
               Unix help

# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# if the afni directory is already here, whine a bit and terminate the script

if ( -e ARzs_data/afni ) then
    echo ""
    echo "Failure:"
    echo ""
    echo "The resulting afni directory already exists.  Please move the"
    echo "afni directory and then re-run the script.  Example:"
    echo ""
    echo "    mv ARzs_data/afni ARzs_data/afni.bak"
    echo ""


               Unix help

# ------------------------------------------------------------------- # start in the top level data directory cd ARzs_data Unix help # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # create AFNI dataset from spgr I-files - will move them to afni dir later to3d -prefix ARzs_spgr -spgr SPGR_data/I.* AFNI howto Unix help 'to3d -help' # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # create AFNI datasets from both EPI runs cd EPI_data Unix help Ifile -nt '???/I.*' AFNI howto Unix help 'Ifile -help' # change the prefix for the output file in GERT_Reco sed 's/OutBrick/ARzs_EPI/' GERT_Reco > new_GERT_Reco Unix help # now run the new_GERT_Reco script tcsh new_GERT_Reco AFNI howto Unix help # ------------------------- # store outliers in a subdir cd afni mkdir outliers mv ARzs_EPI*Outliers.1D outliers cd .. Unix help # ------------------------- # put the new afni directory back at the top level mv afni .. AFNI howto Unix help # go back to top level data directory cd .. Unix help # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # put our spgr anat dataset into that new afni directory mv ARzs_spgr+orig.* afni Unix help # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # do volume registering cd afni 3dvolreg -prefix ARzs_EPI_r1_vr -base ARzs_EPI_r2+orig'[155]' ARzs_EPI_r1+orig 3dvolreg -prefix ARzs_EPI_r2_vr -base ARzs_EPI_r2+orig'[155]' ARzs_EPI_r2+orig AFNI howto Unix help '3dvolreg -help' # average the two volume registered time series datasets 3dcalc -a ARzs_EPI_r1_vr+orig -b ARzs_EPI_r2_vr+orig \ -expr '(a+b)/2' -prefix ARzs_EPI_avg AFNI howto Unix help '3dcalc -help' # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # create 1D file (Ref_ARzs.1D) containing ideal reference function waver -GAM -dt 2 -numout 160 \ -inline 15@0 \ 15@1 7@0 15@1 8@0 \ 15@1 7@0 15@1 8@0 \ 15@1 7@0 15@1 8@0 \ 10@0 \ > Ref_ARzs.1D AFNI howto Unix help 'waver -help' # gasp! actual statistical analysis of data! ... 3ddelay -input ARzs_EPI_avg+orig -ideal_file Ref_ARzs.1D -fs 0.5 -T 45 AFNI howto Unix help '3ddelay -help' # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # extra stuff 3dIntracranial -anat ARzs_spgr+orig -prefix ARzs_spgr_NoSkl AFNI howto Unix help '3dIntracranial -help' echo "results are left in directory: ARzs_data/afni" Unix help