AFNI Message Board

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June 18, 2014 11:46AM
Impulse modulation (IM) allows one to measure the magnitudes of
the individual responses.

For a slow event design (non-overlapping BOLD responses),
one can use IM with TENT functions to get the IRF for each event.
Hopefully you are in this case. To do so, just use -stim_times_IM
instead of simply -stim_times.

If the design is not a slow event design, then perhaps you will end
up having to use a fixed shape response function, such as BLOCK(3,1).
Switching to -stim_times_IM in this case would give you one beta
per trial, which is effectively the height.

- rick
Subject Author Posted

Obtaining the peak amplitude of the IRF for each trial of a stimulus

adjacobson1 June 17, 2014 03:10PM

Re: Obtaining the peak amplitude of the IRF for each trial of a stimulus

rick reynolds June 18, 2014 11:46AM

Re: Obtaining the peak amplitude of the IRF for each trial of a stimulus

adjacobson1 June 18, 2014 06:48PM

Re: Obtaining the peak amplitude of the IRF for each trial of a stimulus

rick reynolds June 18, 2014 08:51PM