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00001 /*****************************************************************************
00002    Major portions of this software are copyrighted by the Medical College
00003    of Wisconsin, 1994-2000, and are released under the Gnu General Public
00004    License, Version 2.  See the file README.Copyright for details.
00005 ******************************************************************************/
00007 /*******************************************************
00008  * 3dROIstats                                          *
00009  * T. Ross 5/99                                        *
00010  *-----------------------------------------------------*
00011  * Code for -summary added by M.S. Beauchamp, 12/1999  *
00012  *-----------------------------------------------------*
00013  * Code for -numROI added by T. ROss 5/00              * 
00014  *-----------------------------------------------------*
00015  * Code for -minmax,-nzminmax added by R Reynolds 7/04 *
00016  *-----------------------------------------------------*
00017  * Fixed minmax initializers           R Reynolds 9/04 *
00018  *-----------------------------------------------------*
00019  * Code for -mask_f2short              R Reynolds 2/05 *
00020  *******************************************************/
00022 #include "mrilib.h"
00023 #include <stdio.h>
00024 #include <stdlib.h>
00025 #include <ctype.h>
00026 #include <math.h>
00028 short non_zero[65536];          /* Ugly; depends upon sizeof(short)=2 */
00030 void Error_Exit(char *message)
00031 {
00032     fprintf(stderr, "\n\nError: %s\n", message);
00033     exit(1);
00034 }
00037 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
00038 {
00039     THD_3dim_dataset *mask_dset = NULL, *input_dset = NULL;
00040     int mask_subbrik = 0;
00041     int sigma = 0, nzmean = 0, nzcount = 0, debug = 0, quiet = 0, summary = 0;
00042     int minmax = 0, nzminmax = 0;               /* 07 July, 2004 [rickr] */
00043     short *mask_data;
00044     int nvox, i, brik;
00045     int num_ROI, ROI, mask_f2s = 0;
00046     int force_num_ROI = 0;      /* Added 5/00 */
00047     int narg = 1;
00048     double *sum, *sumsq, *nzsum, sig, *sumallbriks;
00049     double *min, *max, *nzmin, *nzmax;          /* 07 July, 2004 [rickr] */
00050     long *voxels, *nzvoxels;
00051     float *input_data;
00052     byte *temp_datab;
00053     short *temp_datas;
00055     if (argc < 3 || strcmp(argv[1], "-help") == 0) {
00056         printf("Usage: 3dROIstats -mask[n] mset [options] datasets\n"
00057                "Options:\n"
00058            "  -mask[n] mset Means to use the dataset 'mset' as a mask:\n"
00059         "                 If n is present, it specifies which sub-brick\n"
00060                "                 in mset to use a la 3dcalc.  Note: do not include\n"
00061                "                 the brackets if specifing a sub-brick, they are\n"
00062                "                 there to indicate that they are optional.  If not\n"
00063                "                 present, 0 is assumed\n"
00064         "                 Voxels with the same nonzero values in 'mset'\n"
00065                "                 will be statisticized from 'dataset'.  This will\n"
00066                "                 be repeated for all the different values in mset.\n"
00067                "                 I.e. all of the 1s in mset are one ROI, as are all\n"
00068                "                 of the 2s, etc.\n"
00069                "                 Note that the mask dataset and the input dataset\n"
00070                "                 must have the same number of voxels and that mset\n"
00071                "                 must be BYTE or SHORT (i.e., float masks won't work\n"
00072                "                 without the -mask_f2short option).\n"
00073                "                 \n"
00074                "  -mask_f2short  Tells the program to convert a float mask to short\n"
00075                "                 integers, by simple rounding.  This option is needed\n"
00076                "                 when the mask dataset is a 1D file, for instance\n"
00077                "                 (since 1D files are read as floats).\n"
00078                "\n"
00079                "                 Be careful with this, it may not be appropriate to do!\n"
00080                "\n"
00081                "  -numROI n     Forces the assumption that the mask dataset's ROIs are\n"
00082                "                 denoted by 1 to n inclusive.  Normally, the program\n"
00083                "                 figures out the ROIs on its own.  This option is \n"
00084                "                 useful if a) you are certain that the mask dataset\n"
00085                "                 has no values outside the range [0 n], b) there may \n"
00086                "                 be some ROIs missing between [1 n] in the mask data-\n"
00087                "                 set and c) you want those columns in the output any-\n"
00088                "                 way so the output lines up with the output from other\n"
00089                "                 invocations of 3dROIstats.  Confused?  Then don't use\n"
00090                "                 this option!\n"
00091                "\n"
00092                "  -debug        Print out debugging information\n"
00093           "  -quiet        Do not print out labels for columns or rows\n"
00094                "\n"
00095                "The following options specify what stats are computed.  By default\n"
00096                "the mean is always computed.\n"
00097                "\n"
00098                "  -nzmean       Compute the mean using only non_zero voxels.  Implies\n"
00099            "                 the oppisite for the normal mean computed\n"
00100                "  -nzvoxels     Compute the number of non_zero voxels\n"
00101                "  -minmax       Compute the min/max of all voxels\n"
00102                "  -nzminmax     Compute the min/max of non_zero voxels\n"
00103                "  -sigma        Means to compute the standard deviation as well\n"
00104                "                 as the mean.\n"
00105                "  -summary      Only output a summary line with the grand mean across all briks\n"
00106                "                 in the input dataset. \n"
00107                "\n"
00108            "The output is printed to stdout (the terminal), and can be\n"
00109            "saved to a file using the usual redirection operation '>'.\n"
00110                "\n"
00111                "N.B.: The input datasets and the mask dataset can use sub-brick\n"
00112           "      selectors, as detailed in the output of 3dcalc -help.\n"
00113             );
00115         printf("\n" MASTER_SHORTHELP_STRING);
00117         exit(0);
00118     }
00120    /*-- 20 Apr 2001: addto the arglist, if user wants to [RWCox] --*/
00122    machdep() ; 
00123    { int new_argc ; char ** new_argv ;
00124      addto_args( argc , argv , &new_argc , &new_argv ) ;
00125      if( new_argv != NULL ){ argc = new_argc ; argv = new_argv ; }
00126    }
00128     /* scan argument list */
00130     while (narg < argc && argv[narg][0] == '-') {
00132         if (strncmp(argv[narg], "-mask_f2short", 9) == 0) {
00133             mask_f2s = 1;   /* convert float mask to short */
00134             narg++;
00135             continue;
00136         }
00137         if (strncmp(argv[narg], "-mask", 5) == 0) {
00138             if (mask_dset != NULL)
00139                 Error_Exit("Cannot have two -mask options!");
00141             if (narg + 1 >= argc)
00142                 Error_Exit("-mask option requires a following argument!");
00144             mask_dset = THD_open_dataset(argv[++narg]);         /* 16 Sep 1999 */
00146             if (mask_dset == NULL)
00147                 Error_Exit("Cannot open mask dataset!");
00149             if (DSET_BRICK_TYPE(mask_dset, 0) == MRI_complex)
00150                 Error_Exit("Cannot deal with complex-valued mask dataset!");
00152             /* 24 Jan 2000: change narg to narg-1 in this block - RWCox */
00154             if (isdigit(argv[narg - 1][5])) {   /* -mask is a subbrik */
00155                 mask_subbrik = (int) atol(argv[narg - 1] + 5);
00156                 if ((mask_subbrik < 0) || (mask_subbrik >= (DSET_NVALS(mask_dset))))
00157                     Error_Exit("Illegal sub-brisk following the -mask option");
00158             }
00159             narg++;
00160             continue;
00161         }
00162 /*
00163    if( strncmp(argv[narg],"-dsub",5) == 0 ){
00164    if( narg+2 >= argc )
00165    Error_Exit("-dsub option needs 2 following arguments!\n")  ;
00167    dmin = (int) strtod( argv[++narg] , NULL ) ;
00168    dmax = (int) strtod( argv[++narg] , NULL ) ;
00169    narg++ ; continue ;
00170    }
00171  */
00172         if (strncmp(argv[narg], "-sigma", 5) == 0) {
00173             sigma = 1;
00174             narg++;
00175             continue;
00176         }
00177         if (strncmp(argv[narg], "-nzmean", 5) == 0) {
00178             nzmean = 1;
00179             narg++;
00180             continue;
00181         }
00182         if (strncmp(argv[narg], "-minmax", 5) == 0) {
00183             minmax = 1;
00184             narg++;
00185             continue;
00186         }
00187         if (strncmp(argv[narg], "-nzminmax", 5) == 0) {
00188             nzminmax = 1;
00189             narg++;
00190             continue;
00191         }
00192         if (strncmp(argv[narg], "-debug", 5) == 0) {
00193             debug = 1;
00194             narg++;
00195             continue;
00196         }
00197         if (strncmp(argv[narg], "-quiet", 5) == 0) {
00198             quiet = 1;
00199             narg++;
00200             continue;
00201         }
00202         if (strncmp(argv[narg], "-summary", 5) == 0) {
00203             summary = 1;
00204             narg++;
00205             continue;
00206         }
00207         if (strncmp(argv[narg], "-nzvoxels", 5) == 0) {
00208             nzcount = 1;
00209             narg++;
00210             continue;
00211         }
00212         /* added 5/00 */
00213         if (strncmp(argv[narg], "-numROI", 5) == 0) {
00214             force_num_ROI = (int) atol(argv[++narg]);
00215             narg++;
00216             continue;
00217         }
00218         Error_Exit("Unknown option");
00219     }
00221     /* Remaining arguements are files */
00223     if (narg >= argc)
00224         Error_Exit("No input datasets!?\n");
00226     if (mask_dset == NULL){          /* 17 March 2005 [rickr] */
00227         fprintf(stderr,"Error: missing '-mask MASK_DATASET'\n");
00228         return 1;
00229     }
00231     /* check the mask dataset type */
00232     if (DSET_BRICK_TYPE(mask_dset, 0) == MRI_float && mask_f2s == 0 ){
00233         fprintf(stderr,"\nError: cannot deal with float-valued mask dataset\n");
00234         fprintf(stderr,"(consider the -mask_f2short option)\n");
00235         return 1;
00236     }
00239     /* See how many ROIS there are to deal with in the mask */
00240     for (i = 0; i < 65536; non_zero[i++] = 0);
00242     DSET_load(mask_dset);
00243     if (DSET_ARRAY(mask_dset, mask_subbrik) == NULL)
00244         Error_Exit("Cannot read in mask dataset BRIK!");
00246     nvox = DSET_NVOX(mask_dset);
00247     if (debug)
00248         fprintf(stderr, "The number of voxels in the mask dataset is %d\n", nvox);
00250     switch (DSET_BRICK_TYPE(mask_dset, mask_subbrik)) {
00251     default:
00252         Error_Exit("Cannot deal with mask dataset datum!");
00254     case MRI_short:{
00255             mask_data = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(mask_dset, mask_subbrik);
00256             for (i = 0; i < nvox; i++)
00257                 if (mask_data[i]) {
00258                     if (debug)
00259                         fprintf(stderr, "Nonzero mask voxel %d value is %d\n", i, mask_data[i]);
00260                     non_zero[mask_data[i] + 32768] = 1;
00261                 }
00262             break;
00263         }
00265     case MRI_byte:{
00266             byte *temp_byte = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY(mask_dset, mask_subbrik);
00267             if ((mask_data = (short *) malloc(nvox * sizeof(short))) == NULL)
00268                  Error_Exit("Memory allocation error");
00270             for (i = 0; i < nvox; i++) {
00271                 mask_data[i] = (short) temp_byte[i];
00272                 if (mask_data[i]) {
00273                     if (debug)
00274                         fprintf(stderr, "Nonzero mask voxel %d value is %d\n", i, mask_data[i]);
00275                     non_zero[mask_data[i] + 32768] = 1;
00276                 }
00277             }
00278             break;
00279         }
00281     case MRI_float:{
00282             float *temp_float = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(mask_dset, mask_subbrik);
00283             if ((mask_data = (short *) malloc(nvox * sizeof(short))) == NULL)
00284                  Error_Exit("Memory allocation error");
00286             for (i = 0; i < nvox; i++) {
00287                 mask_data[i] = (short) temp_float[i];
00288                 if (mask_data[i]) {
00289                     if (debug)
00290                         fprintf(stderr, "Nonzero mask voxel %d value is %d\n", i, mask_data[i]);
00291                     non_zero[mask_data[i] + 32768] = 1;
00292                 }
00293             }
00294             break;
00295         }
00296     }                           /* switch */
00298     /* Print the header line, while we set up the index array */
00299     if (!quiet && !summary)
00300         fprintf(stdout, "File\tSub-brick");
00302     for (i = 0, num_ROI = 0; i < 65536; i++)
00303         if (non_zero[i]) {
00304             if (force_num_ROI && (((i - 32768) < 0) || ((i - 32768) > force_num_ROI)))
00305                 Error_Exit("You used the numROI option, yet in the mask there was a\n"
00306                            "value in the mask outside the range [1 n].\nMaybe you shouldn't use\n"
00307                            "that option\n");
00308             non_zero[i] = num_ROI;
00309             num_ROI++;
00310             if (!quiet && !summary && !force_num_ROI) {
00311                 fprintf(stdout, "\tMean_%d  ", i - 32768);
00312                 if (nzmean)
00313                     fprintf(stdout, "\tNZMean_%d", i - 32768);
00314                 if (nzcount)
00315                     fprintf(stdout, "\tNZcount_%d", i - 32768);
00316                 if (sigma)
00317                     fprintf(stdout, "\tSigma_%d", i - 32768);
00318                 if (minmax) {
00319                     fprintf(stdout, "\tMin_%d   ", i - 32768);
00320                     fprintf(stdout, "\tMax_%d   ", i - 32768);
00321                 }
00322                 if (nzminmax) {
00323                     fprintf(stdout, "\tNZMin_%d ", i - 32768);
00324                     fprintf(stdout, "\tNZMax_%d ", i - 32768);
00325                 }
00326             }
00327         }
00328     /* load the non_zero array if the numROI option used - 5/00 */
00329     if (force_num_ROI) {
00330         for (i = 1; i <= force_num_ROI; i++) {
00331             non_zero[i + 32768] = (i - 1);
00332             if (!quiet && !summary) {
00333                 fprintf(stdout, "\tMean_%d  ", i );
00334                 if (nzmean)
00335                     fprintf(stdout, "\tNZMean_%d", i );
00336                 if (nzcount)
00337                     fprintf(stdout, "\tNZcount_%d", i );
00338                 if (sigma)
00339                     fprintf(stdout, "\tSigma_%d", i );
00340                 if (minmax) {
00341                     fprintf(stdout, "\tMin_%d   ", i );
00342                     fprintf(stdout, "\tMax_%d   ", i );
00343                 }
00344                 if (nzminmax) {
00345                     fprintf(stdout, "\tNZMin_%d ", i );
00346                     fprintf(stdout, "\tNZMax_%d ", i );
00347                 }
00348             }
00349         }
00350         num_ROI = force_num_ROI;
00351     }
00352     if (!quiet && !summary)
00353         fprintf(stdout, "\n");
00355     if (debug)
00356         fprintf(stderr, "Total Number of ROIs are %d\n", num_ROI);
00358     /* Now, num_ROI is the number of ROIs from the mask to deal with, 
00359        and non_zero[mask_data[i]+32768] can be used as in index to 
00360        a 0..num_ROI array */
00362     if ((sum = (double *) malloc(num_ROI * sizeof(double))) == NULL)
00363          Error_Exit("Memory allocation error");
00364     if ((voxels = (long *) malloc(num_ROI * sizeof(long))) == NULL)
00365          Error_Exit("Memory allocation error");
00366     if (nzmean || nzcount || nzminmax) {
00367         if ((nzsum = (double *) malloc(num_ROI * sizeof(double))) == NULL)
00368              Error_Exit("Memory allocation error");
00369         if ((nzvoxels = (long *) malloc(num_ROI * sizeof(long))) == NULL)
00370              Error_Exit("Memory allocation error");
00371         if ((nzmin = (double *) malloc(num_ROI * sizeof(double))) == NULL)
00372              Error_Exit("Memory allocation error");
00373         if ((nzmax = (double *) malloc(num_ROI * sizeof(double))) == NULL)
00374              Error_Exit("Memory allocation error");
00375     }
00376     if ( minmax ) {
00377         if ((min = (double *) malloc(num_ROI * sizeof(double))) == NULL)
00378              Error_Exit("Memory allocation error - min");
00379         if ((max = (double *) malloc(num_ROI * sizeof(double))) == NULL)
00380              Error_Exit("Memory allocation error - max");
00381     }
00382     if (sigma)
00383         if ((sumsq = (double *) malloc(num_ROI * sizeof(double))) == NULL)
00384              Error_Exit("Memory allocation error");
00386     if (summary)
00387         if ((sumallbriks = (double *) malloc(num_ROI * sizeof(double))) == NULL)
00388              Error_Exit("Memory allocation error");
00390     /* Now, loop over datasets and sub-bricks and compute away */
00392     for (; narg < argc; narg++) {
00394         input_dset = THD_open_dataset(argv[narg]);      /* 16 Sep 1999 */
00396         if (input_dset == NULL) {
00397             fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Cannot open input dataset %s\n", argv[narg]);
00398             continue;
00399         }
00400         if (DSET_NVOX(input_dset) != nvox) {
00401             fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Input dataset %s is a different size than the mask\n", argv[narg]);
00402             continue;
00403         }
00404         DSET_load(input_dset);
00406         if (summary)
00407             for (i = 0; i < num_ROI; i++)
00408                 sumallbriks[i] = 0;
00410         for (brik = 0; brik < DSET_NVALS(input_dset); brik++) {
00412             for (i = 0; i < num_ROI; i++) {
00413                 sum[i] = 0;
00414                 voxels[i] = 0;
00415                 if (nzmean || nzcount) {
00416                     nzsum[i] = 0;
00417                     nzvoxels[i] = 0;
00418                 }
00419                 if (sigma)
00420                     sumsq[i] = 0;
00421             }
00423             switch (DSET_BRICK_TYPE(input_dset, brik)) {
00425             case MRI_byte:{
00426                     float fac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(input_dset, brik);
00427                     if (fac == 0)
00428                         fac = 1.0;
00429                     temp_datab = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY(input_dset, brik);
00430                     if ((input_data = (float *) malloc(nvox * sizeof(float))) == NULL)
00431                          Error_Exit("Memory allocation error");
00432                     for (i = 0; i < nvox; i++)
00433                         input_data[i] = fac * (float) temp_datab[i];
00434                     break;
00435                 }
00437             case MRI_short:{
00438                     float fac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(input_dset, brik);
00439                     if (fac == 0)
00440                         fac = 1.0;
00441                     temp_datas = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(input_dset, brik);
00442                     if ((input_data = (float *) malloc(nvox * sizeof(float))) == NULL)
00443                          Error_Exit("Memory allocation error");
00444                     for (i = 0; i < nvox; i++)
00445                         input_data[i] = fac * (float) temp_datas[i];
00446                     break;
00447                 }
00449             case MRI_float:{
00450                     float fac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(input_dset, brik);
00451                     input_data = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(input_dset, brik);
00452                     if (fac == 0)
00453                         fac = 1.0;
00454                     else
00455                         for (i = 0; i < nvox; input_data[i++] *= fac);
00456                     break;
00457                 }
00459             default:{
00460                     fprintf(stderr, "Cannot use sub-brick %d for file %s.  Is it complex?\n", brik, argv[narg]);
00461                     continue;   /* next iteration of loop -> next brick */
00462                 }
00464             }                   /* switch */
00466             /* init the min/max values */
00467             for (i = 0; i < num_ROI; i++) {
00468                 if ( minmax ) {
00469                     min[i] =  1e30;    /* oops, don't init outside mask      */
00470                     max[i] = -1e30;    /* thanks, Shruti  02 Sep 2004 [rickr]*/
00471                 }
00472                 if ( nzminmax ) {
00473                     nzmin[i] =  1e30;  /* that really big number */
00474                     nzmax[i] = -1e30;
00475                 }
00476             }
00478             /* do the stats */
00480             for (i = 0; i < nvox; i++) {
00481                 if (mask_data[i]) {
00482                     ROI = non_zero[mask_data[i] + 32768];
00483                     if ((ROI < 0) || (ROI >= num_ROI))
00484                         Error_Exit("Somehow I boned computing how many ROIs existed");
00486                     if ( minmax ) {
00487                         if (input_data[i] < min[ROI] ) min[ROI] = input_data[i];
00488                         if (input_data[i] > max[ROI] ) max[ROI] = input_data[i];
00489                     }
00491                     sum[ROI] += (double) input_data[i];
00492                     voxels[ROI]++;
00493                     if (nzmean || nzcount || nzminmax) {
00494                         if (input_data[i] != 0.0) {
00495                             nzsum[ROI] += (double) input_data[i];
00496                             nzvoxels[ROI]++;
00497                             if (input_data[i] < nzmin[ROI] )
00498                                 nzmin[ROI] = input_data[i];
00499                             if (input_data[i] > nzmax[ROI] )
00500                                 nzmax[ROI] = input_data[i];
00501                         }
00502                     }
00503                     if (sigma)
00504                         sumsq[ROI] += input_data[i] * input_data[i];
00505                 }
00506             }
00508             /* print the next line of results */
00509             if (!quiet && !summary)
00510                 fprintf(stdout, "%s\t%d", argv[narg], brik);
00511             if (!summary) {
00512                 for (i = 0; i < num_ROI; i++) {
00513                     if (voxels[i]) {    /* possible if the numROI option is used - 5/00 */
00514                         fprintf(stdout, "\t%f", (float) (sum[i] / (double) voxels[i]));
00515                         if (nzmean)
00516                             fprintf(stdout, "\t%f", nzvoxels[i] ? (float) (nzsum[i] / (double) nzvoxels[i]) : 0.0);
00517                         if (nzcount)
00518                             fprintf(stdout, "\t%ld", nzvoxels[i]);
00519                         if (sigma) {
00520                             double mean = sum[i] / (double) voxels[i];
00521                             sumsq[i] /= (double) voxels[i];
00522                             if (voxels[i] == 1)
00523                                 sig = 1e30;     /* a really big number */
00524                             else
00525                                 sig = sqrt((voxels[i] / (voxels[i] - 1)) * (sumsq[i] - mean * mean));
00526                             fprintf(stdout, "\t%f", (float) sig);
00527                         }
00528                         if (minmax) {
00529                             fprintf(stdout, "\t%f", min[i] );
00530                             fprintf(stdout, "\t%f", max[i] );
00531                         }
00532                         if (nzminmax) {
00533                             fprintf(stdout, "\t%f", nzmin[i] );
00534                             fprintf(stdout, "\t%f", nzmax[i] );
00535                         }
00536                     } else {    /* no voxels, so just leave blanks */
00537                         fprintf(stdout, "\t ");
00538                         if (nzmean)
00539                             fprintf(stdout, "\t ");
00540                         if (nzcount)
00541                             fprintf(stdout, "\t ");
00542                         if (sigma)
00543                             fprintf(stdout, "\t ");
00544                         if (minmax) {
00545                             fprintf(stdout, "\t ");
00546                             fprintf(stdout, "\t ");
00547                         }
00548                         if (nzminmax) {
00549                             fprintf(stdout, "\t ");
00550                             fprintf(stdout, "\t ");
00551                         }
00552                     }
00553                 }               /* loop over ROI for print */
00555                 fprintf(stdout, "\n");
00556             } else
00557                 for (i = 0; i < num_ROI; i++) {
00558                     if (nzmean)
00559                         sumallbriks[i] += nzvoxels[i] ? (double) (nzsum[i] / (double) nzvoxels[i]) : 0.0;
00560                     else
00561                         sumallbriks[i] += (double) (sum[i] / (double) voxels[i]);
00562                 }
00565             if (DSET_BRICK_TYPE(input_dset, brik) != MRI_float)
00566                 free(input_data);
00568         }                       /* loop over sub-bricks in the input dataset */
00570         if (summary) {
00571             fprintf(stdout, "Average Across %i sub-briks in input dataset %s\n", DSET_NVALS(input_dset), argv[narg]);
00572             if (nzmean)
00573                 fprintf(stdout, "Non-zero voxels only!\n");
00574             fprintf(stdout, "ROI\t");
00575             for (i = 0; i < num_ROI; i++)
00576                 fprintf(stdout, "%i\t", i);
00577             fprintf(stdout, "\nVoxels\t");
00578             for (i = 0; i < num_ROI; i++)
00579                 fprintf(stdout, "%ld\t", nzmean ? nzvoxels[i] : voxels[i]);
00580             fprintf(stdout, "\nValue\t");
00581             for (i = 0; i < num_ROI; i++)
00582                 fprintf(stdout, "%f\t", (float) (sumallbriks[i] / (double) DSET_NVALS(input_dset)));
00583             fprintf(stdout, "\n");
00584         }
00585         DSET_unload(input_dset);
00587     }                           /* loop over input files */
00589     if (DSET_BRICK_TYPE(mask_dset, mask_subbrik) == MRI_byte)
00590         free(mask_data);
00591     DSET_unload(mask_dset);
00593     free(sum);
00594     free(voxels);
00595     if (nzmean || nzcount) {
00596         free(nzsum);
00597         free(nzvoxels);
00598     }
00599     if (sigma)
00600         free(sumsq);
00601     exit(0);
00602 }

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