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wsne.c File Reference

#include "f2c.h"
#include "fio.h"
#include "lio.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


integer s_wsne (cilist *a)

Function Documentation

integer s_wsne cilist   a

Definition at line 9 of file wsne.c.

References a, c_le(), e_wsle(), err, f__nowwriting(), LINE, and x_wsne().

Referenced by print_ne().

00011 {
00012         int n;
00014         if(n=c_le(a))
00015                 return(n);
00016         f__reading=0;
00017         f__external=1;
00018         f__formatted=1;
00019         f__putn = t_putc;
00020         L_len = LINE;
00021         f__donewrec = x_wSL;
00022         if(f__curunit->uwrt != 1 && f__nowwriting(f__curunit))
00023                 err(a->cierr, errno, "namelist output start");
00024         x_wsne(a);
00025         return e_wsle();
00026         }

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