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00001 #include "SUMA_suma.h"
00002 #include "../thd_brainormalize.h"
00003 #include "../rickr/r_new_resam_dset.h"
00005 #undef STAND_ALONE
00007 #if defined SUMA_BrainWrap_STANDALONE
00008 #define STAND_ALONE 
00009 #endif
00011 #ifdef STAND_ALONE
00012 /* these global variables must be declared even if they will not be used by this main */
00013 SUMA_SurfaceViewer *SUMAg_cSV = NULL; /*!< Global pointer to current Surface Viewer structure*/
00014 SUMA_SurfaceViewer *SUMAg_SVv = NULL; /*!< Global pointer to the vector containing the various Surface Viewer Structures 
00015                                     SUMAg_SVv contains SUMA_MAX_SURF_VIEWERS structures */
00016 int SUMAg_N_SVv = 0; /*!< Number of SVs realized by X */
00017 SUMA_DO *SUMAg_DOv = NULL;   /*!< Global pointer to Displayable Object structure vector*/
00018 int SUMAg_N_DOv = 0; /*!< Number of DOs stored in DOv */
00019 SUMA_CommonFields *SUMAg_CF = NULL; /*!< Global pointer to structure containing info common to all viewers */
00020 #else
00021 extern SUMA_CommonFields *SUMAg_CF;
00022 extern SUMA_DO *SUMAg_DOv;
00023 extern SUMA_SurfaceViewer *SUMAg_SVv;
00024 extern int SUMAg_N_SVv; 
00025 extern int SUMAg_N_DOv;  
00026 #endif
00028 #ifdef SUMA_BrainWrap_STANDALONE
00029 void usage_SUMA_BrainWrap (SUMA_GENERIC_ARGV_PARSE *ps)
00030    {
00031       static char FuncName[]={"usage_SUMA_BrainWrap"};
00032       char * s = NULL, *sio=NULL, *st = NULL, *sts = NULL;
00033       int i;
00034       s = SUMA_help_basics();
00035       sio  = SUMA_help_IO_Args(ps);
00036       sts = SUMA_help_talk(ps);
00037       printf ( "\n"
00038                "Usage: A program to extract the brain from surrounding.\n"
00039                "  tissue from MRI T1-weighted images. The largely automated\n"
00040                "  process consists of three steps:\n"
00041                "  1- Preprocessing of volume to remove gross spatial image \n"
00042                "  non-uniformity artifacts and reposition the brain in\n"
00043                "  a reasonable manner for convenience.\n"
00044                "  2- Expand a spherical surface iteratively until it envelopes\n"
00045                "  the brain. This is a modified version of the BET algorithm:\n"
00046                "     Fast robust automated brain extraction, \n"
00047                "      by Stephen M. Smith, HBM 2002 v 17:3 pp 143-155\n"
00048                "    Modifications include the use of:\n"
00049                "     . outer brain surface\n"
00050                "     . expansion driven by data inside and outside the surface\n"
00051                "     . avoidance of eyes and ventricles\n"
00052                "     . a set of operations to avoid the clipping of certain brain\n"
00053                "       areas and reduce leakage into the skull in heavily shaded\n"
00054                "       data\n"
00055                "     . two additional processing stages to ensure convergence and\n"
00056                "       reduction of clipped areas.\n"
00057                "  3- The creation of various masks and surfaces modeling brain\n"
00058                "     and portions of the skull\n"
00059                "\n"
00060                "  3dSkullStrip  < -input VOL >\n"
00061                "             [< -o_TYPE PREFIX >] [< -prefix Vol_Prefix >] \n"
00062                "             [< -spatnorm >] [< -no_spatnorm >] [< -write_spatnorm >]\n"
00063                "             [< -niter N_ITER >] [< -ld LD >] \n"
00064                "             [< -shrink_fac SF >] [< -var_shrink_fac >] \n"
00065                "             [< -no_var_shrink_fac >] [< shrink_fac_bot_lim SFBL >]\n"
00066                "             [< -pushout >] [< -no_pushout >] [< -exp_frac FRAC]\n"
00067                "             [< -touchup >] [< -no_touchup >]\n"
00068                "             [< -fill_hole R >] [< -NN_smooth NN_SM >]\n"
00069                "             [< -smooth_final SM >] [< -avoid_vent >] [< -no_avoid_vent >]\n"
00070                "             [< -use_skull >] [< -no_use_skull >] \n"
00071                "             [< -avoid_eyes >] [< -no_avoid_eyes >] \n"
00072                "             [< -perc_int PERC_INT >] \n"
00073                "             [< -max_inter_iter MII >] [-mask_vol]\n"
00074                "             [< -debug DBG >] [< -node_dbg NODE_DBG >]\n"
00075                "             [< -demo_pause >]\n"  
00076                "\n"
00077                "  NOTE: Program is in Beta mode, please report bugs and strange failures\n"
00078                "        to\n"
00079                "\n"
00080                "  Mandatory parameters:\n"
00081                "     -input VOL: Input AFNI (or AFNI readable) volume.\n"
00082                "                 \n"
00083                "\n"
00084                "  Optional Parameters:\n"
00085                "     -o_TYPE PREFIX: prefix of output surface.\n"
00086                "        where TYPE specifies the format of the surface\n"
00087                "        and PREFIX is, well, the prefix.\n"
00088                "        TYPE is one of: fs, 1d (or vec), sf, ply.\n"
00089                "        More on that below.\n"
00090                "     -prefix VOL_PREFIX: prefix of output volume.\n"
00091                "        If not specified, the prefix is the same\n"
00092                "        as the one used with -o_TYPE.\n"
00093                "        The output volume is skull stripped version\n"
00094                "        of the input volume. In the earlier version\n"
00095                "        of the program, a mask volume was written out.\n" 
00096                "        You can still get that mask volume instead of the\n"
00097                "        skull-stripped volume with the option -mask_vol . \n"
00098                "     -mask_vol: Output a mask volume instead of a skull-stripped\n"
00099                "                volume.\n"
00100                "                The mask volume containes:\n"
00101                "                0 : outside the brain\n"
00102                "                1 : voxels near brain surface on the outside.\n"
00103                "                2 : voxels containing a node of the brain surface.\n"
00104                "                3 : voxels near brain surface on the inside.\n"
00105                "                4 : voxels inside the brain.\n"
00106                "     -spat_norm: (Default) Perform spatial normalization first.\n"
00107                "                 This is a necessary step unless the volume has\n"
00108                "                 been 'spatnormed' already.\n"
00109                "     -no_spatnorm: Do not perform spatial normalization.\n"
00110                "                   Use this option only when the volume \n"
00111                "                   has been run through the 'spatnorm' process\n"
00112                "     -spatnorm_dxyz DXYZ: Use DXY for the spatial resolution of the\n"
00113                "                          spatially normalized volume. The default \n"
00114                "                          is the lowest of all three dimensions.\n"
00115                "                          For human brains, use DXYZ of 1.0, for\n"
00116                "                          primate brain, use the default setting.\n"
00117                "     -write_spatnorm: Write the 'spatnormed' volume to disk.\n"
00118                "     -niter N_ITER: Number of iterations. Default is 250\n"
00119                "        For denser meshes, you need more iterations\n"
00120                "        N_ITER of 750 works for LD of 50.\n"
00121                "     -ld LD: Parameter to control the density of the surface.\n"
00122                "             Default is 20. See CreateIcosahedron -help\n"
00123                "             for details on this option.\n"
00124                "     -shrink_fac SF: Parameter controlling the brain vs non-brain\n"
00125                "             intensity threshold (tb). Default is 0.6.\n"
00126                "              tb = (Imax - t2) SF + t2 \n"
00127                "             where t2 is the 2 percentile value and Imax is the local\n"
00128                "             maximum, limited to the median intensity value.\n"
00129                "             For more information on tb, t2, etc. read the BET paper\n"
00130                "             mentioned above. Note that in 3dSkullStrip, SF can vary across \n"
00131                "             iterations and might be automatically clipped in certain areas.\n"
00132                "             SF can vary between 0 and 1.\n"
00133                "             0: Intensities < median inensity are considered non-brain\n"
00134                "             1: Intensities < t2 are considered non-brain\n" 
00135                "     -var_shrink_fac: Vary the shrink factor with the number of\n"
00136                "             iterations. This reduces the likelihood of a surface\n"
00137                "             getting stuck on large pools of CSF before reaching\n"
00138                "             the outer surface of the brain. (Default)\n"
00139                "     -no_var_shrink_fac: Do not use var_shrink_fac.\n"
00140                "     -shrink_fac_bot_lim SFBL: Do not allow the varying SF to go\n"
00141                "             below SFBL . Default 0.65. \n"
00142                "             This option helps reduce potential for leakage below \n"
00143                "             the cerebellum.\n"
00144                "     -pushout: Consider values above each node in addition to values\n"
00145                "               below the node when deciding on expansion. (Default)\n"
00146                "     -no_pushout: Do not use -pushout.\n"
00147                "     -exp_frac FRAC: Speed of expansion (see BET paper). Default is 0.1.\n"
00148                "     -touchup: Perform touchup operations at end to include\n"
00149                "               areas not covered by surface expansion. (Default)\n"
00150                "     -no_touchup: Do not use -touchup\n"
00151                "     -fill_hole R: Fill small holes that can result from small surface\n"
00152                "                   intersections caused by the touchup operation.\n"
00153                "                   R is the maximum number of pixels on the side of a hole\n"
00154                "                   that can be filled. Big holes are not filled.\n"
00155                "                   If you use -touchup, the default R is 10. Otherwise \n"
00156                "                   the default is 0.\n"
00157                "                   This is a less than elegant solution to the small\n"
00158                "                   intersections which are usually eliminated\n"
00159                "                   automatically. \n"
00160                "     -NN_smooth NN_SM: Perform Nearest Neighbor coordinate interpolation\n"
00161                "                       every few iterations. Default is 72\n"
00162                "     -smooth_final SM: Perform final surface smoothing after all iterations.\n"
00163                "                       Default is 20 smoothing iterations.\n"
00164                "                       Smoothing is done using Taubin's method, \n"
00165                "                       see SurfSmooth -help for detail.\n"
00166                "     -avoid_vent: avoid ventricles. Default.\n"
00167                "     -no_avoid_vent: Do not use -avoid_vent.\n"
00168                "     -avoid_eyes: avoid eyes. Default\n"
00169                "     -no_avoid_eyes: Do not use -avoid_eyes.\n"
00170                "     -use_skull: Use outer skull to limit expansion of surface into\n"
00171                "                 the skull due to very strong shading artifacts.\n"
00172                "                 This option is buggy at the moment, use it only \n"
00173                "                 if you have leakage into skull.\n"
00174                "     -no_use_skull: Do not use -use_skull (Default).\n"
00175                "     -send_no_skull: Do not send the skull surface to SUMA if you are\n"
00176                "                     using  -talk_suma\n" 
00177                "     -perc_int PERC_INT: Percentage of segments allowed to intersect\n"
00178                "                         surface. Ideally this should be 0 (Default). \n"
00179                "                         However, few surfaces might have small stubborn\n"
00180                "                         intersections that produce a few holes.\n"
00181                "                         PERC_INT should be a small number, typically\n"
00182                "                         between 0 and 0.1\n"
00183                "     -max_inter_iter N_II: Number of iteration to remove intersection\n"
00184                "                           problems. With each iteration, the program\n"
00185                "                           automatically increases the amount of smoothing\n"
00186                "                           to get rid of intersections. Default is 4\n"
00187                "     -blur_fwhm FWHM: Blur dset after spatial normalization.\n"
00188                "                      Recommended when you have lots of CSF in brain\n"
00189                "                      and when you have protruding gyri (finger like)\n"
00190                "                      Recommended value is 2..4. \n"
00191                "     -interactive: Make the program stop at various stages in the \n"
00192                "                   segmentation process for a prompt from the user\n"
00193                "                   to continue or skip that stage of processing.\n"
00194                "                   This option is best used in conjunction with options\n"
00195                "                   -talk_suma and -feed_afni\n"
00196                "     -demo_pause: Pause at various step in the process to facilitate\n"
00197                "                  interactive demo while 3dSkullStrip is communicating\n"
00198                "                  with AFNI and SUMA. See 'Eye Candy' mode below and\n"
00199                "                  -talk_suma option. \n"
00200                "\n"
00201                "%s"
00202                "     -visual: Equivalent to using -talk_suma -feed_afni -send_kth 5\n"
00203                "\n"
00204                "     -debug DBG: debug levels of 0 (default), 1, 2, 3.\n"
00205                "        This is no Rick Reynolds debug, which is oft nicer\n"
00206                "        than the results, but it will do.\n"
00207                "     -node_dbg NODE_DBG: Output lots of parameters for node\n"
00208                "                         NODE_DBG for each iteration.\n"
00209                "\n"
00210                "  Tips:\n"
00211                "     I ran the program with the default parameters on 200+ datasets.\n"
00212                "     The results were quite good in all but a couple of instances, here\n"
00213                "     are some tips on fixing trouble spots:\n"  
00214                "\n"
00215                "     Clipping in frontal areas, close to the eye balls:\n"
00216                "        + Try -no_avoid_eyes option\n"
00217                "     Clipping in general:\n"
00218                "        + Use lower -shrink_fac, start with 0.5 then 0.4\n"
00219                "     Some lobules are not included:\n"
00220                "        + Use a denser mesh (like -ld 50) and increase iterations \n"
00221                "        (-niter 750). The program will take much longer to run in that case.\n"
00222                "        + Instead of using denser meshes, you could try blurring the data \n"
00223                "        before skull stripping. Something like 3dmerge -1blur_fwhm 2 did\n"
00224                "        wonders for some of my data with the default options of 3dSkullStrip\n"
00225                "        Blurring is a lot faster than increasing mesh density.\n"
00226                "        + Use also a smaller -shrink_fac is you have lots of CSF between gyri.\n"
00227                "\n" 
00228                " Eye Candy Mode: (previous restrictions removed)\n"
00229                "  You can run BrainWarp and have it send successive iterations\n"
00230                " to SUMA and AFNI. This is very helpful in following the\n"
00231                " progression of the algorithm and determining the source\n"
00232                " of trouble, if any.\n"
00233                "  Example:\n"
00234                "     afni -niml -yesplugouts &\n"
00235                "     suma -niml &\n"
00236                "     3dSkullStrip -input Anat+orig -o_ply anat_brain -talk_suma -feed_afni -send_kth 5\n"
00237                "\n"
00238                /*
00239                "     -sm_fac SMFAC: Smoothing factor (Default is 1)\n"
00240                "     -d1 D1: Distance to search inward (Default 20 mm)\n"
00241                "     -t2 T2: Force t2 to be T2 (Default automated)\n"
00242                "     -t T: Force t to be T (Default automated)\n"
00243                "     -tm TM: Force tm to be TM (Default automated)\n"
00244                "     -t98 T98: Force t98 to be T98 (Default automated)\n"
00245                */
00246                "%s"
00247                "\n", sio,  s);
00248        SUMA_free(s); s = NULL; SUMA_free(st); st = NULL; SUMA_free(sio); sio = NULL; SUMA_free(sts); sts = NULL;         
00249        s = SUMA_New_Additions(0, 1); printf("%s\n", s);SUMA_free(s); s = NULL;
00250        printf("       Ziad S. Saad SSCC/NIMH/NIH     \n");
00251        exit (0);
00252    }
00253 /*!
00254    \brief parse the arguments for SurfSmooth program
00256    \param argv (char *)
00257    \param argc (int)
00258    \return Opt (SUMA_GENERIC_PROG_OPTIONS_STRUCT *) options structure.
00259                To free it, use 
00260                SUMA_free(Opt->out_name); 
00261                SUMA_free(Opt);
00262 */
00263 SUMA_GENERIC_PROG_OPTIONS_STRUCT *SUMA_BrainWrap_ParseInput (char *argv[], int argc, SUMA_GENERIC_ARGV_PARSE *ps)
00264 {
00265    static char FuncName[]={"SUMA_BrainWrap_ParseInput"}; 
00267    int kar, i, ind, exists;
00268    char *outname, cview[10];
00269    SUMA_Boolean brk = NOPE;
00270    SUMA_Boolean LocalHead = NOPE;
00272    SUMA_ENTRY;
00274    Opt = SUMA_Alloc_Generic_Prog_Options_Struct();
00276    kar = 1;
00277    Opt->SpatNormDxyz = 0.0;
00278    Opt->spec_file = NULL;
00279    Opt->out_vol_prefix = NULL;
00280    Opt->out_prefix = NULL;
00281    Opt->sv_name = NULL;
00282    Opt->N_surf = -1;
00283    Opt->in_name = NULL;
00284    Opt->cmask = NULL;
00285    Opt->MaskMode = 0;
00286    for (i=0; i<SUMA_GENERIC_PROG_MAX_SURF; ++i) { Opt->surf_names[i] = NULL; }
00287    outname = NULL;
00288    Opt->in_vol = NULL;
00289    Opt->nvox = -1;
00290    Opt->ninmask = -1;
00291    Opt->mcdatav = NULL;
00292    Opt->debug = 0;
00293    Opt->v0 = 0.0;
00294    Opt->v1 = -1.0;
00295    Opt->dvec = NULL;
00296    Opt->SurfFileType = SUMA_PLY;
00297    Opt->SurfFileFormat = SUMA_ASCII;
00298    Opt->xform = SUMA_ISO_XFORM_MASK;
00299    Opt->obj_type = -1;
00300    Opt->obj_type_res = -1;
00301    Opt->XYZ = NULL;
00302    Opt->in_1D = NULL;
00303    Opt->N_XYZ = 0;
00304    Opt->Zt = 0.6;
00305    Opt->ExpFrac = 0.1;
00306    Opt->N_it = 250;
00307    Opt->Icold = 20;
00308    Opt->NodeDbg = -1;
00309    Opt->t2 = Opt->t98 = Opt->t = Opt->tm = -1;
00310    Opt->r = 0;
00311    Opt->d1 = 20;
00312    Opt->su1 = 1;
00313    Opt->UseNew = 1.0;
00314    Opt->d4 = 15;
00315    Opt->ztv = NULL;
00316    Opt->Kill98 = 0;
00317    Opt->NoEyes = 1;
00318    Opt->NNsmooth = 72;
00319    Opt->smootheach = 50;
00320    Opt->avoid_vent = 1;
00321    Opt->smooth_end = 20;
00322    Opt->k98mask = NULL;
00323    Opt->k98maskcnt = 0;
00324    Opt->dbg_eyenodes = NULL;
00325    Opt->travstp = 1.0;
00326    Opt->Stop = NULL;
00327    Opt->MaxIntIter = 4;
00328    Opt->UseExpansion = 1;
00329    Opt->PercInt = 0;
00330    Opt->UseSkull = 0;
00331    Opt->send_hull = 1;
00332    Opt->bot_lztclip = 0.65; /* 0.5 is OK but causes too much leakage below cerebellum in most dsets, 0.65 seems better. 0 if you do not want to use it*/
00333         Opt->var_lzt = 1.0; /* a flag at the moment, set it to 1 to cause shirnk fac to vary during iterations. Helps escape certain large 
00334                            chunks of CSF just below the brain */
00335    Opt->DemoPause = SUMA_3dSS_NO_PAUSE;
00336    Opt->DoSpatNorm = 1;
00337    Opt->WriteSpatNorm = 0;
00338    Opt->fillhole = -1;
00339    Opt->iset = NULL;
00340    Opt->SpatShift[0] = Opt->SpatShift[1] = Opt->SpatShift[2] = 0.0;
00341    Opt->OrigSpatNormedSet = NULL;
00342    Opt->in_edvol = NULL;
00343    Opt->blur_fwhm = 0.0;
00344    brk = NOPE;
00345         while (kar < argc) { /* loop accross command ine options */
00346                 /*fprintf(stdout, "%s verbose: Parsing command line...\n", FuncName);*/
00347                 if (strcmp(argv[kar], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[kar], "-help") == 0) {
00348                          usage_SUMA_BrainWrap(ps);
00349           exit (0);
00350                 }
00352                 SUMA_SKIP_COMMON_OPTIONS(brk, kar);
00354       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-pushout") == 0)) {
00355          Opt->UseExpansion = 1;
00356          brk = YUP;
00357       }
00359       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-visual") == 0)) {
00360          ps->cs->talk_suma = 1;
00361          ps->cs->kth = 5;
00362          ps->cs->Feed2Afni = 1;
00363          brk = YUP;
00364       }
00366       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-no_pushout") == 0)) {
00367          Opt->UseExpansion = 0;
00368          brk = YUP;
00369       }
00371       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-spatnorm") == 0)) {
00372          Opt->DoSpatNorm = 1;
00373          brk = YUP;
00374       }
00376       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-no_spatnorm") == 0)) {
00377          Opt->DoSpatNorm = 0;
00378          brk = YUP;
00379       }
00381       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-write_spatnorm") == 0)) {
00382          Opt->WriteSpatNorm = 1;
00383          brk = YUP;
00384       }
00386       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-use_skull") == 0)) {
00387          Opt->UseSkull = 1;
00388          brk = YUP;
00389       }
00391       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-no_use_skull") == 0)) {
00392          Opt->UseSkull = 0;
00393          brk = YUP;
00394       }
00396       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-send_no_skull") == 0)) {
00397          Opt->send_hull = 0;
00398          brk = YUP;
00399       }
00402       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-var_shrink_fac") == 0)) {
00403          Opt->var_lzt = 1;
00404          brk = YUP;
00405       }
00407       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-no_var_shrink_fac") == 0)) {
00408          Opt->var_lzt = 0;
00409          brk = YUP;
00410       }
00413       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-fill_hole") == 0)) {
00414          kar ++;
00415                         if (kar >= argc)  {
00416                                 fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -fill_hole \n");
00417                                 exit (1);
00418                         }
00419          Opt->fillhole = atoi(argv[kar]);
00420          if ( (Opt->fillhole < 0 || Opt->fillhole > 50) ) {
00421             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "parameter after -fill_hole (%d) should be >= 0 and <= 50 \n", Opt->fillhole);
00422                                 exit (1);
00423          }
00424          brk = YUP;
00425       }
00427       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-perc_int") == 0)) {
00428          kar ++;
00429                         if (kar >= argc)  {
00430                                 fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -perc_int \n");
00431                                 exit (1);
00432                         }
00433                         Opt->PercInt = atof(argv[kar]);
00434          if ( (Opt->PercInt < 0 && Opt->PercInt != -1) || Opt->PercInt > 10) {
00435             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "parameter after -perc_int should be -1 or between 0 and 10 (have %f) \n", Opt->PercInt);
00436                                 exit (1);
00437          }
00438          brk = YUP;
00439                 }
00441       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-spatnorm_dxyz") == 0)) {
00442          kar ++;
00443                         if (kar >= argc)  {
00444                                 fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -spatnorm_dxyz \n");
00445                                 exit (1);
00446                         }
00447                         Opt->SpatNormDxyz = atof(argv[kar]);
00448          if ( Opt->SpatNormDxyz < 0  || Opt->SpatNormDxyz > 10) {
00449             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "parameter after -spatnorm_dxyz should be between 0 and 10 (have %f) \n", 
00450                      Opt->SpatNormDxyz);
00451                                 exit (1);
00452          }
00453          brk = YUP;
00454                 }
00456       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-blur_fwhm") == 0)) {
00457          kar ++;
00458                         if (kar >= argc)  {
00459                                 fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -blur_fwhm \n");
00460                                 exit (1);
00461                         }
00462                         Opt->blur_fwhm = atof(argv[kar]);
00463          if ( Opt->PercInt < 0 || Opt->PercInt > 50) {
00464             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "parameter after -blur_fwhm should be between 0 and 50 (have %f) \n", Opt->blur_fwhm);
00465                                 exit (1);
00466          }
00467          brk = YUP;
00468                 }
00470       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-input_1D") == 0)) {
00471          kar ++;
00472                         if (kar >= argc)  {
00473                                 fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -input_1D \n");
00474                                 exit (1);
00475                         }
00476                         Opt->in_1D = argv[kar];
00477          brk = YUP;
00478                 }
00480       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-avoid_vent") == 0)) {
00481                         Opt->avoid_vent = 1;
00482          brk = YUP;
00483                 }
00485       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-no_avoid_vent") == 0)) {
00486                         Opt->avoid_vent = 0;
00487          brk = YUP;
00488                 }
00490       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-demo_pause") == 0)) {
00491                         Opt->DemoPause = SUMA_3dSS_DEMO_PAUSE;
00492          brk = YUP;
00493                 } 
00495       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-interactive") == 0)) {
00496                         Opt->DemoPause = SUMA_3dSS_INTERACTIVE;
00497          brk = YUP;
00498                 }
00500       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-d1") == 0)) {
00501          kar ++;
00502                         if (kar >= argc)  {
00503                                 fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -d1 \n");
00504                                 exit (1);
00505                         }
00506                         Opt->d1 = atof(argv[kar]);
00507          brk = YUP;
00508                 }
00510       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-max_inter_iter") == 0)) {
00511          kar ++;
00512                         if (kar >= argc)  {
00513                                 fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -max_inter_iter \n");
00514                                 exit (1);
00515                         }
00516                         Opt->MaxIntIter = atoi(argv[kar]);
00517          if (Opt->MaxIntIter < 0 || Opt->MaxIntIter > 10) {
00518             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "-max_inter_iter parameter should be between 0 and 10 \n");
00519                                 exit (1);
00520          }  
00521          brk = YUP;
00522                 }
00523       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-smooth_final") == 0)) {
00524          kar ++;
00525                         if (kar >= argc)  {
00526                                 fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -smooth_final \n");
00527                                 exit (1);
00528                         }
00529                         Opt->smooth_end = atoi(argv[kar]);
00530          if (Opt->smooth_end < 0 || Opt->smooth_end > 100 || Opt->smooth_end % 2) {
00531             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "irrational or exhuberant values for smooth_final\n Must use even number between 0 to 100 (%d entered)\n", Opt->smooth_end);
00532                                 exit (1);
00533          }
00534          brk = YUP;
00535                 }
00536       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-NNsmooth") == 0)) {
00537          kar ++;
00538                         if (kar >= argc)  {
00539                                 fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -NNsmooth \n");
00540                                 exit (1);
00541                         }
00542                         Opt->NNsmooth = atoi(argv[kar]);
00543          if (Opt->NNsmooth % 2) {
00544             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "Number of smoothing steps must be an even positive number (not %d) \n", Opt->NNsmooth);
00545                                 exit (1);
00546          }
00547          brk = YUP;
00548                 }
00550       if (!brk && ((strcmp(argv[kar], "-shrink_fac") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[kar], "-bf") == 0))) {
00551          kar ++;
00552                         if (kar >= argc)  {
00553                                 fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -shrink_fac || -bf \n");
00554                                 exit (1);
00555                         }
00556                         Opt->Zt = atof(argv[kar]);
00557          brk = YUP;
00558                 }
00560       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-shrink_fac_bot_lim") == 0)) {
00561          kar ++;
00562                         if (kar >= argc)  {
00563                                 fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -shrink_fac_bot_lim \n");
00564                                 exit (1);
00565                         }
00566                         Opt->bot_lztclip = atof(argv[kar]);
00567          brk = YUP;
00568                 }
00570       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-t2") == 0)) {
00571          kar ++;
00572                         if (kar >= argc)  {
00573                                 fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -t2 \n");
00574                                 exit (1);
00575                         }
00576                         Opt->t2 = atof(argv[kar]);
00577          brk = YUP;
00578                 }
00579       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-t98") == 0)) {
00580          kar ++;
00581                         if (kar >= argc)  {
00582                                 fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -t98 \n");
00583                                 exit (1);
00584                         }
00585                         Opt->t98 = atof(argv[kar]);
00586          brk = YUP;
00587                 }
00588       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-t") == 0)) {
00589          kar ++;
00590                         if (kar >= argc)  {
00591                                 fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -t \n");
00592                                 exit (1);
00593                         }
00594                         Opt->t = atof(argv[kar]);
00595          brk = YUP;
00596                 }
00597       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-tm") == 0)) {
00598          kar ++;
00599                         if (kar >= argc)  {
00600                                 fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -tm \n");
00601                                 exit (1);
00602                         }
00603                         Opt->tm = atof(argv[kar]);
00604          brk = YUP;
00605                 }
00607       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-niter") == 0)) {
00608          kar ++;
00609                         if (kar >= argc)  {
00610                                 fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -niter \n");
00611                                 exit (1);
00612                         }
00613                         Opt->N_it = atoi(argv[kar]);
00614          if (Opt->N_it < 0 || Opt->N_it > 100000) {
00615             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "%d is a bad iteration number.\n", Opt->N_it);
00616                                 exit (1);
00617          }
00618          brk = YUP;
00619                 }
00621       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-exp_frac") == 0)) {
00622          kar ++;
00623                         if (kar >= argc)  {
00624                                 fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -exp_frac \n");
00625                                 exit (1);
00626                         }
00627                         Opt->ExpFrac = atof(argv[kar]);
00628          if (Opt->ExpFrac < -1 || Opt->ExpFrac > 1) { /* accroding to algo, should be between 0 and 1 */
00629             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "%f is a bad expantion fraction.\n", Opt->ExpFrac);
00630                                 exit (1);
00631          }
00632          brk = YUP;
00633                 }
00634       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-node_dbg") == 0)) {
00635          kar ++;
00636                         if (kar >= argc)  {
00637                                 fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -node_dbg \n");
00638                                 exit (1);
00639                         }
00640                         Opt->NodeDbg = atoi(argv[kar]);
00641          if (Opt->NodeDbg < 0) {
00642             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "%d is a bad node number.\n", Opt->NodeDbg);
00643                                 exit (1);
00644          }
00645          brk = YUP;
00646                 }
00648       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-sm_fac") == 0)) {
00649          kar ++;
00650                         if (kar >= argc)  {
00651                                 fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -sm_fac \n");
00652                                 exit (1);
00653                         }
00654                         Opt->su1 = atof(argv[kar]);
00655          if (Opt->su1 < 0 || Opt->su1 > 1.5) {
00656             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "%f is a bad smoothness factor (acceptable range is 0 to 1\nbut values up to 1.5 are allowed for amusement).\n", Opt->su1);
00657                                 exit (1);
00658          }
00659          brk = YUP;
00660                 }
00662       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-ld") == 0)) {
00663          kar ++;
00664                         if (kar >= argc)  {
00665                                 fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -ld \n");
00666                                 exit (1);
00667                         }
00668                         Opt->Icold = atoi(argv[kar]);
00669          if (Opt->Icold < 0 || Opt->Icold > 300) {
00670             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "%d is a bad iteration number.\n", Opt->Icold);
00671                                 exit (1);
00672          }
00673          brk = YUP;
00674                 }
00676       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-debug") == 0)) {
00677          kar ++;
00678                         if (kar >= argc)  {
00679                                 fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -debug \n");
00680                                 exit (1);
00681                         }
00682                         Opt->debug = atoi(argv[kar]);
00683          if (Opt->debug > 2) { LocalHead = YUP; }
00684          brk = YUP;
00685                 }      
00688       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-input") == 0)) {
00689          kar ++;
00690                         if (kar >= argc)  {
00691                                 fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -input \n");
00692                                 exit (1);
00693                         }
00694                         Opt->in_name = SUMA_copy_string(argv[kar]);
00695          brk = YUP;
00696                 }
00698       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-prefix") == 0)) {
00699          kar ++;
00700                         if (kar >= argc)  {
00701                                 fprintf (SUMA_STDERR, "need argument after -prefix \n");
00702                                 exit (1);
00703                         }
00704                         Opt->out_vol_prefix = SUMA_copy_string(argv[kar]);
00705          brk = YUP;
00706                 }
00708       if (!brk && ( (strcmp(argv[kar], "-mask_vol") == 0) ) ) {
00709          Opt->MaskMode = 1;
00710          brk = YUP;
00711       }
00713       if (!brk && ( (strcmp(argv[kar], "-touchup") == 0) ) ) {
00714          Opt->UseNew = 1.0;
00715          brk = YUP;
00716       }
00718       if (!brk && ( (strcmp(argv[kar], "-no_touchup") == 0) ) ) {
00719          Opt->UseNew = 0.0;
00720          brk = YUP;
00721       }
00723       if (!brk && (strcmp(argv[kar], "-k98") == 0)) {
00724          SUMA_SL_Warn("Bad option, causes trouble (big clipping) in other parts of brain.");
00725          Opt->Kill98 = 1;
00726          brk = YUP;
00727       }
00729       if (!brk && ( (strcmp(argv[kar], "-noeyes") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[kar], "-no_eyes") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[kar], "-avoid_eyes") == 0)) ) {
00730          Opt->NoEyes = 1;
00731          brk = YUP;
00732       }
00734       if (!brk && ( (strcmp(argv[kar], "-no_noeyes") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[kar], "-no_no_eyes") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[kar], "-no_avoid_eyes") == 0)) ) {
00735          Opt->NoEyes = 0;
00736          brk = YUP;
00737       }
00739       if (!brk && !ps->arg_checked[kar]) {
00740                         fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s:\nOption %s not understood. Try -help for usage\n", FuncName, argv[kar]);
00741                         exit (1);
00742                 } else {        
00743                         brk = NOPE;
00744                         kar ++;
00745                 }
00746    }
00748    if (Opt->fillhole < 0) {
00749       if (Opt->UseExpansion) {
00750          if (Opt->debug) {
00751             SUMA_SL_Note("Setting fill_hole to 10");
00752          }
00753          Opt->fillhole = 10;
00754       } else  Opt->fillhole = 0;
00755    }
00757    /* transfer some options to Opt from ps. Clunky because this is retrofitting */
00758    if (ps->o_N_surfnames) {
00759       Opt->out_prefix = SUMA_copy_string(ps->o_surfnames[0]);
00760       Opt->SurfFileType = ps->o_FT[0];
00761       Opt->SurfFileFormat = ps->o_FF[0];
00762    }
00764    if (!Opt->in_name) {
00765       fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s:\n-input  must be used.\n", FuncName);
00766       exit(1);
00767    }
00768    /* what is the view of the input ?*/
00769    if (!SUMA_AfniView (Opt->in_name, cview)) {
00770       fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s:\nCould not guess view from input dset %s\n", FuncName, Opt->in_name);
00771       exit(1);
00772    }
00774    if (!Opt->out_prefix) Opt->out_prefix = SUMA_copy_string("skull_strip_out");
00775    if (!Opt->out_vol_prefix) {
00776       if (!Opt->out_prefix) Opt->out_vol_prefix = SUMA_AfniPrefix("skull_strip_out", NULL, NULL, &exists);
00777       else Opt->out_vol_prefix = SUMA_AfniPrefix(Opt->out_prefix, NULL, NULL, &exists);
00778    } else {
00779       char *stmp = Opt->out_vol_prefix;
00780       Opt->out_vol_prefix = SUMA_AfniPrefix(stmp, NULL, NULL, &exists); 
00781       SUMA_free(stmp); stmp = NULL;
00782    }
00783    if (SUMA_AfniExistsView(exists, cview)) {
00784       fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s:\nOutput dset %s%s exists, will not overwrite\n", FuncName, Opt->out_vol_prefix, cview);
00785       exit(1);
00786    }
00789    if (Opt->t2 >= 0 || Opt->t98 >= 0 || Opt->tm >= 0  || Opt->t >= 0 ) {
00790       if (!(Opt->t2 >= 0 && Opt->t98 > 0 && Opt->tm > 0 && Opt->t > 0)){
00791          fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s: \nAll or none of the t parameters are to be specified on command line:\nt2 %f t %f tm %f t98 %f\n", 
00792             FuncName, Opt->t2, Opt->t, Opt->tm, Opt->t98);
00793          exit(1);
00794       }
00795    }
00796    SUMA_RETURN(Opt);
00797 }
00802 int main (int argc,char *argv[])
00803 {/* Main */    
00804    static char FuncName[]={"3dSkullStrip"}; 
00805         int i, N_in = 0, i3, kth_buf, hull_ld;
00806    int ii,jj,kk,ll,ijk , nx,ny,nz , nn, nint = 0 , nseg;
00807    void *SO_name=NULL, *SO_name_hull=NULL;
00808    float vol, *isin_float=NULL, pint, *dsmooth = NULL, XYZrai_shift[3];
00809    SUMA_SurfaceObject *SO = NULL, *SOhull=NULL;
00811    char  stmp[200], stmphull[200], *hullprefix=NULL, *prefix=NULL, *spatprefix=NULL, cbuf;
00812    SUMA_Boolean exists = NOPE;
00814    short *isin = NULL;
00816    THD_3dim_dataset *dset = NULL;
00817    THD_ivec3 orixyz , nxyz ;
00818    THD_fvec3 dxyz , orgxyz , fv2, originRAIfv;
00819    THD_3dim_dataset *oset = NULL;
00820    MRI_IMAGE *imin=NULL, *imout=NULL, *imout_orig=NULL , *imout_edge=NULL ;
00822    SUMA_Boolean LocalHead = NOPE;
00824         SUMA_mainENTRY;
00828    /* Allocate space for DO structure */
00829         SUMAg_DOv = SUMA_Alloc_DisplayObject_Struct (SUMA_MAX_DISPLAYABLE_OBJECTS);
00830    ps = SUMA_Parse_IO_Args(argc, argv, "-o;-talk;");
00832    if (argc < 2) {
00833       usage_SUMA_BrainWrap(ps);
00834       exit (1);
00835    }
00837    Opt = SUMA_BrainWrap_ParseInput (argv, argc, ps);
00839    if (Opt->debug > 2) LocalHead = YUP;
00841    SO_name = SUMA_Prefix2SurfaceName(Opt->out_prefix, NULL, NULL, Opt->SurfFileType, &exists);
00842    if (exists && strcmp(Opt->out_prefix,"skull_strip_out")) { /* do not worry about the default name for the surface */
00843       fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s:\nOutput file(s) %s* on disk.\nWill not overwrite.\n", FuncName, Opt->out_prefix);
00844       exit(1);
00845    }
00846    hullprefix = SUMA_append_string(Opt->out_prefix,"_hull");
00847    SO_name_hull = SUMA_Prefix2SurfaceName(hullprefix, NULL, NULL, Opt->SurfFileType, &exists);
00848    if (exists) {
00849       fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s:\nOutput file(s) %s* on disk.\nWill not overwrite.\n", FuncName, hullprefix);
00850       exit(1);
00851    }   
00852    kth_buf = ps->cs->kth; /* keep track of required value */
00854    /* turn on debugging for inodes */
00855    #if 0
00856    SUMA_SL_Note("Debugging for eye nodes");
00857    Opt->dbg_eyenodes = fopen("eyenodes.1D.dset", "w");
00858    #endif
00860    /* Load the AFNI volume and prep it*/
00861    if (Opt->DoSpatNorm) { /* chunk taken from 3dSpatNorm.c */
00862       if (Opt->debug) SUMA_SL_Note("Loading dset, performing Spatial Normalization");
00863       /* load the dset */
00864       Opt->iset = THD_open_dataset( Opt->in_name );
00865       if( !ISVALID_DSET(Opt->iset) ){
00866         fprintf(stderr,"**ERROR: can't open dataset %s\n",Opt->in_name) ;
00867         exit(1);
00868       }
00869       Opt->iset_hand = SUMA_THD_handedness( Opt->iset );
00870       if (LocalHead) fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"%s: Handedness of orig dset %d\n", FuncName, Opt->iset_hand);
00872       /*--- get median brick --*/
00873       imin = THD_median_brick( Opt->iset ) ;
00874       if( imin == NULL ){
00875         fprintf(stderr,"**ERROR: can't load dataset %s\n",Opt->in_name) ;
00876         exit(1);
00877       }
00879       if (Opt->SpatNormDxyz) {
00880          if (Opt->debug) SUMA_S_Note("Overriding default resampling");
00881          mri_brainormalize_initialize(Opt->SpatNormDxyz, Opt->SpatNormDxyz, Opt->SpatNormDxyz);
00882       } else {
00883          mri_brainormalize_initialize(Opt->iset->daxes->xxdel, Opt->iset->daxes->yydel, Opt->iset->daxes->zzdel);
00884       }
00885       imin->dx = fabs(Opt->iset->daxes->xxdel) ;
00886       imin->dy = fabs(Opt->iset->daxes->yydel) ;
00887       imin->dz = fabs(Opt->iset->daxes->zzdel) ;
00889       DSET_unload( Opt->iset ) ;  /* don't need this data no more */
00891       /*-- convert image to shorts, if appropriate --*/
00892       if( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(Opt->iset,0) == MRI_short ||
00893           DSET_BRICK_TYPE(Opt->iset,0) == MRI_byte    ){
00895         imout = mri_to_short(1.0,imin) ;
00896         mri_free(imin) ; imin = imout ;
00897       }
00899       /*--- normalize image spatially ---*/
00900       mri_brainormalize_verbose( Opt->debug ) ;
00901       if (Opt->fillhole) {
00902          imout = mri_brainormalize( imin , Opt->iset->daxes->xxorient,
00903                                         Opt->iset->daxes->yyorient,
00904                                         Opt->iset->daxes->zzorient, &imout_orig, NULL) ;
00905       } else {
00906          imout = mri_brainormalize( imin , Opt->iset->daxes->xxorient,
00907                                         Opt->iset->daxes->yyorient,
00908                                         Opt->iset->daxes->zzorient, NULL, NULL) ;
00909       }
00910       mri_free( imin ) ;
00912       if( imout == NULL ){
00913         fprintf(stderr,"**ERROR: normalization fails!?\n"); exit(1);
00914       }
00916       if (imout_orig) {
00917          if (Opt->debug) SUMA_SL_Note("Creating an output dataset in original grid...");
00918          /* me needs the origin of this dset in RAI world */
00919          LOAD_FVEC3(originRAIfv , Opt->iset->daxes->xxorg , Opt->iset->daxes->yyorg , Opt->iset->daxes->zzorg) ;
00920          originRAIfv = THD_3dmm_to_dicomm( Opt->iset , originRAIfv ) ;
00922          LOAD_FVEC3(fv2 , Opt->iset->daxes->xxorg + (Opt->iset->daxes->nxx-1)*Opt->iset->daxes->xxdel ,
00923                     Opt->iset->daxes->yyorg + (Opt->iset->daxes->nyy-1)*Opt->iset->daxes->yydel ,
00924                     Opt->iset->daxes->zzorg + (Opt->iset->daxes->nzz-1)*Opt->iset->daxes->zzdel  ) ;
00925          fv2 = THD_3dmm_to_dicomm( Opt->iset , fv2 ) ;
00927          if([0] >[0] ) { float tf; tf =[0];[0] =[0];[0] = tf; } 
00928          if([1] >[1] ) { float tf; tf =[1];[1] =[1];[1] = tf; }
00929          if([2] >[2] ) { float tf; tf =[2];[2] =[2];[2] = tf; }
00931          if (LocalHead) {
00932             fprintf(stderr,"++3dSpatNorm (ZSS): RAI origin info: %f %f %f\n",[0],[1],[2]);
00933          }
00935          Opt->OrigSpatNormedSet = EDIT_empty_copy( NULL ) ;
00936          tross_Copy_History( Opt->iset , Opt->OrigSpatNormedSet ) ;
00937          tross_Make_History( "3dSkullStrip" , argc,argv , Opt->OrigSpatNormedSet ) ;
00939          LOAD_IVEC3( nxyz   , imout_orig->nx    , imout_orig->ny    , imout_orig->nz    ) ;
00940          LOAD_FVEC3( dxyz   , imout_orig->dx    , imout_orig->dy    , imout_orig->dz    ) ;
00941          LOAD_FVEC3( orgxyz ,[0]    ,[1]    ,[2]    ) ;
00942          LOAD_IVEC3( orixyz , ORI_R2L_TYPE , ORI_A2P_TYPE , ORI_I2S_TYPE ) ;
00944          prefix = SUMA_AfniPrefix(Opt->in_name, NULL, NULL, NULL); 
00945          if (!prefix) { SUMA_SL_Err("Bad prefix!!!"); exit(1); }
00946          spatprefix = SUMA_append_string(prefix, "_SpatNorm_OrigSpace");
00947          EDIT_dset_items( Opt->OrigSpatNormedSet ,
00948                             ADN_prefix      , spatprefix ,
00949                             ADN_datum_all   , imout_orig->kind ,
00950                             ADN_nxyz        , nxyz ,
00951                             ADN_xyzdel      , dxyz ,
00952                             ADN_xyzorg      , orgxyz ,
00953                             ADN_xyzorient   , orixyz ,
00954                             ADN_malloc_type , DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC ,
00955                             ADN_view_type   , VIEW_ORIGINAL_TYPE ,
00956                             ADN_type        , HEAD_ANAT_TYPE ,
00957                             ADN_func_type   , ANAT_BUCK_TYPE ,
00958                           ADN_none ) ;
00960          EDIT_substitute_brick( Opt->OrigSpatNormedSet , 0 , imout_orig->kind , mri_data_pointer(imout_orig) ) ;      
00962          oset = r_new_resam_dset ( Opt->OrigSpatNormedSet, Opt->iset,   0,      0,      0,      NULL, MRI_NN, NULL);
00963          if (!oset) {
00964             fprintf(stderr,"**ERROR: Failed to reslice!?\n"); exit(1);
00965          }
00966          DSET_delete(Opt->OrigSpatNormedSet); Opt->OrigSpatNormedSet = oset; oset = NULL;
00968          if (Opt->WriteSpatNorm) {
00969             SUMA_LH("Writing SpatNormed dset in original space");
00970             DSET_write(Opt->OrigSpatNormedSet) ;
00971          }
00973          if (prefix) SUMA_free(prefix); prefix = NULL;
00974          if (spatprefix) SUMA_free(spatprefix); spatprefix = NULL; 
00975       }
00977       if (imout_edge) { /* DOES NOTHING YET */
00978          SUMA_SL_Note("Creating an output edge dataset ...");
00979          oset = EDIT_empty_copy( NULL ) ;
00980          tross_Copy_History( Opt->iset , oset ) ;
00981          tross_Make_History( "3dSkullStrip" , argc,argv , oset ) ;
00983          LOAD_IVEC3( nxyz   , imout_edge->nx    , imout_edge->ny    , imout_edge->nz    ) ;
00984          LOAD_FVEC3( dxyz   , imout_edge->dx    , imout_edge->dy    , imout_edge->dz    ) ;
00985          LOAD_FVEC3( orgxyz , imout_edge->xo    , imout_edge->yo    , imout_edge->zo    ) ;
00986          LOAD_IVEC3( orixyz , ORI_R2L_TYPE , ORI_A2P_TYPE , ORI_I2S_TYPE ) ;
00988          prefix = SUMA_AfniPrefix(Opt->in_name, NULL, NULL, NULL); 
00989          if (!prefix) { SUMA_SL_Err("Bad prefix!!!"); exit(1); }
00990          spatprefix = SUMA_append_string(prefix, "_EdgeSpatNorm");
00991          EDIT_dset_items( oset ,
00992                             ADN_prefix      , spatprefix ,
00993                             ADN_datum_all   , imout_edge->kind ,
00994                             ADN_nxyz        , nxyz ,
00995                             ADN_xyzdel      , dxyz ,
00996                             ADN_xyzorg      , orgxyz ,
00997                             ADN_xyzorient   , orixyz ,
00998                             ADN_malloc_type , DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC ,
00999                             ADN_view_type   , VIEW_ORIGINAL_TYPE ,
01000                             ADN_type        , HEAD_ANAT_TYPE ,
01001                             ADN_func_type   , ANAT_BUCK_TYPE ,
01002                           ADN_none ) ;
01004          EDIT_substitute_brick( oset , 0 , imout_edge->kind , mri_data_pointer(imout_edge) ) ;      
01005          if (Opt->WriteSpatNorm) {
01006             SUMA_LH("Writing Edge dset");
01007             DSET_write(oset) ;
01008          }
01009          Opt->in_edvol = oset; oset = NULL;
01011          if (prefix) SUMA_free(prefix); prefix = NULL;
01012          if (spatprefix) SUMA_free(spatprefix); spatprefix = NULL;
01013          fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"%s: -spatnorm: Expecting %d voxels in in_vol dset (%d %d %d)\n", 
01014             FuncName, DSET_NVOX( Opt->in_vol ), DSET_NX( Opt->in_vol ), DSET_NY( Opt->in_vol ), DSET_NZ( Opt->in_vol ));   
01015       }
01017       oset = EDIT_empty_copy( NULL ) ;
01018       /* reset the idcode using a hash of a string formed by idcode or orig dset and _Spatnorm */
01019       {  char idstr[500], *nid=NULL; sprintf(idstr,"%s_Spatnorm", Opt->iset->idcode.str); 
01020          SUMA_NEW_ID(nid, idstr); strncpy(oset->idcode.str, nid, IDCODE_LEN); SUMA_free(nid); nid = NULL;}
01021       tross_Copy_History( Opt->iset , oset ) ;
01022       tross_Make_History( "3dSkullStrip" , argc,argv , oset ) ;
01024       LOAD_IVEC3( nxyz   , imout->nx    , imout->ny    , imout->nz    ) ;
01025       LOAD_FVEC3( dxyz   , imout->dx    , imout->dy    , imout->dz    ) ;
01026       LOAD_FVEC3( orgxyz , imout->xo    , imout->yo    , imout->zo    ) ;
01027       LOAD_IVEC3( orixyz , ORI_R2L_TYPE , ORI_A2P_TYPE , ORI_I2S_TYPE ) ;
01029       prefix = SUMA_AfniPrefix(Opt->in_name, NULL, NULL, NULL); 
01030       if (!prefix) { SUMA_SL_Err("Bad prefix!!!"); exit(1); }
01031       spatprefix = SUMA_append_string(prefix, "_SpatNorm");
01032       EDIT_dset_items( oset ,
01033                          ADN_prefix      , spatprefix ,
01034                          ADN_datum_all   , imout->kind ,
01035                          ADN_nxyz        , nxyz ,
01036                          ADN_xyzdel      , dxyz ,
01037                          ADN_xyzorg      , orgxyz ,
01038                          ADN_xyzorient   , orixyz ,
01039                          ADN_malloc_type , DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC ,
01040                          ADN_view_type   , VIEW_ORIGINAL_TYPE ,
01041                          ADN_type        , HEAD_ANAT_TYPE ,
01042                          ADN_func_type   , ANAT_BUCK_TYPE ,
01043                        ADN_none ) ;
01045       EDIT_substitute_brick( oset , 0 , imout->kind , mri_data_pointer(imout) ) ;      
01046       if (Opt->WriteSpatNorm) {
01047          SUMA_LH("Writing SpatNormed dset");
01048          DSET_write(oset) ;
01049       }
01050       Opt->in_vol = oset; oset = NULL;
01052       if (prefix) SUMA_free(prefix); prefix = NULL;
01053       if (spatprefix) SUMA_free(spatprefix); spatprefix = NULL;
01054       if( Opt->debug ) fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"%s: -spatnorm: Expecting %d voxels in in_vol dset (%d %d %d)\n", 
01055          FuncName, DSET_NVOX( Opt->in_vol ), DSET_NX( Opt->in_vol ), DSET_NY( Opt->in_vol ), DSET_NZ( Opt->in_vol )); 
01057    } else {
01058       /* volume already SpatNormed, or user does not want SpatNorm */
01059       SUMA_SL_Note("Loading dset, performing no Spatial Normalization");
01060       Opt->in_vol = THD_open_dataset( Opt->in_name );
01061       if( !ISVALID_DSET(Opt->in_vol) ){
01062         fprintf(stderr,"**ERROR: can't open dataset %s\n",Opt->in_name) ;
01063         exit(1);
01064       }
01065       if( Opt->debug ) fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"%s: -no_spatnorm: Expecting %d voxels in in_vol dset (%d %d %d)\n", 
01066          FuncName, DSET_NVOX( Opt->in_vol ), DSET_NX( Opt->in_vol ), DSET_NY( Opt->in_vol ), DSET_NZ( Opt->in_vol )); 
01067       /* load the dset */
01068       DSET_load(Opt->in_vol);
01069       if (Opt->fillhole) Opt->OrigSpatNormedSet = Opt->in_vol; /* original is same as in_vol */
01070       /* initialize, just to make sure numbers are ok for if statement below */
01071       mri_brainormalize_initialize(Opt->in_vol->daxes->xxdel, Opt->in_vol->daxes->yydel, Opt->in_vol->daxes->zzdel);
01072       if (DSET_NX( Opt->in_vol) !=  THD_BN_nx() || DSET_NY( Opt->in_vol) !=  THD_BN_ny()  || DSET_NZ( Opt->in_vol) !=  THD_BN_nz() ) {
01073          fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s:\n SpatNormed Dset must be %d x %d x %d\n", FuncName, THD_BN_nx(), THD_BN_ny(), THD_BN_nz() );
01074          exit(1);
01075       }
01076       Opt->iset_hand = SUMA_THD_handedness( Opt->in_vol );
01077       if (LocalHead) fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"%s: Handedness of orig dset %d\n", FuncName, Opt->iset_hand);
01079    }
01082    if (!ISVALID_DSET(Opt->in_vol)) {
01083       if (!Opt->in_name) {
01084          SUMA_SL_Err("NULL input volume.");
01085          exit(1);
01086       } else {
01087          SUMA_SL_Err("invalid volume.");
01088          exit(1);
01089       }
01090    } else if ( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(Opt->in_vol, 0) == MRI_complex) {
01091       SUMA_SL_Err("Can't do complex data.");
01092       exit(1);
01093    }
01095    if (Opt->blur_fwhm) {
01096      SUMA_SL_Note("Blurring...");
01097      EDIT_blur_volume(  DSET_NX(Opt->in_vol), DSET_NY(Opt->in_vol), DSET_NZ(Opt->in_vol),
01098                         SUMA_ABS((DSET_DX(Opt->in_vol))), SUMA_ABS((DSET_DY(Opt->in_vol))),  SUMA_ABS((DSET_DZ(Opt->in_vol))),  
01099                         DSET_BRICK_TYPE(Opt->in_vol,0), DSET_ARRAY(Opt->in_vol,0), 0.42466090*Opt->blur_fwhm) ;
01100    }
01102    if (Opt->UseSkull) { SOhull = SUMA_Alloc_SurfObject_Struct(1); }
01103    else SOhull = NULL;
01104    sprintf(stmphull,"OuterHull");  
01106    vol = SUMA_LoadPrepInVol (Opt, &SOhull);
01107    if ( vol <= 0 ) {
01108       SUMA_S_Err("Failed to load/prep volume");
01109       exit(1);
01110    } else {
01111       if (LocalHead) fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"%s: Got me a volume of %f mm3\n", FuncName, vol);
01112    }
01116   do {   
01117       /* Now create that little sphere that is about to expand */
01118       sprintf(stmp,"icobaby_ld%d", Opt->Icold);  
01119       SO = SUMA_CreateIcosahedron (Opt->r/2.0, Opt->Icold, Opt->cog, "n", 1);
01120       if (!SO) {
01121          SUMA_S_Err("Failed to create Icosahedron");
01122          exit(1);
01123       }
01125       if (Opt->Stop) SUMA_free(Opt->Stop); Opt->Stop = NULL;
01126       if (!Opt->Stop) {
01127          Opt->Stop = (float *)SUMA_calloc(SO->N_Node, sizeof(float));
01128          if (!Opt->Stop) {
01129             SUMA_SL_Crit("Failed to allocate");
01130             exit(1);
01131          }
01132       }
01134       if (Opt->avoid_vent) {
01135          float U[3], Un, *a, P2[2][3];
01136          for (i=0; i<SO->N_Node; ++i) {
01137             /* stretch the top coordinates by d1 and the back too*/
01138             a = &(SO->NodeList[3*i]); 
01139             if (a[2] - SO->Center[2] > Opt->r/3 || a[1] - SO->Center[1] > Opt->r/2) {
01140                SUMA_UNIT_VEC(SO->Center, a, U, Un);
01141                SUMA_POINT_AT_DISTANCE_NORM(U, SO->Center, (Un+1.1*Opt->d1), P2);
01142                SO->NodeList[3*i] = P2[0][0]; SO->NodeList[3*i+1] = P2[0][1]; SO->NodeList[3*i+2] = P2[0][2];
01143             }
01144          }   
01145       }
01146       /* allocate and fix zt */
01147       Opt->ztv = (float *)SUMA_malloc(sizeof(float)*SO->N_Node);
01148       if (!Opt->ztv) {
01149          SUMA_SL_Crit("Failed to allocate");
01150          exit(1);
01151       } 
01152       for (i=0; i<SO->N_Node; ++i) Opt->ztv[i] = Opt->Zt;
01154       /* need sv for communication to AFNI */
01155       SO->VolPar = SUMA_VolParFromDset (Opt->in_vol);
01156       SO->SUMA_VolPar_Aligned = YUP; /* Surface is in alignment with volume, should not call SUMA_Align_to_VolPar ... */
01157       if (0){  
01158          SUMA_VTI *vti=NULL;
01159          int iii, n1, n2, n3;
01160          float *tmpXYZ=NULL;
01161          SUMA_S_Note("Test Section");
01162          /* copy surface coordinates, we're going to ijk land */
01163          tmpXYZ = (float *)SUMA_malloc(SO->N_Node * 3 * sizeof(float));
01164          if (!tmpXYZ) {
01165             SUMA_SL_Crit("Faile to allocate");
01166             exit(1);
01167          }
01168          memcpy ((void*)tmpXYZ, (void *)SO->NodeList, SO->N_Node * 3 * sizeof(float));
01170          /* transform the surface's coordinates from RAI to 3dfind */
01171          SUMA_vec_dicomm_to_3dfind (tmpXYZ, SO->N_Node, SO->VolPar);
01172          vti = SUMA_CreateVTI(SO->N_FaceSet, NULL);
01173          for (iii=0; iii<SO->N_FaceSet; ++iii) vti->TriIndex[iii] = iii;
01174          n1 = SO->FaceSetList[5*3]; n2 = SO->FaceSetList[5*3+1]; n3 = SO->FaceSetList[5*3+2];   
01175          fprintf(SUMA_STDERR, "%s: Triangle 5 has nodes: \n"
01176                               "        %f %f %f\n"
01177                               "        %f %f %f\n"
01178                               "        %f %f %f\n", FuncName, 
01179                               SO->NodeList[n1*3], SO->NodeList[n1*3+1], SO->NodeList[n1*3+2], 
01180                               SO->NodeList[n2*3], SO->NodeList[n2*3+1], SO->NodeList[n2*3+2],
01181                               SO->NodeList[n3*3], SO->NodeList[n3*3+1], SO->NodeList[n3*3+2]); 
01183          vti = SUMA_GetVoxelsIntersectingTriangle(SO, SO->VolPar, tmpXYZ, vti);
01184          vti = SUMA_FreeVTI(vti);
01185       }
01186       if (!SO->State) {SO->State = SUMA_copy_string("3dSkullStrip"); }
01187       if (!SO->Group) {SO->Group = SUMA_copy_string("3dSkullStrip"); }
01188       if (!SO->Label) {SO->Label = SUMA_copy_string(stmp); }
01189       /* make the idcode_str depend on the Label, it is convenient to
01190       send the same surface all the time to SUMA */
01191       if (SO->Label) { if (SO->idcode_str) SUMA_free(SO->idcode_str); SO->idcode_str = NULL; SUMA_NEW_ID(SO->idcode_str, SO->Label); }
01193       if (!nint && SOhull) {
01194          SOhull->VolPar = SUMA_VolParFromDset (Opt->in_vol);
01195          SOhull->SUMA_VolPar_Aligned = YUP; /* Surface is in alignment with volume, should not call SUMA_Align_to_VolPar ... */
01197          if (!SOhull->State) {SOhull->State = SUMA_copy_string("3dSkullStrip"); }
01198          if (!SOhull->Group) {SOhull->Group = SUMA_copy_string("3dSkullStrip"); }
01199          if (!SOhull->Label) {SOhull->Label = SUMA_copy_string(stmphull); }
01200          if (SOhull->Label) { if (SOhull->idcode_str) SUMA_free(SOhull->idcode_str); SOhull->idcode_str = NULL; SUMA_NEW_ID(SOhull->idcode_str,SOhull->Label); }
01201       }
01203       /* see if SUMA talk is turned on */
01204       if (ps->cs->talk_suma) {
01205          ps->cs->istream = SUMA_BRAINWRAP_LINE;
01206          ps->cs->afni_istream = SUMA_AFNI_STREAM_INDEX2;
01207          ps->cs->kth = 1; /* make sure all surfaces get sent */
01208          if (!SUMA_SendToSuma (NULL, ps->cs, NULL, SUMA_NO_DSET_TYPE, 0)) {
01209             SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to initialize SUMA_SendToSuma");
01210             ps->cs->Send = NOPE;
01211             ps->cs->afni_Send = NOPE;
01212             ps->cs->talk_suma = NOPE;
01213          } else if (!SUMA_SendToAfni (ps->cs, NULL,  0)) {
01214             SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to initialize SUMA_SendToAfni");
01215             ps->cs->afni_Send = NOPE;
01216             ps->cs->Send = NOPE;
01217          } else {
01218             if (!nint && SOhull) {
01219                if (Opt->send_hull) {
01220                   SUMA_LH("Sending Hull");
01221                   if (Opt->DemoPause == SUMA_3dSS_DEMO_PAUSE) { SUMA_PAUSE_PROMPT("Sending HULL next"); }
01222                   SUMA_SendSumaNewSurface(SOhull, ps->cs);
01223                }
01224             }
01225             SUMA_LH("Sending Ico");
01226             if (Opt->DemoPause  == SUMA_3dSS_DEMO_PAUSE) { SUMA_PAUSE_PROMPT("Sending Ico next"); }
01227             SUMA_SendSumaNewSurface(SO, ps->cs);
01229          }
01230          ps->cs->kth = kth_buf;
01231       }
01233       if (!nint && Opt->UseSkull) {
01234          /* get a crude mask of inner skull */
01235          if (Opt->DemoPause == SUMA_3dSS_DEMO_PAUSE) { SUMA_PAUSE_PROMPT("Shrinking skull hull next"); }
01236          SUMA_SkullMask (SOhull, Opt, ps->cs);
01237          /* Now take mask and turn it into a volume */
01238          fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"%s: Locating voxels on skull boundary  ...\n", FuncName);
01239          isin = SUMA_FindVoxelsInSurface (SOhull, SO->VolPar, &N_in, 0, NULL);
01240          for (i=0; i<SO->VolPar->nx*SO->VolPar->ny*SO->VolPar->nz; ++i) { if (isin[i] <= SUMA_ON_NODE) Opt->dvec[i] = 0; }
01241          #if 0
01242             SUMA_SL_Note("Writing hull mask");
01243             {
01244                FILE *fout=fopen("hullmask.1D","w");
01245                int ii, jj, kk; 
01246                for (i=0; i<SO->VolPar->nx*SO->VolPar->ny*SO->VolPar->nz; ++i) { 
01247                   SUMA_1D_2_3D_index(i, ii, jj, kk, SO->VolPar->nx, SO->VolPar->nx*SO->VolPar->ny); 
01248                   fprintf(fout,"%d %d %d %d\n",ii, jj, kk, isin[i]); 
01249                }
01250                fclose(fout);
01251             }
01252          #endif
01253          if (isin) SUMA_free(isin); isin = NULL;
01254       }
01256       /* send in_vol to afni */
01257       if (Opt->DoSpatNorm && ps->cs->afni_Send) {
01258          SUMA_SL_Note("Sending spatnormed volume to AFNI");
01259          if (!SUMA_SendToAfni(ps->cs, Opt->in_vol, 1)) {
01260             SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to send volume to AFNI");
01261             ps->cs->afni_Send = NOPE;
01262          }
01263       }
01265       /* This is it baby, start walking */
01266       if (Opt->DemoPause == SUMA_3dSS_DEMO_PAUSE) { SUMA_PAUSE_PROMPT("Brain expansion next"); }
01267       SUMA_StretchToFitLeCerveau (SO, Opt, ps->cs);
01269       /* check for intersections */
01270       if (Opt->PercInt >= 0) {
01271          if (Opt->debug) fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"%s: Checking for self intersection...\n", FuncName);
01272          nseg = 30 * Opt->Icold * Opt->Icold; /* number of segments in Ico */
01273          nint = SUMA_isSelfIntersect(SO, (int)(Opt->PercInt * nseg / 100.0));
01274          if (nint < 0) {
01275             SUMA_SL_Err("Error in SUMA_isSelfIntersect. Ignoring self intersection test.");
01276             nint = 0;
01277          }
01278          /* percentage of guilty segments */
01279          pint = (float)nint / (float)nseg * 100;
01280          if (LocalHead) fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"%s: at least %d (%f%%) of segments intersect the surface.\nStopping criterion is %f%%\n", FuncName, nint, pint, Opt->PercInt);
01281          if (pint > Opt->PercInt) {
01282             static int SelfIntRep = 0;
01283             int smstep;
01284             if (SelfIntRep < Opt->MaxIntIter) {
01285                /* SUMA_PAUSE_PROMPT("SelfIntersection Baby"); */
01286                if (!Opt->avoid_vent && !SelfIntRep) {
01287                   Opt->avoid_vent = 1;
01288                } else {
01289                   smstep = 12 * ( Opt->Icold / 25 ) * ( Opt->Icold / 25 ); /* 12 is OK for ld = 25 */ 
01290                   if ( smstep < 12) smstep = 12;
01291                   else if ( smstep % 2 ) ++smstep;
01292                   #if 0
01293                   if (!(SelfIntRep % 2)) { 
01294                      Opt->avoid_vent = 0;
01295                      Opt->NNsmooth += smstep; 
01296                   } else {
01297                      Opt->avoid_vent = 1;
01298                   }
01299                   #else
01300                      /* don't mess with avoid_vent option, it works well all the time */
01301                      Opt->NNsmooth += smstep; 
01302                   #endif
01303                   ++SelfIntRep;
01304                }
01305                fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Warning %s:****************\n Surface self intersecting! trying again:\n smoothing of %d, avoid_vent %d\n", FuncName, Opt->NNsmooth, (int)Opt->avoid_vent);
01306                SUMA_Free_Surface_Object(SO); SO = NULL;
01307             } else {
01308                fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"Warning %s: Stubborn intersection remaining at smoothing of %d. Ignoring it.", FuncName, Opt->NNsmooth);
01309                nint = 0;
01310             }
01311          } else  {
01312             if (Opt->debug) {
01313                if (nint) fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"%s: Number of intersection below criterion.\n", FuncName);
01314                else fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"%s: No intersections found.\n", FuncName);
01315             }
01316             nint = 0;
01317          }
01318       } else {
01319          fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"%s: Self intersection check turned off.\n", FuncName);
01320          nint = 0;   
01321       }
01322    } while (nint != 0);
01323    if (Opt->debug) fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"%s: Final smoothing of %d\n", FuncName, Opt->NNsmooth);
01324    if (SUMA_DidUserQuit()) {
01325       if (Opt->debug) fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"%s: straight to end per user demand (%d)...\n", FuncName, SUMA_DidUserQuit());
01326       goto FINISH_UP;
01327    }
01328    /* touch up, these might cause some surface intersection, but their effects should be small */
01329    /* TOUCHUP_1: */
01330    if (Opt->UseNew) {
01331          double mval = 255;
01332          if (Opt->debug) fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"%s: Touchup correction, pass 1 ...\n", FuncName);
01333          if (Opt->DemoPause  == SUMA_3dSS_DEMO_PAUSE) { SUMA_PAUSE_PROMPT("touchup correction next"); }
01334          if (Opt->DemoPause == SUMA_3dSS_INTERACTIVE) {
01335             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"3dSkullStrip Interactive: \n"
01336                                  "Touchup, pass 1.\n"
01337                                  "Do you want to (C)ontinue, (P)ass or (S)ave this? [C] ");
01338             cbuf = SUMA_ReadCharStdin ('c', 0,"csp");
01339             switch (cbuf) {
01340                case 's':
01341                   fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"Saving mask as is.\n");
01342                   goto FINISH_UP;
01343                   break;
01344                case 'p':
01345                   fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"Passing this stage \n");
01346                   goto BEAUTY;
01347                   break;
01348                case 'c':
01349                   fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"Continuing with stage.\n");
01350                   break;
01351             }                 
01352          }
01353          /* recover the eye balls please */
01354          if (mval < Opt->t98) {
01355             SUMA_SL_Warn("Looks like some values in dset might be larger than 255 !");
01356             mval = Opt->t98+10;
01357          }
01358          if (Opt->k98maskcnt && Opt->k98mask) { for (ii=0; ii<Opt->k98maskcnt; ++ii) Opt->dvec[Opt->k98mask[ii]] = mval; }
01359          /* SUMA_REPOSITION_TOUCHUP(6);*/
01360          SUMA_Reposition_Touchup(SO, Opt, 6, ps->cs);
01362          if (LocalHead) fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"%s: Touchup correction  Done.\n", FuncName);
01363    }
01364    BEAUTY:
01365    /* smooth the surface a bit */
01366    if (Opt->smooth_end) {
01367       ps->cs->kth = 1;  /*make sure all gets sent at this stage */
01368       if (Opt->DemoPause  == SUMA_3dSS_DEMO_PAUSE) { SUMA_PAUSE_PROMPT("beauty treatment smoothing next"); }
01369       if (Opt->debug) fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"%s: The beauty treatment smoothing.\n", FuncName);
01370       if (Opt->DemoPause == SUMA_3dSS_INTERACTIVE) {
01371             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"3dSkullStrip Interactive: \n"
01372                                  "Beauty treatment smoothing.\n"
01373                                  "Do you want to (C)ontinue, (P)ass or (S)ave this? [C] ");
01374             cbuf = SUMA_ReadCharStdin ('c', 0,"csp");
01375             switch (cbuf) {
01376                case 's':
01377                   fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"Saving mask as is.\n");
01378                   goto FINISH_UP;
01379                   break;
01380                case 'p':
01381                   fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"Passing this stage \n");
01382                   goto TOUCHUP_2;
01383                   break;
01384                case 'c':
01385                   fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"Continuing with stage.\n");
01386                   break;
01387             }                 
01388          }
01389       dsmooth = SUMA_Taubin_Smooth( SO, NULL,
01390                                     0.6307, -.6732, SO->NodeList,
01391                                     Opt->smooth_end, 3, SUMA_ROW_MAJOR, dsmooth, ps->cs, NULL);    
01392       memcpy((void*)SO->NodeList, (void *)dsmooth, SO->N_Node * 3 * sizeof(float));
01394       if (ps->cs->Send) {
01395          if (!SUMA_SendToSuma (SO, ps->cs, (void *)SO->NodeList, SUMA_NODE_XYZ, 1)) {
01396             SUMA_SL_Warn("Failed in SUMA_SendToSuma\nCommunication halted.");
01397          }
01398       }
01399       ps->cs->kth = kth_buf; 
01400    }
01401    TOUCHUP_2:
01402    /* one more correction pass */
01403    if (Opt->UseNew) {
01404       ps->cs->kth = 1; /*make sure all gets sent at this stage */
01405       if (Opt->DemoPause  == SUMA_3dSS_DEMO_PAUSE) { SUMA_PAUSE_PROMPT("touchup correction 2 next"); }
01406       if (Opt->debug) fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"%s: Final touchup correction ...\n", FuncName);
01407       if (Opt->DemoPause == SUMA_3dSS_INTERACTIVE) {
01408             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"3dSkullStrip Interactive: \n"
01409                                  "Touchup, pass 2.\n"
01410                                  "Do you want to (C)ontinue, (P)ass or (S)ave this? [C] ");
01411             cbuf = SUMA_ReadCharStdin ('c', 0,"csp");
01412             fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"%c\n", cbuf);
01413             switch (cbuf) {
01414                case 's':
01415                   fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"Saving mask as is.\n");
01416                   goto FINISH_UP;
01417                   break;
01418                case 'p':
01419                   fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"Passing this stage \n");
01420                   goto FINISH_UP;
01421                   break;
01422                case 'c':
01423                   fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"Continuing with stage.\n");
01424                   break;
01425             }                 
01426       }
01427       /* SUMA_REPOSITION_TOUCHUP(2); */
01428       SUMA_Reposition_Touchup(SO, Opt, 2, ps->cs);
01430       if (LocalHead) fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"%s: Final touchup correction  Done.\n", FuncName);
01431       ps->cs->kth = kth_buf; 
01432    }
01434    FINISH_UP:
01435    /* send the last surface */
01436    ps->cs->kth = 1;
01437    if (ps->cs->Send) {
01438       if (!SUMA_SendToSuma (SO, ps->cs, (void *)SO->NodeList, SUMA_NODE_XYZ, 1)) {
01439          SUMA_SL_Warn("Failed in SUMA_SendToSuma\nCommunication halted.");
01440       }
01441    }
01442    ps->cs->kth = kth_buf; 
01444    if (Opt->DoSpatNorm) {
01445       float ispat, jspat, kspat, iorig, jorig, korig , xrai_orig, yrai_orig, zrai_orig;
01447       SUMA_LH("Changing coords of output surface");
01449       /* what does the origin point (THD_BN_XORG THD_BN_YORG THD_BN_ZORG, ijk 0 0 0 )in the spat normed brain correspond to ? */
01450       ispat = 0; jspat = 0; kspat = 0;
01451       brainnormalize_coord( ispat , jspat, kspat,
01452                            &iorig, &jorig, &korig , Opt->iset,
01453                            &xrai_orig, &yrai_orig, &zrai_orig);
01454       Opt->SpatShift[0] = xrai_orig - THD_BN_XORG; Opt->SpatShift[1] = yrai_orig - THD_BN_YORG; Opt->SpatShift[2] = zrai_orig - THD_BN_ZORG;
01456       /* shift the surface */
01457       for (i=0; i<SO->N_Node; ++i) {
01458          i3 = 3*i;
01459          SO->NodeList[i3 + 0] += Opt->SpatShift[0];
01460          SO->NodeList[i3 + 1] += Opt->SpatShift[1];
01461          SO->NodeList[i3 + 2] += Opt->SpatShift[2];
01462       }
01463       /* do the deed for the hull thing */
01464       if (SOhull) {
01465          for (i=0; i<SOhull->N_Node; ++i) {
01466             i3 = 3*i;
01467             SOhull->NodeList[i3 + 0] += Opt->SpatShift[0];
01468             SOhull->NodeList[i3 + 1] += Opt->SpatShift[1];
01469             SOhull->NodeList[i3 + 2] += Opt->SpatShift[2];
01470          }
01471       }
01472       /* Change the number of voxels in VolPar to reflect the number of voxels in the non-spatnormed dset */
01473       /* SUMA_VolDims(Opt->iset, &SO->VolPar->nx, &SO->VolPar->ny, &SO->VolPar->nz);  *//* remember, the dset that SO->VolPar represents is in RAI still */
01474       if (LocalHead) fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"%s: \nPre: %d %d %d\n", FuncName, SO->VolPar->nx, SO->VolPar->ny, SO->VolPar->nz); 
01475       SUMA_Free_VolPar(SO->VolPar); SO->VolPar = NULL;
01476       SO->VolPar = SUMA_VolParFromDset(Opt->iset);
01477       if (LocalHead) fprintf(SUMA_STDERR,"%s: \nPost: %d %d %d\n", FuncName, SO->VolPar->nx, SO->VolPar->ny, SO->VolPar->nz); 
01478       if (SOhull) {
01479          SUMA_Free_VolPar(SOhull->VolPar); SOhull->VolPar = NULL;
01480          SOhull->VolPar = SUMA_VolParFromDset (Opt->iset);
01481       }
01482    }
01484    /* write the surfaces to disk */
01485    if (strcmp(Opt->out_prefix,"skull_strip_out")) {
01486       fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"%s: Writing surface  ...\n", FuncName);
01487       if (!SUMA_Save_Surface_Object (SO_name, SO, Opt->SurfFileType, Opt->SurfFileFormat, NULL)) {
01488          fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s: Failed to write surface object.\n", FuncName);
01489          exit (1);
01490       }
01491    }
01493    if (Opt->UseSkull && SOhull) {
01494       fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"%s: Writing skull surface  ...\n", FuncName);
01495       if (!SUMA_Save_Surface_Object (SO_name_hull, SOhull, Opt->SurfFileType, Opt->SurfFileFormat, NULL)) {
01496          fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"Error %s: Failed to write surface object.\n", FuncName);
01497          exit (1);
01498       }
01499    }
01501    /* prepare to write masked volume */
01502    OptDs = SUMA_New_FormAfniDset_Opt();
01503    if (Opt->out_vol_prefix) {
01504       SUMA_FileName NewName = SUMA_StripPath(Opt->out_vol_prefix);
01505       OptDs->prefix = NewName.FileName; NewName.FileName = NULL;
01506       OptDs->prefix_path = NewName.Path; NewName.Path = NULL;
01507    }  else {
01508       OptDs->prefix = SUMA_copy_string("3dSkullStrip");
01509       OptDs->prefix_path = SUMA_copy_string("./");
01510    }
01511    if (Opt->DoSpatNorm) {
01512       OptDs->mset = Opt->iset; 
01513    } else {
01514       OptDs->mset = Opt->in_vol;
01515    }
01517    /* what voxels are inside the surface ? */
01518    if (Opt->debug) fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"%s: Locating voxels inside surface  ...\n", FuncName);
01519    isin = SUMA_FindVoxelsInSurface (SO, SO->VolPar, &N_in, Opt->fillhole, Opt->OrigSpatNormedSet);
01520    isin_float = (float *)SUMA_malloc(sizeof(float) * SO->VolPar->nx*SO->VolPar->ny*SO->VolPar->nz);
01521    if (!isin_float) {
01522       SUMA_SL_Crit("Failed to allocate");
01523       exit(1);
01524    }
01526    /* change Opt->dvec to reflect original data (not spat normed baby)*/
01527    if (Opt->dvec) { SUMA_free(Opt->dvec); Opt->dvec = NULL; }
01528    Opt->nvox = DSET_NVOX( Opt->OrigSpatNormedSet );
01529    Opt->dvec = (double *)SUMA_malloc(sizeof(double) * Opt->nvox);
01530    if (!Opt->dvec) {
01531       SUMA_SL_Crit("Faile to allocate for dvec.\nOh misery.");
01532       SUMA_RETURN(NOPE);
01533    }
01534    EDIT_coerce_scale_type( Opt->nvox , DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(Opt->OrigSpatNormedSet,0) ,
01535                            DSET_BRICK_TYPE(Opt->OrigSpatNormedSet,0), DSET_ARRAY(Opt->OrigSpatNormedSet, 0) ,      /* input  */
01536                            MRI_double               , Opt->dvec  ) ;   /* output */
01538    if (!Opt->MaskMode) {
01539       SUMA_LH("Creating skull-stripped volume");
01540       for (i=0; i<SO->VolPar->nx*SO->VolPar->ny*SO->VolPar->nz; ++i) {
01541          /* apply the mask automatically */
01542          if (isin[i] >= SUMA_ON_NODE) isin_float[i] = (float)Opt->dvec[i];
01543          else isin_float[i] = 0.0;
01544       }
01545    } else {
01546       SUMA_LH("Creating mask volume");
01547       for (i=0; i<SO->VolPar->nx*SO->VolPar->ny*SO->VolPar->nz; ++i) {
01548          isin_float[i] = (float)isin[i];
01549       }
01550    }
01551    if (isin) SUMA_free(isin); isin = NULL;
01553    if (Opt->debug) fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"%s: Writing masked volume  ...\n", FuncName);
01554    OptDs->full_list = 1;
01555    OptDs->dval = 1;
01556    dset = SUMA_FormAfnidset (NULL, isin_float, SO->VolPar->nx*SO->VolPar->ny*SO->VolPar->nz, OptDs);
01558    /* erode and dilate, a bit of a cleanup? */
01559    if (1){
01560       EDIT_options *edopt = SUMA_BlankAfniEditOptions();
01561       if (Opt->debug) fprintf (SUMA_STDERR,"%s: Applying a bit of erosion and dilatation \n", FuncName);
01562       edopt->edit_clust = ECFLAG_SAME;
01563       edopt->clust_rmm = SUMA_MAX_PAIR(SUMA_ABS((DSET_DX(OptDs->mset))), SUMA_ABS((DSET_DY(OptDs->mset))));
01564       edopt->clust_rmm = SUMA_MAX_PAIR(SUMA_ABS((DSET_DZ(OptDs->mset))), edopt->clust_rmm)*1.01;
01565            edopt->clust_vmul = 1000*SUMA_ABS((DSET_DX(OptDs->mset)))*SUMA_ABS((DSET_DY(OptDs->mset)))*SUMA_ABS((DSET_DZ(OptDs->mset)));
01566       edopt->erode_pv  = 75.0 / 100.0;
01567       edopt->dilate = 1;
01568       EDIT_one_dataset( dset , edopt);
01569       SUMA_free(edopt);
01570    }
01572    if (!dset) {
01573       SUMA_SL_Err("Failed to create output dataset!");
01574    } else {
01575       tross_Make_History( FuncName , argc,argv , dset ) ;
01576       DSET_write(dset) ;
01577    }
01579    /* you don't want to exit rapidly because the SUMA might not be done processing the last elements*/
01580    if (ps->cs->Send && !ps->cs->GoneBad) {
01581       /* cleanup and close connections */
01582       if (!SUMA_SendToSuma (SO, ps->cs, NULL, SUMA_NODE_XYZ, 2)) {
01583          SUMA_SL_Warn("Failed in SUMA_SendToSuma\nCleanup failed");
01584       }
01585    }   
01587    if (dsmooth) SUMA_free(dsmooth); dsmooth = NULL;
01588    if (OptDs) { OptDs->mset = NULL; OptDs = SUMA_Free_FormAfniDset_Opt(OptDs);  }
01589    if (dset) { DSET_delete(dset); dset = NULL; }
01590    if (isin) { SUMA_free(isin); isin = NULL; }
01591    if (isin_float) { SUMA_free(isin_float); isin_float = NULL; }
01592    if (ps) SUMA_FreeGenericArgParse(ps); ps = NULL;
01593    if (Opt) Opt = SUMA_Free_Generic_Prog_Options_Struct(Opt);
01594    if (hullprefix) SUMA_free(hullprefix); hullprefix = NULL;
01595    if (SO_name_hull) SUMA_free(SO_name_hull); SO_name_hull = NULL;
01596    if (SO_name) SUMA_free(SO_name); SO_name = NULL;
01597    if (SO) SUMA_Free_Surface_Object(SO); SO = NULL;
01598    if (SOhull) SUMA_Free_Surface_Object(SOhull); SOhull = NULL;
01599    if (!SUMA_Free_Displayable_Object_Vect (SUMAg_DOv, SUMAg_N_DOv)) {
01600       SUMA_SL_Err("DO Cleanup Failed!");
01601    }
01602    if (!SUMA_Free_CommonFields(SUMAg_CF)) SUMA_error_message(FuncName,"SUMAg_CF Cleanup Failed!",1);
01603    exit(0);
01604 }   
01605 #endif

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