AFNI Message Board

Dear AFNI users-

We are very pleased to announce that the new AFNI Message Board framework is up! Please join us at:

Existing user accounts have been migrated, so returning users can login by requesting a password reset. New users can create accounts, as well, through a standard account creation process. Please note that these setup emails might initially go to spam folders (esp. for NIH users!), so please check those locations in the beginning.

The current Message Board discussion threads have been migrated to the new framework. The current Message Board will remain visible, but read-only, for a little while.

Sincerely, AFNI HQ

History of AFNI updates  

March 28, 2020 04:06PM

There is an alignment issue with preprocessing of fMRI data using and I don't know how to fix it. I didn't get any warning or error message but when visually examine the images, I found that after volreg block, the epi data is clearly not correctly aligned to anatomical image.

The " -anat P05_2_t1+orig -epi P05_vwfa_1+orig -epi_base 0 -giant_move -epi2anat" gives the same alignment results. Following is the output:

#++ align_epi_anat version: 1.58
#Script is running (command trimmed):
3dAttribute DELTA ./P05_vwfa_1+orig
#Script is running (command trimmed):
3dAttribute DELTA ./P05_vwfa_1+orig
#Script is running (command trimmed):
3dAttribute DELTA ./P05_2_t1+orig
#++ Multi-cost is lpc
#++ Removing all the temporary files
#Script is running:
\rm -f ./__tt_P05_vwfa_1*
#Script is running:
\rm -f ./__tt_P05_2_t1*
#Script is running (command trimmed):
3dcopy ./P05_2_t1+orig ./__tt_P05_2_t1+orig
++ 3dcopy: AFNI version=AFNI_19.1.19 (Jun 13 2019) [64-bit]
#++ Removing skull from anat data
#Script is running (command trimmed):
3dSkullStrip -orig_vol -input ./__tt_P05_2_t1+orig -prefix ./__tt_P05_2_t1_ns
#Script is running (command trimmed):
3dinfo ./__tt_P05_2_t1_ns+orig | \grep 'Data Axes Tilt:'|\grep 'Oblique'
#++ Dataset /Volumes/PatientReadingMRI/FischerBaum_PatientRSA/orig/P05_VWFA/__tt_P05_2_t1_ns+orig is not oblique
#Script is running (command trimmed):
3dinfo ./P05_vwfa_1+orig | \grep 'Data Axes Tilt:'|\grep 'Oblique'
#++ Dataset /Volumes/PatientReadingMRI/FischerBaum_PatientRSA/orig/P05_VWFA/P05_vwfa_1+orig is not oblique
#Script is running (command trimmed):
3dAttribute TAXIS_OFFSETS ./P05_vwfa_1+orig
#++ Correcting for slice timing
#Script is running (command trimmed):
3dTshift -prefix ./__tt_P05_vwfa_1_tsh -cubic ./P05_vwfa_1+orig
++ 3dTshift: AFNI version=AFNI_19.1.19 (Jun 13 2019) [64-bit]
#++ Volume registration for epi data
#Script is running (command trimmed):
3dvolreg -1Dfile ./P05_vwfa_1_tsh_vr_motion.1D -1Dmatrix_save ./__tt_P05_vwfa_1_tsh_vr_mat.aff12.1D -prefix ./__tt_P05_vwfa_1_tsh_vr -base 0 -cubic ./__tt_P05_vwfa_1_tsh+orig
++ 3dvolreg: AFNI version=AFNI_19.1.19 (Jun 13 2019) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: RW Cox
++ Max displacement in automask = 0.29 (mm) at sub-brick 111
++ Max delta displ in automask = 0.12 (mm) at sub-brick 20
#++ Creating representative epi sub-brick
#Script is running (command trimmed):
3dbucket -prefix ./__tt_P05_vwfa_1_tsh_vr_ts ./__tt_P05_vwfa_1_tsh_vr+orig'[0]'
++ 3dbucket: AFNI version=AFNI_19.1.19 (Jun 13 2019) [64-bit]
#++ removing skull or area outside brain
#Script is running (command trimmed):
3dSkullStrip -orig_vol -input ./__tt_P05_vwfa_1_tsh_vr_ts+orig -prefix ./__tt_P05_vwfa_1_tsh_vr_ts_ns
#++ Computing weight mask
#Script is running (command trimmed):
3dBrickStat -automask -percentile 90.000000 1 90.000000 ./__tt_P05_vwfa_1_tsh_vr_ts_ns+orig
#++ Applying threshold of 1274.000000 on /Volumes/PatientReadingMRI/FischerBaum_PatientRSA/orig/P05_VWFA/__tt_P05_vwfa_1_tsh_vr_ts_ns+orig
#Script is running (command trimmed):
3dcalc -datum float -prefix ./__tt_P05_vwfa_1_tsh_vr_ts_ns_wt -a ./__tt_P05_vwfa_1_tsh_vr_ts_ns+orig -expr 'min(1,(a/1274.000000))'
++ 3dcalc: AFNI version=AFNI_19.1.19 (Jun 13 2019) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: A cast of thousands
++ Output dataset ././__tt_P05_vwfa_1_tsh_vr_ts_ns_wt+orig.BRIK
#++ Aligning anat data to epi data
#Script is running (command trimmed):
3dAllineate -lpc -wtprefix ./__tt_P05_2_t1_ns_al_wtal -weight ./__tt_P05_vwfa_1_tsh_vr_ts_ns_wt+orig -source ./__tt_P05_2_t1_ns+orig -prefix ./__tt_P05_2_t1_al -base ./__tt_P05_vwfa_1_tsh_vr_ts_ns+orig -cmass -1Dmatrix_save ./P05_2_t1_al_mat.aff12.1D -master BASE -mast_dxyz 0.976562 -weight_frac 1.0 -maxrot 6 -maxshf 10 -VERB -warp aff -source_automask+4 -twobest 11 -twopass -VERB -maxrot 45 -maxshf 40 -fineblur 1 -source_automask+2
++ 3dAllineate: AFNI version=AFNI_19.1.19 (Jun 13 2019) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: Zhark the Registrator
++ Source dataset: ./__tt_P05_2_t1_ns+orig.HEAD
++ Base dataset: ./__tt_P05_vwfa_1_tsh_vr_ts_ns+orig.HEAD
++ Loading datasets
++ 1625226 voxels in -source_automask+2
++ Zero-pad: ybot=12 ytop=10
++ Zero-pad: zbot=16 ztop=14
++ 214271 voxels [14.9%] in weight mask
++ Output dataset ./__tt_P05_2_t1_ns_al_wtal+orig.BRIK
++ Number of points for matching = 214271
++ NOTE: base and source coordinate systems have different handedness
+ Orientations: base=Right handed (RAI); source=Left handed (ASR)
+ - It is nothing to worry about: 3dAllineate aligns based on coordinates.
+ - But it is always important to check the alignment visually to be sure.
++ Local correlation: blok type = 'RHDD(7.38)'
++ base center of mass = 65.499 68.146 40.939 (index)
+ source center of mass = 137.546 122.640 95.330 (index)
+ source-target CM = -2.418 15.720 -8.544 (xyz)
+ center of mass shifts = -2.418 15.720 -8.544
++ shift param auto-range: -63.6..58.7 -56.0..87.5 -79.8..62.7
+ Range param#4 [z-angle] = -6.000000 .. 6.000000
+ Range param#5 [x-angle] = -6.000000 .. 6.000000
+ Range param#6 [y-angle] = -6.000000 .. 6.000000
+ Range param#1 [x-shift] = -12.417618 .. 7.582382
+ Range param#2 [y-shift] = 5.719864 .. 25.719864
+ Range param#3 [z-shift] = -18.544090 .. 1.455910
+ Range param#4 [z-angle] = -45.000000 .. 45.000000
+ Range param#5 [x-angle] = -45.000000 .. 45.000000
+ Range param#6 [y-angle] = -45.000000 .. 45.000000
+ Range param#1 [x-shift] = -42.417618 .. 37.582382
+ Range param#2 [y-shift] = -24.280136 .. 55.719864
+ Range param#3 [z-shift] = -48.544090 .. 31.455910
+ 12 free parameters
++ Normalized convergence radius = 0.0000089
++ changing output grid spacing to 0.9766 mm
++ OpenMP thread count = 4
++ ======= Allineation of 1 sub-bricks using Local Pearson Correlation Signed =======
+ source mask has 1625226 [out of 12582912] voxels
+ base mask has 243567 [out of 1440000] voxels
++ ========== sub-brick #0 ========== [total CPU to here=3.4 s]
++ *** Coarse pass begins ***
+ * Enter alignment setup routine
+ - copying base image
+ - copying source image
+ - Smoothing base; radius=3.00
+ - Smoothing source; radius=3.00
+ !source mask fill: ubot=0 usiz=267.5
+ - copying weight image
+ - using 98765 points from base image [use_all=0]
+ * Exit alignment setup routine
+ - Search for coarse starting parameters
+ 88762 total points stored in 1312 'RHDD(7.96645)' bloks
+ - number of free params = 6
+ - Test (64+61)*64 params [top5=*o+-.]:#*[#1=-0.0135179] *o*[#3=-0.0169718] *-...*[#10=-0.0273781] *o.++-*[#131=-0.032992] *-.+-.+o++.-*[#1155=-0.0396421] *.*[#3628=-0.0411247] *++$*[#4490=-0.0452505] *o..
+ - best 45 costs found:
0 v=-0.045251: -14.02 20.28 -4.65 -24.53 29.49 26.10 [rand]
1 v=-0.043390: -14.02 11.16 -4.65 -24.53 29.49 26.10 [rand]
2 v=-0.041125: -15.75 2.39 4.79 -30.00 30.00 -30.00 [grid]
3 v=-0.039642: 10.92 -10.95 4.79 15.00 30.00 15.00 [grid]
4 v=-0.038775: -6.50 21.95 -0.75 -4.32 22.85 18.95 [rand]
5 v=-0.037162: -24.74 -13.91 -1.55 -8.73 38.75 -33.73 [rand]
6 v=-0.036055: -14.02 11.16 -12.44 -24.53 29.49 26.10 [rand]
7 v=-0.035914: 9.18 20.28 -12.44 24.53 29.49 -26.10 [rand]
8 v=-0.034816: -6.50 9.49 -0.75 -4.32 22.85 18.95 [rand]
9 v=-0.034808: 24.25 42.39 -35.21 -30.00 30.00 -30.00 [grid]
10 v=-0.034664: 24.25 29.05 -21.88 -30.00 30.00 -30.00 [grid]
11 v=-0.034424: 1.66 9.49 -0.75 4.32 22.85 18.95 [rand]
12 v=-0.033785: 1.66 21.95 -0.75 4.32 22.85 18.95 [rand]
13 v=-0.033208: 28.97 45.68 -12.95 -42.54 -9.20 -25.31 [rand]
14 v=-0.032992: 10.92 -10.95 4.79 15.00 15.00 15.00 [grid]
15 v=-0.032827: 11.00 -6.97 22.79 4.37 -20.12 -15.12 [rand]
16 v=-0.032718: -15.75 2.39 18.12 -15.00 -15.00 15.00 [grid]
17 v=-0.032241: 12.87 -5.17 21.85 14.56 -29.40 -15.92 [rand]
18 v=-0.032012: -15.75 -10.95 18.12 -15.00 -15.00 15.00 [grid]
19 v=-0.031864: 24.25 42.39 -35.21 -30.00 15.00 -30.00 [grid]
20 v=-0.031721: -18.56 6.25 15.81 -20.99 15.73 16.09 [rand]
21 v=-0.031403: -26.77 -13.97 4.48 -28.68 38.91 -32.36 [rand]
22 v=-0.031373: 10.92 29.05 4.79 15.00 30.00 15.00 [grid]
23 v=-0.031365: 1.66 21.95 -0.75 4.32 22.85 -18.95 [rand]
24 v=-0.031262: 10.92 2.39 -21.88 -15.00 30.00 30.00 [grid]
25 v=-0.031121: -15.75 -10.95 18.12 -15.00 -30.00 15.00 [grid]
26 v=-0.030997: -18.56 6.25 15.81 -20.99 15.73 -16.09 [rand]
27 v=-0.030917: 19.90 -13.91 -1.55 8.73 38.75 33.73 [rand]
28 v=-0.030900: -14.02 20.28 -4.65 24.53 29.49 26.10 [rand]
29 v=-0.030745: 32.45 46.27 -24.32 -11.68 29.04 -39.38 [rand]
30 v=-0.030671: -14.02 20.28 -12.44 -24.53 29.49 26.10 [rand]
31 v=-0.030353: 13.73 6.25 15.81 20.99 15.73 16.09 [rand]
32 v=-0.030296: 11.61 0.00 6.12 24.25 37.55 4.41 [rand]
33 v=-0.030214: -6.50 9.49 -0.75 4.32 22.85 -18.95 [rand]
34 v=-0.030064: 10.92 -10.95 18.12 15.00 -30.00 -15.00 [grid]
35 v=-0.030029: 10.92 -10.95 18.12 15.00 -15.00 15.00 [grid]
36 v=-0.029969: 32.45 -14.83 7.23 -11.68 29.04 -39.38 [rand]
37 v=-0.029882: -39.22 48.81 -28.74 39.82 23.12 9.72 [rand]
38 v=-0.029564: 1.66 9.49 -0.75 -4.32 22.85 18.95 [rand]
39 v=-0.029416: 10.92 42.39 4.79 15.00 30.00 15.00 [grid]
40 v=-0.029388: 24.25 42.39 4.79 -30.00 15.00 -30.00 [grid]
41 v=-0.029384: -15.75 2.39 4.79 -30.00 15.00 30.00 [grid]
42 v=-0.029250: -6.50 9.49 -0.75 4.32 22.85 18.95 [rand]
43 v=-0.029233: -15.75 -10.95 4.79 -15.00 -15.00 30.00 [grid]
44 v=-0.029180: -21.91 32.39 -5.94 -30.54 19.59 20.03 [rand]
+ - A little optimization:*[#8005=-0.0533862] *[#8012=-0.0540303] *[#8018=-0.0541096] ....*[#8121=-0.0557016] *[#8125=-0.0563337] *[#8129=-0.0564603] ..........................*[#8945=-0.0573645] *[#8956=-0.05757] ...............
+ - costs of the above after a little optimization:
0 v=-0.054110: -13.99 20.72 -4.96 -19.71 29.29 25.98 [rand]
1 v=-0.053381: -14.18 14.61 -4.76 -24.42 29.35 25.58 [rand]
2 v=-0.050748: -16.64 2.81 5.03 -30.23 33.93 -29.00 [grid]
3 v=-0.040017: 11.14 -11.13 4.38 14.83 30.01 14.92 [grid]
4 v=-0.056460: -6.70 21.57 -1.29 -3.95 26.10 19.51 [rand]
5 v=-0.047045: -22.28 -13.37 -0.41 -8.12 38.30 -30.94 [rand]
6 v=-0.044907: -13.47 6.19 -13.61 -23.97 30.09 24.93 [rand]
7 v=-0.048707: 4.74 20.51 -13.68 23.36 29.29 -27.78 [rand]
8 v=-0.047900: -7.09 13.44 -1.02 -2.10 22.91 19.01 [rand]
9 v=-0.038326: 24.02 38.62 -35.51 -30.00 29.66 -30.16 [grid]
10 v=-0.035157: 24.25 25.12 -21.86 -29.78 30.26 -30.28 [grid]
11 v=-0.054864: -3.32 10.96 -0.54 2.18 22.48 17.92 [rand]
12 v=-0.045747: 1.55 21.87 -1.92 6.34 30.22 17.25 [rand]
13 v=-0.042513: 32.55 44.43 -12.82 -42.93 -10.10 -25.19 [rand]
14 v=-0.039537: 11.19 -11.60 4.55 19.14 14.37 14.30 [grid]
15 v=-0.043267: 9.74 -3.30 25.47 3.77 -20.98 -12.14 [rand]
16 v=-0.048370: -16.62 -0.51 16.99 -13.69 -14.55 13.82 [grid]
17 v=-0.046601: 13.53 -9.16 21.48 14.90 -30.04 -14.74 [rand]
18 v=-0.040405: -19.15 -9.86 18.80 -14.58 -15.14 15.48 [grid]
19 v=-0.047657: 23.90 52.17 -34.22 -33.07 12.76 -32.94 [grid]
20 v=-0.047672: -19.26 9.75 10.90 -20.39 14.67 14.52 [rand]
21 v=-0.037578: -26.96 -12.88 3.49 -27.55 43.49 -32.41 [rand]
22 v=-0.038698: 10.81 34.00 5.97 15.96 30.94 16.48 [grid]
23 v=-0.044498: 2.99 19.00 -1.86 6.19 24.38 -17.19 [rand]
24 v=-0.040177: 13.97 0.63 -20.54 -14.24 30.96 29.44 [grid]
25 v=-0.049061: -15.54 -11.96 24.00 -14.19 -31.04 14.42 [grid]
26 v=-0.033165: -14.47 6.13 16.08 -21.35 15.06 -16.04 [rand]
27 v=-0.035432: 20.61 -10.53 -1.41 8.60 38.22 33.46 [rand]
28 v=-0.037227: -14.33 20.95 -4.81 24.56 29.57 30.50 [rand]
29 v=-0.036375: 31.62 45.51 -24.30 -13.13 25.22 -41.69 [rand]
*30 v=-0.057570: -11.77 19.08 -9.33 -21.84 33.82 32.48 [rand]
31 v=-0.036822: 13.74 7.48 14.86 20.87 16.11 21.05 [rand]
32 v=-0.036050: 15.10 0.15 5.43 24.77 37.98 5.09 [rand]
33 v=-0.045941: -6.48 9.78 0.17 2.14 22.10 -20.74 [rand]
34 v=-0.040540: 11.38 -10.83 19.20 14.94 -30.00 -10.27 [grid]
35 v=-0.041124: 11.76 -10.07 17.72 18.62 -14.34 13.85 [grid]
36 v=-0.034122: 32.64 -10.38 6.76 -12.06 28.80 -39.05 [rand]
37 v=-0.029933: -39.22 48.79 -28.71 40.20 22.89 9.74 [rand]
38 v=-0.048851: -2.51 10.87 -0.92 -1.07 23.89 20.66 [rand]
39 v=-0.041334: 10.85 36.61 4.03 17.30 30.37 12.84 [grid]
40 v=-0.051590: 24.36 45.92 5.73 -32.28 14.13 -35.85 [grid]
41 v=-0.036594: -16.60 3.07 10.35 -29.92 13.30 29.67 [grid]
42 v=-0.057548: -2.46 10.92 -1.54 3.40 23.63 18.15 [rand]
43 v=-0.042594: -15.42 -10.04 8.84 -19.60 -14.99 31.05 [grid]
44 v=-0.042530: -22.22 30.13 -5.38 -29.92 23.76 19.94 [rand]
+ - save #30 for twobest
+ - save #42 for twobest
+ - save # 4 for twobest
+ - skip #11 for twobest: too close to set #42
+ - save # 0 for twobest
+ - save # 1 for twobest
+ - save #40 for twobest
+ - save # 2 for twobest
+ - save #25 for twobest
+ - skip #38 for twobest: too close to set #42
+ - save # 7 for twobest
+ - save #16 for twobest
+ - skip # 8 for twobest: too close to set #11
+ - save #20 for twobest
+ - save #19 for twobest
+ - save # 5 for twobest
+ - save #17 for twobest
+ - save #33 for twobest
+ - save #12 for twobest
+ - save # 6 for twobest
+ - save #23 for twobest
+ - save #15 for twobest
+ - save #43 for twobest
+ - save #44 for twobest
+ - save #13 for twobest
+ - Coarse startup search net CPU time = 74.5 s
++ Start refinement #1 on 12 coarse parameter sets
+ * Enter alignment setup routine
+ - Smoothing base; radius=2.33
+ - Smoothing source; radius=2.33
+ !source mask fill: ubot=0 usiz=267.5
+ - retaining old weight image
+ - using 148147 points from base image [use_all=0]
+ * Exit alignment setup routine
+ 134205 total points stored in 1459 'RHDD(7.74001)' bloks
+ - param set #1 has cost=-0.043121
+ -- Parameters = -9.9694 19.6426 -12.0330 -21.8889 32.6208 31.6563 0.9988 0.9978 0.9972 -0.0006 -0.0013 -0.0008
+ - param set #2 has cost=-0.041630
+ -- Parameters = -2.5993 10.7355 -1.2286 3.5636 24.5090 18.1499 0.9985 0.9997 1.0160 0.0002 -0.0013 0.0004
+ - param set #3 has cost=-0.051865
+ -- Parameters = -4.9751 18.2290 -1.2610 -2.9689 28.3231 20.8112 0.9918 0.9936 0.9892 -0.0017 -0.0004 -0.0012
+ - param set #4 has cost=-0.048052
+ -- Parameters = -14.8404 20.6154 -4.7928 -17.6563 28.9977 24.0110 1.0179 1.0160 0.9798 0.0086 0.0028 0.0085
+ - param set #5 has cost=-0.040196
+ -- Parameters = -10.0658 12.6635 -4.5300 -25.3428 31.3415 25.2382 0.9942 0.9881 0.9921 0.0004 -0.0001 -0.0010
+ - param set #6 has cost=-0.033409
+ -- Parameters = 25.1326 45.8854 5.5569 -36.8977 14.0327 -36.2070 1.0020 0.9979 0.9976 0.0003 -0.0002 -0.0017
+ - param set #7 has cost=-0.030861
+ -- Parameters = -17.5032 2.4168 5.4143 -30.5263 33.5889 -28.2097 1.0183 0.9966 0.9991 0.0013 -0.0018 -0.0031
+ - param set #8 has cost=-0.045340
+ -- Parameters = -15.7492 -7.7707 23.4522 -13.5180 -30.9793 13.9098 1.0027 1.0045 1.0075 0.0011 -0.0006 -0.0004
+ - param set #9 has cost=-0.042422
+ -- Parameters = 2.2223 18.7067 -14.2616 22.0933 31.0277 -27.4179 1.0180 0.9973 1.0001 -0.0101 0.0025 -0.0045
+ - param set #10 has cost=-0.046714
+ -- Parameters = -17.1995 -0.0310 16.9801 -13.6789 -12.6963 13.0761 1.0091 1.0014 0.9985 0.0004 0.0098 0.0004
+ - param set #11 has cost=-0.034054
+ -- Parameters = -16.1730 10.0147 11.3248 -20.6098 14.6952 14.3819 0.9994 1.0003 0.9994 0.0007 -0.0009 -0.0012
+ - param set #12 has cost=-0.007297
+ -- Parameters = -6.7736 14.6889 -7.1094 4.8006 -5.0657 -5.9875 1.0062 0.9947 0.9994 -0.0072 -0.0103 0.0053
+ - sorting parameter sets by cost
+ -- scanning for distances from #1
+ --- dist(#2,#1) = 0.163
+ --- dist(#3,#1) = 0.456
+ --- dist(#4,#1) = 0.659
+ --- dist(#5,#1) = 0.21
+ --- dist(#6,#1) = 0.536
+ --- dist(#7,#1) = 0.0937
+ --- dist(#8,#1) = 0.249
+ --- dist(#9,#1) = 0.196
+ --- dist(#10,#1) = 0.634
+ --- dist(#11,#1) = 0.545
+ --- dist(#12,#1) = 0.371
++ Start refinement #2 on 12 coarse parameter sets
+ * Enter alignment setup routine
+ - Smoothing base; radius=1.81
+ - Smoothing source; radius=1.81
+ !source mask fill: ubot=0 usiz=267.5
+ - retaining old weight image
+ - using 214271 points from base image [use_all=2]
+ * Exit alignment setup routine
+ 197716 total points stored in 1578 'RHDD(7.59978)' bloks
+ - param set #1 has cost=-0.033294
+ -- Parameters = -3.8184 19.0032 -1.8176 -4.0699 27.9744 22.7102 0.9755 1.0045 0.9983 -0.0089 -0.0080 -0.0289
+ - param set #2 has cost=-0.034206
+ -- Parameters = -12.5026 18.3983 -4.3858 -18.4392 29.8676 23.9771 1.0178 1.0084 0.9788 0.0041 0.0006 0.0121
+ - param set #3 has cost=-0.037990
+ -- Parameters = -17.7464 -0.0225 17.7982 -13.9703 -12.2185 12.6734 1.0153 1.0076 0.9603 0.0096 0.0144 -0.0020
+ - param set #4 has cost=-0.033718
+ -- Parameters = -14.1873 -9.3466 23.4292 -12.5474 -31.2266 14.3433 0.9992 1.0115 1.0083 0.0042 -0.0020 0.0034
+ - param set #5 has cost=-0.037089
+ -- Parameters = -10.0067 19.4104 -10.9290 -21.1368 32.5227 31.0925 1.0011 0.9995 0.9946 -0.0044 -0.0030 0.0055
+ - param set #6 has cost=-0.033284
+ -- Parameters = 1.5649 18.8423 -15.0626 21.8053 30.2110 -28.0623 1.0216 0.9820 0.9908 -0.0120 -0.0082 0.0096
+ - param set #7 has cost=-0.034455
+ -- Parameters = -2.7269 10.7341 -1.0181 3.7795 24.2385 17.8604 0.9929 0.9984 1.0187 0.0025 -0.0032 0.0065
+ - param set #8 has cost=-0.030560
+ -- Parameters = -10.7979 12.1044 -4.5482 -26.5220 33.9561 25.3831 0.9922 0.9856 0.9922 0.0005 -0.0012 -0.0016
+ - param set #9 has cost=-0.035608
+ -- Parameters = -15.2296 11.9613 11.7811 -20.2914 15.0675 11.8668 0.9128 1.0058 0.8637 -0.0316 0.0120 -0.0443
+ - param set #10 has cost=-0.026236
+ -- Parameters = 27.5441 45.8854 5.5569 -36.8977 14.0327 -36.2070 1.0020 0.9979 0.9976 0.0003 -0.0002 -0.0017
+ - param set #11 has cost=-0.026951
+ -- Parameters = -20.4037 1.3127 5.2475 -30.0338 34.2486 -28.8468 1.0106 0.9986 1.0045 -0.0015 -0.0041 -0.0128
+ - param set #12 has cost=-0.016754
+ -- Parameters = -5.7663 16.2245 -7.0513 10.5477 -6.2983 -6.6435 0.9566 0.9625 0.9881 -0.0186 -0.0300 0.0019
+ - sorting parameter sets by cost
+ -- scanning for distances from #1
+ --- dist(#2,#1) = 0.497
+ --- dist(#3,#1) = 0.303
+ --- dist(#4,#1) = 0.405
+ --- dist(#5,#1) = 0.468
+ --- dist(#6,#1) = 0.211
+ --- dist(#7,#1) = 0.447
+ --- dist(#8,#1) = 0.471
+ --- dist(#9,#1) = 0.513
+ --- dist(#10,#1) = 0.516
+ --- dist(#11,#1) = 0.574
+ --- dist(#12,#1) = 0.311
++ Start refinement #3 on 12 coarse parameter sets
+ * Enter alignment setup routine
+ - Smoothing base; radius=1.41
+ - Smoothing source; radius=1.41
+ !source mask fill: ubot=0 usiz=267.5
+ - retaining old weight image
+ - using 214271 points from base image [use_all=2]
+ * Exit alignment setup routine
+ 200029 total points stored in 1661 'RHDD(7.51369)' bloks
+ - param set #1 has cost=-0.031640
+ -- Parameters = -17.4781 -1.1867 19.3804 -13.4607 -13.4822 11.6862 1.0165 1.0013 0.9584 0.0058 0.0219 -0.0017
+ - param set #2 has cost=-0.032614
+ -- Parameters = -9.6189 20.1433 -10.7745 -21.0669 32.1527 31.1101 1.0002 0.9993 1.0005 -0.0045 -0.0025 0.0065
+ - param set #3 has cost=-0.030774
+ -- Parameters = -14.9719 12.4497 11.9636 -20.6430 15.0753 12.3127 0.9272 1.0046 0.8628 -0.0323 0.0123 -0.0439
+ - param set #4 has cost=-0.027454
+ -- Parameters = -2.9902 11.1126 -1.3846 3.4951 23.9161 17.5728 0.9903 0.9960 1.0234 0.0058 -0.0026 0.0026
+ - param set #5 has cost=-0.030288
+ -- Parameters = -10.9560 17.9728 -3.7029 -18.2166 30.4516 24.3528 1.0144 1.0088 0.9684 0.0033 -0.0024 0.0096
+ - param set #6 has cost=-0.030396
+ -- Parameters = -14.2582 -9.5287 22.8284 -13.3167 -31.1844 13.2422 0.9987 1.0081 1.0047 0.0080 -0.0030 0.0049
+ - param set #7 has cost=-0.025539
+ -- Parameters = -3.5477 18.5784 -2.0867 -4.4372 28.1996 24.9459 0.9742 1.0035 0.9941 -0.0076 -0.0092 -0.0290
+ - param set #8 has cost=-0.030909
+ -- Parameters = 1.5149 19.2815 -15.3015 21.4615 30.6321 -27.9194 1.0607 0.9836 1.0197 -0.0168 0.0125 0.0376
+ - param set #9 has cost=-0.023220
+ -- Parameters = -11.2217 12.3240 -4.3522 -26.9986 33.7929 25.7639 0.9812 0.9869 0.9905 -0.0004 -0.0000 -0.0017
+ - param set #10 has cost=-0.027451
+ -- Parameters = -19.5986 0.5165 7.0534 -29.7898 35.0601 -30.5226 1.0057 1.0004 1.0004 -0.0010 -0.0047 -0.0143
+ - param set #11 has cost=-0.022302
+ -- Parameters = 27.5039 46.2583 5.5854 -36.6678 14.0445 -35.9381 1.0093 0.9978 0.9969 0.0007 -0.0005 -0.0014
+ - param set #12 has cost=-0.014453
+ -- Parameters = -3.5636 16.6200 -6.7698 11.2696 -7.3720 -7.1708 0.9519 0.9504 0.9833 -0.0168 -0.0511 -0.0239
+ - sorting parameter sets by cost
+ -- scanning for distances from #1
+ --- dist(#2,#1) = 0.507
+ --- dist(#3,#1) = 0.656
+ --- dist(#4,#1) = 0.375
+ --- dist(#5,#1) = 0.704
+ --- dist(#6,#1) = 0.0884
+ --- dist(#7,#1) = 0.273
+ --- dist(#8,#1) = 0.685
+ --- dist(#9,#1) = 0.185
+ --- dist(#10,#1) = 0.0977
+ --- dist(#11,#1) = 0.745
+ --- dist(#12,#1) = 0.439
+ - Total coarse refinement net CPU time = 42.5 s; 3151 funcs
++ *** Fine pass begins ***
+ * Enter alignment setup routine
+ - Smoothing base; radius=1.00
+ - Smoothing source; radius=1.00
+ !source mask fill: ubot=0 usiz=267.5
+ - retaining old weight image
+ * Exit alignment setup routine
++ Picking best parameter set out of 13 cases
+ 204116 total points stored in 1791 'RHDD(7.44744)' bloks
+ - cost(#1)=-0.024551 *
+ -- Parameters = -9.6189 20.1433 -10.7745 -21.0669 32.1527 31.1101 1.0002 0.9993 1.0005 -0.0045 -0.0025 0.0065
+ - cost(#2)=-0.026364 *
+ -- Parameters = -17.4781 -1.1867 19.3804 -13.4607 -13.4822 11.6862 1.0165 1.0013 0.9584 0.0058 0.0219 -0.0017
+ - cost(#3)=-0.023197
+ -- Parameters = 1.5149 19.2815 -15.3015 21.4615 30.6321 -27.9194 1.0607 0.9836 1.0197 -0.0168 0.0125 0.0376
+ - cost(#4)=-0.025450
+ -- Parameters = -14.9719 12.4497 11.9636 -20.6430 15.0753 12.3127 0.9272 1.0046 0.8628 -0.0323 0.0123 -0.0439
+ - cost(#5)=-0.024396
+ -- Parameters = -14.2582 -9.5287 22.8284 -13.3167 -31.1844 13.2422 0.9987 1.0081 1.0047 0.0080 -0.0030 0.0049
+ - cost(#6)=-0.023482
+ -- Parameters = -10.9560 17.9728 -3.7029 -18.2166 30.4516 24.3528 1.0144 1.0088 0.9684 0.0033 -0.0024 0.0096
+ - cost(#7)=-0.024989
+ -- Parameters = -2.9902 11.1126 -1.3846 3.4951 23.9161 17.5728 0.9903 0.9960 1.0234 0.0058 -0.0026 0.0026
+ - cost(#8)=-0.022376
+ -- Parameters = -19.5986 0.5165 7.0534 -29.7898 35.0601 -30.5226 1.0057 1.0004 1.0004 -0.0010 -0.0047 -0.0143
+ - cost(#9)=-0.018711
+ -- Parameters = -3.5477 18.5784 -2.0867 -4.4372 28.1996 24.9459 0.9742 1.0035 0.9941 -0.0076 -0.0092 -0.0290
+ - cost(#10)=-0.016973
+ -- Parameters = -11.2217 12.3240 -4.3522 -26.9986 33.7929 25.7639 0.9812 0.9869 0.9905 -0.0004 -0.0000 -0.0017
+ - cost(#11)=-0.015961
+ -- Parameters = 27.5039 46.2583 5.5854 -36.6678 14.0445 -35.9381 1.0093 0.9978 0.9969 0.0007 -0.0005 -0.0014
+ - cost(#12)=-0.009028
+ -- Parameters = -3.5636 16.6200 -6.7698 11.2696 -7.3720 -7.1708 0.9519 0.9504 0.9833 -0.0168 -0.0511 -0.0239
+ - cost(#13)=0.023259
+ -- Parameters = -2.4176 15.7199 -8.5441 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
+ -num_rtb 99 ==> refine all 13 cases
+ - cost(#1)=-0.024896 *
+ -- Parameters = -9.7829 20.0871 -10.7721 -21.2364 32.0925 31.1476 1.0014 0.9984 0.9995 -0.0045 0.0029 0.0070
+ - cost(#2)=-0.030977 *
+ -- Parameters = -17.7076 -1.4052 19.4125 -13.6137 -14.6140 11.6963 1.0083 1.0206 0.9361 0.0135 0.0675 0.0076
+ - cost(#3)=-0.026791
+ -- Parameters = 2.1642 19.3772 -15.7187 21.4927 31.1107 -27.5342 1.0991 0.9746 1.0169 -0.0087 0.0085 0.0325
+ - cost(#4)=-0.028027
+ -- Parameters = -15.7257 12.6563 12.6770 -19.9074 15.5180 13.2991 0.9345 1.0069 0.8630 -0.0325 0.0112 -0.0448
+ - cost(#5)=-0.028490
+ -- Parameters = -15.1690 -10.4450 22.7957 -14.1746 -31.0491 13.6641 1.0050 1.0107 1.0079 0.0308 -0.0038 0.0054
+ - cost(#6)=-0.026533
+ -- Parameters = -11.1656 18.4155 -2.7680 -20.0012 30.6984 25.1680 1.0111 1.0062 0.9707 0.0022 -0.0011 0.0106
+ - cost(#7)=-0.028392
+ -- Parameters = -3.8049 10.6419 -2.6452 3.0703 23.4652 17.5073 0.9908 0.9956 1.0249 0.0054 -0.0029 0.0022
+ - cost(#8)=-0.025849
+ -- Parameters = -19.3958 0.1670 7.2500 -29.5120 35.6962 -30.7729 1.0270 1.0067 0.9973 0.0028 -0.0075 -0.0136
+ - cost(#9)=-0.023990
+ -- Parameters = -1.3474 15.6812 -1.7815 -4.2001 28.6886 24.9509 0.9893 1.0032 0.9915 -0.0059 0.0034 -0.0280
+ - cost(#10)=-0.020305
+ -- Parameters = -11.5921 10.7530 -4.3842 -28.1283 33.3356 27.9673 0.9657 0.9730 0.9894 0.0045 -0.0054 0.0036
+ - cost(#11)=-0.026108
+ -- Parameters = 31.6014 49.9067 2.1083 -34.4208 13.1960 -36.4570 0.9953 0.9988 0.9756 -0.0087 0.0065 -0.0040
+ - cost(#12)=-0.011078
+ -- Parameters = -3.1561 16.7127 -5.6458 11.5729 -7.3110 -7.6079 0.9521 0.9517 0.9781 -0.0165 -0.0519 -0.0252
+ - cost(#13)=-0.007627
+ -- Parameters = -3.9526 19.2341 -6.1913 9.7916 -8.7999 -3.0997 0.9931 1.0095 1.0204 -0.0014 -0.0128 -0.0269
+ - case #2 is now the best
+ - Initial cost = -0.030977
+ - Initial fine Parameters = -17.7076 -1.4052 19.4125 -13.6137 -14.6140 11.6963 1.0083 1.0206 0.9361 0.0135 0.0675 0.0076
+ - Finalish cost = -0.032912 ; 820 funcs
+ - Final cost = -0.032923 ; 412 funcs
+ Final fine fit Parameters:
x-shift=-17.4384 y-shift= -0.5699 z-shift= 19.8901 ... enorm= 26.4583 mm
z-angle=-13.5306 x-angle=-14.3576 y-angle= 9.9125 ... total= 22.7851 deg
x-scale= 0.9993 y-scale= 1.0308 z-scale= 0.9282 ... vol3D= 0.9562 = base bigger than source
y/x-shear= 0.0053 z/x-shear= 0.0923 z/y-shear= 0.0146
+ - Fine net CPU time = 35.7 s
++ Computing output image
++ image warp: parameters = -17.4384 -0.5699 19.8901 -13.5306 -14.3576 9.9125 0.9993 1.0308 0.9282 0.0053 0.0923 0.0146
++ Output dataset ./__tt_P05_2_t1_al+orig.BRIK
++ Wrote -1Dmatrix_save ./P05_2_t1_al_mat.aff12.1D
++ 3dAllineate: total CPU time = 157.2 sec Elapsed = 60.8
++ ###########################################################
++ # Please check results visually for alignment quality #
++ ###########################################################
++ # '-autoweight' is recommended when using -lpc or -lpa #
++ # If your results are not good, please try again. #
++ ###########################################################
#++ Applying alignment for epi to anat
#++ Inverting anat to epi matrix
#Script is running (command trimmed):
cat_matvec -ONELINE ./P05_2_t1_al_mat.aff12.1D -I > ./P05_vwfa_1_al_mat.aff12.1D
#++ Concatenating volreg and epi to anat transformations
#Script is running (command trimmed):
cat_matvec -ONELINE ./P05_2_t1_al_mat.aff12.1D -I ./__tt_P05_vwfa_1_tsh_vr_mat.aff12.1D > ./P05_vwfa_1_al_reg_mat.aff12.1D
#++ Applying transformation of epi to anat
#Script is running (command trimmed):
3dAllineate -base ./P05_2_t1+orig -1Dmatrix_apply ./P05_vwfa_1_al_reg_mat.aff12.1D -prefix ././P05_vwfa_1_al -input ./__tt_P05_vwfa_1_tsh+orig -master BASE -mast_dxyz 1.500000 -weight_frac 1.0 -maxrot 6 -maxshf 10 -VERB -warp aff -source_automask+4 -twobest 11 -twopass -VERB -maxrot 45 -maxshf 40 -fineblur 1 -source_automask+2
++ 3dAllineate: AFNI version=AFNI_19.1.19 (Jun 13 2019) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: Zhark the Registrator
++ Source dataset: ./__tt_P05_vwfa_1_tsh+orig.HEAD
++ Base dataset: ./P05_2_t1+orig.HEAD
++ Loading datasets
++ NOTE: base and source coordinate systems have different handedness
+ Orientations: base=Left handed (ASR); source=Right handed (RAI)
+ - It is nothing to worry about: 3dAllineate aligns based on coordinates.
+ - But it is always important to check the alignment visually to be sure.
+ Range param#4 [z-angle] = -6.000000 .. 6.000000
+ Range param#5 [x-angle] = -6.000000 .. 6.000000
+ Range param#6 [y-angle] = -6.000000 .. 6.000000
+ Range param#1 [x-shift] = -10.000000 .. 10.000000
+ Range param#2 [y-shift] = -10.000000 .. 10.000000
+ Range param#3 [z-shift] = -10.000000 .. 10.000000
+ Range param#4 [z-angle] = -45.000000 .. 45.000000
+ Range param#5 [x-angle] = -45.000000 .. 45.000000
+ Range param#6 [y-angle] = -45.000000 .. 45.000000
+ Range param#1 [x-shift] = -40.000000 .. 40.000000
+ Range param#2 [y-shift] = -40.000000 .. 40.000000
+ Range param#3 [z-shift] = -40.000000 .. 40.000000
++ changing output grid spacing to 1.5000 mm
++ OpenMP thread count = 4
++ ========== Applying transformation to 113 sub-bricks ==========
++ ========== sub-brick #0 ========== [total CPU to here=0.0 s]
+ * Enter alignment setup routine
+ - copying base image
+ - copying source image
+ - no weight image
+ - using 11 points from base image [use_all=0]
+ * Exit alignment setup routine
++ using -1Dmatrix_apply
++ Computing output image
++ image warp: parameters = 0.2164 -0.2419 0.9249 11.3952 0.9107 -0.2125 -0.2966 17.1153 -0.1278 -0.5140 -0.1302 76.0942
++ ========== sub-brick #1 ========== [total CPU to here=0.4 s]
+ * Enter alignment setup routine
+ - copying source image
+ - no weight image
+ * Exit alignment setup routine
++ using -1Dmatrix_apply
++ Computing output image
++ image warp: parameters = 0.2164 -0.2418 0.9249 11.3890 0.9107 -0.2123 -0.2966 17.0952 -0.1277 -0.5141 -0.1302 76.0968
++ ========== sub-brick #112 ========== [total CPU to here=34.9 s]
+ * Enter alignment setup routine
+ - copying source image
+ - no weight image
+ * Exit alignment setup routine
++ using -1Dmatrix_apply
++ Computing output image
++ image warp: parameters = 0.2163 -0.2416 0.9250 11.3641 0.9106 -0.2130 -0.2966 17.3162 -0.1280 -0.5140 -0.1300 76.1327
++ Output dataset ././P05_vwfa_1_al+orig.BRIK
++ 3dAllineate: total CPU time = 36.1 sec Elapsed = 29.1
++ ###########################################################
#++ Creating final output: epi data aligned to anat
# copy is not necessary - both paths are same
#++ Saving history
#Script is running (command trimmed):
3dNotes -h " -anat P05_2_t1+orig -epi P05_vwfa_1+orig \
-epi_base 0 -giant_move -epi2anat" \

#++ Removing all the temporary files
#Script is running:
\rm -f ./__tt_P05_vwfa_1*
#Script is running:
\rm -f ./__tt_P05_2_t1*

# Finished alignment successfully

Do you have any suggestion to fix the problem?
Thank you!

open | download - ph02.P05.r01.tshift.jpg (60 KB)
open | download - ph03.P05.r01.volreg.jpg (78.1 KB)
Subject Author Posted

Alignment problem with Attachments

joy0617 March 28, 2020 04:06PM

Re: Alignment problem with

ptaylor March 28, 2020 05:40PM

Re: Alignment problem with

joy0617 March 29, 2020 11:59AM

Re: Alignment problem with

ptaylor March 29, 2020 01:15PM

Re: Alignment problem with

joy0617 March 30, 2020 10:16AM

Re: Alignment problem with

ptaylor March 30, 2020 10:43AM

Re: Alignment problem with Attachments

joy0617 April 02, 2020 04:12PM

Re: Alignment problem with

ptaylor April 02, 2020 07:02PM

Re: Alignment problem with Attachments

ptaylor April 03, 2020 10:27AM

Re: Alignment problem with Attachments

joy0617 April 03, 2020 11:24AM

Re: Alignment problem with

ptaylor April 03, 2020 12:01PM

Re: Alignment problem with Attachments

ptaylor April 04, 2020 12:09PM

Re: Alignment problem with

joy0617 April 05, 2020 01:25PM

Re: Alignment problem with Attachments

joy0617 March 29, 2020 12:03PM