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September 23, 2020 04:14PM
Hi Ben, thanks for raising the issue. Your command should indeed work. The issue is that you are running it with an older image. The one you probably want to use is afni/afni_make_build. Apologies for the confusion. I will try to delete afni/afni_dev and afni/afni to avoid this for future users.

One thing worth describing a little is the permissions management in the container. I'll document this soon elsewhere. It roughly follows the approach that Jupyter takes with their docker images: usage of the root user in the container is avoided except where necessary, if you wish to use your user/group ids on your local system you should set specific variables in the container and alter directory permissions as appropriate. Consider using something like the following command (in Bash):

docker run --rm -ti \
--user root \
-e CONTAINER_UID=$(id -u) -e CONTAINER_GID=$(id -g) \
-e CHOWN_EXTRA='/opt/user_pip_packages' \
-e CHOWN_HOME=yes \
-e GRANT_SUDO=yes \
-v $PWD:/mnt \

The CONTAINER_UID/GID variables alter the ids in the container, and the CHOWN variables modify some of the directory permissions in the container (in case you want to install some python packages). `--user root` is required to run the appropriate commands for this but afterwards the only way for you to execute commands with elevated privileges is by using `sudo`.

The end result is that you can mount your data directory into the container (here the current working directory into /mnt) and read/write without any issues.

Also note that the R stuff is not installed. I don't know of a convenient/reliable way to install all of those dependencies.

Let me know if you have any other problems or feature requests.
Subject Author Posted

AFNI Docker container not working

veliebm September 17, 2020 10:14AM

Re: AFNI Docker container not working

leej3 September 23, 2020 04:14PM

Re: AFNI Docker container not working

veliebm November 05, 2020 06:26PM