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vp_transpose.c File Reference

#include "vp_global.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


int TransposeBlock ANSI_ARGS ((void *src, int src_xstride, int src_ystride, int src_zstride, void *dst, int dst_xstride, int dst_ystride, int dst_zstride, int xlen, int ylen, int zlen, int bytes_per_voxel))
vpResult vpTranspose (vpc, kaxis) vpContext *vpc


int kaxis
int src_xstride
int src_ystride
int src_zstride
void * dst
int dst_xstride
int dst_ystride
int dst_zstride
int xlen
int ylen
int zlen
int bytes_per_voxel

Function Documentation

int TransposeBlock ANSI_ARGS (void *src, int src_xstride, int src_ystride, int src_zstride, void *dst, int dst_xstride, int dst_ystride, int dst_zstride, int xlen, int ylen, int zlen, int bytes_per_voxel   [static]

vpResult vpTranspose vpc   ,

Variable Documentation

int bytes_per_voxel

Definition at line 127 of file vp_transpose.c.

void* dst

Definition at line 122 of file vp_transpose.c.

int dst_xstride

Definition at line 123 of file vp_transpose.c.

int dst_ystride

Definition at line 124 of file vp_transpose.c.

int dst_zstride

Definition at line 125 of file vp_transpose.c.

int kaxis

Definition at line 47 of file vp_transpose.c.

int src_xstride

Definition at line 119 of file vp_transpose.c.

int src_ystride

Definition at line 120 of file vp_transpose.c.

int src_zstride

Definition at line 121 of file vp_transpose.c.

int xlen

Definition at line 126 of file vp_transpose.c.

int ylen

Definition at line 126 of file vp_transpose.c.

int zlen

Definition at line 126 of file vp_transpose.c.


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