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October 05, 2021 08:48PM

I ran 3dMVM (code below), and although I got an output I received the following warning message and I am not sure what it means and whether I need to do something. Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you very much,

3dMVM output:

++ Smallest FDR q [0 (Intercept) F] = 6.39594e-13
*+ WARNING: Smallest FDR q [1 group F] = 0.702769 ==> few true single voxel detections
*+ WARNING: Smallest FDR q [2 instruct F] = 0.951091 ==> few true single voxel detections
*+ WARNING: Smallest FDR q [3 group:instruct F] = 0.907502 ==> few true single voxel detections
++ Smallest FDR q [4 valence F] = 5.07365e-07
*+ WARNING: Smallest FDR q [5 group:valence F] = 0.859463 ==> few true single voxel detections
*+ WARNING: Smallest FDR q [6 instruct:valence F] = 0.936071 ==> few true single voxel detections
*+ WARNING: Smallest FDR q [7 group:instruct:valence F] = 0.836563 ==> few true single voxel detections
*+ WARNING: Smallest FDR q [9 3way_inter t] = 0.888437 ==> few true single voxel detections
*+ WARNING: Smallest FDR q [11 3way_inter t] = 0.843422 ==> few true single voxel detections
*+ WARNING: Smallest FDR q [13 3way_inter t] = 0.737256 ==> few true single voxel detections
*+ WARNING: Smallest FDR q [15 group_instruct t] = 0.873187 ==> few true single voxel detections
*+ WARNING: Smallest FDR q [17 group_instruct t] = 0.841724 ==> few true single voxel detections
*+ WARNING: Smallest FDR q [19 group_instruct t] = 0.955704 ==> few true single voxel detections
*+ WARNING: Smallest FDR q [21 group_valence t] = 0.859528 ==> few true single voxel detections

Congratulations! You have got an output group+tlrc.

Warning message:
In summary.Anova.mlm(object$Anova, multivariate = FALSE) :
HF eps > 1 treated as 1

3dMVM Script:
3dMVM -prefix group -jobs 4 \
-bsVars group \
-wsVars "instruct*valence" \
-SS_type 3 \
-num_glt 7 \
-gltLabel 1 3way_inter -gltCode 1 'group : 1*pat -1*ctrl instruct : 1*feel -1*Dfeel valence : 1*pst -1*neg' \
-gltLabel 2 3way_inter -gltCode 2 'group : 1*pat -1*ctrl instruct : 1*feel -1*nat valence : 1*pst -1*neg' \
-gltLabel 3 3way_inter -gltCode 3 'group : 1*pat -1*ctrl instruct : 1*Dfeel -1*nat valence : 1*pst -1*neg' \
-gltLabel 4 group_instruct -gltCode 4 'group : 1*pat -1*ctrl instruct: 1*feel -1*Dfeel' \
-gltLabel 5 group_instruct -gltCode 5 'group : 1*pat -1*ctrl instruct: 1*feel -1*nat' \
-gltLabel 6 group_instruct -gltCode 6 'group : 1*pat -1*ctrl instruct: 1*Dfeel -1*nat' \
-gltLabel 7 group_valence -gltCode 7 'group : 1*pat -1*ctrl valence: 1*pst -1*neg' \
-dataTable \
Subj group instruct valence InputFile \
1422 pat feel pst 1422/1422.results/Feel_Happy_Resp+tlrc \
1422 pat feel neg 1422/1422.results/Feel_Bad_Resp+tlrc \
Subject Author Posted

Warning Message 3dMVM

tamtam October 05, 2021 08:48PM

Re: Warning Message 3dMVM

gang October 06, 2021 12:55PM