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July 26, 2022 04:43PM

I am trying to extract time series and am using the command below:
3dmaskave -q -mask /Volumes/masks/SN_resam.nii.gz \
func_task_pp_ICAaroma_bptf.nii.gz \
> /Volumes/subjects/${subj}/${subj}_SN.1D

However, am getting the error:
Input dataset func_task_pp_ICAaroma_bptf.nii.gz grid mismatch from mask.
*** Input and mask datasets are not same dimensions!

I've tried the following:
3dinfo -header_line -prefix -same_all_grid /Volumes/masks/SN_resam.nii.gz /Volumes/K99_Data/${subj}/restingHCP/func_task_pp_ICAaroma_bptf.nii.gz
3dmaskave -q -mask /Volumes/masks/SN_resam.nii.gz \
func_task_pp_ICAaroma_bptf.nii.gz \
> /Volumes/subjects/${subj}/${subj}_SN.1D

And received the following message:
prefix =dim? =delt? =ornt? =cent? =obl?
SN_resam.nii.gz 0 1 1 0 1
func_task_pp_ICAaroma_bptf.nii.gz 0 1 1 0 1
++ 3dmaskave: AFNI version=AFNI_21.3.17 (Dec 30 2021) [64-bit]
*+ WARNING: Input dataset func_task_pp_ICAaroma_bptf.nii.gz grid mismatch from mask.
Try the following command for grid comparison:
3dinfo -header_line -prefix -same_all_grid /Volumes/masks/SN_resam.nii.gz /Volumes/K99_Data/${subj}/restingHCP/func_task_pp_ICAaroma_bptf.nii.gz
*** Input and mask datasets are not same dimensions!

Can you please advise?? Thank you so much!
Subject Author Posted

grid mismatch error extracting time series

RJ July 26, 2022 04:43PM

Re: grid mismatch error extracting time series

Colm Connolly July 26, 2022 05:11PM