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00001 #include "mrilib.h"
00003 void print_results( char * , int , float *, float * ) ;  /* later, dude */
00005 static float threshold=0.0 , cer=0.0 , cjv=0.0 , gmcount=0.0 , wmcount=0.0 ;
00007 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00008 static double apar=0.0 ;   /** skewness parameter [-1..1] **/
00010 static double pmodel_pdf( double x )
00011 {
00012    double q = 1.0-x*x ;
00013    return (q <= 0.0) ? 0.0
00014                      : 0.9375*q*q
00015                       * (1.0 + apar*x*fabs(x)) ;
00016 }
00018 static double pmodel_cdf( double x )
00019 {
00020    double q , val , sss ;
00021    if( x <= -1.0 ) return 0.0 ;
00022    if( x >=  1.0 ) return 1.0 ;
00023    q = x*x ;
00024    val = 0.5 + x*(15.0-10.0*q+3.0*q*q)/16.0 - apar/14.0 ;
00025    sss = 0.9375 * (apar*x*q)*(1.0/3.0-0.4*q+q*q/7.0) ;
00026    if( x < 0.0 ) val -= sss ;
00027    else          val += sss ;
00028    return val ;
00029 }
00031 #define pmodel_bin(x1,x2,pk,wd) (pmodel_cdf((x2-pk)/wd)-pmodel_cdf((x1-pk)/wd))
00033 #define pmodel_mean(pk,wd) ((pk)+0.078125*apar*(wd))
00035 #define pmodel_sigma(wd)   (0.002232142857*(wd)*sqrt(28672.-1225.*apar*apar))
00037 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00039 int main( int argc , char * argv[] )
00040 {
00041    THD_3dim_dataset *dset , *mset ;
00042    byte *mask ;
00043    int iarg=1 , nmask,nfill , dilate=1 , dd,nx,ny,nz,nxy,nxyz , ii,jj,kk ;
00044    float SIhh=130.0 ;
00045    int   SIax=0 , SIbot,SItop ;
00046    short *sar , *mar ;
00047    float pval[128] , wval[128] ;
00048    int npk , verb=1 , win=0 , his=0 , fit=1 , do2=0 ;
00049    char *dname , cmd[2222] , *label=NULL , *fname="Anhist" ;
00051    static int hist[32768] , gist[32768] ;
00052    int qq,ncut,ib,nold , sbot,stop , npos,nhalf , cbot,ctop,nwid ;
00053    double dsum ;
00054    float *wt , ws ;
00055    int ibot,itop ;
00056    FILE *hf ;
00057    float **Gmat, *Hvec, *lam, *rez, sum,wtm, wbot,wtop, ebest=-1.0;
00058    float *ap,*pk,*ww ; int nregtry , nbetter ;
00059    float *pkbest,*wwbest,*apbest,*lambest , pplm,aplm,wplm ;
00060    float *pklast,*wwlast,*aplast ;
00062    if( argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){
00063       printf("Usage: 3dAnhist [options] dataset\n"
00064              "Input dataset is a T1-weighted high-res of the brain (shorts only).\n"
00065              "Output is a list of peaks in the histogram, to stdout, in the form\n"
00066              "  ( datasetname #peaks peak1 peak2 ... )\n"
00067              "In the C-shell, for example, you could do\n"
00068              "  set anhist = `3dAnhist -q -w1 dset+orig`\n"
00069              "Then the number of peaks found is in the shell variable $anhist[2].\n"
00070              "\n"
00071              "Options:\n"
00072              "  -q  = be quiet (don't print progress reports)\n"
00073              "  -h  = dump histogram data to Anhist.1D and plot to\n"
00074              "  -F  = DON'T fit histogram with stupid curves.\n"
00075              "  -w  = apply a Winsorizing filter prior to histogram scan\n"
00076              "         (or -w7 to Winsorize 7 times, etc.)\n"
00077              "  -2  = Analyze top 2 peaks only, for overlap etc.\n"
00078              "\n"
00079              "  -label xxx = Use 'xxx' for a label on the plot file\n"
00080              "                instead of the input dataset filename.\n"
00081              "  -fname fff = Use 'fff' for the filename instead of 'Anhist'.\n"
00082              "\n"
00083              "If the '-2' option is used, AND if 2 peaks are detected, AND if\n"
00084              "the -h option is also given, then stdout will be of the form\n"
00085              "  ( datasetname 2 peak1 peak2 thresh CER CJV count1 count2 count1/count2)\n"
00086              "where 2      = number of peaks\n"
00087              "      thresh = threshold between peak1 and peak2 for decision-making\n"
00088              "      CER    = classification error rate of thresh\n"
00089              "      CJV    = coefficient of joint variation\n"
00090              "      count1 = area under fitted PDF for peak1\n"
00091              "      count2 = area under fitted PDF for peak2\n"
00092              "      count1/count2 = ratio of the above quantities\n"
00093              "NOTA BENE\n"
00094              "---------\n"
00095              "* If the input is a T1-weighted MRI dataset (the usual case), then\n"
00096              "   peak 1 should be the gray matter (GM) peak and peak 2 the white\n"
00097              "   matter (WM) peak.\n"
00098              "* For the definitions of CER and CJV, see the paper\n"
00099              "   Method for Bias Field Correction of Brain T1-Weighted Magnetic\n"
00100              "   Resonance Images Minimizing Segmentation Error\n"
00101              "   JD Gispert, S Reig, J Pascau, JJ Vaquero, P Garcia-Barreno,\n"
00102              "   and M Desco, Human Brain Mapping 22:133-144 (2004).\n"
00103              "* Roughly speaking, CER is the ratio of the overlapping area of the\n"
00104              "   2 peak fitted PDFs to the total area of the fitted PDFS.  CJV is\n"
00105              "   (sigma_GM+sigma_WM)/(mean_WM-mean_GM), and is a different, ad hoc,\n"
00106              "   measurement of how much the two PDF overlap.\n"
00107              "* The fitted PDFs are NOT Gaussians.  They are of the form\n"
00108              "   f(x) = b((x-p)/w,a), where p=location of peak, w=width, 'a' is\n"
00109              "   a skewness parameter between -1 and 1; the basic distribution\n"
00110              "   is defined by b(x)=(1-x^2)^2*(1+a*x*abs(x)) for -1 < x < 1.\n"
00111              "\n"
00112              "-- RWCox - November 2004\n"
00113             ) ;
00114       exit(0) ;
00115    }
00117    mainENTRY("3dAnhist main"); machdep(); AFNI_logger("3dAnhist",argc,argv);
00118    PRINT_VERSION("3dAnhist") ;
00120    /*-- options --*/
00122    while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){
00124       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-label") == 0 ){  /* 14 Mar 2003 */
00125         label = argv[++iarg] ;
00126         iarg++ ; continue ;
00127       }
00129       if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-fname") == 0 ){  /* 14 Mar 2003 */
00130         fname = argv[++iarg] ;
00131         if( !THD_filename_ok(fname) ){
00132           fprintf(stderr,"** Bad name after -fname!\n"); exit(1);
00133         }
00134         iarg++ ; continue ;
00135       }
00137       if( argv[iarg][1] == 'q' ){ verb=0 ; iarg++ ; continue ; }
00138       if( argv[iarg][1] == 'v' ){ verb++ ; iarg++ ; continue ; }
00139       if( argv[iarg][1] == 'h' ){ his =1 ; iarg++ ; continue ; }
00140       if( argv[iarg][1] == 'F' ){ fit =0 ; iarg++ ; continue ; }
00141       if( argv[iarg][1] == '2' ){ do2 =1 ; iarg++ ; continue ; }
00142       if( argv[iarg][1] == 'w' ){
00143         win = -1 ;
00144         if( isdigit(argv[iarg][2]) )
00145           sscanf(argv[iarg],"-w%d",&win) ;
00146         if( win <= 0 ) win = 1 ;
00147         iarg++ ; continue ;
00148       }
00150       fprintf(stderr,"** ILLEGAL option: %s\n",argv[iarg]) ; exit(1) ;
00151    }
00153    /*------------------*/
00154    /*-- read dataset --*/
00156    dset = THD_open_dataset(argv[iarg]) ; dname = argv[iarg] ;
00157    if( !ISVALID_DSET(dset) ){ fprintf(stderr,"** CAN'T open dataset\n");exit(1); }
00158    if( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,0) != MRI_short ){
00159       fprintf(stderr,"** ILLEGAL non-short dataset type\n"); exit(1);
00160    }
00161    nx = DSET_NX(dset); ny = DSET_NY(dset); nz = DSET_NZ(dset); nxy = nx*ny; nxyz = nxy*nz;
00162    if( nx < 32 || ny < 32 || nz < 32 ){
00163       fprintf(stderr,"** Dataset dimensions are less than 32x32x32?!\n"); exit(1);
00164    }
00165    if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"++ Loading dataset %s\n", DSET_BRIKNAME(dset) ) ;
00166    DSET_load(dset) ;
00167    if( !DSET_LOADED(dset) ){ fprintf(stderr,"** CAN'T load dataset\n");exit(1); }
00169    if( label == NULL ) label = dname ;  /* 14 Mar 2003 */
00171    /*-----------------------------*/
00172    /*** FIND THE BRAIN-ish MASK ***/
00174    if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"++ Forming automask of connected high-intensity voxels\n") ;
00175    mask = THD_automask( dset ) ;
00176    if( mask == NULL ){
00177      fprintf(stderr,"** Mask creation fails for unknown reasons!\n"); exit(1);
00178    }
00180    /* do fillin, etc, after dilation */
00182    if( dilate > 0 ){
00183      int nmm=1 ;
00184      if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"++ Dilating automask %d time%c\n",dilate,(dilate==1)?'.':'s') ;
00185      ii = rint(0.032*nx) ; nmm = MAX(nmm,ii) ;
00186      ii = rint(0.032*ny) ; nmm = MAX(nmm,ii) ;
00187      ii = rint(0.032*nz) ; nmm = MAX(nmm,ii) ;
00188      for( dd=0 ; dd < dilate ; dd++ ){
00189        THD_mask_dilate           ( nx,ny,nz , mask, 3   ) ;
00190        THD_mask_fillin_completely( nx,ny,nz , mask, nmm ) ;
00191      }
00192      for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ ) mask[ii] = !mask[ii] ;
00193      THD_mask_clust( nx,ny,nz, mask ) ;
00194      for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ ) mask[ii] = !mask[ii] ;
00195    }
00197    nmask = THD_countmask( DSET_NVOX(dset) , mask ) ;
00198    if( nmask == 0 ){
00199      fprintf(stderr,"** No voxels in the automask?!\n");
00200      print_results( label,0,NULL,NULL ) ; exit(1);
00201    }
00203    /* find most superior point, clip off all more than SIhh (130) mm below it */
00205    if( SIhh > 0.0 ){
00207      if( ORIENT_tinystr[dset->daxes->xxorient][0] == 'S' ){
00208        for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ )
00209          for( kk=0 ; kk < nz ; kk++ )
00210            for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ )
00211              if( mask[ii+jj*nx+kk*nxy] ) goto CP5 ;
00212      CP5:
00213        SIax = 1 ; SIbot = ii + (int)(SIhh/fabs(DSET_DX(dset))+0.5) ; SItop = nx-1 ;
00214      }
00216      else if( ORIENT_tinystr[dset->daxes->xxorient][1] == 'S' ){
00217        for( ii=nx-1 ; ii >= 0 ; ii-- )
00218          for( kk=0 ; kk < nz ; kk++ )
00219            for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ )
00220              if( mask[ii+jj*nx+kk*nxy] ) goto CP6 ;
00221      CP6:
00222        SIax = 1 ; SIbot = 0 ; SItop = ii - (int)(SIhh/fabs(DSET_DX(dset))+0.5) ;
00223      }
00225      else if( ORIENT_tinystr[dset->daxes->yyorient][0] == 'S' ){
00226        for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ )
00227          for( kk=0 ; kk < nz ; kk++ )
00228            for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ )
00229              if( mask[ii+jj*nx+kk*nxy] ) goto CP3 ;
00230      CP3:
00231        SIax = 2 ; SIbot = jj + (int)(SIhh/fabs(DSET_DY(dset))+0.5) ; SItop = ny-1 ;
00232      }
00234      else if( ORIENT_tinystr[dset->daxes->yyorient][1] == 'S' ){
00235        for( jj=ny-1 ; jj >= 0 ; jj-- )
00236          for( kk=0 ; kk < nz ; kk++ )
00237            for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ )
00238              if( mask[ii+jj*nx+kk*nxy] ) goto CP4 ;
00239      CP4:
00240        SIax = 2 ; SIbot = 0 ; SItop = jj - (int)(SIhh/fabs(DSET_DY(dset))+0.5) ;
00241      }
00243      else if( ORIENT_tinystr[dset->daxes->zzorient][0] == 'S' ){
00244        for( kk=0 ; kk < nz ; kk++ )
00245          for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ )
00246            for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ )
00247              if( mask[ii+jj*nx+kk*nxy] ) goto CP1 ;
00248      CP1:
00249        SIax = 3 ; SIbot = kk + (int)(SIhh/fabs(DSET_DZ(dset))+0.5) ; SItop = nz-1 ;
00250      }
00252      else if( ORIENT_tinystr[dset->daxes->zzorient][1] == 'S' ){
00253        for( kk=nz-1 ; kk >= 0 ; kk-- )
00254          for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ )
00255            for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ )
00256              if( mask[ii+jj*nx+kk*nxy] ) goto CP2 ;
00257      CP2:
00258        SIax = 3 ; SIbot = 0 ; SItop = kk - (int)(SIhh/fabs(DSET_DZ(dset))+0.5) ;
00259      }
00261      /* cut off stuff below SIhh mm from most Superior point */
00263      if( SIax > 0 && SIbot <= SItop ){
00264        char *cax="xyz" ;
00265        if( verb )
00266          fprintf(stderr,"++ SI clipping mask along axis %c: slices %d..%d\n" ,
00267                 cax[SIax-1] , SIbot,SItop ) ;
00268        switch( SIax ){
00269          case 1:
00270            for( ii=SIbot ; ii <= SItop ; ii++ )
00271              for( kk=0 ; kk < nz ; kk++ )
00272                for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ ) mask[ii+jj*nx+kk*nxy] = 0 ;
00273          break ;
00274          case 2:
00275            for( jj=SIbot ; jj <= SItop ; jj++ )
00276              for( kk=0 ; kk < nz ; kk++ )
00277                for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ) mask[ii+jj*nx+kk*nxy] = 0 ;
00278          break ;
00279          case 3:
00280            for( kk=SIbot ; kk <= SItop ; kk++ )
00281              for( jj=0 ; jj < ny ; jj++ )
00282                for( ii=0 ; ii < nx ; ii++ ) mask[ii+jj*nx+kk*nxy] = 0 ;
00283          break ;
00284        }
00285      }
00286    }
00287    nmask = THD_countmask( DSET_NVOX(dset) , mask ) ;
00288    if( nmask <= 999 ){
00289      fprintf(stderr,"** Only %d voxels in the automask?!\n",nmask);
00290      print_results( label,0,NULL,NULL); exit(1);
00291    }
00293    /* Winsorize? */
00295    if( win ){
00296      THD_3dim_dataset *wset ; float irad ;
00297      irad = (verb) ? 2.5 : -2.5 ;
00298      wset = WINsorize( dset , win , -1,-1 , irad , "winsor" , 0,0 , mask ) ;
00299      DSET_delete(dset) ;
00300      dset = wset ;
00301    }
00303    /* copy data in mask region to private array, then expunge dataset */
00305    sar = DSET_ARRAY(dset,0) ;
00306    mar = (short *) malloc( sizeof(short)*nmask ) ;
00307    for( jj=ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ )
00308      if( mask[ii] && sar[ii] > 0 ) mar[jj++] = sar[ii] ;
00309    nmask = jj ;
00310    if( verb )
00311     fprintf(stderr,"++ %d voxels in mask [out of %d in dataset]\n",nmask,DSET_NVOX(dset)) ;
00313    DSET_delete(dset) ; free(mask) ;
00315    /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00316    /*** Mask is finished.  Now build histogram of data in mask region. ***/
00318    sbot = stop = mar[0] ;
00319    for( ii=1 ; ii < nmask ; ii++ )
00320           if( mar[ii] < sbot ) sbot = mar[ii] ;
00321      else if( mar[ii] > stop ) stop = mar[ii] ;
00322    if( sbot == stop ){
00323      if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"+ All voxels inside mask have value=%d ?!\n",sbot);
00324      pval[0] = sbot ; wval[0] = 0 ;
00325      print_results( label,1 , pval,wval ) ; exit(0) ;
00326    }
00327    if( verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ Data range: %d .. %d\n",sbot,stop) ;
00329    /* build histogram */
00331    memset( hist , 0 , sizeof(int)*32768 ) ;
00332    for( ii=0 ; ii < nmask ; ii++ ) hist[mar[ii]]++ ;
00333    dsum = 0.0 ;
00334    for( ii=sbot ; ii <= stop ; ii++ )
00335      dsum += (double)(hist[ii])*(double)(hist[ii])*ii ;
00337      /* find cliplevel */
00339    qq = 0.65 * nmask ; ib = rint(0.5*sqrt(dsum/nmask)) ;
00340    for( kk=0,ii=stop ; ii >= ib && kk < qq ; ii-- ) kk += hist[ii] ;
00341    ncut = ii ; qq = 0 ;
00342    do{
00343     for( npos=0,ii=ncut ; ii <= stop ; ii++ ) npos += hist[ii] ; /* number >= cut */
00344      nhalf = npos/2 ;
00345      for( kk=0,ii=ncut ; ii <= stop && kk < nhalf ; ii++ )       /* find median */
00346        kk += hist[ii] ;
00347      nold = ncut ;
00348      ncut = 0.5 * ii ;                                           /* new cut */
00349      qq++ ;
00350    } while( qq < 20 && ncut != nold ) ;
00352    /* make smoothed histogram */
00354    cbot = ncut ; ctop = 3*ncut ;
00355    if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"++ Histogram range = %d .. %d\n",cbot,ctop) ;
00356    nwid = rint(0.1*ncut) ;
00357    if( nwid <= 0 ){
00358      if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"++ Using unsmoothed histogram\n") ;
00359      memcpy( gist , hist , sizeof(int)*32768 ) ;
00360    } else {
00361      if( verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ Computing smoothing weights:") ;
00362      ws = 0.0 ;
00363      wt = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*(2*nwid+1)) ;
00364      for( ii=0 ; ii <= 2*nwid ; ii++ ){
00365        wt[ii] = nwid-abs(nwid-ii) + 0.5f ;
00366        if( verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr," (%d,%g)" , ii,wt[ii]) ;
00367        ws += wt[ii] ;
00368      }
00369      if( verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
00370      for( ii=0 ; ii <= 2*nwid ; ii++ ) wt[ii] /= ws ;
00372      if( verb )
00373        fprintf(stderr,"++ Smoothing histogram = %d .. %d around each value\n",
00374                -nwid,nwid) ;
00376      for( jj=cbot ; jj <= ctop ; jj++ ){
00377        ibot = jj-nwid ; if( ibot < sbot ) ibot = sbot ;
00378        itop = jj+nwid ; if( itop > stop ) itop = stop ;
00379        ws = 0.0 ;
00380        for( ii=ibot ; ii <= itop ; ii++ )
00381          ws += wt[nwid-jj+ii] * hist[ii] ;
00382        gist[jj] = rint(ws) ;
00383        if( verb > 1 )
00384          fprintf(stderr," + %3d: unsmoothed=%d  smoothed=%d\n",
00385                  jj,hist[jj],gist[jj]) ;
00386      }
00387      free(wt) ;
00388    }
00390    if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"++ Scanning histogram for peaks:" ) ;
00391    npk = 0 ;
00392    for( ii=cbot+2 ; ii <= ctop-2 ; ii++ ){
00393      if( gist[ii] > gist[ii-1] &&
00394          gist[ii] > gist[ii-2] &&
00395          gist[ii] > gist[ii+1] &&
00396          gist[ii] > gist[ii+2]   ){
00397            pval[npk]=ii; wval[npk++] = gist[ii];
00398            if( verb ) fprintf(stderr," %.1f",pval[npk-1]) ;
00399          }
00401      else if( gist[ii] == gist[ii+1] &&   /* very special case */
00402               gist[ii] >  gist[ii-1] &&
00403               gist[ii] >  gist[ii-2] &&
00404               gist[ii] >  gist[ii+2]   ){
00405                 pval[npk]=ii+0.5; wval[npk++] = gist[ii];
00406                 if( verb ) fprintf(stderr," %.1f",pval[npk-1]) ;
00407               }
00409      else if( gist[ii] == gist[ii+1] &&   /* super special case */
00410               gist[ii] == gist[ii-1] &&
00411               gist[ii] >  gist[ii-2] &&
00412               gist[ii] >  gist[ii+2]   ){
00413                 pval[npk]=ii; wval[npk++] = gist[ii];
00414                 if( verb ) fprintf(stderr," %.1f",pval[npk-1]) ;
00415               }
00416    }
00417    if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
00419    if( do2 && npk > 2 ){  /* find largest two peaks and keep only them */
00420      float pval_top, pval_2nd, wval_top, wval_2nd , www; int iii,itop ;
00421      www = wval[0] ; iii = 0 ;
00422      for( ii=1 ; ii < npk ; ii++ ){
00423        if( wval[ii] > www ){ www = wval[ii] ; iii = ii ; }
00424      }
00425      pval_top = pval[iii] ; wval_top = www ; itop = iii ;
00426      www = -1 ; iii = -1 ;
00427      for( ii=0 ; ii < npk ; ii++ ){
00428        if( ii != itop && wval[ii] > www ){ www = wval[ii] ; iii = ii ; }
00429      }
00430      pval_2nd = pval[iii] ; wval_2nd = www ;
00432      /* make sure peaks are increasing in pval */
00434      if( pval_top < pval_2nd ){
00435        pval[0] = pval_top ; wval[0] = wval_top ;
00436        pval[1] = pval_2nd ; wval[1] = wval_2nd ;
00437      } else {
00438        pval[0] = pval_2nd ; wval[0] = wval_2nd ;
00439        pval[1] = pval_top ; wval[1] = wval_top ;
00440      }
00441      npk = 2 ;
00442      if( verb )
00443        fprintf(stderr,"++ Keeping top 2 peaks: %.1f %.1f\n",pval[0],pval[1]) ;
00444    }
00446    if( his ){   /* fit histogram? */
00447      npos = 0 ;
00448      if( npk > 0 && fit ){
00449        int ndim=ctop-cbot+1 , nvec=npk , iw,nw ;
00450        srand48((long)time(NULL)) ;
00451        Gmat = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *)*nvec) ;
00452        for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ )
00453          Gmat[jj] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*ndim) ;
00454        Hvec   = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*ndim) ;
00455        rez    = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*ndim) ;
00456        wt     = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*ndim) ;
00457        lam    = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nvec) ;
00458        ww     = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nvec) ;
00459        pk     = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nvec) ;
00460        ap     = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nvec) ;
00461        apbest = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nvec) ;
00462        pkbest = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nvec) ;
00463        wwbest = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nvec) ;
00464        lambest= (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nvec) ;
00465        aplast = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nvec) ;
00466        pklast = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nvec) ;
00467        wwlast = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nvec) ;
00469        if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"++ Regressing histogram") ;
00470        wbot=0.1*cbot; wtop=0.9*cbot; pplm=0.05*cbot; aplm=0.75; wplm=0.4*cbot;
00471        nregtry = 0 ;
00472  RegTry:
00473        switch(nvec){
00474          case 1: nw =  30000 ; break ;
00475          case 2: nw = 400000 ; break ;
00476         default: nw = 666000 ; break ;
00477        }
00478        if( nregtry > 0 ){                 /* keep previous best estimates */
00479          pplm *= 0.7 ; aplm *= 0.7 ; wplm *= 0.7 ; nw /= 2 ;
00480          memcpy(aplast,apbest,sizeof(float)*nvec) ;
00481          memcpy(pklast,pkbest,sizeof(float)*nvec) ;
00482          memcpy(wwlast,wwbest,sizeof(float)*nvec) ;
00483        } else {
00484          for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ){  /* initial estimates */
00485            wwlast[jj] = 0.5*cbot ;
00486            aplast[jj] = 0.0 ;
00487            pklast[jj] = pval[jj] ;
00488          }
00489        }
00491        for( ii=0 ; ii < ndim ; ii++ ){
00492          wt[ii] = pow( (double)(1+gist[cbot+ii]) , 1.25 ) ;
00493        }
00494        for( ii=0,sum=0.0 ; ii < ndim ; ii++ ) sum += wt[ii] ;
00495        for( ii=0 ; ii < ndim ; ii++ ) wt[ii] /= sum ;
00496        wtm = 1.0 ;
00497        for( ii=0 ; ii < ndim ; ii++ )
00498          if( wt[ii] < wtm && wt[ii] > 0.0 ) wtm = wt[ii] ;
00499        for( ii=0 ; ii < ndim ; ii++ )
00500          if( wt[ii] == 0.0 ) wt[ii] = wtm ;
00502        nbetter = 0 ;
00503        for( iw=0 ; iw < nw ; iw++ ){           /* random search nw times */
00504          for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ){
00505            ww[jj] = wwlast[jj] + (2.*drand48()-1.)*wplm ;
00506            pk[jj] = pklast[jj] + (2.*drand48()-1.)*pplm ;
00507            ap[jj] = aplast[jj] + (2.*drand48()-1.)*aplm ;
00508                 if( pk[jj] >  0.9*ctop ) pk[jj] = 0.9*ctop ;
00509            else if( pk[jj] <  1.1*cbot ) pk[jj] = 1.1*cbot ;
00510                 if( ap[jj] >  1.0 ) ap[jj] =  1.0 ;
00511            else if( ap[jj] < -1.0 ) ap[jj] = -1.0 ;
00512                 if( ww[jj] < 0.1*cbot ) ww[jj] = 0.1*cbot ;
00513            else if( ww[jj] > 0.9*cbot ) ww[jj] = 0.9*cbot ;
00515                 if( pk[jj]+ww[jj] > ctop ) ww[jj] = ctop-pk[jj] ;
00516            else if( pk[jj]-ww[jj] < cbot ) ww[jj] = pk[jj]-cbot ;
00517          }
00518          sum = wtm = 0.0 ;
00519          for( ii=0 ; ii < ndim ; ii++ ){  /* create basis vectors */
00520           for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ){  /* basis for jj-th peak pdf */
00521            apar = ap[jj] ;
00522            Gmat[jj][ii] = pmodel_bin(cbot+ii-0.5,cbot+ii+0.5,pk[jj],ww[jj]) ;
00523            if( Gmat[jj][ii] < 0.0 ) Gmat[jj][ii] = 0.0 ;
00524           }
00525          }
00526          for( ii=0 ; ii < ndim ; ii++ ){
00527            Hvec[ii] = gist[cbot+ii] * wt[ii] ;
00528            for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ) Gmat[jj][ii] *= wt[ii] ;
00529          }
00530          for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ) lam[jj] = 1.0 ;  /* constraints */
00531          for( ii=0 ; ii < ndim ; ii++ ) rez[ii] = 1.0 ;
00532          sum = cl1_solve_res( ndim,nvec , Hvec,Gmat , lam,1 , rez,1 ) ;
00533          if( sum >= 0.0 ){
00534            if( ebest < 0.0 || sum < ebest ){
00535              ebest = sum ;
00536              for( ii=0 ; ii < ndim ; ii++ ){
00537                sum = 0.0 ;
00538                for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ) sum += Gmat[jj][ii] * lam[jj] ;
00539                hist[cbot+ii] = (int)rint(sum/wt[ii]) ;
00540              }
00541              npos = 1 ; nbetter++ ;
00542              memcpy( apbest , ap , sizeof(float)*nvec ) ;
00543              memcpy( pkbest , pk , sizeof(float)*nvec ) ;
00544              memcpy( wwbest , ww , sizeof(float)*nvec ) ;
00545              memcpy( lambest, lam, sizeof(float)*nvec ) ;
00546              if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"+") ;
00547              if( verb > 1 ){
00548                fprintf(stderr,"[") ;
00549                for( jj=0 ; jj < nvec ; jj++ ){
00550                  fprintf(stderr,"p=%.1f w=%.2f a=%.3f",
00551                          pkbest[jj],wwbest[jj],apbest[jj]) ;
00552                  if( jj < nvec-1 ) fprintf(stderr,";") ;
00553                }
00554                fprintf(stderr,"]") ;
00555              }
00556            }
00557          }
00558        } /* end of nw searches */
00559        if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,".") ;
00560        if( nregtry < 8                 ){ nregtry++ ; goto RegTry ; }
00561        if( nregtry < 12 && nbetter > 0 ){ nregtry++ ; goto RegTry ; }
00562        if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"!\n") ;
00563      } /* end of fitting */
00565      /* save some results */
00567      sprintf(cmd,"%s.1D",fname) ;
00568      hf = fopen( cmd , "w" ) ;
00569      if( hf == NULL ){
00570        fprintf(stderr,"** Can't open file %s for output!\n",cmd) ;
00571      } else {
00572        static char pbuf[1024]="\0" ;
00573        fprintf(hf,"# 3dAnhist") ;
00574        for( ii=1 ; ii < argc ; ii++ ) fprintf(hf," %s",argv[ii]) ;
00575        fprintf(hf,"\n") ;
00576        for( jj=0 ; jj < npk ; jj++ ){
00577          fprintf(hf,"# Peak %d: location=%.1f histpeak=%.1f\n",jj+1,pval[jj],wval[jj]) ;
00578        }
00579        if( fit && npos > 0 ){
00580          float gval ; int gtot ;
00582          /* compute individual fits into Gmat[jj] curves,
00583             and total number in each fit into wt[jj] values */
00585          if( verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ Computing individual fits:") ;
00586          for( jj=0 ; jj < npk ; jj++ ) wt[jj] = 0.0 ;
00587          gtot = 0 ;
00588          for( ii=cbot ; ii <= ctop ; ii++ ){
00589            gtot += gist[ii] ;
00590            for( jj=0 ; jj < npk ; jj++ ){
00591              if( verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"(%d,%d)",jj,ii) ;
00592              apar = apbest[jj] ;
00593              gval = lambest[jj] *
00594                     pmodel_bin(ii-0.5,ii+0.5,pkbest[jj],wwbest[jj]) ;
00595              Gmat[jj][ii-cbot] = rint(gval) ;
00596              wt[jj] += Gmat[jj][ii-cbot] ;
00597            }
00598          }
00599          if( verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
00601          for( jj=0 ; jj < npk ; jj++ ){
00602            fprintf(hf,"# Peak %d fit: location=%.1f width=%.2f skew=%.3f height=%.1f\n",
00603                    jj+1,pkbest[jj],wwbest[jj],apbest[jj],lambest[jj] ) ;
00604            if( jj < 4 ){
00605              ii = strlen(pbuf) ;
00606              sprintf(pbuf+ii," #%d=%.1f\\pm%.1f",jj+1,pkbest[jj],wwbest[jj]) ;
00607            }
00608          }
00609          fprintf(hf,"#\n") ;
00611          /* 03 Nov 2004: calculate some measures of the overlap */
00613          if( do2 && npk == 2 ){
00614            float mu_bot,sd_bot , mu_top,sd_top ;
00615            int ibot,itop , ix , gx0,gx1 ;
00617            /* statistics of variation and location */
00619            apar   = apbest[0] ;
00620            mu_bot = pmodel_mean(pkbest[0],wwbest[0]) ;
00621            sd_bot = pmodel_sigma(wwbest[0]) ;
00622            fprintf(hf,"# mu_bot=%.1f  sd_bot=%.2f\n",mu_bot,sd_bot) ;
00623            apar   = apbest[1] ;
00624            mu_top = pmodel_mean(pkbest[1],wwbest[1]) ;
00625            sd_top = pmodel_sigma(wwbest[1]) ;
00626            fprintf(hf,"# mu_top=%.1f  sd_top=%.2f\n",mu_top,sd_top) ;
00627            cjv    = (sd_bot+sd_top)/fabs(mu_top-mu_bot) ;
00628            fprintf(hf,"# CJV   = %.3f%%\n",100.0*cjv) ;
00630            fprintf(hf,"# Histogram = %d voxels\n",gtot) ;
00631            fprintf(hf,"# Fit 1     = %d voxels\n",(int)wt[0]) ;
00632            fprintf(hf,"# Fit 2     = %d voxels\n",(int)wt[1]) ;
00633            fprintf(hf,"# Ratio 1/2 = %.3f\n"     ,wt[0]/wt[1]) ;
00635            gmcount = wt[0] ; wmcount = wt[1] ;
00637            /* scan for crossover between fitted densities */
00639            ibot =   (int)mu_bot; ibot = MAX(ibot,cbot); ibot = MIN(ibot,ctop);
00640            itop = 1+(int)mu_top; itop = MAX(itop,cbot); itop = MIN(itop,ctop);
00641            for( ix=ibot ; ix < itop ; ix++ )
00642              if( Gmat[0][ix-cbot] < Gmat[1][ix-cbot] ) break ;
00643            if( ix < itop && ix > ibot ){
00644              threshold = ix-0.5 ;
00645              gx0 = gx1 = 0 ;
00646              for( ii=cbot ; ii <  ix   ; ii++ ) gx0 += Gmat[1][ii-cbot] ;
00647              for( ii=ix   ; ii <= ctop ; ii++ ) gx1 += Gmat[0][ii-cbot] ;
00648              fprintf(hf,"# Overlaps: Thresh=%.1f  Fit 1=%d  Fit 2=%d\n",
00649                      threshold,gx0,gx1) ;
00650              cer = ((float)(gx0+gx1))/(wt[0]+wt[1]) ;
00651              fprintf(hf,"# CER = %.3f%%\n",100.0*cer) ;
00652 #if 0
00653            } else {                                     /* 15 Nov 2004 */
00654              fprintf(hf,"# Overlaps: None\n") ;
00655              threshold = 0.5*(mu_bot+mu_top) ;
00656              cer       = MIN(gmcount,wmcount)/(gmcount+wmcount) ;
00657 #endif
00658            }
00659          }
00661          fprintf(hf,"# Histogram Region: min=%d max=%d\n",cbot,ctop) ;
00663          fprintf(hf,"# Val Histog FitSum Hi-Fit") ;
00664          for( jj=0 ; jj < npk ; jj++ ) fprintf(hf," Fit#%1d ",jj+1) ;
00665          fprintf(hf,"\n") ;
00667          fprintf(hf,"# --- ------ ------ ------") ;
00668          for( jj=0 ; jj < npk ; jj++ ) fprintf(hf," ------") ;
00669          fprintf(hf,"\n") ;
00670          for( ii=cbot ; ii <= ctop ; ii++ ){
00671            fprintf(hf,"%5d %6d %6d %6d",ii,gist[ii],hist[ii],gist[ii]-hist[ii]) ;
00672            for( jj=0 ; jj < npk ; jj++ )
00673              fprintf(hf," %6d",(int)Gmat[jj][ii-cbot]) ;
00674            fprintf(hf,"\n") ;
00675          }
00677 #if 0
00678          for( jj=0; jj < npk ; jj++ ) free(Gmat[jj]);
00679          free(Gmat);free(pk);free(ww);free(ap);free(Hvec);free(lam);free(rez);free(wt);
00680          free(apbest);free(wwbest);free(pkbest);free(lambest);
00681          free(aplast);free(wwlast);free(pklast);
00682 #endif
00683          ii = (do2 && npk == 2) ? 5 : 3 ;
00684          sprintf(cmd,
00685           "1dplot -ps -nopush -one -xzero %d -xlabel '%s:%s' '%s.1D[1..%d]' >" ,
00686                  cbot , label , pbuf , fname,ii,fname ) ;
00687        } else {
00688          fprintf(hf,"# Histogram Region: min=%d max=%d\n",cbot,ctop) ;
00689          fprintf(hf,"# Val Histog\n") ;
00690          fprintf(hf,"# --- ------\n") ;
00691          for( ii=cbot ; ii <= ctop ; ii++ )
00692            fprintf(hf,"%5d %6d\n",ii,gist[ii]) ;
00693          for( jj=0 ; jj < npk && jj < 4 ; jj++ ){
00694            ii = strlen(pbuf) ;
00695            sprintf(pbuf+ii," #1%d=%.1f",jj+1,pval[jj]) ;
00696          }
00697          sprintf(cmd,"1dplot -ps -nopush -xzero %d -xlabel '%s:%s' '%s.1D[1]' >",
00698                  cbot , label , pbuf , fname,fname ) ;
00699        }
00700        fclose(hf) ;
00701        if( verb ){
00702          fprintf(stderr,"++ %s\n",cmd) ;
00703          fprintf(stderr,"++ To view plot: gv -landscape\n",fname) ;
00704        }
00705        system( cmd ) ;
00706      }
00707    }
00709    print_results( label,npk , pval , wval ) ;
00710    exit(0) ;
00711 }
00713 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00715 void print_results( char *dname , int np , float *pk , float *wd )
00716 {
00717    int ii ;
00718    printf(" ( %s %d " , dname,np ) ;
00719    for( ii=0 ; ii < np ; ii++ ) printf(" %.2f ",pk[ii]) ;
00721    if( threshold > 0.0 ){
00722      printf(" %.2f %.4f %.4f %.0f %.0f %.3f",
00723             threshold , cer , cjv , gmcount , wmcount , gmcount/wmcount ) ;
00724    }
00726    printf(" )\n") ;
00727 }

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