AFNI program: 3dTnorm
Output of -help
Usage: 3dTnorm [options] dataset
Takes each voxel time series and normalizes it
(by multiplicative scaling) -- in some sense.
-prefix p = use string 'p' for the prefix of the
output dataset [DEFAULT = 'tnorm']
-norm2 = L2 normalize (sum of squares = 1) [DEFAULT]
-normR = normalize so sum of squares = number of time points
* e.g., so RMS = 1.
-norm1 = L1 normalize (sum of absolute values = 1)
-normx = Scale so max absolute value = 1 (L_infinity norm)
-polort p = Detrend with polynomials of order p before normalizing
[DEFAULT = don't do this]
* Use '-polort 0' to remove the mean, for example
-L1fit = Detrend with L1 regression (L2 is the default)
* This option is here just for the hell of it
* Each voxel is processed separately
* A voxel that is all zero will be unchanged (duh)
* Output dataset is in float format, no matter what the input format
* This program is for producing regressors to use in 3dTfitter
* Also see programs 1dnorm and 3dcalc
++ Compile date = Feb 24 2025 {AFNI_25.0.07:linux_ubuntu_24_64}
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