regress_basis GAM      \
#     -regress_apply_mot_types demean deriv -regress_est_blur_errts           \
#     -regress_reml_exec -blur_size 10 -bash -scr_overwrite -execute

I think I could hunt through the generated script and correct the portion that extracts the Anaticor regressor (Thanks Bootcamp!) - specfically, this section here:
# --------------------------------------------------
# fast ANATICOR: generate local WMe time series averages
# create catenated volreg dataset
3dTcat -prefix rm.all_runs.volreg pb03.$subj.r*.volreg+tlrc.HEAD

# mask white matter before blurring
3dcalc -a rm.all_runs.volreg+tlrc -b mask_WMe_resam+tlrc                      \
       -expr "a*bool(b)" -datum float -prefix rm.all_runs.volreg.mask

# generate ANATICOR voxelwise regressors via blur
3dmerge -1blur_fwhm 30 -doall -prefix Local_WMe_rall                          \

but I wanted to make sure I wasn't making some obvious mistake in attempting this. Notice any incorrect input? If I run without anaticor, everything works perfeclty (including the reml portion) Thank you for your help.
Subject Author Posted

Anaticor issue with multiecho data

dowdlelt April 05, 2018 12:03PM

Re: Anaticor issue with multiecho data

rick reynolds April 10, 2018 09:09AM

Re: Anaticor issue with multiecho data

dowdlelt April 10, 2018 10:47AM

Re: Anaticor issue with multiecho data

rick reynolds April 10, 2018 03:21PM

Re: Anaticor issue with multiecho data

rick reynolds April 18, 2018 09:12AM

Re: Anaticor issue with multiecho data

dowdlelt April 18, 2018 10:05AM

Re: Anaticor issue with multiecho data

rick reynolds April 18, 2018 10:27AM

Re: Anaticor issue with multiecho data

rick reynolds April 25, 2018 04:39PM

Re: Anaticor issue with multiecho data

dowdlelt April 25, 2018 06:10PM

Re: Anaticor issue with multiecho data

rick reynolds April 26, 2018 09:40AM