AFNI Message Board

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February 18, 2019 10:58AM
I was running preprocessing on set of resting-state data and run into issue with 3dDeconvolve on one of the subjects while it seems to be fine for others.
Below is the command and the error, do you have any suggestions what could be causing the problem?

Best regards and thanks,

3dDeconvolve -input pb04.fmri_name.r01.blur+orig.HEAD -censor censor_fmri_name_combined_2.1D -ortvec bandpass_rall.1D bandpass -ortvec motion_demean.1D mot_demean -ortvec motion_deriv.1D mot_deriv -polort 3 -num_stimts 0 -fout -tout -x1D X.xmat.1D -xjpeg X.jpg -x1D_uncensored X.nocensor.xmat.1D -fitts fitts.fmri_name -errts errts.fmri_name -x1D_stop -bucket stats.fmri_name

++ 3dDeconvolve extending num_stimts from 0 to 110 due to -ortvec
++ 3dDeconvolve: AFNI version=AFNI_19.0.01 (Jan 22 2019) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: B. Douglas Ward, et al.
++ STAT automask has 428786 voxels (out of 3655125 = 11.7%)
++ Skipping check for initial transients
++ Input polort=3; Longest run=314.0 s; Recommended minimum polort=3 ++ OK ++
++ Number of time points: 157 (before censor) ; 25 (after)
+ Number of parameters: 114 [114 baseline ; 0 signal]
** ERROR: *** Censoring has made regression impossible :( ***
** FATAL ERROR: 3dDeconvolve dies: Insufficient data (25) for estimating 114 parameters
** Program compile date = Jan 22 2019
Subject Author Posted

3dDeconvolve Error

katkaz February 18, 2019 10:58AM

Re: 3dDeconvolve Error

ptaylor February 18, 2019 02:18PM