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April 13, 2023 05:43PM
When using 3dUndump, can wildcard characters (e.g., *) be used in the path name?

echo ${TEST}
echo "${Broca_Coor}" | 3dUndump -prefix D_111_Wrk_NativeLoc -srad 1 -orient LPI -master ${TEST}/stats.D_111_REML+orig -xyz -

++ 3dUndump: AFNI version=AFNI_23.0.04 (Feb 13 2023) [64-bit]

** glob error: No such file or directory

** You may need to 'setenv AFNI_SHELL_GLOB YES'


** In particular, if you are trying to access an NFS (network file

** system) mounted drive, you might be running into the situation

** where the NFS 'cookie' length on the remote system does not

** match the cookie length on your local system -- this is the only

** situation in which we have ever seen this error.  In that case,

** you can either set the environment variable as described above,

** or fix the cookie length mismatch by changing the way the NFS

** drive is exported.


** The following information from Graham Wideman of UCSD might also

** be helpful if you are reading this 'glob error' message:


**  I've changed the NFS export settings on our Mac OS X 10.5 server

**  to include the '-32bitclients' option, and can confirm that

**  this does cause AFNI to be able to see files that it could not

**  see without this option. So this appears to be the more general

**  way to fix the problem.


**  For others in the same boat who may stumble on this message:

**  It's not at all obvious how to actually set this option,

**  as OS X 10.5's Server Admin NFS settings panels don't have

**  any way to do it.


**  The short story is:

**  You have to edit the /etc/exports file, as per usual in Unix,

**  but decidedly not in line with all other SharePoint related

**  settings in 10.5.  But first, in order to have the edits not

**  conflict with Server Admin management of those settings, you

**  have to uncheck Server Admin's 'NFS Enabled' checkbox for the

**  relevant shares.  Then, when editing the exports file, move

**  the relevant lines outside the 'Server Admin managed' brackets,

**  and add your options.  In general, such options have to go in

**  the middle section of a line; for example, after the path.

**  Example:


** /Somedir -32bitclients -maproot=nobody -sec=sys -network -mask

** FATAL ERROR: -master: can't open dataset

has context menu
Subject Author Posted

3dUndump and using wildcard characters (*)

franciss April 13, 2023 05:43PM

Re: 3dUndump and using wildcard characters (*)

rick reynolds April 13, 2023 09:36PM

Re: 3dUndump and using wildcard characters (*)

franciss April 17, 2023 02:26PM