AFNI Message Board

Dear AFNI users-

We are very pleased to announce that the new AFNI Message Board framework is up! Please join us at:

Existing user accounts have been migrated, so returning users can login by requesting a password reset. New users can create accounts, as well, through a standard account creation process. Please note that these setup emails might initially go to spam folders (esp. for NIH users!), so please check those locations in the beginning.

The current Message Board discussion threads have been migrated to the new framework. The current Message Board will remain visible, but read-only, for a little while.

Sincerely, AFNI HQ

History of AFNI updates  

May 22, 2015 06:00PM
Hello All,

I am new to AFNI (which means my question is very naive :D) and have just gone through the bootcamp slides but havent got few answers:

I am using to create a script for generating statistical map from design matrix. I have few regreassors like sndpwr(in dB's) heart and lung which have negative values in it. I am passing it as stim files in GUI. But when i create a script i am getting warning saying few values in stim files are negative. I am looking to regression analysis on the data and get contrast for eg: sndpwr-1*Z-1*Y

My question is can i pass sndpwr, heart etc with negative stim values as regressors in the stim section of gui?
With the negative tsim values i am not able to get output files stat.subject$$ ..

Any suggestion is greatly appreciated!



Here is the cmd output:

+ Fixed clip level = 1637.579956
+ Used gradual clip level = 1316.520996 .. 1836.563843
+ Number voxels above clip level = 1437108
+ Clustering voxels ...
+ Largest cluster has 1426398 voxels
+ Clustering voxels ...
+ Largest cluster has 1424012 voxels
+ Filled 1220 voxels in small holes; now have 1425232 voxels
+ Filled 56354 voxels in large holes; now have 1481586 voxels
+ Clustering voxels ...
+ Largest cluster has 1481565 voxels
+ Clustering non-brain voxels ...
+ Clustering voxels ...
+ Largest cluster has 11731811 voxels
+ Mask now has 1481565 voxels
++ 1481565 voxels in the mask [out of 13213376: 11.21%]
++ first 17 x-planes are zero [from R]
++ last 11 x-planes are zero [from L]
++ first 56 y-planes are zero [from A]
++ last 38 y-planes are zero [from P]
++ first 118 z-planes are zero [from I]
++ last 28 z-planes are zero [from S]
++ applying mask to original data
++ Writing masked data
++ Output dataset ./__tt_pb01.sub18fri.r01.tshift_ts_rs_ns+orig.BRIK
++ CPU time = 3.820000 sec
#++ Computing weight mask
#Script is running (command trimmed):
3dBrickStat -automask -percentile 90.000000 1 90.000000 ./__tt_pb01.sub18fri.r01.tshift_ts_rs_ns+orig
#++ Applying threshold of 4875.000000 on /Users/sdb99/Subject18/subject_results/group.sub18fri/subj.sub18fri/sub18fri.results/__tt_pb01.sub18fri.r01.tshift_ts_rs_ns+orig
#Script is running (command trimmed):
3dcalc -datum float -prefix ./__tt_pb01.sub18fri.r01.tshift_ts_rs_ns_wt -a ./__tt_pb01.sub18fri.r01.tshift_ts_rs_ns+orig -expr 'min(1,(a/4875.000000))'
++ 3dcalc: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: A cast of thousands
++ Output dataset ././__tt_pb01.sub18fri.r01.tshift_ts_rs_ns_wt+orig.BRIK
#++ Aligning anat data to epi data
#Script is running (command trimmed):
3dAllineate -lpc -wtprefix ./__tt_mprage-s18-obl_ns_ob_al_junk_wtal -weight ./__tt_pb01.sub18fri.r01.tshift_ts_rs_ns_wt+orig -source ./__tt_mprage-s18-obl_ns_ob+orig -prefix ./__tt_mprage-s18-obl_ns_ob_temp_al_junk -base ./__tt_pb01.sub18fri.r01.tshift_ts_rs_ns+orig -nocmass -1Dmatrix_save ./mprage-s18-obl_al_junk_e2a_only_mat.aff12.1D -master SOURCE -weight_frac 1.0 -maxrot 6 -maxshf 10 -VERB -warp aff -source_automask+4 -onepass
++ 3dAllineate: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: Zhark the Registrator
++ Source dataset: ./__tt_mprage-s18-obl_ns_ob+orig.HEAD
++ Base dataset: ./__tt_pb01.sub18fri.r01.tshift_ts_rs_ns+orig.HEAD
++ Loading datasets
++ 1752214 voxels in -source_automask+4
++ Zero-pad: not needed
++ 1481178 voxels [11.2%] in weight mask
++ Output dataset ./__tt_mprage-s18-obl_ns_ob_al_junk_wtal+orig.BRIK
++ Number of points for matching = 1481178
++ Local correlation: blok type = 'RHDD(6.54321)'
++ shift param auto-range: -56.2..56.2 -87.6..87.6 -87.6..87.6
+ Range param#4 [z-angle] = -6.000000 .. 6.000000
+ Range param#5 [x-angle] = -6.000000 .. 6.000000
+ Range param#6 [y-angle] = -6.000000 .. 6.000000
+ Range param#1 [x-shift] = -10.000000 .. 10.000000
+ Range param#2 [y-shift] = -10.000000 .. 10.000000
+ Range param#3 [z-shift] = -10.000000 .. 10.000000
+ 12 free parameters
++ Normalized convergence radius = 0.001000
++ OpenMP thread count = 4
++ ======= Allineation of 1 sub-bricks using Local Pearson Correlation Signed =======
++ ========== sub-brick #0 ========== [total CPU to here=8.3 s]
++ *** Fine pass begins ***
+ * Enter alignment setup routine
+ - copying base image
+ - copying source image
+ - copying weight image
+ - using 1481178 points from base image [use_all=0]
+ * Exit alignment setup routine
+ 1389241 total points stored in 2602 'RHDD(6.54321)' bloks
+ - Initial cost = 0.029359
+ - Initial fine Parameters = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
+ - Finalish cost = -0.022072 ; 424 funcs
+ - Final cost = -0.022073 ; 132 funcs
+ Final fine fit Parameters:
x-shift=-4.0994 y-shift=-2.3632 z-shift= 0.6421
z-angle=-0.3081 x-angle= 3.3832 y-angle=-2.8356
x-scale= 0.9853 y-scale= 1.0035 z-scale= 0.9888
y/x-shear= 0.0971 z/x-shear= 0.0040 z/y-shear= 0.0551
+ - Fine net CPU time = 65.9 s
++ Computing output image
++ image warp: parameters = -4.0994 -2.3632 0.6421 -0.3081 3.3832 -2.8356 0.9853 1.0035 0.9888 0.0971 0.0040 0.0551
++ Output dataset ./__tt_mprage-s18-obl_ns_ob_temp_al_junk+orig.BRIK
++ Wrote -1Dmatrix_save ./mprage-s18-obl_al_junk_e2a_only_mat.aff12.1D
++ 3dAllineate: total CPU time = 76.8 sec Elapsed = 42.0
++ ###########################################################
++ ### Please check results visually for alignment quality ###
++ ###########################################################
#Script is running (command trimmed):
cat_matvec -ONELINE ./mprage-s18-obl_al_junk_e2a_only_mat.aff12.1D ./__tt_mprage-s18-obl_ns_obla2e_mat.1D -I > ./mprage-s18-obl_al_junk_mat.aff12.1D
#++ Combining anat to epi and oblique transformations
#Script is running (command trimmed):
3dAllineate -base ./__tt_pb01.sub18fri.r01.tshift_ts_rs_ns+orig -1Dmatrix_apply ./mprage-s18-obl_al_junk_mat.aff12.1D -prefix ./mprage-s18-obl_al_junk -input ./__tt_mprage-s18-obl_ns+orig -master SOURCE -weight_frac 1.0 -maxrot 6 -maxshf 10 -VERB -warp aff -source_automask+4 -onepass
++ 3dAllineate: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: Zhark the Registrator
++ Source dataset: ./__tt_mprage-s18-obl_ns+orig.HEAD
++ Base dataset: ./__tt_pb01.sub18fri.r01.tshift_ts_rs_ns+orig.HEAD
++ Loading datasets
+ Range param#4 [z-angle] = -6.000000 .. 6.000000
+ Range param#5 [x-angle] = -6.000000 .. 6.000000
+ Range param#6 [y-angle] = -6.000000 .. 6.000000
+ Range param#1 [x-shift] = -10.000000 .. 10.000000
+ Range param#2 [y-shift] = -10.000000 .. 10.000000
+ Range param#3 [z-shift] = -10.000000 .. 10.000000
++ OpenMP thread count = 4
++ ========== Applying transformation to 1 sub-bricks ==========
++ ========== sub-brick #0 ========== [total CPU to here=4.3 s]
+ * Enter alignment setup routine
+ - copying base image
+ - copying source image
+ - no weight image
+ - using 11 points from base image [use_all=0]
+ * Exit alignment setup routine
++ using -1Dmatrix_apply
++ Computing output image
++ image warp: parameters = 0.9841 -0.0082 0.0487 -9.1408 0.1024 1.0005 0.0314 -18.0979 -0.0416 0.0300 0.9909 5.0908
++ Output dataset ./mprage-s18-obl_al_junk+orig.BRIK
++ 3dAllineate: total CPU time = 7.9 sec Elapsed = 7.3
++ ###########################################################
#++ Creating final output: skullstripped anat data
#Script is running (command trimmed):
3dcopy ./__tt_mprage-s18-obl_ns+orig mprage-s18-obl_ns
++ 3dcopy: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
#++ Creating final output: anat data aligned to epi
# copy is not necessary
#++ Saving history
#Script is running (command trimmed):
3dNotes -h " -anat2epi -anat mprage-s18-obl+orig \
-save_skullstrip -suffix _al_junk -epi pb01.sub18fri.r01.tshift+orig \
-epi_base 2 -epi_strip 3dAutomask -volreg off -tshift off" \

#++ Removing all the temporary files
#Script is running:
\rm -f ./__tt_pb01.sub18fri.r01.tshift*
#Script is running:
\rm -f ./__tt_mprage-s18-obl*

# Finished alignment successfully

@auto_tlrc -base TT_N27+tlrc -input mprage-s18-obl_ns+orig -no_ss

*********** Warning *************
Dataset centers are 58.261184 mm
apart. If registration fails, or if
parts of the original anatomy gets
cropped, try adding option
-init_xform AUTO_CENTER
to your @auto_tlrc command.


Padding ...
++ 3dZeropad: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ output dataset: ./__ats_tmp__ref_TT_N27_40pad+tlrc.BRIK
Resampling ...
++ 3dcalc: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: A cast of thousands
++ Output dataset ././__ats_tmp__resamp_step+orig.BRIK
++ 3dcalc: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: A cast of thousands
++ Output dataset ././__ats_tmp__resamp+tlrc.BRIK
Clipping -0.000100 3693.000100 ...
++ 3dcalc: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: A cast of thousands
++ Output dataset ./__ats_tmp___rs_mprage-s18-obl_ns+tlrc.BRIK
++ 3drefit: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: RW Cox
++ Processing AFNI dataset __ats_tmp___rs_mprage-s18-obl_ns+tlrc.HEAD
+ Changed dataset view type and filenames.
++ 3drefit processed 1 datasets
++ 3drefit: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: RW Cox
++ Processing AFNI dataset __ats_tmp__resamp_NN+tlrc.HEAD
+ Changed dataset view type and filenames.
++ 3drefit processed 1 datasets
++ 3drefit: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: RW Cox
++ Processing AFNI dataset __ats_tmp__resamp_edge_art+tlrc.HEAD
+ Changed dataset view type and filenames.
++ 3drefit processed 1 datasets
Registration (linear final interpolation) ...
++ 3dWarpDrive: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: RW Cox
RMS[0] = 83.2858 50.3984 ITER = 10/137

Warping has converged.

++ 3dcopy: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ 3dWarp: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: RW Cox
Applying brain mask
++ 3dcalc: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: A cast of thousands
++ Output dataset ././__ats_tmp__reg_braintlrcstep+orig.BRIK
++ 3dWarp: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: RW Cox
++ 3drename: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ THD_rename_dataset_files: rename __ats_tmp___pad40_mprage-s18-obl_ns+orig.HEAD -> __ats_tmp___pad40_mprage-s18-obl_ns.skl+orig.HEAD
++ THD_rename_dataset_files: rename __ats_tmp___pad40_mprage-s18-obl_ns+orig.BRIK -> __ats_tmp___pad40_mprage-s18-obl_ns.skl+orig.BRIK
++ 3dcalc: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: A cast of thousands
++ Output dataset ././__ats_tmp___pad40_mprage-s18-obl_ns+orig.BRIK
Unpadding ...
++ 3dZeropad: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ output dataset: ./__ats_tmp___upad40_mprage-s18-obl_ns+orig.BRIK
++ 3drefit: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: RW Cox
++ Processing AFNI dataset __ats_tmp___upad40_mprage-s18-obl_ns+orig
*+ WARNING: Changing the space of an ORIG view dataset may cause confusion!
*+ WARNING: NIFTI copies will be interpreted as TLRC view (not TLRC space).
*+ WARNING: Consider changing the view of the dataset to TLRC view also
++ 3drefit processed 1 datasets
Changing view of transformed anatomy
++ 3drefit: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: RW Cox
++ Processing AFNI dataset __ats_tmp___upad40_mprage-s18-obl_ns+orig.HEAD
+ Changed dataset view type and filenames.
++ 3drefit processed 1 datasets
Setting parent with 3drefit -wset mprage-s18-obl_ns+orig __ats_tmp___upad40_mprage-s18-obl_ns+tlrc
++ 3drefit: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: RW Cox
++ Processing AFNI dataset __ats_tmp___upad40_mprage-s18-obl_ns+tlrc
++ 3drefit processed 1 datasets
++ 3drename: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Warning: ignoring +tlrc on new_prefix.
++ THD_rename_dataset_files: rename __ats_tmp___upad40_mprage-s18-obl_ns+tlrc.HEAD -> mprage-s18-obl_ns+tlrc.HEAD
++ THD_rename_dataset_files: rename __ats_tmp___upad40_mprage-s18-obl_ns+tlrc.BRIK -> mprage-s18-obl_ns+tlrc.BRIK
Cleanup ...
cat_matvec mprage-s18-obl_ns+tlrc::WARP_DATA -I
if ( ! -f mprage-s18-obl_ns+tlrc.HEAD ) then
foreach run ( 01 )
3dvolreg -verbose -zpad 1 -base pb01.sub18fri.r01.tshift+orig[2] -1Dfile dfile.r01.1D -prefix rm.epi.volreg.r01 -cubic -1Dmatrix_save mat.r01.vr.aff12.1D pb01.sub18fri.r01.tshift+orig
++ 3dvolreg: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: RW Cox
*+ WARNING: If you are performing spatial transformations on an oblique dset,
such as ./pb01.sub18fri.r01.tshift+orig.BRIK,
or viewing/combining it with volumes of differing obliquity,
you should consider running:
3dWarp -deoblique
on this and other oblique datasets in the same session.
See 3dWarp -help for details.
++ Oblique dataset:./pb01.sub18fri.r01.tshift+orig.BRIK is 1.882632 degrees from plumb.
++ Reading in base dataset ./pb01.sub18fri.r01.tshift+orig.BRIK
++ Oblique dataset:./pb01.sub18fri.r01.tshift+orig.BRIK is 1.882632 degrees from plumb.
++ Reading input dataset ./pb01.sub18fri.r01.tshift+orig.BRIK
++ Edging: x=4 y=4 z=2
++ Creating mask for -maxdisp
+ Automask has 55631 voxels
+ 7777 voxels left in -maxdisp mask after erosion
++ Initializing alignment base
++ Starting final pass on 362 sub-bricks: 0..1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10..11..12..13..14..15..16..17..18..19..20..21..22..23..24..25..26..27..28..29..30..31..32..33..34..35..36..37..38..39..40..41..42..43..44..45..46..47..48..49..50..51..52..53..54..55..56..57..58..59..60..61..62..63..64..65..66..67..68..69..70..71..72..73..74..75..76..77..78..79..80..81..82..83..84..85..86..87..88..89..90..91..92..93..94..95..96..97..98..99..100..101..102..103..104..105..106..107..108..109..110..111..112..113..114..115..116..117..118..119..120..121..122..123..124..125..126..127..128..129..130..131..132..133..134..135..136..137..138..139..140..141..142..143..144..145..146..147..148..149..150..151..152..153..154..155..156..157..158..159..160..161..162..163..164..165..166..167..168..169..170..171..172..173..174..175..176..177..178..179..180..181..182..183..184..185..186..187..188..189..190..191..192..193..194..195..196..197..198..199..200..201..202..203..204..205..206..207..208..209..210..211..212..213..214..215..216..217..218..219..220..221..222..223..224..225..226..227..228..229..230..231..232..233..234..235..236..237..238..239..240..241..242..243..244..245..246..247..248..249..250..251..252..253..254..255..256..257..258..259..260..261..262..263..264..265..266..267..268..269..270..271..272..273..274..275..276..277..278..279..280..281..282..283..284..285..286..287..288..289..290..291..292..293..294..295..296..297..298..299..300..301..302..303..304..305..306..307..308..309..310..311..312..313..314..315..316..317..318..319..320..321..322..323..324..325..326..327..328..329..330..331..332..333..334..335..336..337..338..339..340..341..342..343..344..345..346..347..348..349..350..351..352..353..354..355..356..357..358..359..360..361..
++ CPU time for realignment=19 s [=0.0526 s/sub-brick]
++ Min : roll=-0.062 pitch=-0.040 yaw=-0.086 dS=-0.217 dL=-0.028 dP=-0.192
++ Mean: roll=-0.022 pitch=+0.089 yaw=-0.019 dS=-0.050 dL=+0.011 dP=-0.104
++ Max : roll=+0.010 pitch=+0.260 yaw=+0.059 dS=+0.097 dL=+0.054 dP=+0.014
++ Max displacements (mm) for each sub-brick:
0.05 0.08 0.00 0.05 0.12 0.20 0.21 0.19 0.22 0.17 0.17 0.18 0.17 0.19 0.13 0.12 0.15 0.13 0.11 0.09 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.12 0.15 0.14 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.07 0.10 0.11 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.09 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.10 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.12 0.16 0.13 0.08 0.11 0.13 0.18 0.14 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.16 0.11 0.21 0.24 0.28 0.25 0.26 0.31 0.37 0.41 0.35 0.39 0.42 0.43 0.40 0.34 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.40 0.34 0.33 0.35 0.36 0.34 0.34 0.41 0.34 0.37 0.36 0.43 0.38 0.37 0.38 0.39 0.35 0.35 0.38 0.33 0.27 0.30 0.29 0.26 0.27 0.26 0.25 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.28 0.33 0.31 0.28 0.31 0.29 0.28 0.27 0.25 0.22 0.25 0.21 0.27 0.27 0.31 0.27 0.31 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.27 0.29 0.33 0.29 0.28 0.28 0.30 0.32 0.36 0.36 0.37 0.36 0.32 0.33 0.40 0.33 0.31 0.33 0.35 0.34 0.34 0.33 0.28 0.28 0.34 0.27 0.31 0.29 0.32 0.31 0.31 0.25 0.23 0.17 0.25 0.21 0.21 0.20 0.26 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.22 0.27 0.23 0.19 0.20 0.20 0.23 0.18 0.17 0.21 0.23 0.25 0.26 0.23 0.22 0.21 0.22 0.23 0.22 0.24 0.21 0.21 0.25 0.23 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.24 0.22 0.22 0.21 0.19 0.19 0.21 0.20 0.19 0.18 0.18 0.19 0.19 0.17 0.19 0.22 0.18 0.19 0.19 0.18 0.16 0.22 0.22 0.25 0.17 0.18 0.17 0.21 0.18 0.22 0.19 0.24 0.20 0.20 0.25 0.17 0.19 0.24 0.26 0.24 0.27 0.24 0.35 0.37 0.40 0.40 0.33 0.36 0.34 0.35 0.23 0.30 0.29 0.24 0.29 0.24 0.26 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.25 0.28 0.26 0.31 0.27 0.31 0.32 0.34 0.33 0.34 0.33 0.37 0.37 0.34 0.32 0.36 0.39 0.38 0.39 0.38 0.42 0.41 0.38 0.33 0.36 0.37 0.35 0.32 0.30 0.36 0.32 0.35 0.36 0.33 0.27 0.31 0.35 0.34 0.34 0.28 0.22 0.22 0.24 0.21 0.23 0.20 0.28 0.33 0.32 0.26 0.23 0.26 0.23 0.24 0.32 0.36 0.36 0.34 0.30 0.27 0.30 0.24 0.21 0.27 0.24 0.25 0.23 0.30 0.26 0.28 0.22 0.28 0.26 0.31 0.24 0.28 0.22 0.31 0.25 0.33 0.36 0.27 0.28 0.21 0.31 0.31 0.32 0.34 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.41 0.29 0.33 0.25 0.37 0.35 0.40 0.24 0.24 0.33 0.29 0.31 0.28 0.21
++ Max displacement in automask = 0.43 (mm) at sub-brick 72
++ Wrote dataset to disk in ./rm.epi.volreg.r01+orig.BRIK
3dcalc -overwrite -a pb01.sub18fri.r01.tshift+orig -expr 1 -prefix rm.epi.all1
++ 3dcalc: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: A cast of thousands
*+ WARNING: input 'a' is not used in the expression
++ Output dataset ./rm.epi.all1+orig.BRIK
cat_matvec -ONELINE mprage-s18-obl_ns+tlrc::WARP_DATA -I mprage-s18-obl_al_junk_mat.aff12.1D -I mat.r01.vr.aff12.1D
3dAllineate -base mprage-s18-obl_ns+tlrc -input pb01.sub18fri.r01.tshift+orig -1Dmatrix_apply mat.r01.warp.aff12.1D -mast_dxyz 3 -prefix rm.epi.nomask.r01
++ 3dAllineate: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: Zhark the Registrator
*+ WARNING: If you are performing spatial transformations on an oblique dset,
such as ./pb01.sub18fri.r01.tshift+orig.BRIK,
or viewing/combining it with volumes of differing obliquity,
you should consider running:
3dWarp -deoblique
on this and other oblique datasets in the same session.
See 3dWarp -help for details.
++ Oblique dataset:./pb01.sub18fri.r01.tshift+orig.BRIK is 1.882632 degrees from plumb.
++ Source dataset: ./pb01.sub18fri.r01.tshift+orig.HEAD
++ Base dataset: ./mprage-s18-obl_ns+tlrc.HEAD
++ Loading datasets
++ master dataset for output = base
++ changing output grid spacing to 3.0000 mm
++ OpenMP thread count = 4
++ ========== Applying transformation to 362 sub-bricks ==========
++ ========== sub-brick #0 ========== [total CPU to here=1.3 s]
++ ========== sub-brick #1 ========== [total CPU to here=1.4 s]
++ ========== sub-brick #2 ========== [total CPU to here=1.4 s]
++ ========== sub-brick #3 ========== [total CPU to here=1.5 s]
++ ========== sub-brick #4 ========== [total CPU to here=1.6 s]
++ ========== sub-brick #5 ========== [total CPU to here=1.7 s]
++ ========== sub-brick #6 ========== [total CPU to here=1.8 s]
++ ========== sub-brick #7 ========== [total CPU to here=1.8 s]
++ ========== sub-brick #8 ========== [total CPU to here=1.9 s]
++ ========== sub-brick #9 ========== [total CPU to here=1.9 s]
++ ========== sub-brick #10 ========== [total CPU to here=2.0 s]
++ ========== sub-brick #11 ========== [total CPU to here=2.1 s]
++ ========== sub-brick #12 ========== [total CPU to here=2.1 s]
++ ========== sub-brick #13 ========== [total CPU to here=2.2 s]
++ ========== sub-brick #14 ========== [total CPU to here=2.3 s]
++ ========== sub-brick #15 ========== [total CPU to here=2.4 s]
++ ========== sub-brick #16 ========== [total CPU to here=2.4 s]
++ ========== sub-brick #17 ========== [total CPU to here=2.5 s]
++ ========== sub-brick #18 ========== [total CPU to here=2.6 s]
++ Output dataset ./rm.epi.nomask.r01+tlrc.BRIK
++ 3dAllineate: total CPU time = 26.1 sec Elapsed = 20.5
++ ###########################################################
3dAllineate -base mprage-s18-obl_ns+tlrc -input rm.epi.all1+orig -1Dmatrix_apply mat.r01.warp.aff12.1D -mast_dxyz 3 -final NN -quiet -prefix rm.epi.1.r01
++ 3dAllineate: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: Zhark the Registrator
*+ WARNING: If you are performing spatial transformations on an oblique dset,
such as ./rm.epi.all1+orig.BRIK,
or viewing/combining it with volumes of differing obliquity,
you should consider running:
3dWarp -deoblique
on this and other oblique datasets in the same session.
See 3dWarp -help for details.
++ Oblique dataset:./rm.epi.all1+orig.BRIK is 1.882632 degrees from plumb.
++ Output dataset ./rm.epi.1.r01+tlrc.BRIK
++ 3dAllineate: total CPU time = 18.1 sec Elapsed = 18.6
3dTstat -min -prefix rm.epi.min.r01 rm.epi.1.r01+tlrc
++ 3dTstat: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: KR Hammett & RW Cox
++ Output dataset ./rm.epi.min.r01+tlrc.BRIK
cat dfile.r01.1D
3dcopy rm.epi.min.r01+tlrc mask_epi_extents
++ 3dcopy: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
foreach run ( 01 )
3dcalc -a rm.epi.nomask.r01+tlrc -b mask_epi_extents+tlrc -expr a*b -prefix pb02.sub18fri.r01.volreg
++ 3dcalc: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: A cast of thousands
++ Output dataset ./pb02.sub18fri.r01.volreg+tlrc.BRIK
3dcopy mprage-s18-obl_ns+tlrc anat_final.sub18fri
++ 3dcopy: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
3dAllineate -source mprage-s18-obl+orig -master anat_final.sub18fri+tlrc -final wsinc5 -1Dmatrix_apply warp.anat.Xat.1D -prefix anat_w_skull_warped
++ 3dAllineate: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: Zhark the Registrator
++ -1Dmatrix_apply: converting input 3x4 array to 1 row of 12 numbers
++ Source dataset: ./mprage-s18-obl+orig.HEAD
++ Base dataset: (not given)
++ Loading datasets
++ OpenMP thread count = 4
++ ========== Applying transformation to 1 sub-bricks ==========
++ ========== sub-brick #0 ========== [total CPU to here=5.0 s]
++ wsinc5 interpolation setup:
+ taper function = Min sidelobe 3 term
+ taper cut point = 0.000
+ window radius = 5 voxels
+ window shape = Cubical
+ The above can be altered via the AFNI_WSINC5_* environment variables.
+ (To avoid this message, 'setenv AFNI_WSINC5_SILENT YES'.)
+ wsinc5 CUBE(5) mask has 1000 points
++ Output dataset ./anat_w_skull_warped+tlrc.BRIK
++ 3dAllineate: total CPU time = 22.6 sec Elapsed = 11.1
++ ###########################################################
foreach run ( 01 )
3dmerge -1blur_fwhm 4.0 -doall -prefix pb03.sub18fri.r01.blur pb02.sub18fri.r01.volreg+tlrc
++ 3dmerge: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ default -1dindex = 0
++ default -1tindex = 1
Program 3dmerge
3dmerge: edit and combine 3D datasets, by RW Cox
++ editing input dataset in memory (119.3 MB)
-- Wrote edited dataset: ./pb03.sub18fri.r01.blur+tlrc.BRIK
Editing sub-brick 0
Editing sub-brick 1
Editing sub-brick 2
Editing sub-brick 3
Editing sub-brick 4
foreach run ( 01 )
3dAutomask -dilate 1 -prefix rm.mask_r01 pb03.sub18fri.r01.blur+tlrc
++ 3dAutomask: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: Emperor Zhark
++ Loading dataset pb03.sub18fri.r01.blur+tlrc
++ Forming automask
+ Fixed clip level = 1593.594360
+ Used gradual clip level = 1364.120850 .. 1839.525879
+ Number voxels above clip level = 50128
+ Clustering voxels ...
+ Largest cluster has 49833 voxels
+ Clustering voxels ...
+ Largest cluster has 49272 voxels
+ Filled 235 voxels in small holes; now have 49507 voxels
+ Filled 4 voxels in large holes; now have 49511 voxels
+ Clustering voxels ...
+ Largest cluster has 49508 voxels
+ Clustering non-brain voxels ...
+ Clustering voxels ...
+ Largest cluster has 123292 voxels
+ Mask now has 49508 voxels
++ Dilating automask
+ Clustering voxels ...
+ Largest cluster has 115236 voxels
++ 57564 voxels in the mask [out of 172800: 33.31%]
++ first 1 x-planes are zero [from R]
++ last 4 x-planes are zero [from L]
++ first 2 y-planes are zero [from A]
++ last 5 y-planes are zero [from P]
++ first 4 z-planes are zero [from I]
++ last 0 z-planes are zero [from S]
++ Output dataset ./rm.mask_r01+tlrc.BRIK
++ CPU time = 0.650000 sec
3dmask_tool -inputs rm.mask_r01+tlrc.HEAD -union -prefix full_mask.sub18fri
++ processing 1 input datasets...
++ padding all datasets by 0 (for dilations)
++ frac 0 over 1 volumes gives min count 0
++ voxel limits: 0 clipped, 57564 survived, 115236 were zero
++ writing result full_mask.sub18fri...
++ Output dataset ./full_mask.sub18fri+tlrc.BRIK
3dresample -master full_mask.sub18fri+tlrc -input mprage-s18-obl_ns+tlrc -prefix rm.resam.anat
3dmask_tool -dilate_input 5 -5 -fill_holes -input rm.resam.anat+tlrc -prefix mask_anat.sub18fri
++ no -frac option: defaulting to -union
++ processing 1 input datasets...
++ padding all datasets by 5 (for dilations)
++ frac 0 over 1 volumes gives min count 0
++ voxel limits: 0 clipped, 53959 survived, 118841 were zero
++ filled 0 holes (0 voxels)
++ writing result mask_anat.sub18fri...
++ Output dataset ./mask_anat.sub18fri+tlrc.BRIK
3dABoverlap -no_automask full_mask.sub18fri+tlrc mask_anat.sub18fri+tlrc
tee out.mask_ae_overlap.txt
++ 3dOverlap: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
#A=./full_mask.sub18fri+tlrc.BRIK B=./mask_anat.sub18fri+tlrc.BRIK
#A #B #(A uni B) #(A int B) #(A \ B) #(B \ A) %(A \ B) %(B \ A) Rx(B/A) Ry(B/A) Rz(B/A)
57564 53959 63938 47585 9979 6374 17.3355 11.8127 0.8654 0.9116 0.9924
3ddot -demean full_mask.sub18fri+tlrc mask_anat.sub18fri+tlrc
tee out.mask_ae_corr.txt
3dresample -master full_mask.sub18fri+tlrc -prefix ./ -input /Users/sdb99/abin/TT_N27+tlrc
3dmask_tool -dilate_input 5 -5 -fill_holes -input -prefix mask_group
++ no -frac option: defaulting to -union
++ processing 1 input datasets...
++ padding all datasets by 5 (for dilations)
++ frac 0 over 1 volumes gives min count 0
++ voxel limits: 0 clipped, 55366 survived, 117434 were zero
++ filled 0 holes (0 voxels)
++ writing result mask_group...
++ Output dataset ./mask_group+tlrc.BRIK
foreach run ( 01 )
3dTstat -prefix rm.mean_r01 pb03.sub18fri.r01.blur+tlrc
++ 3dTstat: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: KR Hammett & RW Cox
++ Output dataset ./rm.mean_r01+tlrc.BRIK
3dcalc -a pb03.sub18fri.r01.blur+tlrc -b rm.mean_r01+tlrc -c mask_epi_extents+tlrc -expr c * min(200, a/b*100)*step(a)*step(b) -prefix pb04.sub18fri.r01.scale
++ 3dcalc: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: A cast of thousands
++ Output dataset ./pb04.sub18fri.r01.scale+tlrc.BRIK
end -infile dfile_rall.1D -set_nruns 1 -demean -write motion_demean.1D -infile dfile_rall.1D -set_nruns 1 -derivative -demean -write motion_deriv.1D -infile dfile_rall.1D -set_nruns 1 -show_censor_count -censor_prev_TR -censor_motion 0.3 motion_sub18fri
total number of censored TRs = 0
3dDeconvolve -input pb04.sub18fri.r01.scale+tlrc.HEAD -censor motion_sub18fri_censor.1D -polort 5 -num_stimts 16 -stim_times 1 stimuli/s18-dis-der-sndpwr.txt GAM -stim_label 1 dis-der-sndpwr -stim_times 2 stimuli/s18-heart.txt GAM -stim_label 2 heart -stim_times 3 stimuli/s18-lungs.txt GAM -stim_label 3 lungs -stim_times 4 stimuli/s18-sndpwr.txt GAM -stim_label 4 sndpwr -stim_file 5 motion_demean.1D[0] -stim_base 5 -stim_label 5 roll_01 -stim_file 6 motion_demean.1D[1] -stim_base 6 -stim_label 6 pitch_01 -stim_file 7 motion_demean.1D[2] -stim_base 7 -stim_label 7 yaw_01 -stim_file 8 motion_demean.1D[3] -stim_base 8 -stim_label 8 dS_01 -stim_file 9 motion_demean.1D[4] -stim_base 9 -stim_label 9 dL_01 -stim_file 10 motion_demean.1D[5] -stim_base 10 -stim_label 10 dP_01 -stim_file 11 motion_deriv.1D[0] -stim_base 11 -stim_label 11 roll_02 -stim_file 12 motion_deriv.1D[1] -stim_base 12 -stim_label 12 pitch_02 -stim_file 13 motion_deriv.1D[2] -stim_base 13 -stim_label 13 yaw_02 -stim_file 14 motion_deriv.1D[3] -stim_base 14 -stim_label 14 dS_02 -stim_file 15 motion_deriv.1D[4] -stim_base 15 -stim_label 15 dL_02 -stim_file 16 motion_deriv.1D[5] -stim_base 16 -stim_label 16 dP_02 -gltsym SYM: sndpwr-1*heart-1*dis-der-sndpwr -1*lungs -glt_label 1 sndpwr_contrast -gltsym SYM: dis-der-sndpwr -lungs -glt_label 2 dis-der-sndpwr-lungs -gltsym SYM: heart -lungs -glt_label 3 heart-lungs -gltsym SYM: 0.333*dis-der-sndpwr +0.333*heart +0.333*lungs -glt_label 4 mean.DHL -gltsym SYM: dis-der-sndpwr -0.5*heart -0.5*lungs -glt_label 5 D-HL -fout -tout -x1D X.xmat.1D -xjpeg X.jpg -x1D_uncensored X.nocensor.xmat.1D -errts errts.sub18fri -bucket stats.sub18fri
*+ WARNING: '-stim_times 3' didn't read any good times from file 'stimuli/s18-lungs.txt'
++ 3dDeconvolve: AFNI version=AFNI_2011_12_21_1014 (May 8 2015) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: B. Douglas Ward, et al.
++ loading dataset pb04.sub18fri.r01.scale+tlrc.HEAD
++ STAT automask has 150911 voxels (out of 172800 = 87.3%)
++ Skipping check for initial transients
++ Input polort=5; Longest run=724.0 s; Recommended minimum polort=5 ++ OK ++
++ -stim_times using TR=2 s for stimulus timing conversion
++ -stim_times using TR=2 s for any -iresp output datasets
++ [you can alter the -iresp TR via the -TR_times option]
++ ** -stim_times NOTE ** guessing GLOBAL times if 1 time per line; LOCAL otherwise
++ ** GUESSED ** -stim_times 1 using GLOBAL times
*+ WARNING: '-stim_times 1' (GLOBAL) has 360 times outside range 0 .. 722 [PSFB syndrome]
+ dataset TR being used is 2 s -- unusable times follow
-0.00033521 -0.00080065 -0.00031457 -0.00075729 -0.001189 -0.0011157 -0.0011393 -0.0009936 -0.00039896 -0.0012745 -0.001677 -0.00078611 -0.00090805 -0.0015619 -0.0021151 -0.0013384 -0.0012254 -0.0014131 -0.0013692 -0.0022498 -0.0013194 -0.0012966 -0.0012612 -0.0014383 -0.0017519 -0.0020166 -0.0018996 -0.0016561 -0.0016934 -0.0023928 -0.0017936 -0.001478 -0.0017891 -0.001319 -0.00093228 -0.0018412 -0.0016798 -0.0012272 -0.0017156 -0.0010843 -0.001368 -0.0014586 -0.0013864 -0.0017816 -0.00097647 -0.00074393 -0.0011494 -0.001874 -0.0013458 -0.0012806 -0.00098596 -0.0010554 -0.0012612 -0.0016581 -0.0016946 -0.00086249 -0.00090011 -0.0012635 -0.0013297 -0.0015283 -0.0018435 -0.00094732 -0.0010019 -0.0016497 -0.0010593 -0.00041586 -0.0016805 -0.0011409 -0.0011641 -0.0012335 -0.0014618 -0.00072225 -0.0010285 -0.001572 -0.001169 -0.00047179 -0.00075702 -0.0013343 -0.0011784 -0.00054674 -0.0006481 -0.0009147 -0.0014466 -0.00055693 -0.00063124 -0.0018422 -0.0014234 -0.00090477 -0.0017458 -0.0011796 -0.00028771 -0.0020169 -0.0022075 -0.0015181 -0.0015074 -0.0017257 -0.0021419 -0.0019365 -0.0009708 -0.0011883 -0.0012868 -0.0011995 -0.0015956 -0.00058397 -0.00050529 -0.0013771 -0.001331 -0.00091854 -0.0011353 -0.0017077 -0.0012412 -0.0010625 -0.0012855 -0.00087241 -0.0012668 -0.00176 -0.0014228 -0.00077562 -0.0016853 -0.00089719 -0.00053753 -0.0013926 -0.00078348 -0.0017391 -0.0017018 -0.00098777 -0.0017562 -0.001285 -0.0011263 -0.00077809 -0.0012755 -0.0021087 -0.001539 -0.00018512 -0.0013921 -0.00095747 -0.0009337 -0.0023318 -0.0012434 -0.00068321 -0.001643 -0.0016882 -0.001388 -0.0011987 -0.0018013 -0.0013577 -0.0010807 -0.0011451 -0.00071461 -0.0010498 -0.00089263 -0.00082241 -0.00079144 -0.00040043 -0.0010156 -0.0014817 -0.00065941 -0.0010021 -0.0011768 -0.0014355 -0.001407 -0.0012132 -0.0010416 -0.0012322 -0.0011426 -0.0015412 -0.0012513 -0.00042612 -0.00087084 -0.0008127 -0.0012559 -0.0010876 -0.0012375 -0.0014603 -0.0010197 -0.0011795 -0.0021858 -0.0013803 -0.0011851 -0.0017416 -0.0012107 -0.0016088 -0.0013057 -0.0013119 -0.001527 -0.0017342 -0.0014097 -0.00088016 -0.0015783 -0.0018108 -0.0013308 -0.0019654 -0.0018034 -0.0010704 -0.001406 -0.0011312 -0.0015329 -0.0012809 -0.0017147 -0.001838 -0.00073073 -0.001048 -0.0016941 -0.001416 -0.0009804 -0.0015934 -0.00075055 -0.0011214 -0.0012941 -0.00099531 -0.0017494 -0.0013531 -0.0010363 -0.001196 -0.0016989 -0.0015519 -0.00070721 -0.0016278 -0.0021144 -0.00086777 -0.0010911 -0.001824 -0.0016726 -0.0011928 -0.0018075 -0.0012007 -0.00083597 -0.0017495 -0.0015741 -0.0014518 -0.0015369 -0.0018104 -0.0018114 -0.00077776 -0.0020599 -0.0017328 -0.0011388 -0.0014981 -0.001736 -0.00094106 -0.0011598 -0.0014084 -0.0013401 -0.0009457 -0.0011199 -0.00079298 -0.00021199 -0.0013639 -0.0021085 -0.0010829 -0.00064974 -0.0019349 -0.0019064 -0.001331 -0.0015279 -0.001426 -0.0016878 -0.0009596 -0.0011862 -0.00089052 -0.0011737 -0.0014053 -0.00094183 -0.00086661 -0.00077598 -0.0012326 -0.0012317 -0.00082557 -0.00074735 -0.0014462 -0.00086694 -0.00079106 -0.00078837 -0.00081753 -0.00091292 -0.0011294 -0.0006283 -0.00081676 -0.00082247 -0.00077335 -0.0016144 -0.00048817 -0.00074297 -0.0015748 -0.0012727 -0.0014331 -0.001844 -0.0013343 -0.0016193 -0.0019768 -0.0014983 -0.0011643 -0.00098428 -0.0011579 -0.0018035 -0.0013473 -0.00074985 -0.0013867 -0.0018602 -0.0010332 -0.00082867 -0.0020013 -0.001693 -0.00047956 -0.0011509 -0.0018467 -0.0013535 -0.0011524 -0.0011984 -0.0015431 -0.0019434 -0.0011064 -0.00053092 -0.0009897 -0.0010925 -0.00097376 -0.00078873 -0.00033222 -0.0019131 -0.00082683 -0.00027045 -0.0017654 -0.0011477 -0.0011111 -0.00085222 -0.0018299 -0.0016863 -0.00060763 -0.0010158 -0.0011903 -0.00090387 -0.001572 -0.0012238 -0.00024587 -0.0010557 -0.0013312 -0.0020034 -0.00092383 -0.00060547 -0.0010234 -0.0015 -0.0017718 -0.00075465 -0.00085238 -0.00081407 -0.0011766 -0.0015139 -0.00093331 -0.00062086 -0.0010944 -0.0013375 -0.0011193 -0.0014382 -0.0016644 -0.00069853 -0.00089108 -0.0013167 -0.00078364 -0.00082634 -0.0010653
*+ WARNING: '-stim_times 1' file 'stimuli/s18-dis-der-sndpwr.txt' has 0 duplicate and 1 near-duplicate times ???
+ Where 'near-duplicate' means within 50% of one TR
+ You are using global times: do you want local times?
++ ** GUESSED ** -stim_times 2 using GLOBAL times
*+ WARNING: '-stim_times 2' (GLOBAL) has 116 times outside range 0 .. 722 [PSFB syndrome]
+ dataset TR being used is 2 s -- unusable times follow
-0.279 -3.229 -3.5957 -3.3176 -0.034927 -2.2409 -6.678 -3.4342 -1.9999 -8.3584 -0.62135 -2.0644 -1.7942 -0.59761 -3.614 -5.5434 -11.403 -4.7095 -0.58027 -5.7555 -0.1233 -6.8775 -0.9493 -0.046737 -11.127 -9.3933 -9.6199 -0.62529 -1.192 -1.246 -1.7678 -1.3375 -0.23264 -0.40082 -0.68628 -0.43081 -0.80747 -4.6299 -4.6098 -7.6304 -4.744 -6.2811 -4.2214 -0.36617 -0.095402 -0.94951 -2.5717 -0.42375 -3.8442 -5.7512 -0.69589 -6.9687 -1.8901 -4.6272 -9.9362 -0.091347 -1.571 -3.2272 -0.84451 -4.8573 -1.0034 -3.4041 -2.6522 -2.5115 -6.6941 -6.546 -0.86224 -0.71194 -9.218 -12.415 -2.4015 -4.246 -0.13364 -8.8978 -1.2167 -2.8001 -2.4707 -0.43889 -6.1311 -8.0479 -3.5204 -8.7851 -1.8118 -1.3603 -1.1307 -5.394 -5.2664 -3.1067 -3.2471 -28.448 -10.959 -0.45195 -12.707 -5.4603 -1.4005 -5.7206 -10.505 -1.7241 -11.749 -0.89892 -0.7275 -2.4604 -5.1116 -3.0717 -2.9136 -1.3719 -2.8084 -11.051 -2.4584 -0.26153 -18.588 -9.7706 -2.3536 -0.55641 -24.231 -14.8
*+ WARNING: '-stim_times 2' file 'stimuli/s18-heart.txt' has 0 duplicate and 5651 near-duplicate times ???
+ Where 'near-duplicate' means within 50% of one TR
+ You are using global times: do you want local times?
++ ** GUESSED ** -stim_times 3 using GLOBAL times
*+ WARNING: '-stim_times 3' (GLOBAL) has 362 times outside range 0 .. 722 [PSFB syndrome]
+ dataset TR being used is 2 s -- unusable times follow
-1159.6 -2818.3 -2466 -2655.2 -2392.8 -2495.8 -2363.6 -2590.5 -2424.1 -2159.6 -2563.3 -2372.1 -2489.6 -2555.9 -2606.6 -2656.7 -2662.3 -2473.2 -2536.1 -2620.6 -2505.6 -2196.9 -2191.2 -2603.4 -2331.7 -2623.2 -2607.3 -2711.5 -2610.3 -2682.5 -2635.7 -2763.4 -2421 -2865.1 -1647.8 -2300 -2776 -2549.5 -2784.9 -2435.2 -2661.1 -2587.8 -2442.6 -2624 -2123.7 -1921.5 -2819 -2489.1 -2646.1 -2608.2 -2466.8 -2387.5 -3197.3 -1529.3 -2540.3 -2128.8 -2587.9 -2055 -2426.7 -2573 -2479.5 -2664.8 -1218.8 -3025 -2315.2 -2657.2 -2364.1 -2602.2 -2213 -2524.7 -2539.3 -2189.9 -2399.1 -2694.5 -2350.8 -2736.4 -2254 -2471.2 -2403.2 -2413.9 -2551.5 -2413.8 -2743.6 -2720.2 -2410.5 -2508.5 -2291.8 -2423.3 -2148.6 -2614.2 -2278.7 -2798.2 -2514.2 -2568.6 -2659.8 -2338.5 -2382.9 -2604.7 -2548.8 -2847.5 -2105.1 -2245.1 -2660.1 -2580.1 -2766.3 -2616.9 -2632.1 -2563.6 -2461.5 -2574.4 -2387.8 -2698.5 -2268.6 -2437.6 -2557.9 -2540.6 -2489.2 -2541.7 -2426.9 -2488.2 -2522.3 -2276.4 -2766.1 -2283.6 -2666.9 -2067.9 -2824 -2395.9 -2507.6 -2771.9 -2161.6 -2311.4 -2599.5 -2598.9 -2395.4 -2376.7 -2433.6 -2280.6 -2624.1 -2476 -2497 -2871.1 -2068 -2711.3 -2705.9 -2345.8 -2626.5 -2416 -2463.2 -2627.1 -2457.5 -2739.5 -1770.6 -2122.2 -3046.5 -1910.4 -2952.4 -2292.7 -2774.1 -2485.5 -2574.2 -2391.8 -2411.5 -1814 -2841.9 -2294.1 -2710.4 -2385.4 -2670.5 -2428.6 -2530.2 -2446.4 -2233.7 -2571.2 -2740.9 -2289.1 -2572.7 -2434.8 -2637.1 -2551.6 -2487.4 -2620.9 -2300.3 -2611.9 -2475.7 -2560 -2574.4 -2454.3 -2532.3 -2626.6 -2491.1 -2601.2 -2617.7 -2439.7 -2537.1 -2480.8 -2427.2 -2580.4 -2483.3 -2439.5 -2490.3 -2580.6 -2512.2 -2530.3 -2544.6 -2574.4 -2406.8 -2639.3 -2412.9 -1803.4 -2694.7 -2502.5 -2560 -2636.4 -2812 -2303.1 -2648.4 -2528.3 -2568.6 -2580.4 -2587.2 -2308.4 -2956 -2107.4 -2750.2 -2370.2 -2696.5 -1253.8 -2566.2 -2608.2 -2461.8 -2508.7 -2441.7 -2880.9 -1625.5 -2420 -2703.9 -2494.4 -2418.6 -2530.8 -2071 -2376 -2618 -2562.7 -2591.1 -2381.4 -2793.7 -2320.6 -2741.4 -1601.7 -2338.3 -2908.4 -1058.7 -3010.9 -2325.2 -2773.6 -2487.1 -2472.8 -2592.3 -2301.7 -2919.4 -2237.2 -2815.6 -2450.4 -2573.4 -2334.2 -2694.7 -2394.9 -2733.3 -2211.9 -2738.6 -2529.9 -2351.5 -2588.4 -2379 -2604.2 -2412.9 -2450.4 -2446 -2395.1 -2510.3 -2572 -2467.1 -2524.4 -2535.3 -2570.6 -2353.4 -2506.8 -2685.8 -2229.1 -2744.4 -2636.6 -2571.1 -2202.9 -2561.5 -2462.8 -2536 -2500.3 -2547 -2469.4 -2442.2 -2779.9 -2314 -2782.5 -1771.3 -2335 -2733.7 -2410.7 -2795.7 -2231.5 -2799.3 -2286 -2016.5 -2766.2 -2418.4 -2604.9 -2428.9 -2730.4 -2579.7 -2778.5 -2489.6 -2033.9 -2715.2 -2257.4 -2831.8 -1809.2 -2825.5 -2313.7 -2541.7 -2292.5 -2737.3 -2101.9 -2600.6 -2195 -2601.4 -1918.7 -2933.7 -597.79 -2275.8 -3064.2 -2190.5 -2994.3 -1811 -2924.1 -2405.2 -2643 -2748.8 -2289.2 -2788.2 -2037.8 -2933.1 -1597.1 -2761.6 -1786.7 -2860 -2305 -2994.6 -484.42 -1582.7 -3130.2 -2198.7 -3280.2
*+ WARNING: !! '-stim_times 3' file 'stimuli/s18-lungs.txt' has no good stimulus time values
++ ** GUESSED ** -stim_times 4 using GLOBAL times
*+ WARNING: '-stim_times 4' file 'stimuli/s18-sndpwr.txt' has 2 duplicate and 65339 near-duplicate times ???
+ Where 'near-duplicate' means within 50% of one TR
+ You are using global times: do you want local times?
*+ WARNING: -gltsym: Can't interpret '*' scale factor in 'sndpwr-1*heart-1*dis-der-sndpwr' -- replaced by 1
*+ WARNING: -gltsym: '*' scale factor in 'sndpwr-1*heart-1*dis-der-sndpwr' not at start of string?
** ERROR: -gltsym: can't match symbolic name 'heart-1*dis-der-sndpwr'
GLT matrix from 'SYM: sndpwr-1*heart-1*dis-der-sndpwr -1*lungs':
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

** ERROR: -gltsym errors immediately above from file 'SYM: sndpwr-1*heart-1*dis-der-sndpwr -1*lungs'
GLT matrix from 'SYM: dis-der-sndpwr -lungs':
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

GLT matrix from 'SYM: heart -lungs':
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

GLT matrix from 'SYM: 0.333*dis-der-sndpwr +0.333*heart +0.333*lungs':
0 0 0 0 0 0 0.333 0.333 0.333 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

GLT matrix from 'SYM: dis-der-sndpwr -0.5*heart -0.5*lungs':
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -0.5 -0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

** FATAL ERROR: Can't continue after the above -gltsym problems!
** Program compile date = May 8 2015
Subject Author Posted

Passing regressors with negative values

sdb99 May 22, 2015 06:00PM

Re: Passing regressors with negative values

rick reynolds May 24, 2015 10:04PM