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July 24, 2014 11:31AM
I was given a script created by an ex-colleague for performing a seed correlation analysis of resting-state fMRI data. However, after comparing it to the Simple Correlation tutorial on the AFNI website (here), I'm not sure if I understand it correctly and would therefore like to double-check with you.

My input: individual subject time series (preprocessed: registration, normalization, nuisance parameter regression, smoothing, filtering)

The seed analysis is as follows.

For each subject:
- extract the mean time series from the seed region, resulting in a text file subjX_region.txt;
- calculate correlation map:
3dTcorr1D -prefix subjX_corrmap_r.nii -mask brain/mask.nii.gz subjectX/time/series.nii.gz subjX_region.txt
- perform a Fisher r-to-z transform:
3dcalc -a subjX_corrmap_r.nii -expr 'log((1+a)/(1-a))/2' -prefix subjX_corrmap_z.nii

Now I can perform the group analysis using the z-transformed correlation maps:
3dttest++ -prefix group_roi_analysis.nii -setA subj*_corrmap_z.nii

This results in a file with two sub-bricks. My colleague would then do:
3dcalc -a group_roi_analysis.nii[1] -expr a -prefix result.nii
and plot this onto a brain template.

However, reading the 3dttest++ documentation, it seems this sub-brick contains the t-statistic for each voxel; the corresponding mean z-score should be in the 0th sub-brick.

Do I understand it correctly that the sub-brick I should be plotting onto the brain template is actually the 0th sub-brick, possibly only for voxels whose t-statistic (read from the sub-brick [1]) is above a given significance threshold?

Thanks in advance!
Subject Author Posted

Seed correlation analysis in AFNI explained

afniuser July 24, 2014 11:31AM

Re: Seed correlation analysis in AFNI explained

rick reynolds July 25, 2014 08:43AM

Re: Seed correlation analysis in AFNI explained

afniuser July 29, 2014 02:52AM

Re: Seed correlation analysis in AFNI explained

rick reynolds July 29, 2014 10:13AM

Re: Seed correlation analysis in AFNI explained

gang July 29, 2014 10:37AM

Re: Seed correlation analysis in AFNI explained

umeshksingla June 03, 2018 04:24PM