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July 20, 2022 09:39PM

I would just like to reformat the command a bit to help for readability (and ease for adding/editing options). This might help viewing a bit:                                                                 \
    -subj_id                  $subj                                          \
    -script                   proc.$subj                                     \
    -scr_overwrite                                                           \
    -blocks                   despike tshift align tlrc volreg blur mask     \
                              scale regress                                  \
    -copy_anat                $anat_dir/anatSS.${subj}.nii                   \
    -anat_has_skull           no                                             \
    -tcat_remove_first_trs    0                                              \
    -tshift_opts_ts           -tpattern seqplus                              \
    -dsets                    $epi_dir/${subj}.MID.epi+orig.                 \
    -volreg_align_to          MIN_OUTLIER                                    \
    -tlrc_base                $top_dir/nlWarp/MNI152_2009_template_SSW.nii.gz \
    -volreg_align_e2a                                                        \
    -volreg_tlrc_warp                                                        \
    -tlrc_NL_warp                                                            \
    -tlrc_NL_warped_dsets     $anat_dir/anatQQ.${subj}.nii                   \
                              $anat_dir/anatQQ.${subj}.aff12.1D              \
                              $anat_dir/anatQQ.${subj}_WARP.nii              \
    -blur_size                5.0                                            \
    -mask_epi_anat            yes                                            \
    -regress_stim_times       $stim_dir/loss_0_ant.txt                       \
                              $stim_dir/loss_1_ant.txt                       \
                              $stim_dir/loss_5_ant.txt                       \
                              $stim_dir/loss_ant.txt $stim_dir/win_0_ant.txt \
                              $stim_dir/win_1_ant.txt                        \
                              $stim_dir/win_5_ant.txt $stim_dir/win_ant.txt  \
                              $stim_dir/fix.txt $stim_dir/win_fb_hit.txt     \
                              $stim_dir/win_fb_nhit.txt                      \
                              $stim_dir/loss_fb_hit.txt                      \
                              $stim_dir/loss_fb_nhit.txt                     \
    -regress_stim_labels      L0ANT L1ANT L5ANT LANT W0ANT W1ANT W5ANT WANT  \
                              FIX WFB_HIT WFB_NHIT LFB_HIT LFB_NHIT          \
    -regress_basis_multi      'GAM' 'GAM' 'GAM' 'GAM' 'GAM' 'GAM' 'GAM'      \
                              'GAM' 'GAM' 'GAM' 'GAM' 'GAM' 'GAM'            \
    -regress_stim_types       times times times times times times times      \
                              times times times times times times            \
    -regress_censor_motion    0.3                                            \
    -regress_apply_mot_types  demean deriv                                   \
    -regress_motion_per_run                                                  \
    -regress_opts_3dD         -num_glt 10                                    \
                              -gltsym 'SYM: 1.0*WANT -1.0*W0ANT'             \
                              -glt_label 1 ANT_WIN_VS_NOWIN                  \
                              -gltsym 'SYM: 1.0*LANT -1.0*L0ANT'             \
                              -glt_label 2 ANT_LOSS_VS_NOLOSS-gltsym         \
                              'SYM: 1.0*WANT -1.0*LANT'                      \
                              -glt_label 3 ANT_WIN_VS_LOSS                   \
                              -gltsym                                        \
                              'SYM: 0.5*WANT 0.5*LANT -0.5*W0ANT -0.5*L0ANT' \
                              -glt_label 4 ANT_W15L15_VS_W0L0                \
                              -gltsym 'SYM: WFB_HIT -WFB_NHIT'               \
                              -glt_label 5 WINHIT_VS_MISS                    \
                              -gltsym 'SYM: LFB_HIT -LFB_NHIT'               \
                              -glt_label 6 LOSSHIT_VS_MISS                   \
                              -gltsym 'SYM: 1.0*W1ANT -1.0*W0ANT'            \
                              -glt_label 7 ANT_WIN1_VS_NOWIN                 \
                              -gltsym 'SYM: 1.0*W5ANT -1.0*W0ANT'            \
                              -glt_label 8 ANT_WIN5_VS_NOWIN                 \
                              -gltsym 'SYM: 1.0*L1ANT -1.0*L0ANT'            \
                              -glt_label 9 ANT_LOSS1_VS_NOLOSS               \
                              -gltsym 'SYM: 1.0*L5ANT -1.0*L0ANT'            \
                              -glt_label 10 ANT_LOSS5_VS_NOLOSS              \
    -regress_anaticor_fast                                                   \
    -regress_reml_exec                                                       \
    -regress_make_ideal_sum   sum_ideal.1D                                   \
    -regress_est_blur_epits                                                  \
    -regress_est_blur_errts                                                  \
    -regress_run_clustsim     no

With that being done, I might suggest:
+ reordering slightly so all sub-options are grouped a bit (for ease of reading)
+ adding some "-align_* ..." options, to help EPI-anatomical alignment and QC
-align_opts_aea           -cost lpc+ZZ                                   \
                              -giant_move                                    \
                              -check_flip                                    \
+ add in some more options for QC viewing, including TSNR estimation after volreg and the radcor block:
-volreg_compute_tsnr      yes                                            \
   -radial_correlate_blocks  tcat volreg                                    \
+ add in Python QC HTML creation (which is now the default, but I am not sure what version of AFNI you have):
-html_review_style pythonic
... after which, this is the command:                                                                 \
    -subj_id                  $subj                                          \
    -script                   proc.$subj                                     \
    -scr_overwrite                                                           \
    -blocks                   despike tshift align tlrc volreg blur mask     \
                              scale regress                                  \
    -copy_anat                $anat_dir/anatSS.${subj}.nii                   \
    -anat_has_skull           no                                             \
    -dsets                    $epi_dir/${subj}.MID.epi+orig.                 \
    -tcat_remove_first_trs    0                                              \
    -tshift_opts_ts           -tpattern seqplus                              \
    -radial_correlate_blocks  tcat volreg                                    \
    -align_opts_aea           -cost lpc+ZZ                                   \
                              -giant_move                                    \
                              -check_flip                                    \
    -volreg_align_to          MIN_OUTLIER                                    \
    -volreg_align_e2a                                                        \
    -volreg_tlrc_warp                                                        \
    -volreg_compute_tsnr      yes                                            \
    -tlrc_NL_warp                                                            \
    -tlrc_base                $top_dir/nlWarp/MNI152_2009_template_SSW.nii.gz \
    -tlrc_NL_warped_dsets     $anat_dir/anatQQ.${subj}.nii                   \
                              $anat_dir/anatQQ.${subj}.aff12.1D              \
                              $anat_dir/anatQQ.${subj}_WARP.nii              \
    -blur_size                5.0                                            \
    -mask_epi_anat            yes                                            \
    -regress_stim_times       $stim_dir/loss_0_ant.txt                       \
                              $stim_dir/loss_1_ant.txt                       \
                              $stim_dir/loss_5_ant.txt                       \
                              $stim_dir/loss_ant.txt $stim_dir/win_0_ant.txt \
                              $stim_dir/win_1_ant.txt                        \
                              $stim_dir/win_5_ant.txt $stim_dir/win_ant.txt  \
                              $stim_dir/fix.txt $stim_dir/win_fb_hit.txt     \
                              $stim_dir/win_fb_nhit.txt                      \
                              $stim_dir/loss_fb_hit.txt                      \
                              $stim_dir/loss_fb_nhit.txt                     \
    -regress_stim_labels      L0ANT L1ANT L5ANT LANT W0ANT W1ANT W5ANT WANT  \
                              FIX WFB_HIT WFB_NHIT LFB_HIT LFB_NHIT          \
    -regress_basis_multi      'GAM' 'GAM' 'GAM' 'GAM' 'GAM' 'GAM' 'GAM'      \
                              'GAM' 'GAM' 'GAM' 'GAM' 'GAM' 'GAM'            \
    -regress_stim_types       times times times times times times times      \
                              times times times times times times            \
    -regress_censor_motion    0.3                                            \
    -regress_apply_mot_types  demean deriv                                   \
    -regress_motion_per_run                                                  \
    -regress_opts_3dD         -num_glt 10                                    \
                              -gltsym 'SYM: 1.0*WANT -1.0*W0ANT'             \
                              -glt_label 1 ANT_WIN_VS_NOWIN                  \
                              -gltsym 'SYM: 1.0*LANT -1.0*L0ANT'             \
                              -glt_label 2 ANT_LOSS_VS_NOLOSS-gltsym         \
                              'SYM: 1.0*WANT -1.0*LANT'                      \
                              -glt_label 3 ANT_WIN_VS_LOSS                   \
                              -gltsym                                        \
                              'SYM: 0.5*WANT 0.5*LANT -0.5*W0ANT -0.5*L0ANT' \
                              -glt_label 4 ANT_W15L15_VS_W0L0                \
                              -gltsym 'SYM: WFB_HIT -WFB_NHIT'               \
                              -glt_label 5 WINHIT_VS_MISS                    \
                              -gltsym 'SYM: LFB_HIT -LFB_NHIT'               \
                              -glt_label 6 LOSSHIT_VS_MISS                   \
                              -gltsym 'SYM: 1.0*W1ANT -1.0*W0ANT'            \
                              -glt_label 7 ANT_WIN1_VS_NOWIN                 \
                              -gltsym 'SYM: 1.0*W5ANT -1.0*W0ANT'            \
                              -glt_label 8 ANT_WIN5_VS_NOWIN                 \
                              -gltsym 'SYM: 1.0*L1ANT -1.0*L0ANT'            \
                              -glt_label 9 ANT_LOSS1_VS_NOLOSS               \
                              -gltsym 'SYM: 1.0*L5ANT -1.0*L0ANT'            \
                              -glt_label 10 ANT_LOSS5_VS_NOLOSS              \
    -regress_anaticor_fast                                                   \
    -regress_reml_exec                                                       \
    -regress_make_ideal_sum   sum_ideal.1D                                   \
    -regress_est_blur_epits                                                  \
    -regress_est_blur_errts                                                  \
    -regress_run_clustsim     no                                             \
    -html_review_style        pythonic

There may be other suggestions for task modeling and things, too.

Subject Author Posted

afni_proc script help with contrasts

hmolla July 20, 2022 12:40PM

Re: afni_proc script help with contrasts

rick reynolds July 20, 2022 01:02PM

Re: afni_proc script help with contrasts

hmolla July 20, 2022 01:54PM

Re: afni_proc script help with contrasts

ptaylor July 20, 2022 09:39PM

Re: afni_proc script help with contrasts

ptaylor July 20, 2022 09:43PM

Re: afni_proc script help with contrasts

rick reynolds July 21, 2022 09:52PM