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April 23, 2019 12:07PM
- AFNI ver: AFNI_19.1.00

Hello AFNI team,

I am currently struggling with my approach to analyzing individual participants in my fmri dataset: The data for each participant consists of 6 runs of 417 seconds. In each run the participant are instructed to do a different task classified as:

1. rest15, ( the numbers in the task names have nothing to do with durations)
2. stand15,
3. step15,
4. rest30
5 stand30
6. step30

In each run there are also times where a stimulus is off (stim_off) and stimulus is on (stim_on). The onsets and duration is the same every run. Here is a stimulus timing file for stim_off

0:42 72:27 132:30 198:36 273:33 339:39
0:42 72:27 132:30 198:36 273:33 339:39
0:42 72:27 132:30 198:36 273:33 339:39
0:42 72:27 132:30 198:36 273:33 339:39
0:42 72:27 132:30 198:36 273:33 339:39
0:42 72:27 132:30 198:36 273:33 339:39

42:30 99:33 162:36 234:39 306:33 378:39
42:30 99:33 162:36 234:39 306:33 378:39
42:30 99:33 162:36 234:39 306:33 378:39
42:30 99:33 162:36 234:39 306:33 378:39
42:30 99:33 162:36 234:39 306:33 378:39
42:30 99:33 162:36 234:39 306:33 378:39

I wanted to analyze the differences between tasks - so in addition to regressing stim_on and stim_off- I created two timing files (onset:duration) for each run

rest15_stim_off .txt
0:42 72:27 132:30 198:36 273:33 339:39
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *

rest15_stim_on .txt
42:30 99:33 162:36 234:39 306:33 378:39
* *
* *
* *
* *
* *

I have added the following regressors to my GLM in afni_proc:

-regress_stim_types AM1 AM1 \
AM1 AM1 AM1 AM1 \
AM1 AM1 AM1 AM1 \
AM1 AM1 AM1 AM1 \
-regress_stim_labels stim_off stim_on \
rest15_off rest15_on rest30_off rest30_on \
stand15_off stand15_on stand30_off stand30_on \
step15_off step15_on step30_off step30_on \
-regress_basis 'dmBLOCK(0)' \
-regress_motion_per_run \
-regress_censor_motion 0.3 \
-regress_compute_fitts \
-regress_opts_3dD \
-jobs 4 \
-gltsym 'SYM: -stim_off +stim_on' \
-glt_label 1 stim_on_vs_stim_off \
-gltsym 'SYM: -rest15_off +rest15_on' \
-glt_label 2 rest15_on_vs_rest15_off \
-gltsym 'SYM: -rest30_off +rest30_on' \
-glt_label 3 rest30_on_vs_rest30_off \
-gltsym 'SYM: -rest30_off -rest15_off +rest15_on +rest30_on' \
-glt_label 4 rest_stim_on_vs_stim_off \
-gltsym 'SYM: -stand15_off +stand15_on' \
-glt_label 5 stand15_on_vs_stand15_off \
-gltsym 'SYM: -stand30_off +stand30_on' \
-glt_label 6 stand30_on_vs_stand30_off \
-gltsym 'SYM: -stand30_off -stand15_off +stand15_on +stand30_on' \
-glt_label 7 stand_stim_on_vs_stim_off \
-gltsym 'SYM: -step15_off +step15_on' \
-glt_label 8 step15_on_vs_step15_off \
-gltsym 'SYM: -step30_off +step30_on' \
-glt_label 9 step30_on_vs_step30_off \
-gltsym 'SYM: -step30_off -step15_off +step15_on +step30_on' \
-glt_label 11 step_stim_on_vs_stim_off \
-gltsym 'SYM: -rest30_on -rest15_on +step15_on +step30_on' \
-glt_label 12 rest_vs_step \
-gltsym 'SYM: -rest30_on -rest15_on +stand15_on +stand30_on' \
-glt_label 13 rest_vs_stand \
-gltsym 'SYM: -stand30_on -stand15_on +step15_on +step30_on' \
-glt_label 14 step_vs_stand \
-regress_est_blur_epits \

however I get this as an output when finishing the running the proc script

1d_tool.py -infile motion_sub-5879027_censor.1D -show_trs_uncensored encoded
3dDeconvolve -input pb04.sub-5879027.r01.scale+tlrc.HEAD pb04.sub-5879027.r02.scale+tlrc.HEAD pb04.sub-5879027.r03.scale+tlrc.HEAD pb04.sub-5879027.r04.scale+tlrc.HEAD pb04.sub-5879027.r05.scale+tlrc.HEAD pb04.sub-5879027.r06.scale+tlrc.HEAD -censor motion_sub-5879027_censor.1D -ortvec mot_demean.r01.1D mot_demean_r01 -ortvec mot_demean.r02.1D mot_demean_r02 -ortvec mot_demean.r03.1D mot_demean_r03 -ortvec mot_demean.r04.1D mot_demean_r04 -ortvec mot_demean.r05.1D mot_demean_r05 -ortvec mot_demean.r06.1D mot_demean_r06 -polort 3 -num_stimts 14 -stim_times_AM1 1 stimuli/B01_afni_task_times.stim_off.txt dmBLOCK(0) -stim_label 1 stim_off -stim_times_AM1 2 stimuli/B02_afni_task_times.stim_on.txt dmBLOCK(0) -stim_label 2 stim_on -stim_times_AM1 3 stimuli/B03_afni_task_times.rest15_stim_off.txt dmBLOCK(0) -stim_label 3 rest15_off -stim_times_AM1 4 stimuli/B03_afni_task_times.rest15_stim_on.txt dmBLOCK(0) -stim_label 4 rest15_on -stim_times_AM1 5 stimuli/B04_afni_task_times.rest30_stim_off.txt dmBLOCK(0) -stim_label 5 rest30_off -stim_times_AM1 6 stimuli/B04_afni_task_times.rest30_stim_on.txt dmBLOCK(0) -stim_label 6 rest30_on -stim_times_AM1 7 stimuli/B05_afni_task_times.stand15_stim_off.txt dmBLOCK(0) -stim_label 7 stand15_off -stim_times_AM1 8 stimuli/B05_afni_task_times.stand15_stim_on.txt dmBLOCK(0) -stim_label 8 stand15_on -stim_times_AM1 9 stimuli/B06_afni_task_times.stand30_stim_off.txt dmBLOCK(0) -stim_label 9 stand30_off -stim_times_AM1 10 stimuli/B06_afni_task_times.stand30_stim_on.txt dmBLOCK(0) -stim_label 10 stand30_on -stim_times_AM1 11 stimuli/B07_afni_task_times.step15_stim_off.txt dmBLOCK(0) -stim_label 11 step15_off -stim_times_AM1 12 stimuli/B07_afni_task_times.step15_stim_on.txt dmBLOCK(0) -stim_label 12 step15_on -stim_times_AM1 13 stimuli/B08_afni_task_times.step30_stim_off.txt dmBLOCK(0) -stim_label 13 step30_off -stim_times_AM1 14 stimuli/B08_afni_task_times.step30_stim_on.txt dmBLOCK(0) -stim_label 14 step30_on -jobs 4 -gltsym SYM: -stim_off +stim_on -glt_label 1 stim_on_vs_stim_off -gltsym SYM: -rest15_off +rest15_on -glt_label 2 rest15_on_vs_rest15_off -gltsym SYM: -rest30_off +rest30_on -glt_label 3 rest30_on_vs_rest30_off -gltsym SYM: -rest30_off -rest15_off +rest15_on +rest30_on -glt_label 4 rest_stim_on_vs_stim_off -gltsym SYM: -stand15_off +stand15_on -glt_label 5 stand15_on_vs_stand15_off -gltsym SYM: -stand30_off +stand30_on -glt_label 6 stand30_on_vs_stand30_off -gltsym SYM: -stand30_off -stand15_off +stand15_on +stand30_on -glt_label 7 stand_stim_on_vs_stim_off -gltsym SYM: -step15_off +step15_on -glt_label 8 step15_on_vs_step15_off -gltsym SYM: -step30_off +step30_on -glt_label 9 step30_on_vs_step30_off -gltsym SYM: -step30_off -step15_off +step15_on +step30_on -glt_label 11 step_stim_on_vs_stim_off -gltsym SYM: -rest30_on -rest15_on +step15_on +step30_on -glt_label 12 rest_vs_step -gltsym SYM: -rest30_on -rest15_on +stand15_on +stand30_on -glt_label 13 rest_vs_stand -gltsym SYM: -stand30_on -stand15_on +step15_on +step30_on -glt_label 14 step_vs_stand -fout -tout -x1D X.xmat.1D -xjpeg X.jpg -x1D_uncensored X.nocensor.xmat.1D -errts errts.sub-5879027 -bucket stats.sub-5879027
++ '-stim_times_AM1 1 stimuli/B01_afni_task_times.stim_off.txt' has 1 auxiliary values per time point
++ '-stim_times_AM1 1': basis function model 'dmBLOCK(0)' uses 1 parameters,
out of the 1 found in timing file 'stimuli/B01_afni_task_times.stim_off.txt'
++ '-stim_times_AM1 2 stimuli/B02_afni_task_times.stim_on.txt' has 1 auxiliary values per time point
++ '-stim_times_AM1 2': basis function model 'dmBLOCK(0)' uses 1 parameters,
out of the 1 found in timing file 'stimuli/B02_afni_task_times.stim_on.txt'
++ '-stim_times_AM1 3 stimuli/B03_afni_task_times.rest15_stim_off.txt' has 1 auxiliary values per time point
++ '-stim_times_AM1 3': basis function model 'dmBLOCK(0)' uses 1 parameters,
out of the 1 found in timing file 'stimuli/B03_afni_task_times.rest15_stim_off.txt'
++ '-stim_times_AM1 4 stimuli/B03_afni_task_times.rest15_stim_on.txt' has 1 auxiliary values per time point
++ '-stim_times_AM1 4': basis function model 'dmBLOCK(0)' uses 1 parameters,
out of the 1 found in timing file 'stimuli/B03_afni_task_times.rest15_stim_on.txt'
++ '-stim_times_AM1 5 stimuli/B04_afni_task_times.rest30_stim_off.txt' has 1 auxiliary values per time point
++ '-stim_times_AM1 5': basis function model 'dmBLOCK(0)' uses 1 parameters,
out of the 1 found in timing file 'stimuli/B04_afni_task_times.rest30_stim_off.txt'
++ '-stim_times_AM1 6 stimuli/B04_afni_task_times.rest30_stim_on.txt' has 1 auxiliary values per time point
++ '-stim_times_AM1 6': basis function model 'dmBLOCK(0)' uses 1 parameters,
out of the 1 found in timing file 'stimuli/B04_afni_task_times.rest30_stim_on.txt'
++ '-stim_times_AM1 7 stimuli/B05_afni_task_times.stand15_stim_off.txt' has 1 auxiliary values per time point
++ '-stim_times_AM1 7': basis function model 'dmBLOCK(0)' uses 1 parameters,
out of the 1 found in timing file 'stimuli/B05_afni_task_times.stand15_stim_off.txt'
++ '-stim_times_AM1 8 stimuli/B05_afni_task_times.stand15_stim_on.txt' has 1 auxiliary values per time point
++ '-stim_times_AM1 8': basis function model 'dmBLOCK(0)' uses 1 parameters,
out of the 1 found in timing file 'stimuli/B05_afni_task_times.stand15_stim_on.txt'
++ '-stim_times_AM1 9 stimuli/B06_afni_task_times.stand30_stim_off.txt' has 1 auxiliary values per time point
++ '-stim_times_AM1 9': basis function model 'dmBLOCK(0)' uses 1 parameters,
out of the 1 found in timing file 'stimuli/B06_afni_task_times.stand30_stim_off.txt'
++ '-stim_times_AM1 10 stimuli/B06_afni_task_times.stand30_stim_on.txt' has 1 auxiliary values per time point
++ '-stim_times_AM1 10': basis function model 'dmBLOCK(0)' uses 1 parameters,
out of the 1 found in timing file 'stimuli/B06_afni_task_times.stand30_stim_on.txt'
++ '-stim_times_AM1 11 stimuli/B07_afni_task_times.step15_stim_off.txt' has 1 auxiliary values per time point
++ '-stim_times_AM1 11': basis function model 'dmBLOCK(0)' uses 1 parameters,
out of the 1 found in timing file 'stimuli/B07_afni_task_times.step15_stim_off.txt'
++ '-stim_times_AM1 12 stimuli/B07_afni_task_times.step15_stim_on.txt' has 1 auxiliary values per time point
++ '-stim_times_AM1 12': basis function model 'dmBLOCK(0)' uses 1 parameters,
out of the 1 found in timing file 'stimuli/B07_afni_task_times.step15_stim_on.txt'
++ '-stim_times_AM1 13 stimuli/B08_afni_task_times.step30_stim_off.txt' has 1 auxiliary values per time point
++ '-stim_times_AM1 13': basis function model 'dmBLOCK(0)' uses 1 parameters,
out of the 1 found in timing file 'stimuli/B08_afni_task_times.step30_stim_off.txt'
++ '-stim_times_AM1 14 stimuli/B08_afni_task_times.step30_stim_on.txt' has 1 auxiliary values per time point
++ '-stim_times_AM1 14': basis function model 'dmBLOCK(0)' uses 1 parameters,
out of the 1 found in timing file 'stimuli/B08_afni_task_times.step30_stim_on.txt'
** FATAL ERROR: 3dDeconvolve dies: -glt_label k slabel Require: 1 <= k <= num_glt

Here are links to the stimulus files, afni_proc and the output: [www.dropbox.com]

Any guidance would be really appreciated.

Thank you,
Subject Author Posted

Fatal Error 3dDeconvolve - glt_label k slabel Require: 1 <= k <= num_glt

GMan April 23, 2019 12:07PM

Re: Fatal Error 3dDeconvolve - glt_label k slabel Require: 1 <= k <= num_glt

GMan April 23, 2019 12:56PM