AFNI Message Board

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Anonymous User
April 01, 2013 02:26PM
Hi all,

I'm trying to convert a mask containing multiple ROIs from Tal to MNI space. First I used 3dWarp -tta2mni -NN -gridset MNI152_T1_1mm -prefix mask_mni mask_tal+tlrc

The output, however, was still in the same grid as before rather than the same as the MNI anat dataset. Am I misunderstanding the purpose of that flag? Should I just use 3dresample -master afterwards instead?

Furthermore, the output looked significantly different than the input. I understand the sizes and shapes of the ROIs within the mask are subject to change slightly due to interpolation, but the change was more drastic than I expected.

I tried and didn't have much more luck with the affine transformation mni_fsl2tal. Any ideas?

Subject Author Posted

transforming mask to MNI using 3dWarp

Anonymous User April 01, 2013 02:26PM

Re: transforming mask to MNI using 3dWarp

Daniel Glen April 01, 2013 03:08PM

Re: transforming mask to MNI using 3dWarp

Anonymous User April 08, 2013 10:08AM

Re: transforming mask to MNI using 3dWarp

Daniel Glen April 08, 2013 02:21PM