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October 24, 2014 12:25PM

I'm running 3dDeconvolve and giving it the command to output the residual error time series and they are not actually being created anywhere. Here is the line of code included in the 3dDeconvolve command:

-xout -xjpeg designmatrix.jpg -automask -fout -errts blurResiduals\

I don't think it's a path issue because the design matrix gets created and put in the same folder as the Decon+trlc files. I have not had this problem before and am not sure how to resolve it. I also did an exhaustive search on the entire system for the residuals in case they were being stored someplace else and I cannot locate them.


Subject Author Posted

missing residual errors?

lianablair October 24, 2014 12:25PM

Re: missing residual errors?

rick reynolds October 24, 2014 12:38PM