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November 01, 2021 09:30AM
Dear AFNI experts,

I faced the below error message while running resting-state proc py (example 11).

*+ WARNING: If you are performing spatial transformations on an oblique dset,
such as ./vr_base_min_outlier+orig.BRIK,
or viewing/combining it with volumes of differing obliquity,
you should consider running:
3dWarp -deoblique
on this and other oblique datasets in the same session.
See 3dWarp -help for details.
++ Oblique dataset:./vr_base_min_outlier+orig.BRIK is 15.855433 degrees from plumb.
++ opened source dataset 'vr_base_min_outlier+orig'
++ Processing -nwarp
++ Warping:.Z
++ Output dataset ./final_epi_vr_base_min_outlier+tlrc.BRIK
++ total CPU time = 27.1 sec Elapsed = 14.7
3dcopy 6002236_anat_ns+tlrc anat_final.6002236
++ WARNING: file /Users/lab/.afni.log is now 287270347 (287 million) bytes long!
++ 3dcopy: AFNI version=AFNI_21.2.06 (Sep 1 2021) [64-bit]
3dAllineate -base final_epi_vr_base_min_outlier+tlrc -allcostX -input anat_final.6002236+tlrc
tee out.allcostX.txt
++ WARNING: file /Users/lab/.afni.log is now 287270421 (287 million) bytes long!
++ 3dAllineate: AFNI version=AFNI_21.2.06 (Sep 1 2021) [64-bit]
++ Authored by: Zhark the Registrator
++ Source dataset: ./anat_final.6002236+tlrc.HEAD
++ Base dataset: ./final_epi_vr_base_min_outlier+tlrc.HEAD
++ Loading datasets into memory
++ Local correlation: blok type = 'TOHD(10.354)'
*+ WARNING: center of mass shifts (-cmass) are turned off, but would be large
*+ WARNING: - at least one is more than 20% of search range
+ -cmass x y z shifts = 4.298 -7.429 -17.998
+ shift search range is +/- = 78.966 90.522 73.188
+ 5.4% 8.2% 24.6%
*+ WARNING: No output dataset will be calculated
++ OpenMP thread count = 12
+ initial Parameters = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
++ allcost output: init #0
ls = 0.471159
sp = 0.418892
mi = 4.41839
crM = 0.280962
nmi = 0.929895
je = 4.41839
hel = -0.0625828
crA = 0.531186
crU = 0.496604
lss = 0.528841
lpc = 0.0154796
lpa = 0.98452
lpc+ = 0.332198
lpa+ = 1.30124
++ 3dAllineate: total CPU time = 5.8 sec Elapsed = 11.0
++ ###########################################################
++ ***********************************************************
*+ WARNING: -cmass was turned off, but might have been needed :(
+ Please check your results - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
++ ***********************************************************
3dmask_tool -input copy_af_FSvent+orig -dilate_input -1 -prefix copy_af_FSvent_erode
++ WARNING: file /Users/lab/.afni.log is now 287270542 (287 million) bytes long!
++ no -frac option: defaulting to -union
++ processing 1 input dataset(s), NN=2...
++ padding all datasets by 0 (for dilations)
** FATAL ERROR: failed to open mask dataset 'copy_af_FSvent+orig'
** Program compile date = Sep 1 2021

I checked the copy_af_FSvent+orig and it looked fine (please see attached) and only this subject's data showed an error message. Could you please let me know what could be an issue here?

open | download - FS_vent.png (42.7 KB)
Subject Author Posted

resting state proc.py fatal error Attachments

JW November 01, 2021 09:30AM

Re: resting state proc.py fatal error

ptaylor November 02, 2021 09:06AM

Re: resting state proc.py fatal error

rick reynolds November 05, 2021 09:23AM