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October 16, 2016 08:26PM
Dear moderator,

I performed cortical thickness analysis as below

1. cortical parcellation using freesurfer
2. perform @SUMA_Make_Spec_FS
3. peform mris_convert -c lh.thickness lh.white lh.thickness.asc
4. perform 1dcat lh.thickness.asc'[4]' > rh.thickness.1D.dset <- what's mean the [4] ?
5. perform MapIcosahedrone -overwrite -ld 90 -fix_cut_ssurfaces -dset_map lh.thickness.1D.dset -spec lh.spec -prefix std.90/
6. perform SurfSmooth -met HEAT_07 -spec std.90.lh.spec -surf_A std.90.lh.smoothwm.asc -target_fwhm 30 -input std.90.lh.thickness.niml.dset -out lh.thickness.hk3.niml.dset
7. 3dttest++ -prefix lh.thickness.niml.dset -set A ~~ -setB ~~~

after making the result file "lh.thickness.hk3.niml.dset"
how can I see the result image file using SUMA (could you tell me the exact command?)
then, how can I see the statistical result? how can I make the analysis result table (cluster size, F or T, p-value, peak coordinates, brain regions.. etc)
Is there any documents for it?
Subject Author Posted

reporting the results

leetaey October 16, 2016 08:26PM

Re: reporting the results

Peter Molfese October 19, 2016 12:36PM

Re: reporting the results

Daniel Glen October 19, 2016 01:40PM