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January 23, 2015 05:40PM
Dear AFNI experts,

I am trying to do multiple testing correction by using 3dClustSim in ROI, but I have encountered a problem. Here is what I have done. I would really appreciate if anyone could point out the mistake I made.

Data: Group Analysis

Step 1: I created a mask for whole group, and then use the 3dClustSim to obtain the minimum cluster size to reach significance.
- My whole brain mask is 46x55x43 3.50x3.50x3.50 mm^3 (108790 voxels)
Step 2: Then, I created a mask for ROI region (Hippocampus) by following the instructions in this website: [homepage.usask.ca]

My problem is: Why after I draw my ROI, my ROI's mask is the same size as my whole brain mask? I thought the size of ROI should be reduced so that I could have different threshold and cluster size to reach significance. Could anyone help me to solve this problem?

Thank you so much for your help.
Subject Author Posted

Multiple Testing Correction in ROI

AliciaChang January 23, 2015 05:40PM

Re: Multiple Testing Correction in ROI

ziad January 26, 2015 09:33AM