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rsli.c File Reference

#include "f2c.h"
#include "fio.h"
#include "lio.h"
#include "fmt.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


int i_getc (Void)
int i_ungetc (int ch, FILE *f)
void c_lir (icilist *a)
integer s_rsli (icilist *a)
integer e_rsli (Void)
int x_rsne (cilist *)
integer s_rsni (icilist *a)


flag f__lquit
int f__lcount
char * f__icptr
char * f__icend
int f__icnum
int f__recpos

Function Documentation

void c_lir icilist   a [static]

Definition at line 45 of file rsli.c.

References a, f__icend, f__icnum, f__icptr, f__recpos, i_getc(), i_ungetc(), and l_eof.

Referenced by s_rsli(), and s_rsni().

00047 {
00048         extern int l_eof;
00049         f__reading = 1;
00050         f__external = 0;
00051         f__formatted = 1;
00052         f__svic = a;
00053         L_len = a->icirlen;
00054         f__recpos = -1;
00055         f__icnum = f__recpos = 0;
00056         f__cursor = 0;
00057         l_getc = i_getc;
00058         l_ungetc = i_ungetc;
00059         l_eof = 0;
00060         f__icptr = a->iciunit;
00061         f__icend = f__icptr + a->icirlen*a->icirnum;
00062         f__cf = 0;
00063         f__curunit = 0;
00064         f__elist = (cilist *)a;
00065         }

integer e_rsli Void   

Definition at line 82 of file rsli.c.

Referenced by inumc_().

00083 { return 0; }

int i_getc Void    [static]

Definition at line 13 of file rsli.c.

References f__icend, f__icptr, f__recpos, icilist::icirlen, and z_rnew().

Referenced by c_lir().

00014 {
00015         if(f__recpos >= f__svic->icirlen) {
00016                 if (f__recpos++ == f__svic->icirlen)
00017                         return '\n';
00018                 z_rnew();
00019                 }
00020         f__recpos++;
00021         if(f__icptr >= f__icend)
00022                 return EOF;
00023         return(*f__icptr++);
00024         }

int i_ungetc int    ch,
FILE *    f

Definition at line 30 of file rsli.c.

References err, f__icptr, f__recpos, icilist::icierr, and icilist::icirlen.

Referenced by c_lir().

00032 {
00033         if (--f__recpos == f__svic->icirlen)
00034                 return '\n';
00035         if (f__recpos < -1)
00036                 err(f__svic->icierr,110,"recend");
00037         /* *--icptr == ch, and icptr may point to read-only memory */
00038         return *--f__icptr /* = ch */;
00039         }

integer s_rsli icilist   a

Definition at line 71 of file rsli.c.

References a, c_lir(), f__lcount, and f__lquit.

Referenced by inumc_().

00073 {
00074         f__lioproc = l_read;
00075         f__lquit = 0;
00076         f__lcount = 0;
00077         c_lir(a);
00078         f__doend = 0;
00079         return(0);
00080         }

integer s_rsni icilist   a

Definition at line 90 of file rsli.c.

References a, c_lir(), cilist::ciend, cilist::cierr, cilist::cifmt, and x_rsne().

00092 {
00093         extern int nml_read;
00094         integer rv;
00095         cilist ca;
00096         ca.ciend = a->iciend;
00097         ca.cierr = a->icierr;
00098         ca.cifmt = a->icifmt;
00099         c_lir(a);
00100         rv = x_rsne(&ca);
00101         nml_read = 0;
00102         return rv;
00103         }

int x_rsne cilist  

Definition at line 297 of file rsne.c.

References Vardesc::addr, Alpha, cilist::ciend, cilist::cierr, cilist::cifmt, colonseen, dimen::curval, dimen::delta, Vardesc::dims, e_rsle(), err, errfl, dimen::extent, f__lcount, f__lquit, f__typesize, GETC, getdimen(), getname(), hash(), l_read(), MAXDIM, mk_hashtab(), Namelist::name, nl_init(), nml_read, print_ne(), dimen::stride, top, Vardesc::type, Ungetc, v, where0, and z_rnew().

Referenced by s_rsne(), and s_rsni().

00299 {
00300         int ch, got1, k, n, nd, quote, readall;
00301         Namelist *nl;
00302         static char where[] = "namelist read";
00303         char buf[64];
00304         hashtab *ht;
00305         Vardesc *v;
00306         dimen *dn, *dn0, *dn1;
00307         ftnlen *dims, *dims1;
00308         ftnlen b, b0, b1, ex, no, no1, nomax, size, span;
00309         ftnint type;
00310         char *vaddr;
00311         long iva, ivae;
00312         dimen dimens[MAXDIM], substr;
00314         if (!Alpha['a'])
00315                 nl_init();
00316         f__reading=1;
00317         f__formatted=1;
00318         got1 = 0;
00319  top:
00320         for(;;) switch(GETC(ch)) {
00321                 case EOF:
00322  eof:
00323                         err(a->ciend,(EOF),where0);
00324                 case '&':
00325                 case '$':
00326                         goto have_amp;
00327 #ifndef No_Namelist_Questions
00328                 case '?':
00329                         print_ne(a);
00330                         continue;
00331 #endif
00332                 default:
00333                         if (ch <= ' ' && ch >= 0)
00334                                 continue;
00335 #ifndef No_Namelist_Comments
00336                         while(GETC(ch) != '\n')
00337                                 if (ch == EOF)
00338                                         goto eof;
00339 #else
00340                         errfl(a->cierr, 115, where0);
00341 #endif
00342                 }
00343  have_amp:
00344         if (ch = getname(buf,sizeof(buf)))
00345                 return ch;
00346         nl = (Namelist *)a->cifmt;
00347         if (strcmp(buf, nl->name))
00348 #ifdef No_Bad_Namelist_Skip
00349                 errfl(a->cierr, 118, where0);
00350 #else
00351         {
00352                 fprintf(stderr,
00353                         "Skipping namelist \"%s\": seeking namelist \"%s\".\n",
00354                         buf, nl->name);
00355                 fflush(stderr);
00356                 for(;;) switch(GETC(ch)) {
00357                         case EOF:
00358                                 err(a->ciend, EOF, where0);
00359                         case '/':
00360                         case '&':
00361                         case '$':
00362                                 if (f__external)
00363                                         e_rsle();
00364                                 else
00365                                         z_rnew();
00366                                 goto top;
00367                         case '"':
00368                         case '\'':
00369                                 quote = ch;
00370  more_quoted:
00371                                 while(GETC(ch) != quote)
00372                                         if (ch == EOF)
00373                                                 err(a->ciend, EOF, where0);
00374                                 if (GETC(ch) == quote)
00375                                         goto more_quoted;
00376                                 Ungetc(ch,f__cf);
00377                         default:
00378                                 continue;
00379                         }
00380                 }
00381 #endif
00382         ht = mk_hashtab(nl);
00383         if (!ht)
00384                 errfl(f__elist->cierr, 113, where0);
00385         for(;;) {
00386                 for(;;) switch(GETC(ch)) {
00387                         case EOF:
00388                                 if (got1)
00389                                         return 0;
00390                                 err(a->ciend, EOF, where0);
00391                         case '/':
00392                         case '$':
00393                         case '&':
00394                                 return 0;
00395                         default:
00396                                 if (ch <= ' ' && ch >= 0 || ch == ',')
00397                                         continue;
00398                                 Ungetc(ch,f__cf);
00399                                 if (ch = getname(buf,sizeof(buf)))
00400                                         return ch;
00401                                 goto havename;
00402                         }
00403  havename:
00404                 v = hash(ht,buf);
00405                 if (!v)
00406                         errfl(a->cierr, 119, where);
00407                 while(GETC(ch) <= ' ' && ch >= 0);
00408                 vaddr = v->addr;
00409                 type = v->type;
00410                 if (type < 0) {
00411                         size = -type;
00412                         type = TYCHAR;
00413                         }
00414                 else
00415                         size = f__typesize[type];
00416                 ivae = size;
00417                 iva = readall = 0;
00418                 if (ch == '(' /*)*/ ) {
00419                         dn = dimens;
00420                         if (!(dims = v->dims)) {
00421                                 if (type != TYCHAR)
00422                                         errfl(a->cierr, 122, where);
00423                                 if (k = getdimen(&ch, dn, (ftnlen)size,
00424                                                 (ftnlen)size, &b))
00425                                         errfl(a->cierr, k, where);
00426                                 if (ch != ')')
00427                                         errfl(a->cierr, 115, where);
00428                                 b1 = dn->extent;
00429                                 if (--b < 0 || b + b1 > size)
00430                                         return 124;
00431                                 iva += b;
00432                                 size = b1;
00433                                 while(GETC(ch) <= ' ' && ch >= 0);
00434                                 goto scalar;
00435                                 }
00436                         nd = (int)dims[0];
00437                         nomax = span = dims[1];
00438                         ivae = iva + size*nomax;
00439                         colonseen = 0;
00440                         if (k = getdimen(&ch, dn, size, nomax, &b))
00441                                 errfl(a->cierr, k, where);
00442                         no = dn->extent;
00443                         b0 = dims[2];
00444                         dims1 = dims += 3;
00445                         ex = 1;
00446                         for(n = 1; n++ < nd; dims++) {
00447                                 if (ch != ',')
00448                                         errfl(a->cierr, 115, where);
00449                                 dn1 = dn + 1;
00450                                 span /= *dims;
00451                                 if (k = getdimen(&ch, dn1, dn->delta**dims,
00452                                                 span, &b1))
00453                                         errfl(a->cierr, k, where);
00454                                 ex *= *dims;
00455                                 b += b1*ex;
00456                                 no *= dn1->extent;
00457                                 dn = dn1;
00458                                 }
00459                         if (ch != ')')
00460                                 errfl(a->cierr, 115, where);
00461                         readall = 1 - colonseen;
00462                         b -= b0;
00463                         if (b < 0 || b >= nomax)
00464                                 errfl(a->cierr, 125, where);
00465                         iva += size * b;
00466                         dims = dims1;
00467                         while(GETC(ch) <= ' ' && ch >= 0);
00468                         no1 = 1;
00469                         dn0 = dimens;
00470                         if (type == TYCHAR && ch == '(' /*)*/) {
00471                                 if (k = getdimen(&ch, &substr, size, size, &b))
00472                                         errfl(a->cierr, k, where);
00473                                 if (ch != ')')
00474                                         errfl(a->cierr, 115, where);
00475                                 b1 = substr.extent;
00476                                 if (--b < 0 || b + b1 > size)
00477                                         return 124;
00478                                 iva += b;
00479                                 b0 = size;
00480                                 size = b1;
00481                                 while(GETC(ch) <= ' ' && ch >= 0);
00482                                 if (b1 < b0)
00483                                         goto delta_adj;
00484                                 }
00485                         if (readall)
00486                                 goto delta_adj;
00487                         for(; dn0 < dn; dn0++) {
00488                                 if (dn0->extent != *dims++ || dn0->stride != 1)
00489                                         break;
00490                                 no1 *= dn0->extent;
00491                                 }
00492                         if (dn0 == dimens && dimens[0].stride == 1) {
00493                                 no1 = dimens[0].extent;
00494                                 dn0++;
00495                                 }
00496  delta_adj:
00497                         ex = 0;
00498                         for(dn1 = dn0; dn1 <= dn; dn1++)
00499                                 ex += (dn1->extent-1)
00500                                         * (dn1->delta *= dn1->stride);
00501                         for(dn1 = dn; dn1 > dn0; dn1--) {
00502                                 ex -= (dn1->extent - 1) * dn1->delta;
00503                                 dn1->delta -= ex;
00504                                 }
00505                         }
00506                 else if (dims = v->dims) {
00507                         no = no1 = dims[1];
00508                         ivae = iva + no*size;
00509                         }
00510                 else
00511  scalar:
00512                         no = no1 = 1;
00513                 if (ch != '=')
00514                         errfl(a->cierr, 115, where);
00515                 got1 = nml_read = 1;
00516                 f__lcount = 0;
00517          readloop:
00518                 for(;;) {
00519                         if (iva >= ivae || iva < 0) {
00520                                 f__lquit = 1;
00521                                 goto mustend;
00522                                 }
00523                         else if (iva + no1*size > ivae)
00524                                 no1 = (ivae - iva)/size;
00525                         f__lquit = 0;
00526                         if (k = l_read(&no1, vaddr + iva, size, type))
00527                                 return k;
00528                         if (f__lquit == 1)
00529                                 return 0;
00530                         if (readall) {
00531                                 iva += dn0->delta;
00532                                 if (f__lcount > 0) {
00533                                         no1 = (ivae - iva)/size;
00534                                         if (no1 > f__lcount)
00535                                                 no1 = f__lcount;
00536                                         iva += no1 * dn0->delta;
00537                                         if (k = l_read(&no1, vaddr + iva,
00538                                                         size, type))
00539                                                 return k;
00540                                         }
00541                                 }
00542  mustend:
00543                         GETC(ch);
00544                         if (readall)
00545                                 if (iva >= ivae)
00546                                         readall = 0;
00547                                 else for(;;) {
00548                                         switch(ch) {
00549                                                 case ' ':
00550                                                 case '\t':
00551                                                 case '\n':
00552                                                         GETC(ch);
00553                                                         continue;
00554                                                 }
00555                                         break;
00556                                         }
00557                         if (ch == '/' || ch == '$' || ch == '&') {
00558                                 f__lquit = 1;
00559                                 return 0;
00560                                 }
00561                         else if (f__lquit) {
00562                                 while(ch <= ' ' && ch >= 0)
00563                                         GETC(ch);
00564                                 Ungetc(ch,f__cf);
00565                                 if (!Alpha[ch & 0xff] && ch >= 0)
00566                                         errfl(a->cierr, 125, where);
00567                                 break;
00568                                 }
00569                         Ungetc(ch,f__cf);
00570                         if (readall && !Alpha[ch & 0xff])
00571                                 goto readloop;
00572                         if ((no -= no1) <= 0)
00573                                 break;
00574                         for(dn1 = dn0; dn1 <= dn; dn1++) {
00575                                 if (++dn1->curval < dn1->extent) {
00576                                         iva += dn1->delta;
00577                                         goto readloop;
00578                                         }
00579                                 dn1->curval = 0;
00580                                 }
00581                         break;
00582                         }
00583                 }
00584         }

Variable Documentation

char* f__icend

Definition at line 9 of file rsli.c.

Referenced by c_lir(), c_si(), i_getc(), z_getc(), and z_putc().

int f__icnum

Definition at line 11 of file rsli.c.

Referenced by c_lir(), c_si(), e_wsfi(), z_rnew(), and z_wnew().

char* f__icptr

Definition at line 8 of file rsli.c.

Referenced by c_lir(), i_getc(), and i_ungetc().

int f__lcount

Definition at line 7 of file rsli.c.

Referenced by s_rsli().

flag f__lquit

Definition at line 6 of file rsli.c.

Referenced by s_rsli().

int f__recpos

Definition at line 11 of file rsli.c.

Referenced by c_lir(), i_getc(), and i_ungetc().

icilist* f__svic

Definition at line 10 of file rsli.c.


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