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cdf_43.c File Reference

#include "cdflib.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define dlsqpi   0.91893853320467274177e0


double dlanor (double *x)

Define Documentation

#define dlsqpi   0.91893853320467274177e0

Function Documentation

double dlanor double *    x

Definition at line 2 of file cdf_43.c.

References devlpl(), dlanor(), dln1px(), and ftnstop().

Referenced by dlanor().

00038 {
00039 #define dlsqpi 0.91893853320467274177e0
00040 static double coef[12] = {
00041     -1.0e0,3.0e0,-15.0e0,105.0e0,-945.0e0,10395.0e0,-135135.0e0,2027025.0e0,
00042     -34459425.0e0,654729075.0e0,-13749310575.e0,316234143225.0e0
00043 };
00044 static int K1 = 12;
00045 static double dlanor,approx,correc,xx,xx2,T2;
00046 /*
00047      ..
00048      .. Executable Statements ..
00049 */
00050     xx = fabs(*x);
00051     if(xx < 5.0e0) ftnstop(" Argument too small in DLANOR");
00052     approx = -dlsqpi-0.5e0*xx*xx-log(xx);
00053     xx2 = xx*xx;
00054     T2 = 1.0e0/xx2;
00055     correc = devlpl(coef,&K1,&T2)/xx2;
00056     correc = dln1px(&correc);
00057     dlanor = approx+correc;
00058     return dlanor;
00059 #undef dlsqpi
00060 } /* END */

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