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July 21, 2020 10:48PM

I have some questions about data processing and hope to get some professional answers from you. In our experiment, there are six runs in total. Each run comprises 12 experimental blocks, followed by 16s fixation. In each run besides the baseline fixation, stimuli consist of learnt materials and unlearnt materials which are presented randomly. The total number of learnt and unlearnt materials of all 6 runs are equal, but in each run they are not.
Here are the time files of 6 runs from one of the subjects:
Learnt materials:
50 144 176 240 272 368
16 48 176 208 240 272 304 336 368
16 112 144 176 208 240 272 368
48 80 112 208 368
16 176 304 368
208 240 304 336 368

Unlearnt materials:
32 80 112 208 304 336
80 112 144
48 80 304 336
16 144 176 240 272 304 336
48 80 112 144 208 240 272 336
16 48 80 112 144 176 272

I use the GLT to calculate the effect of the two condition. And I’m wondering if the mismatch number in each run would affect the data processing and the result. It would be very nice of you if you could share your opinion with me.

Thank you!
Subject Author Posted

Does the mismatch number of blocks under different conditions in each run affect the results?

harperzzz July 21, 2020 10:48PM