History of AFNI updates  

bob cox
December 02, 2003 02:50PM
I have put up a new script for semi-automatically fetching AFNI. You can find this script at [afni.nimh.nih.gov]

This script works via ftp-ing the compressed binary archives, unpacking them, and moving files to a final destination. You have to edit the script (once per system) to tell which binary package to fetch and which directory in which to put the files.

The advantage of this method over the wget method is that on some systems, wget does not seem to preserve the executable permissions for the binaries. This means that once the "afni" (say) binary file is wget-ed, it will be there but won't be executable until you also do the command chmod ugo+x afni on that file. This is quite annoying. The archive fetching-unpacking-moving technique should avoid this problem.

Of course, the person using the UPDATER script has to have write permission into the directory where the files will be sent -- otherwise, you won't be happy with the results!

bob cox
Subject Author Posted

AFNI Updater

bob cox December 02, 2003 02:50PM