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June 05, 2020 04:19AM
Dear AFNI experts,

I am using 3dTproject to do nuisance regression. Sometimes we combine different types of regressors (movement parameters, physiological recordings, etc.) and also a band pass filter. The problem appears when I try to band pass at "0.002 - 0.01" and "0.012 - 0.028".
It seems that band passing at those frequency ranges use at least more than 90% of the D.O.F from the data set. Then, if I have more regressors (movement parameters, physiological recordings, etc.) it is not possible to do the regression because the number of regressors exceeds the number of time points.

Error message:

+ Block #0: 250 time points -- 243 stopband regressors
++ 1 Blocks * 5 polynomials -- 5 polort regressors
 + -- 14 other fixed ort regressors
[7m** ERROR:[0m total number of fixed regressors (262) is too many for 250 retained time points!

Do you have any suggestion to deal with this problem?

Thanks in advance,
Subject Author Posted

3dTproject with bandpass filtering question

Karelo June 05, 2020 04:19AM

Re: 3dTproject with bandpass filtering question

Karelo June 08, 2020 01:40PM