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memplt.c File Reference

#include "f2c.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define zzzplt_1   zzzplt_
#define zzpltr_1   zzpltr_


int memplt_ (real *aspect)


struct {
   real   xpgmin
   real   ypgmin
   real   xpgmax
   real   ypgmax
   real   xclbot
   real   yclbot
   real   xcltop
   real   ycltop
   real   xbot
   real   ybot
   real   xtop
   real   ytop
   real   xmin
   real   ymin
   real   xmax
   real   ymax
   integer   ixcoor
   integer   iycoor
   real   alphxx
   real   betaxx
   real   alphyy
   real   betayy
   real   tmajx
   real   tminx
   real   tmajy
   real   tminy
   integer   majrx
   integer   minrx
   integer   majry
   integer   minry
   integer   isizx
   integer   isizy
   real   xphold
   real   yphold
struct {
   real   xphmax
   real   yphmax
   integer   ixpmax
   integer   iypmax
   real   xpscal
   real   ypscal
   integer   iflip
   integer   nplotr
   char   cfile [64]
real c_b2 = 0.f

Define Documentation

#define zzpltr_1   zzpltr_

Definition at line 29 of file memplt.c.

Referenced by memplt_().

#define zzzplt_1   zzzplt_

Definition at line 19 of file memplt.c.

Function Documentation

int memplt_ real   aspect

Definition at line 38 of file memplt.c.

References c_b2, setfrm_(), and zzpltr_1.

Referenced by create_memplot(), and set_active_memplot().

00039 {
00040     extern /* Subroutine */ int setfrm_(real *, real *, real *, real *);
00043 /*  Set the plotter to be the "memplot" C routines */
00044 /* .......................................................................
00045  */
00046 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
00047  */
00049 /*  Internal Data for PLOTPAK */
00051     zzpltr_1.xpscal = 1.f;
00052     zzpltr_1.ypscal = 1.f;
00053     zzpltr_1.iflip = 0;
00054     zzpltr_1.nplotr = 7;
00055     if (*aspect <= 0.f) {
00056         zzpltr_1.xphmax = 1.3f;
00057     } else {
00058         zzpltr_1.xphmax = *aspect;
00059     }
00060     zzpltr_1.yphmax = 1.f;
00061     setfrm_(&c_b2, &zzpltr_1.xphmax, &c_b2, &zzpltr_1.yphmax);
00063     return 0;
00064 } /* memplt_ */

Variable Documentation

real alphxx

Definition at line 14 of file memplt.c.

real alphyy

Definition at line 14 of file memplt.c.

real betaxx

Definition at line 14 of file memplt.c.

real betayy

Definition at line 14 of file memplt.c.

real c_b2 = 0.f [static]

Definition at line 33 of file memplt.c.

Referenced by memplt_().

char cfile[64]

Definition at line 26 of file memplt.c.

integer iflip

Definition at line 25 of file memplt.c.

integer isizx

Definition at line 15 of file memplt.c.

integer isizy

Definition at line 15 of file memplt.c.

integer ixcoor

Definition at line 13 of file memplt.c.

integer ixpmax

Definition at line 23 of file memplt.c.

integer iycoor

Definition at line 13 of file memplt.c.

integer iypmax

Definition at line 23 of file memplt.c.

integer majrx

Definition at line 15 of file memplt.c.

integer majry

Definition at line 15 of file memplt.c.

integer minrx

Definition at line 15 of file memplt.c.

integer minry

Definition at line 15 of file memplt.c.

integer nplotr

Definition at line 25 of file memplt.c.

real tmajx

Definition at line 14 of file memplt.c.

real tmajy

Definition at line 14 of file memplt.c.

real tminx

Definition at line 14 of file memplt.c.

real tminy

Definition at line 14 of file memplt.c.

real xbot

Definition at line 11 of file memplt.c.

real xclbot

Definition at line 11 of file memplt.c.

real xcltop

Definition at line 11 of file memplt.c.

real xmax

Definition at line 11 of file memplt.c.

real xmin

Definition at line 11 of file memplt.c.

real xpgmax

Definition at line 11 of file memplt.c.

real xpgmin

Definition at line 11 of file memplt.c.

real xphmax

Definition at line 22 of file memplt.c.

real xphold

Definition at line 16 of file memplt.c.

real xpscal

Definition at line 24 of file memplt.c.

real xtop

Definition at line 11 of file memplt.c.

real ybot

Definition at line 11 of file memplt.c.

real yclbot

Definition at line 11 of file memplt.c.

real ycltop

Definition at line 11 of file memplt.c.

real ymax

Definition at line 11 of file memplt.c.

real ymin

Definition at line 11 of file memplt.c.

real ypgmax

Definition at line 11 of file memplt.c.

real ypgmin

Definition at line 11 of file memplt.c.

real yphmax

Definition at line 22 of file memplt.c.

real yphold

Definition at line 16 of file memplt.c.

real ypscal

Definition at line 24 of file memplt.c.

real ytop

Definition at line 11 of file memplt.c.

struct { ... } zzpltr_

struct { ... } zzzplt_


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