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November 18, 2019 08:04PM

I am currently working on running a PPI analyses with a task (The Virtual School Task) that has variable stimuli duration and stimuli that directly abut each other (i.e. there is no ITI between stimuli) . When setting up the timing_tool.py portion, how can I account for the variable stimuli duration and make sure that stimuli labels do not get added twice or incorrectly for bins that are created that make encompass part of on stimuli and part of another stimuli (since they are right next to each other in time) and there is a variable duration for each stimuli? Is it possible to use the stimuli onset-duration married files for the timing_tool.py or do they need to be onset only?

Here is the code i have for the timing_tool.py, but again i am concerned that even having the min_frac at 51% that there will be issues with stimuli labeling.

echo "== running timing_tool.py to create per-run timing files"

foreach cond ( $cond_list )

timing_tool.py -timing $stimonsetdir/${cond}_Onset.txt -tr 0.1 \
-min_frac 0.51 -run_len 502 -tr 2.0 \
-timing_to_1D 00a.${sub}.${cond}.upsam -per_run_file

# first output file might have name: 00a.$subj.$cond.upsam_r$run.1D
Subject Author Posted

Variable stimuli duration for PPI analyses

tclarkson November 18, 2019 08:04PM

Re: Variable stimuli duration for PPI analyses

rick reynolds November 25, 2019 09:44PM