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whirlgif.h File Reference

#include <stdio.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

union  GIF_Color
struct  GIF_Image_Hdr
struct  GIF_Screen_Hdr
struct  GIF_Table
struct  Global
struct  Transparency


#define DEFAULT_TIME   10
#define DEFAULT_LOOP   0
#define BIGSTRING   256
#define LONG   int
#define ULONG   unsigned int
#define BYTE   char
#define UBYTE   unsigned char
#define SHORT   short
#define USHORT   unsigned short
#define WORD   short int
#define UWORD   unsigned short int
#define TRUE   1
#define FALSE   0
#define TRANS_NONE   1
#define TRANS_RGB   2
#define TRANS_MAP   3

Define Documentation

#define BIGSTRING   256

Definition at line 30 of file whirlgif.h.

#define BYTE   char

Definition at line 33 of file whirlgif.h.

#define DEFAULT_LOOP   0

Definition at line 23 of file whirlgif.h.

#define DEFAULT_TIME   10

Definition at line 21 of file whirlgif.h.


Definition at line 25 of file whirlgif.h.

#define FALSE   0

Definition at line 44 of file whirlgif.h.

#define LONG   int

Definition at line 31 of file whirlgif.h.

#define SHORT   short

Definition at line 35 of file whirlgif.h.

#define TRANS_MAP   3

Definition at line 50 of file whirlgif.h.

#define TRANS_NONE   1

Definition at line 48 of file whirlgif.h.

#define TRANS_RGB   2

Definition at line 49 of file whirlgif.h.

#define TRUE   1

Definition at line 41 of file whirlgif.h.

#define UBYTE   unsigned char

Definition at line 34 of file whirlgif.h.

#define ULONG   unsigned int

Definition at line 32 of file whirlgif.h.

#define USHORT   unsigned short

Definition at line 36 of file whirlgif.h.

#define UWORD   unsigned short int

Definition at line 38 of file whirlgif.h.

#define WORD   short int

Definition at line 37 of file whirlgif.h.


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