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October 23, 2018 10:57AM

I am attempting to set up a code to utilize 3dMVM and I have a few questions below regarding this set up. I would like to complete a Group (2) x Phase (2) x Reinforcement (2) x Subjects (38) ANOVA, and I have an unequal number of participants within each group. Before, I tried to use GroupAna, but realized I could not run this program as I have too many factors and had an unbalanced design.

(1) Do the input files need to include the participant's IDs? I got these input files by using 3dcalc to separate the resulting stats file from 3dDeconvolve into the separate conditions
(2) I am not too sure what the main difference between using the glf and glt is, and I have noticed that some of the examples on the website do not include the "glf". I have indicated the different interactions and main effects I am interested in using the glt.
(3) Does the general set up of the code looks correct (pasted below)? I have not listed all my participants yet. I have used the examples in the AFNI webpage and other threads from the message board to guide my set up.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.


My code is:
3dMVM -prefix group -jobs 2 \
-bsVars group \
-wsVars 'phase*reinf' \
-SS_type 2
-num_glt 15 \
-gltLabel 1 3way_inter -gltCode 1 'group : 1*pat -1*ctrl phase: 1*acq -1*rev reinf : 1*corr -1*incor' \
-gltLabel 2 group_phase -gltCode 2 'group : 1*pat -1*ctrl phase: 1*acq -1*rev' \
-gltLabel 3 group_reinf -gltCode 3 'group : 1*pat -1*ctrl reinf: 1*corr -1*incor' \
-gltLabel 4 phase_reinf -gltCode 4 'phase : 1*acq -1*rev reinf : 1*corr -1*incor' \
-gltLabel 5 group -gltCode 5 'group : 1*pat -1*ctrl' \
-gltLabel 6 phase -gltCode 6 'phase : 1*acq -1*rev' \
-gltLabel 7 reinf -gltcode 7 'reinf : 1*corr -1*incorr' \
-gltLabel 8 acq_group -gltcode 8 'phase : 1*acq group : 1*pat -1*ctrl' \
-gltLabel 9 rev_group -gltcode 9 'phase : 1*rev group : 1*pat -1*ctrl' \
-gltLabel 10 corr_group -gltcode 10 'reinf : 1*corr group : 1*pat -1*ctrl' \
-gltLabel 11 incor_group -gltcode 11 'reinf : 1*incor group : 1*pat -1*ctrl' \
-gltLabel 12 acq_reinf -gltcode 12 'phase : 1*acq reinf : 1*corr -1*incor' \
-gltLabel 13 rev_reinf -gltcode 13 'phase : 1*rev reinf: 1*corr -1*incor' \
-gltLabel 14 corr_phase -gltcode 14 'reinf : 1*corr phase: 1*acq -1*rev' \
-gltLabel 15 incor_phase -gltcode 15 'reinf : 1*incor phase: 1*acq -1*rev' \
-dataTable \
Subj group phase reinf InputFile \
6292 pat acq corr 6292/SS_proc_6292_FIRST_3RUNS_Sep4.results/RevP_acq_corr_fed+tlrc \
6292 pat acq incor 6292/SS_proc_6292_FIRST_3RUNS_Sep4.results/RevP_acq_incor_fed+tlrc \
6292 pat rev corr 6292/SS_proc_6292_FIRST_3RUNS_Sep4.results/RevP_rev_corr_fed+tlrc \
6292 pat rev incor 6292/SS_proc_6292_FIRST_3RUNS_Sep4.results/RevP_rev_incor_fed+tlrc \
8225 pat acq corr 8225/SSwarp_proc_8225_FIRST_Sep4.results/RevP_acq_corr_fed+tlrc \
8225 pat acq incor 8225/SSwarp_proc_8225_FIRST_Sep4.results/RevP_acq_incor_fed+tlrc \
8225 pat rev corr 8225/SSwarp_proc_8225_FIRST_Sep4.results/RevP_rev_corr_fed+tlrc \
8225 pat rev incor 8225/SSwarp_proc_8225_FIRST_Sep4.results/RevP_rev_incor_fed+tlrc \
Subject Author Posted

3dMVM set up

tamtam October 23, 2018 10:57AM

Re: 3dMVM set up

gang October 23, 2018 01:01PM

Re: 3dMVM set up

tamtam October 25, 2018 01:39PM

Re: 3dMVM set up

gang October 25, 2018 05:02PM